The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 124: You can't let me down!


Li Yao's face was full of sadness, she gently touched the jasper bracelet on her hand and said firmly: "My mother left this thing before she died. I thought she just wanted to leave me a thought. But I didn't expect that my mother is here. There’s a secret hidden inside, a secret about the queen!”

"Queen?!" Su Li looked at her in surprise.

Li Yao burst into tears, "Sister Su, my mother... my mother was forced to death by the queen!" She quickly took off the jade bracelet and said urgently: "Sister, look at the inside of this bracelet. Engraved with two small characters?"

Su Li took a closer look and saw two very small words - Zhishui - carved on the inside of the crystal clear jade stone.

Shisui? What does it mean? She looked at Li Yao in surprise.

Li Yao's voice was a little sad: "I remember that this jade bracelet was given to my mother by the Queen. There were no words on it at all. She must have had a premonition that something was wrong before she went to the palace, so she secretly carved the words and gave it to me before she died. She must have It has a very important meaning. Then one day when I was packing up my mother’s belongings, I suddenly remembered that my mother had a necklace called Shisui.”

Su Li was shocked. Yu Linglong did have a very beautiful jade necklace. The pendant was shaped like a drop of water, hence the name Zhishui. It was Li Fengxian's birthday gift to her.

"I was very curious, so I brought Zhishui over. After careful inspection, I discovered that there was a mystery hidden in the wooden box where Zhishui was placed!" A bit of hatred suddenly appeared in her eyes, her breathing became rapid, and she clenched her hands tightly. His face began to turn pale.

Su Li's heart beat faster, what's the mystery? What could it be about the queen

"My mother left a small note in the mezzanine at the bottom of the box. Sister Su, do you want to see it?!" Her pale face turned to her, her eyes full of sadness.

Su Li couldn't speak for a moment, and stared blankly at her slowly opening her fingers. There was indeed a small folded note in her palm. It was such an inconspicuous little thing, and it could very well hide something earth-shattering. secret! Su Li took a deep breath and took it carefully.

"Later, I wanted to kill Liu, and my concubine was my liaison. Shenmen assassinated her twice. One was on the fifth day of October last year, on the bank of the Lancang River, on the fifth day of October last year, when the concubine passed away. The other was at the end of March this year, at Wangyue Lake."

Su Li's breathing suddenly stopped, her eyes widened and she was speechless.

What the Queen said to Yu Linglong in the Jinluan Palace did have a special meaning now that I think about it. If Yu Linglong was the real contact person, the Queen was afraid that she would go into the secret cell and lead to the assassination case of Dongfang Ze, so she forced her to die quickly.

! If Yu Linglong hadn't been wary and left such a note, I'm afraid the truth would never be found out!

"Even if it's because of my sister's incident, my mother can't escape the blame. But why should my mother be responsible for what the queen did? She is the mastermind, but she gets away with it? It's in vain that when my mother just passed away, I still regarded her as a relative I treat her like a normal person, but I never thought that the person who really meant to harm my mother is her!" Li Yao was filled with grief and anger, and shouted excitedly.

The first time Dongfang Ze was hunted was half a year before Li Su and Dongfang Zhuo's wedding. It was because of that time that Yu Linglong knew how to contact Shen Men's killers, so she hired Shen Men again on the wedding day. The killer went to kill Li Su? !

Thinking of this, her heart felt heavy. Thinking about it this way, the Queen was the ultimate cancer.

To confirm whether the letter left by Yu Linglong is true or false, you only need to thoroughly check the Shenmen secret book to find out. Yang Xiao is far away in Bian State, and it seems impractical to find him now... By the way, there is also Yang Xuan! As the princess of Bian State and a member of the royal family, she should have some understanding of this text. Now the only person most likely to help is her!

"Sister Su!" Li Yao looked at her with tears on her face, "Yaoer wants to ask you for something."

"What?" Su Li was still in shock and pain. She suddenly discovered that the queen was actually related to many major cases. She felt uneasily that she had taken the wrong path before.

