The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 132: Who hurts more than whom?


His emotions clearly didn't seem to fluctuate at all, but the slender fingers holding the bright yellow imperial edict turned white from exertion, faintly revealing the suppressed pain in his heart.

Su Li felt an indescribable sadness in her heart. She forced herself to calm down and wanted to take the edict from his hand, but he held it tightly and refused to let go. A dull pain gradually appeared in her eyes, like invisible fine needles pricking her tightly. Deep in her heart, waves of sharp pain came, and she couldn't help but turn her eyes away. When she was about to give up, he suddenly let go.


Su Li took a deep breath. The slender fingers against the bright yellow were paler than her face. She raised her eyes slightly, Dongfang Zhuo's expectant eyes were fixed in front of him, as if he was trying to hold back something. She didn't know the content of this imperial edict, but she could vaguely guess that it was related to her.

Slowly unfolding the imperial edict, she lowered her head and read: "By God's will, the emperor issued an edict that Emperor Liu Zize used improper schemes to induce Princess Mingxi to choose him as her husband, which harmed the royal family's prestige. Now I am issuing an edict..."

The voice suddenly paused.

She didn't need to read the rest of the content, everyone had already guessed it.

There were whispers from below. She raised her head and met his gaze. Her emotions seemed to be so complicated that it was hard to describe or distinguish.

She took a deep breath, and finally read out the last sentence slowly: "The engagement between the two has been terminated... From now on, the marriage of a man and a woman has nothing to do with each other."

The cold voice was clearly transmitted to every corner of the hall, and the unspeakable sadness came over, suppressing all discussions and murmurs, and the surroundings became quiet again. Every time she read a word, his face turned whiter. When she tried her best to finish reading word for word, all the emotions in the deep eyes of the man who had never been afraid suddenly faded away, leaving only one expression.


That strong and indestructible heart was instantly cut with a deep wound. The pain was so painful that he almost forgot to breathe.

An imperial edict to break off the engagement drew a clear line between the two. Her face was so calm, as if she didn't care about him and had no nostalgia for him. Could it be that her affection in those days was just an illusion on his part

For the first time in his life, he experienced the pain caused by love, it was so painful! Even when the most ferocious killer chases him into desperate situations, he has never been in such panic and pain.

Dongfangze stood motionless. His hands hidden in his sleeves could not help but tremble slightly, trying to find any trace of coercion on her face, but in vain.

"Do you really want to break off your engagement with me?" He spoke softly, his voice seemed to be floating, helpless.

The man in front of him was still the deep and calm Dongfang Ze, but his eyes and tone were so cold that everyone felt shocked, as if the whole world had abandoned him.


Su Li's heart trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes turned slightly red. If she was still hesitant and doubtful just now, at this moment, she has already confirmed her choice.

Seeing her expression changing rapidly and becoming complicated and difficult to distinguish, Dongfang Zhuo's eyes darkened, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart, fearing that she would be bewitched by Dongfang Ze and change again. Just as he was about to step forward, Su Li suddenly withdrew his gaze and said coldly: "King Zhenning, it's not Su. Li wants to terminate the engagement because His Majesty has issued an imperial edict, and the Emperor's order cannot be violated."

The ruthless voice shattered the broken hope. The only light in the man's eyes suddenly shattered. The dark eyes, once confident and full of energy, now turned into darkness. The surge of pain overwhelmed him.

Su Li suddenly sighed, took out the exquisite puppet from his arms, and said expressionlessly: "King Zhenning, does he still remember our two-year agreement? Unexpectedly, it ended halfway. That's fine, now that the engagement has been terminated, I'll give this back to you. Just treat everything between us as wiped out from now on." After saying that, he handed over the puppet.

Dongfangze was stunned, and his eyes fell on the exquisite puppet. It was the only doll he made with his own hands in this life, and he only gave it to her. The lifelike facial features and slightly smiling eyes seemed to be mocking his wishful thinking!

He didn't move, and didn't dare to move. It seemed as if with one move, the relationship between him and her was truly severed from now on, and there was no longer anything to do with them. No! She can't be so heartless!

"I thought you liked it very much..." He tried his best to say only one sentence, so softly that in her ears, it was like the sharpest sword blade in the world cutting her heart.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Su Li couldn't help but frown slightly. From the corner of his eye, he saw Dongfang Zhuo stepping forward. No longer hesitating, he forced the puppet into his hand and said coldly: "It's just a puppet, not a living thing. Except What's the good of being manipulated by others? You can take it, destroy it, or throw it away. In short, I don't want this thing anymore!"

