The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 127: I miss you!


Back at the Princess's Mansion, Su Li felt heavy all day. The next day, news came out from the palace that Dongfang Zhuo had defied the imperial edict and boldly robbed the court, causing heavy losses to the Imperial Guards. Emperor Long Yan was furious and wanted to strip him of his title and throw him in jail. Fortunately, Dongfang Ze interceded with several senior ministers. The emperor thought of his eagerness to save his mother and felt pity for him. He fined him a year's salary and put him under house arrest in Jing'an Palace.

Dongfangze's extraordinary calmness and intelligence in this case greatly impressed the emperor. In order to make up for the grievances he had suffered, the emperor summoned a first-rank minister for several days in a row and intended to make him a prince.

This snow has been falling for several days and seems to have no end. As New Year's Eve approaches, there is no sense of celebration inside or outside Kyoto. Just because the emperor suddenly fell ill at this time. The old disease recurred with ferocity. Eighteen imperial doctors from the imperial hospital consulted one after another, but were unable to do anything. Even though precious medicinal materials were brought into the palace in batches, the emperor's condition still showed no improvement.

Everyone inside and outside the palace is speculating whether Sheng Kingdom will have a new emperor!

As the days went by, the climate became colder and colder, and the air was so oppressive that it made people breathless.

When midnight was approaching, Su Li was not sleepy at all, so she dismissed Wan Xin and Mo Xiang, and sat alone in the room reading quietly.

. The weather became even colder after nightfall, the doors and windows were closed, and a charcoal fire was lit in the room. She always felt a chill behind her, as if a cold wind was pouring in.

Su Li turned around subconsciously, and there was someone standing silently in front of the window. She started and stood up in surprise.

The man's face was haggard, and his brows were filled with deep sadness. His dark blue robe seemed to be wetted by the melting ice and snow, and there was a cold air coming out.

"You..." Su Li said in surprise, wanting to ask why he was here? But just after she uttered a word, a figure flashed, and Dongfang Zhuo, who was supposed to be confined to Jing'an Palace, was behind her in the blink of an eye, and reached out to cover her lips.

The slender fingers that were as cold as ice, like ice under the snow, made her shiver involuntarily.

"Don't scream, I just came to see you. I have a few words to say to you."

The hoarse voice rang low in the ears, with inexplicable sadness, hitting the softest part of people's hearts.

Su Li was stunned and forgot to resist for a moment.

Dongfang Zhuo let go of his hand and hugged her tightly from behind. His body, which was once scalding hot, now had no warmth at all, and even his breath was cold and desperate. He hugged her tightly like a desperate man, hugging his last thoughts and last hopes.

"Li Su." A low voice called out, suppressing the deep longing and bitterness.

The wind whimpered outside the window, like the crying and lamentation hidden in the heart of the people.

Su Li was shocked and pushed him away suddenly, saying: "Your Majesty, you admitted the wrong person! I said, I am not..."

"Don't deny it in a hurry!" He interrupted her softly and stretched out his fingers to grab her hand, but she quickly dodged it.

She took a few steps back, kept a distance from him, and advised: "Your Majesty shouldn't be here, it's better to go back as soon as possible. If someone discovers that Your Majesty has left the restricted area privately, and the news reaches His Majesty's ears, I'm afraid that His Majesty's future will be ruined." It will be even more sad. ()”

"Are you worried about me?" His eyes, which were like dead water, brightened slightly, then dimmed in an instant. He stared at her and said, "Or are you worried that I will hurt you? It's my wishful thinking to ask for your care until now.

. " He smiled slightly self-deprecatingly, revealing a deep sadness.

Su Li turned her head away, frowned, and said nothing. After leaving the execution ground, she thought she had nothing to do with him anymore. Unexpectedly, he hasn't given up yet.

The dim light shone on her beautiful face, and her unruffled eyes looked so cold and ruthless in front of him. His heart clenched, and he suddenly found the courage to grab her, regardless of her resistance, and hugged her tightly again.

Su Li was startled and wanted to struggle, but she heard him cry out in pain: "Li Su, you are so cruel to me! I have nothing left but you."

Is she cruel? Su Li took a deep breath and would never forget how he treated her back then!

"I am not Princess Mingyu!" she emphasized coldly. But he seemed to ignore it and said directly: "I admit that I am sorry for you! But like you, I am also a victim. Why can't you stand with me to deal with the people who conspired to frame us?" It seemed that he was suffering from grief. Alas, his voice was not loud, but he was a bit hysterical.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, "Yu Linglong is dead."

Dongfang Zhuo gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think that everything was really done by Yu Linglong?"

Su Li said coldly: "That day in the main hall, Yu Linglong personally admitted..."

"The queen mother forced her to admit it!" Dongfang Zhuo shouted urgently, "The queen mother was worried that that incident would be involved in the assassination of Dongfang Ze! Yu Linglong took the blame and was willing to die for Li Yao. Unexpectedly before she died. , will leave evidence." He finally let go of her and held her shoulders instead. Looking at her pale face, I felt extremely sad.