A trace of complicated emotions flashed in Li Yao's eyes, as if she still had unspeakable worries. After hesitating for a long time, she finally calmed down and whispered: "Sister Su, can you... help me think of a way? I... I want to go." , go to King Jing'an and accompany him to take care of him." After a long time, Li Yao struggled to say these words.

Su Li was startled when he heard this and said in shock: "You... like him?"

Li Yao bit her lip and nodded silently.

"Then why didn't you tell me when I asked you before?" Su Li's heart became heavy. Li Yao likes Dongfang Zhuo, but she takes out this letter. Does she want the queen to die or not

Li Yao smiled sadly: "Sister Su, he has never had a place for me in his heart, I know it." Hot tears instantly rolled down his clothes with these words, "That day, he came to the palace to sit for a while. Seeing my sister for the first time. Under the pear tree, his eyes were so gentle and persistent. Just one look, and he could make a promise to never give up.

. He only had his sister in his eyes and could not see me standing behind the pavilion. At that time, I was thinking, how great it would be if he could just look at me! "

Recalling Ruyan's past events, Su Li still felt pain in her heart, her eyes darkened, and she couldn't help but said coldly: "Don't you know what he did to your sister later?"

"I know, but I don't know why, I just can't hate him!" Li Yao's eyes were soft and sparkling with tears, but there was a girl's dreamy expectation on her beautiful face, "When everyone thinks that he When I didn't care, I was the only one who saw him quietly standing under the pear tree, with regret on his face. Even if he was heartbroken to death, he would not admit the weakness in his heart to anyone."

Su Li couldn't help but be stunned. If Li Yao hadn't been so affectionate, how could she have seen him at his weakest moment? But Dongfang Zuo was so proud and impulsive that he finally missed her.

"Later, my mother told me that my father intended to betroth me to him. At that time, I was really happy and guilty. I always felt that my sister's body was still cold, so I coveted her former husband. I really had no face to face my sister. But deep down in my heart, I I couldn't control myself, and seeing him so sad, I thought it would be good to just comfort him. So, I agreed to travel with him. That day at Wangyue Lake, I met you, Sister Su." Li Yao said painfully He closed his eyes, took a breath, and murmured: "You two are so similar, not only in appearance, but also in your behavior and temperament. When I saw the look in his eyes when he looked at you, I knew that in his In my heart, I will never be there.”

"You thought he would empathize with me, so you gave up the idea of being with him?" Su Li said softly.

Li Yao's eyes dimmed slightly, and she forced a smile and said, "Well, but now that he has lost you, and will soon lose his mother, he will definitely be very lonely. If I am by his side, it can be somewhat comforting, right?" Li Yao said with a forced smile. Yao smiled sadly, "I don't covet the title of princess, as long as I can stay by his side, accompany him, and have someone to talk to him when he is sad, that will be fine."

Su Li felt desolate in her heart. She didn't expect that Li Yao was so deeply in love with Dongfang Zhuo that he could be so humble! However, anyone can see that Dongfang Zhuo has no affection for her, and being so infatuated will only lead to trouble! Su Li couldn't help but sigh deeply, remembering what Dongfang Ze said, and advised: "Yao'er, marriage is not a trivial matter, and cannot be exchanged as a condition. I am not the King of Jing'an, and I cannot make any decisions for him. In this way Relationships gained through calculation will not last long. Trust me."

Li Yao shouted anxiously: "I don't ask him to treat me like you. I just want to accompany him for the rest of my life. Isn't this okay?"

Seeing her confused look, Su Li couldn't help but feel soft in her heart, her expression softened slightly, and sighed: "If you have the same feelings for him, then go ahead, if..." She hesitated for a moment, but after all, she didn't want to hurt her heart again. , smiled lightly, "If one day he discovers that the best person for him is you, maybe... maybe he will change his mind..."

"Sister Su

! Li Yao's tears welled up again, "Thank you." The letter written by my mother’s own hand is given to you. I have a wish..."