After saying that, before he could react, she turned around and rushed out of the hall.

The tall figure behind him seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move any further.

The air outside seemed to be a bit colder than before. She closed her eyes, and her mind was filled with his painful and depressed expression and hoarse voice. Why was it that seeing him sad was even more painful than her own heartache

Stopping in front of a frozen tree outside the emperor's palace, she looked up at the sky. For the first time since her rebirth, she chose to go with her heart and trust her own feelings. I hope she made the right choice.


. "Wan Xin called her worriedly.

Su Li didn't speak. Dongfang Zhuo, who followed later, saw that her eyes were full of pain and her face was sad, and he couldn't help feeling sad and angry. "He doesn't deserve your sorrow at all!"

Su Li looked back at him, as cold as ice, "He's not worth it, are you worth it?"

Dongfang Zhuo felt pain in his eyes and opened his mouth slightly. The cold wind poured into his throat and straight into his heart. He had no way to defend himself. He stepped forward and helped her shoulders, carefully turning her around to face him. She didn't even struggle.

Dongfang Zhuo sighed in a low voice: "It was my fault in the past. When I get my revenge, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Su Li's eyes flickered, she raised her eyebrows and asked lightly: "How to compensate?"

Dongfang Zhuo said: "I will make you the queen. In the entire Dasheng harem, you will be the only one in my life. As long as you are happy, I will listen to you in everything from now on." His slender fingers gently caressed his soft cheeks. . The wind ruffled his hair and danced in front of his eyes, but it couldn't stop the deep love that was as deep as the sea.

His solemn commitment comes from the heart, is serious and serious.

Su Li pursed her lips tightly and said nothing. Winter snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky and fell on her neck one after another. The coolness penetrated her skin and blended into her blood instantly.

She immediately shivered, and Dongfang Zhuo said hurriedly: "It's cold outside, come in quickly." After that, he hugged her towards the emperor's chamber.

Su Li did not refuse, but only glanced at him lightly. At this time, the people outside the emperor's chamber had changed, and Cao Jinliang did not know where he had gone. The two entered the door, but were stopped. Su Li frowned and said, "Wan Xin is the person I trust most. If I can come in, she can come in too."

Her expression was determined, and she had the momentum not to let Wan Xin enter the house, and she would not go in either. Dongfang Zhuo frowned and nodded slightly to the guards at the door. The two men immediately lowered their heads and let him go.

There were several fires burning in the house, which was very warm. Su Li sat down and drank a cup of hot tea. Fang felt her body warmed up a bit and asked softly: "When... will you ascend the throne?"

Dongfang Zhuo said: "Gao Zhi has already gone to prepare. Naturally, the sooner the better."

Su Li said calmly: "Aren't you afraid that someone will be dissatisfied?"

"The families of all of them are in my hands. If anyone dares to disobey, I will make him a lonely person."

! " He drank tea with his eyes lowered, seemingly casually, but his tone was particularly harsh.

Su Li was slightly startled. No wonder the female relatives were nowhere to be seen outside just now. She couldn't help but ask: "You locked them all up? Where?"

"I can't say it's a close call. I just invited them to the front hall. As long as they follow the imperial edict and don't have any rebellious intentions, I won't touch a finger on their family members."

"You..." Su Li frowned slightly, "This method is a bit..." She paused, her meaning already clear.

Dongfang Zhuo didn't take it seriously at all, and only said in a deep voice: "In extraordinary times, extraordinary means are used to reduce troubles. I can't control so much."

"However, not all important ministers have families. For example, General Zhan Wuji has two hundred thousand troops. If he..." Dongfang Zhuo, who was opposite, suddenly raised his eyes to look at her. Su Li's heart skipped a beat and she immediately paused. Hua Tou. But he saw the cold eyes, suddenly bright and burning.

He quickly put down the teacup, grabbed her hands tightly, and asked eagerly: "Are you... worried about me?" Excitement kept jumping in his eyes, and he was obviously excited and extremely looking forward to it.

Su Li's face suddenly turned cold when he heard this. She broke away from his hand and said coldly: "You think too much."