The scene in the main hall that day emerged in Su Li's mind. Yu Linglong's transformation from crying out for injustice to confessing was indeed a bit strange. The queen used Yu Linglong to pay for the assassination of Dongfang Ze. She was afraid of being exposed and was eager to close the case. It was impossible to force Yu Linglong to plead guilty. But this does not mean that Yu Linglong is definitely not the murderer of Li Su! Although she had doubts in her heart, she found no new evidence.

"Yu Linglong is the queen's liaison. She knows how to contact Shen Men. You can't rule out the possibility that she may have hired someone to kill Li Su. And... she has indeed confessed in person..." Su Li frowned, and it was already clear. Suspicions suddenly emerged about the case, which really made her a little depressed.

If it wasn't Yu Linglong, then who was the person who harmed her? Who has been hiding in the dark place that she can't see, waiting for an opportunity

"I'll find out, trust me

! This matter will never be that simple! "With a tone of promise, a look of cruelty flashed across his handsome eyes.

Su Li frowned and said, "Believe you? You've been grounded. How can we investigate? Besides, the case has been closed. If we don't find conclusive evidence and overturn the case at will, we will only get burned." He thought that he was still the same person who had been criticized by the emperor before. The favored King Jing'an

Dongfang Zhuo said: "Don't worry, everything can be changed! For you, for my mother, and for myself!"

He held her shoulders tightly with both hands, so heavy that she could hardly bear it. He wanted to struggle, but when he looked up, he saw a determined expression on his face and a look of destruction in his eyes, as if he was a man at the end of his rope, just waiting for a last ditch effort.

Su Li was immediately frightened, and an ominous omen came over her heart. She couldn't help but grab his arm and asked in a deep voice: "What are you going to do? Don't mess around!"

Dongfang Zhuo looked down at her, his eyes focused with pain, and he was determined. He said word by word: "I want you to be yourself! I want you to never have to live with other people's names and identities in the future. !”

"You!" Su Li looked at him in shock, opening her mouth but unable to spit out a word. Her fingers that grabbed his arm couldn't stop trembling slightly. She just raised her head and looked at him blankly, and the look in his eyes was full of affection after despair, his pale and haggard handsome face, and his expression was extremely determined.

Dongfang Zhuo said again: "You just need to wait quietly, and I will restore your identity as Li Su. One day, you will stand at the highest position and let everyone in the world admire you. No one can frame or harm you anymore." Separate us, I will spend my whole life making up for the mistakes I made against you. Just wait for me!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but was caught by Su Li. She widened her eyes and shouted in a low voice: "You are crazy! I said I am not Li Su! Open your eyes and see clearly, I am Su Li, the future Princess Zhenning! You don't have to do anything for me, we There is no connection between them anymore!”

She emphasized again and again, raising her hand to lift her hair, revealing the birthmark on the side of her face, trying to prove her identity. The relationship between them is clear. She doesn't need him to do anything for her anymore, and she won't accept any kindness from him!

Dongfang Zhuo turned his head and glanced at the bright red birthmark, but seemed to see nothing. He suddenly raised his hand and gently touched her face with his cold fingertips. His gentle expression seemed to want to touch the soul hidden inside through her body.

Su Li wanted to run away, but she seemed to be frozen and couldn't move.

. Let his long fingers linger between her brows and eyes. He stared closely into her eyes and said sadly: "There is no need to emphasize to me who you are, I know it in my heart. I came here tonight just to see you again. If this time... I fail, you will forget Let me do it. In the next life... I will definitely treat you well in the next life."

The farewell-like words conveyed a deep sense of ominousness, making people feel heavy for no reason.

He glanced at her reluctantly, finally let go of her, and quickly stepped out. Su Li subconsciously chased him out, but the tall figure had disappeared into the thick darkness.

The cold air hit her face, and Su Li took a deep breath, and the coolness instantly penetrated her internal organs. She stood blankly at the door, the cold wind blowing in her ears, and she kept sobbing. Her mood at this moment was so complicated that it was difficult to describe.

"What are Su Su looking at?" Suddenly a voice rang out. Su Li's heart jumped in shock and she turned around suddenly. Dongfang Ze was already in front of her.

Silently, the two brothers looked like ghosts.

"When... did you come?" Su Li asked, feeling a little nervous. Did he hear what Dongfang Zhuo said just now? How many more have you heard

Looking at her face with deep eyes, he smiled and said: "I just arrived. It's cold outside, so let's go inside." He took her hand and came into the house together. The two sat down next to the charcoal basin, and he put his He warmed his hands, then wrapped her cold fingers in his palms to activate his internal energy.

A steady stream of warmth spread from her fingertips, and her body and heart seemed to become warmer. Looking up at him, he was handsome and calm, his expression as usual, nothing wrong could be seen. There was a hint of fatigue between his brows, probably because the emperor was seriously ill, the harem was without a master, and the year was approaching, so he had to worry about everything in the harem before.