"I understand," before Li Yao finished speaking, Su Li sighed: "Are you worried that the Queen's conviction will implicate King Jing'an? After all, he is His Majesty's son. As long as he doesn't behave inappropriately, he should be fine. .You can rest assured.”

Li Yao nodded, feeling relieved. Although she wanted to clarify for her mother, she didn't want Dongfang Zhuo to be hurt too much. But she didn't expect that the queen's death itself would be the greatest harm to him!

Su Li pondered for a moment and called out: "Wuanxin, you send Miss Li back to the city immediately, and go to the Princess's Mansion to send a message to Princess Zhaohua. Just say that I... have something important to ask her for help, and ask her to come quickly. A trip to Foguang Temple!”

Wan Xin responded in a deep voice and left with Li Yao.

Su Li carefully put away the note. If her estimate was correct, Yang Xuan should arrive soon. Although Yang Xuan's purpose of coming to Sheng Kingdom is not clear so far, she agreed to help them last time, and she will definitely not refuse this time.

In the afternoon of the next day, Yang Xuan arrived as promised. Before anyone entered the door, the clear laughter like silver bells floated far into the courtyard, and the tranquility of many days was suddenly broken.

Su Li had been waiting in front of the door, and the fiery red figure came into view. She stepped forward and said with a smile, "Mingxi is very grateful that Princess Zhaohua is willing to come to the appointment."

"It's rare for a princess to invite you, how could Zhaohua not come?" Yang Xuan flashed her big bright eyes with a smile, "Tell me, what do you need my help with?" Although she smiled with a blank look on her face. Harmful, the look he looked at Su Li was a bit searching.

Su Li naturally understood. In the archery competition on the hunting ground, the two were tied in the end. Yang Xuan was proud of her superior riding and archery skills. Naturally, she was dissatisfied. She always wanted to find another chance to compete with her, but due to a series of recent events What happened did not happen. Now that he took the initiative to ask her for help, how could she not come to find out

Su Li sighed softly: "Since the princess is so cheerful, then Mingxi will not go around in circles. I invite the princess here because I want you to help translate the secret texts of the Bian royal family."

Yang Xuan rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "But that booklet with two secret words?"

Su Li was slightly shocked. Yang Xuan reacted so quickly and only mentioned asking her for help. She immediately thought of the secret book. She thought that Yang Xiao had told her that it seemed that their brother and sister had a very good relationship.

. Then he smiled and said, "The princess is really smart."

Yang Xuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Before coming to Sheng Kingdom, fourth brother told me that if the princess asks for the secret book, I must do this for you. He hopes that you will settle everything here as soon as possible. , go to our Bian country to find him." Yang Xuan smiled, her eyes deepening.

Yang Xiao's careless demeanor immediately popped into Su Li's mind. Thinking of that one-year appointment, her heart sank. She smiled helplessly and shook her head, "In this case, when we meet in the future, I will definitely thank him properly!"

Yang Xuan smiled slyly and said: "Princess Mingxi, the person who wanted to help you was me, but you thanked him instead. This is unfair!"

Su Li's heart sank. Could it be that Yang Xuan had any conditions? The smile on Su Li's face did not diminish: "What did the princess say? He has helped me a lot, so I should thank him. Speaking of which, Mingxi didn't thank the princess properly for the last incident with Concubine Yun! This time I beg you again, and I hope the princess can help."

"Of course I want to help!" Yang Xuan blinked, "My fourth brother asked me to help you."

Su Li's eyes darkened slightly, and he didn't know whether her words were true or not. Yang Xuan was half a year younger than Yang Xiao, but her thoughts were not inferior to that unruly prince who was smooth on the surface but mentally mature on the inside! She smiled faintly and said: "If Princess is willing to help, Mingxi would be very grateful."