His bright eyes dimmed immediately. Dongfang Zhuo slowly stopped his hand. Just as he was about to lower his eyes, he suddenly caught an unnatural look on her face. He suddenly thought that he had made such a serious mistake against her before. Getting her to accept him again will definitely not happen overnight.

It doesn't matter, for her, he has a lifetime to slowly atone for his sins and slowly change her. One day, he will let her know how much he loves her! Thinking of this, he cheered up again. In order to strengthen her belief, he said confidently: "Don't worry, Zhan Wuji will not be a disaster."

What does this mean? Su Li frowned almost invisible, and asked in a more urgent tone, "Why are you so sure?" Could it be that Zhan Wuji's neutrality was just superficial, but in fact, he had already secretly turned to Dongfang Zhuo's side

Seeing her doubts, Dongfang Zhuo smiled and said: "He is not that easy to win over. It was my people who accidentally discovered his secret."

Su Li was stunned, and then asked: "What secret can he have?"

Dongfang Zhuo opened his mouth, thought for a moment and said, "It's a very important matter, and it's a long story."

. I will tell you later slowly."

Su Li's heart sank slightly. It seemed that he was not completely relieved about her yet. He kept silent at the moment, just thinking to himself. This time, he was obviously not acting impulsively, but was fully prepared. Probably in his mind, this succession to the throne is a sure thing.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready. Please change your clothes." Gao Zhi strode into the room with two young eunuchs. The two held a brocade box in their hands. The lid of the box was opened, revealing a brand new bright yellow dragon robe and the noble emperor. The crown is shining with golden light, extremely dazzling.

Su Li's eyes changed slightly, he had even prepared these!

Dongfang Zhuo stood up immediately, opened his arms, and Gao Zhi put on his dragon robe and crown. He was already tall and handsome, but now he was dressed as a king, and his power instantly exuded, making people dare not look at him.

"Wait for me here." After leaving these words, he and Gao Zhi left together to go to the front hall. But the two young eunuchs brought by Gao Zhi stayed here, guarding on both sides of the screen, staring down at their feet, but their attention was clearly on her and Wan Xin.

The atmosphere in the front hall was low and depressing. Dongfang Ze still stood there in a daze, his eyes fixed on the object in his hand. It was a portrait of a woman he had spent a lot of time and energy carving. He still remembered when he gave it to her that night. , she liked it very much. That joy was simple, natural and real, but now, she was eager to return it to him. The two-year appointment was abandoned halfway... Could it be...

Raising her hand slightly, the woman's soft facial features were right in front of her eyes, and her decisive look remained clearly in her mind. Why didn't she read out the two imperial edicts? Obviously you want to confuse his feelings!

Suddenly, a bit of white powder came into view on his fingertips. He was slightly startled, and quickly turned over the puppet in his hand. There was some white powder on the back of the ebony puppet for some reason. He immediately raised his hand to take a closer look, then put it to the tip of his nose to smell it, and his heart was shocked.

** Antidote? ! Could it be...

His heart suddenly relaxed, filled with endless surprise, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips. It turns out that he was not wrong about her, and she was not wrong about him! At this moment, he suddenly wanted to laugh loudly, but when he saw a person walking outside the door, he held it back.

"Your Majesty!" Sheng Qin strode into the palace and reported: "The person Your Majesty ordered to find has been found. As expected, His Majesty expected it to be true."

Dongfang Ze's face suddenly turned cold, he carefully put the doll into his arms, and then asked in a low voice: "Where is the person now? Is he dead or alive?"

Sheng Qin hurriedly said: "Fortunately, Sheng Xiao went there in time and he was not seriously injured."

. "

"Okay." Dongfangze looked out the door, his eyes narrowed dangerously, "Bring him over in a moment. Don't let anyone find out."


"Who guards the side hall?"

"A person belonging to Yuan Xiang, the right deputy commander of the Imperial Guards."

"Yes." Dongfangze nodded lightly, with an unpredictable expression, and waved his hand. Sheng Qin quickly exited the hall. Everyone saw him flashing and disappearing immediately.

Liang Shichu stepped forward and called: "Your Majesty."

Dongfangze knew what he was going to say, raised his hand to stop him, turned around and walked towards Li Fengxian, who had been silent.

Li Fengxian just thought that he wanted to inquire about the situation in the emperor's palace, so he lowered his eyes and refused to pay attention. But Dongfangze just smiled and asked: "The regent doesn't look well today, but what's wrong with him?"