She couldn't help but sigh: "You should go to bed earlier if you are tired, and you still come to me so late! It's cold, so you don't have to worry about freezing." She was slightly annoyed, but she showed natural care, almost no I thought about it and said it. After what happened before, the relationship between them gradually became more and more natural.

Dongfang Ze smiled and said, "I miss you."

Su Li was stunned. The look he cast towards her was hot and gentle, with a hint of evil charm. Su Li's face turned slightly red. She didn't expect that such a serious person like him would be so inappropriate when talking about love. .

Her heart beat a few times, she turned her eyes away unnaturally, and asked calmly: "Is Your Majesty feeling better?"

Dongfang Ze nodded slightly, with a hint of worry in his brows.

. After thinking about it, the emperor's illness is still not optimistic. She couldn't help but sigh, no matter how ruthless the emperor was, he was still his father.

"It's a pity that I can't do anything to help you." She sighed slightly.

But he smiled and said: "Everything is fine with you, you are just helping me." Speaking of which, they had not seen each other for many days. He has become extremely busy since the execution, and he finally found time to come here today. Being able to hold her hand and look at her like this made half of the worries in his heart seem to have gone away.

"New Year's Eve will be in a few days. My father's dragon body has not recovered yet, so there will be no grand celebration in the palace, but the due etiquette is still unavoidable. When the time comes, I will come to take you into the palace."

Su Li nodded. He took out an exquisite brocade box from his sleeve, handed it to her, and said with a smile, "This is for you."

"What is it?" Su Li looked at him in confusion, and saw that his eyes were bright and he smiled mysteriously: "Open it and take a look."

She opened the lid of the box in response and found that it contained a smaller box. She looked up at him in surprise, but he just looked at her deeply and said nothing.

Su Li opened the second box lid, and inside was a smaller box. What was so mysterious? It takes three layers of boxes to pack! His low laughter came from the other side, and she couldn't help but be curious. She opened the lid of the last box and was stunned when she finally saw the mysterious gift inside.

The palm-sized ebony carved figure has clear and soft facial features, a slim and attractive neck and waist, and fluttering belts. The entire body has been carefully polished and glows with a transparent shimmer. It is clearly a miniature version of her!

Su Li was amazed. She picked it up and took a closer look, and found that even every finger was carved with great detail and perfection. Holding it in the palm of your hand, you can feel the carver's care and cannot put it down.

"This, this is...?"

"Don't you know? It seems that my craftsmanship is not perfect yet." He smiled as if he was a little disappointed.

Su Li was completely shocked. It seems that one time when she was passing by a market, she saw a row of wooden statues on a stall, some of which were lifelike. She couldn't help but take a second look. Unexpectedly, he noticed it and took it to heart!

She raised her head and stared at him blankly. Her eyes, which had always been cold and unwavering, were now filled with emotions that were complex and inexplicable.


"Did you carve it?"

He smiled, his handsome face came close to him, his eyes were as gentle as water, and he asked softly in an almost doting tone: "Of course. Do you like it?"

Su Li lowered her head unconsciously, not daring to look directly into his eyes, "I like it, exactly the same as me. How old are you?"

"While being grounded." He said easily. He had long wanted to carve something for her, but he had never thought of what to carve before. Later, he was grounded and imprisoned. Her beautiful face often appeared in his mind, and his hands unconsciously carved her appearance. He had never tried so hard to please a woman, this was the first time.

"As long as you like it."

His warm fingers were held between her soft fingers. Su Li's heart felt a little bitter, but her face couldn't help but turn red. She lowered her eyes. No woman wouldn't like such a gift, let alone one given by his own hands. carve!

Her delicate white fingers gently touched the object in her hand, feeling the soft lines carved with care, and her heart became extremely soft. How could she not understand his thoughts? Only those who have them in their hearts can carve them so lifelike without ever meeting them.

Dongfangze smiled slowly. Although she didn't speak, her expression and movements gave him the answer he wanted. He put his arms around her body, and at this moment he actually felt satisfied. Since the death of his mother-in-law, his feelings seemed to have turned into a desert. He once thought that he would never love anyone again in this life, but she changed everything. After going through so many changes with her, he finally slowly understood his own heart. Once he made up his mind, he would never let go in this life, let alone allow anyone to have her idea!

A trace of cold anger flashed through his deep eyes. He raised her face and gently kissed her soft lips.

Su Li gasped slightly, a little surprised by his sudden closeness. The subconscious rejection made him move more wildly, hugging her and rolling her down on the bed.

The fragrant fragrance of her body made his blood boil instantly and his semen surged out. He pursed her lips and kissed her repeatedly, refusing to let go even an inch. One hand reached to her waist and quickly and gently loosened her belt.

Su Li was startled, and the fear deep in her heart surged into her heart again. She pressed against his chest with all her strength, and screamed: "Dongfang Ze! What are you going to do?"

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