"I'm just grateful..." Yang Xuan smiled brilliantly, her charming face was as bright as the dawn of the new moon, and her bright eyes flashed with a profound smile, "In the future, if the princess of Japan also wants something from the princess, But I don’t know that the princess…”

Su Li felt a little cold in her heart. Yang Xuan was quirky. She seemed straightforward and lively, but in fact she was extremely smart and could see through everything with her eyes. She is a person who knows how to use her advantages to benefit herself. But the current situation is urgent, and her attitude is not allowed to be too tough. The most important thing is to translate the secret code first.

Su Li frowned slightly at the moment and said thoughtfully: "If anything happens to the princess in the future, as long as Mingxi is within her ability and does not violate her conscience and betray the country, Mingxi will definitely help her."

"Okay!" Yang Xuan's eyes lit up and she immediately answered with a loud laugh, "Princess Mingxi is really happy. No wonder my fourth brother has always missed you."

"Your fourth brother has a sharp eye for pearls. He doesn't take things seriously, but he has a special eye for women." A cold voice interrupted, surprising the two women in the room, and they immediately stood up.

The door opened, and a tall man stood outside the house. He was wearing a dark cloak with silver threads and dark patterns. The golden crown on his hair was dazzling. His eyes were as deep as stars, and he was so noble that he was more noble than the cold air. It's actually two points colder

. He slowly stepped into the door, and his cold eyes immediately warmed up when he saw Su Li. The warmth arose spontaneously, instantly relaxing the previously cold atmosphere in the room.

Yang Xuan seemed a little surprised and stared at him: "King Zhenning?! When did you come?"

Dongfangze stepped forward and held Su Li's hand, and said calmly: "Just arrived." This action was natural, as if he didn't care about the presence of others watching.

Su Li's cheeks heated up unconsciously and asked, "You're not very busy, why do you have time to come here?"

"No matter how busy you are, you still need to take a breather." He smiled lightly, "I happened to be passing something, so I stopped by to see you."

Su Li was slightly startled, wondering whether he was doing something intentionally or unintentionally. She tried to withdraw her hand, but failed. He pulled her to sit down and glanced at Yang Xuan lightly, "Princess Zhaohua is interested in coming to visit Mingxi."

"I invited the princess here." Su Li muttered, "I have something I wanted to tell you. But by chance you came."

"Oh?" He smiled nonchalantly, "But it has something to do with Li Yao?"

Su Li was stunned, how could he know it so quickly? I'm afraid it's not a coincidence that I came here today. Could it be that he had already arranged a hidden plot here

"Li Yao came to see you alone, probably for the sake of the regent." His smile deepened, and he held her hand tighter.

Su Li sighed. Although he knew someone had come, he didn't know Li Yao's true purpose. Maybe he arranged the secret line here just to protect her, not to explore her secrets.

"I'm afraid King Zhenning will guess wrong this time." Yang Xuan's big eyes were full of smiles.

Dongfang Ze's expression did not change, he just looked at Su Li without saying a word. He was waiting, waiting for her to speak, waiting for her to have a heart-to-heart.

"Li Yao came to me with something important indeed. However, none of us could have imagined that before Yu Linglong died, she left her a shocking secret." Su Li thought deeply, this matter was of great importance, and she didn't know Where to start. After all, she is now the leader of the Shen Clan, and Dongfang Ze has a deep grudge with the Shen Clan, and trouble will arise if she doesn't handle things properly.

Dongfangze's face darkened, "The secret...could it be related to Princess Zhaohua?"


. Su Li said flatly: "The secret is related to Shenmen. I invited the princess here to help." The prince should remember that when investigating the Lisu case, he found the killer's secret code, which was translated by Yang Xiao, the fourth prince of the Bian Kingdom. "

Dongfangze's eyes flashed, "You invited the princess to come, are you going to translate the secret language again? Who are you checking this time?"

"You." Su Li looked at him intently, "Who in the world today has the courage to pay for the murder of the sixth prince of the dynasty, King Zhenning?"

Dongfang Ze's eyes suddenly became darker and he smiled and said, "Do you have any clues?"