Li Fengxian raised his eyes to look at him, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes. After being the regent for so many years, traveling across the battlefields and courts, he had seen countless ups and downs, and bloody killings. Very few people could truly survive the collapse of Mount Tai without changing their expressions! But the young prince in front of him did have a calmness and composure that ordinary people could not match. Even though he lost the throne and his fiancée turned against him in battle, he was still able to laugh at this time!

"My king is fine, thank you King Zhenning for your concern." Li Fengxian casually cupped his hands and replied lightly, his attitude was lukewarm.

Dongfang Ze didn't mind either, and said with a faint smile: "Then I'll be relieved."

Li Fengxian asked strangely: "Why is King Zhenning worried? Instead of worrying about me, it is better to worry about yourself."

Dongfang Ze looked at him, suddenly smiled, and lowered his voice and said: "If I don't rebel, and if I don't seek power to usurp the throne, what do I have to worry about?"

Li Fengxian was slightly shocked in his heart, and he sought power to usurp the throne...

"The regent, on the other hand, has led military expeditions for many years and is awe-inspiring in the world. He has also been in power for his father for many years, revitalizing the government and the public. He has worked hard and made great achievements. Everyone admires him. This time my father's old illness relapsed, and no one in the civil and military officials was summoned. Even This king... was also turned away! Only the second brother of the emperor came to the palace to see him, and also invited the regent to come into the room to discuss matters. I must have something important to discuss?" Dongfang Ze spoke slowly and in a calm tone as usual. , does not mean to test, but rather reminds and warns


Li Fengxian's expression changed again and again, his dark eyes flashed, but he said nothing.

After spending half his life in the army, he achieved great achievements and became the regent. The glory of the Li family was unparalleled in the civil and military affairs of the dynasty. But he... At the end, his reputation was still there, but his heart was full of wounds. The woman he loved most in his life has passed away, his beloved daughter died unexpectedly, and even his concubine Yu, the only one who truly loved him, died... Now that all warmth has been lost and military power has been removed, all he can have is a cold person. false reputation. But if one is not careful, even this false name and even the ancestral cemetery that symbolizes the glory of the Li family will not be preserved.

Li Fengxian lowered his head and suddenly sighed.

A bright red carpet covered the main hall, bright and dazzling. Countless maids and eunuchs were busy coming in and out, nervously preparing for the new emperor's enthronement later. Outside the main hall, the Imperial Guards were tightly guarded. They stood guard every three steps, and Cao Jinliang was personally inspecting. He pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist with one hand, ready to draw the sword at any time...

"Prince Jing'an and the Regent have always been on good terms. After the Lisu case, the Regent was not angry with him. This loyalty is clearly visible. I also admire him deeply..." Dongfang Ze paused slightly and looked at him. There was a faint fluctuation, "The Li family is loyal and has won the trust of the father. Even if someone has committed such a serious crime as Yu Linglong, he does not have the slightest intention to blame the regent. The prince's remaining power is still there, I Sheng Blessed is the morning."

Li Fengxian's expression changed, he raised his head and looked at him, but still did not speak.

Dongfang Ze smiled lightly and said: "Your Majesty is the pillar of our Sheng Kingdom. Whether the court is smooth and stable, and whether the country enjoys peace and prosperity, all depends on the power of your Majesty."

Li Fengxian let out a heavy breath, and even a fool understood what he meant. Now that Dongfang Zhuo is about to ascend the throne, with Dongfang Ze's intelligence and wit, how could he not guess the clues? King Zhenning is good at planning, and his plans will be successful. He has been in danger many times before, and even if he entered a secret prison, he could turn the world upside down. This shows that this person's ability has long surpassed that of the most powerful people in the world! Nowadays, the situation is changing rapidly. I am afraid that one moment the person who is the superior person will become the soul of the lower class the next moment. Mistakes, successes and failures are often just a thought.

"I, Mr. Li, have been loyal throughout my life and have never had second thoughts. King Zhenning can rest assured that those acts of disobedience and rebellion are definitely not what I, Li Fengxian, did!" He sighed deeply, already making a decision.

Dongfangze's eyes flickered, and he was about to speak when he suddenly heard loud singing and shouting from outside the door: "The new emperor has arrived—"

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