Su Li nodded lightly, "The secret left by Yu Linglong indicates that she is the liaison person to assassinate you. The main messenger is the queen!"

Dongfang Ze's face turned cold instantly, his eyes were like blades, but they were hidden within his eyelids. He was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

Yang Xuan couldn't help shouting: "The Queen has a deep grudge against you? How dare you pay for someone to kill someone!"

Su Li sighed: "Yu Linglong turned out to be the queen's contact person. I really didn't expect it. If she really paid a lot of money to buy Shenmen's killer to kill you, then there must be records in the secret book of the sect master. That secret book is Yang Xiaoxiang's Gift, I don’t understand, so I specially invited the princess to come over.”

Dongfangze still didn't speak, and his face became darker and darker, without any surprise. Obviously he had expected it, but there was no evidence to prove it.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "King Zhenning, if you say this, whether you can investigate this old case depends on this princess!" Her smile contained two parts of playfulness, two parts of probing, and two parts of conspiracy. Count the taste.

Su Li was a little unhappy and said coldly: "I asked the princess to help me, so I will naturally return the favor. I hope the princess will not hesitate to teach me."

Yang Xuan covered her mouth and chuckled, "You two are so funny. It's such a trivial matter. You protect me and I protect you. Forget it, I'm just teasing you. Where is the secret book, I can help you translate it."

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief, quickly called for help, and handed the Shen Sect Secret Book to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan took it and looked at it carefully, curled her lips, and said coldly: "Sure enough, it is the encrypted symbol of the royal family of our Bian Kingdom. I am really curious, who is the leader of the Shen Sect? Does Princess Mingxi know?"

Su Li smiled lightly and said, "I've never seen him, how could I know

! "

Yang Xuan looked at her, a sharp light flashed in her big bright eyes, and her smile contained the profound meaning of insight into everything, "Fourth brother said, there are many symbols recorded in this secret book, which shows that this organization must kill everyone." There are few people. We have to find out one by one which one is the one who killed King Zhenning. I’m afraid it won’t be possible to find out in a short while.”

Su Li looked at her and smiled: "Princess Zhaohua has a keen mind and will definitely be able to find out."

Yang Xuan looked at her deeply for a long time, then looked at Dongfang Ze who had not spoken any more. She just smiled, said no more, turned around and concentrated on translating the graphics. This encrypted symbol seems to be far more difficult than what Yang Xiao translated at Tianmen Inn. Until night fell and Wan Xin and Mo Xiang lit all the lights inside and outside the house, she still couldn't find the word "Dongfang Ze".

The lights flickered on and off in the night wind, and Dongfangze's tall figure stood under the eaves in front of the door, giving him an indescribable sense of desolation. Su Li's heart tingled slightly. He couldn't help but walked forward and said in a low voice: "If you have something to do, you can leave first. When the princess finds out the result, I will ask Wan Xin to deliver it to the palace in person."

"No." He finally spoke. After being silent for so long, he was so worried that he didn't even want to say anything.

Su Li stepped forward and held his hand. The warm palms actually felt a little cool at the moment.

Dongfang Ze turned to look at her, "Su Su, people are always lonely in this world. Even close relatives may turn against each other."

Su Li was startled, and her heart ached when she thought of Yu Linglong.

"It's not painful for anyone in the world to betray me, but you..." His long, cool fingers touched her eyebrows, and his low voice was full of suppressed desire, "You can't betray me."

Su Li was stunned and looked up at him in surprise. He... is he asking for her promise

"Say, you won't leave me." He lowered his face, and there was a sadness she was not familiar with in his gentle and affectionate eyes, which frightened her. He has always been strong and calm, but when has he ever had such an expression

"Susu..." He called her in a low voice, coaxing her into his arms, "You will not leave me."

Su Li was immediately confused and couldn't say those words for some reason. While he was struggling and hesitating, Yang Xuan's cheerful voice suddenly sounded: "I found it!"

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