The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 137: Dongfangze's order?


As soon as Su Li was put on the bed, his tall body pressed forward, as if he couldn't even wait to untie his clothes and couldn't wait to take possession of her.

Su Li's heart trembled suddenly, and she suddenly realized something strange about him. She hurriedly pushed him and shouted, "Dongfang Ze! What's wrong with you? Stop it!"

What's up with him? I don’t know, I just want her and I can’t stop for a moment. If he paused for a moment, his body would seem to burst. The movements of his hands became faster and faster, as if he was on the verge of collapse.

Su Li was horrified, and suddenly remembered that his closeness to her in the recent period seemed to be getting more and more intense and out of control. It was not as polite as before. No, this isn't quite right.

She pushed hard, but couldn't push him. She was so anxious that one hand suddenly touched the medicine bag on his waist accidentally. She remembered that last time he was so intense that he could not control himself. After taking medicine, he got slightly better. So no longer thinking about it, she quickly took out the medicine from his waist and stuffed it into his mouth.

The pill slipped into his throat, and the pain in his body suddenly eased. Dongfangze suddenly regained consciousness. He gasped for breath and looked at the person under him intently. His face became heavy, but he still didn't let go.

Su Li hurriedly pushed him away and sat up, tightened her clothes, and asked uneasily: "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with your body? Do you need to see the imperial doctor to take a look?"

Dongfang Ze lay on the bed, took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, fixed on her face, and didn't speak for a long time. Since the poison of the love flower was detoxified, as long as he got a little close to her, he would feel the surge of love and couldn't control it. But if he got a little closer, he would want more. If he couldn't get her, his body would be in unbearable pain, and it would get worse each time. serious! At first he didn't care, thinking he was in love, but these two times, it got to the point where he couldn't control himself.


"In my situation, I'm afraid it's useless to seek help from an imperial doctor." His eyes became darker.

"Why?" Su Li was confused, frowning and thinking carefully about his abnormality these few times. When did he start to have a strong possessive desire when he was close to her, no matter what the occasion? It seems like... after detoxification? !

"Could it be that... the love flower poison has not been completely detoxified?" Su Li was surprised. Jiang Yuan had said that if the detoxification failed, his martial arts would be completely useless and he would never be able to be emotional for the rest of his life! But his situation is completely opposite. Not only is his martial arts no longer restricted, but he is also extremely prone to emotions, which is difficult to relieve.

A gloomy look flashed across his eyes, and Dongfang Ze said: "Maybe, you should ask Jiang Yuan."

Su Li frowned, "The poison of love flowers is extraordinary, and maybe there is something that Jiang Yuan is not sure about. How about... let's go right away!" After that, she immediately got out of bed and wanted to call someone.

His expression softened for a moment, he held her hand and smiled slightly: "I am very happy to see Su Su so nervous, but today is the first day of the new year..."

"Are you afraid that Jiang Yuan won't be here?" Su Li looked back and smiled, "Then Jiang Yuan is said to be carefree and single, so where can he go? Let's go." She called Wan Xin to prepare the car, pulled him and walked out. This time he did not refuse. The physical problem really needed to be diagnosed.

The streets were very quiet on the first day of the Lunar New Year. On the snowy morning, it was so quiet that it didn't seem like it was the Chinese New Year.

Su Li suddenly remembered something and asked worriedly: "Above the main hall, you bumped into His Majesty because of me, which damaged His Majesty's power. Your Majesty... will he punish you?"

The handsome face flashed with gloomy color and disappeared in a blink of an eye. He held her in his arms and said with a comforting smile: "Don't worry, he has lost a son, and now I am the only one left. No matter how dissatisfied he is, he will not do anything to me!"

Having said that, after experiencing Dongfang Zhuo's attempt to force the palace to rebel, I'm afraid the emperor will be even more suspicious in the future!

Su Li remained silent. Although Dongfangze had taken charge of the government now, he had lost the emperor's trust, and he was afraid that he would have to be more careful in the future.

The carriage turned a corner, and suddenly there were noisy shouts from the front, mixed with wailing sounds, breaking the tranquility in the snow. Su Li frowned slightly, opened the curtain of the car window and looked outside, only to see a few officers and soldiers escorting many people towards the outside of the city. There were old and young people in the group, all of them women, and there were male servants in another group. They were all in ragged clothes and dirty faces.

Suddenly, a tall and thin woman walking at the front suddenly turned around and yelled at those people: "Why are you crying? You are a bunch of cowards who are afraid of death."

! Disgraced the prince! "

No one paid attention to her, and her crying became louder and louder. The woman gritted her teeth in hatred and became irritated. She turned her eyes slightly and happened to see Su Li's face in the car window. Her angry eyes immediately turned into a look of resentment, as if she wanted to peel off Su Li's skin and bones.

Dongfang Ze casually lowered the car curtain and whispered, "Stop looking."

Su Li sighed, "How will the Emperor deal with the people in Jing'an Palace?"

"Exile." He deadpanned.

Su Li was about to speak but stopped, forcing the palace to rebel. This crime was enough to kill the nine clans. In addition to the personal soldiers, there were probably 200 to 300 people in the royal palace. They were just exiled but not all killed. This was indeed considered a light sentence.

At this time, the carriage suddenly stopped. Su Li was about to ask a question, but she heard him say: "Miss, it's the eldest young master."

Su Li was startled and quickly raised the curtain. Sure enough, she saw Su Chun's carriage coming towards her. There were more than a dozen boxes of different sizes pulled behind the carriage. She couldn't help but shouted in confusion: "Brother, are you going on a long journey?"

The carriage stopped slowly, the curtain opened, and Su Chun stuck his head out, seemingly surprised, and shouted: "Su Su?! You're not feeling well, why did you go out?"

The natural care comes from the heart. Su Chun is still as gentle as ever, but his eyebrows are a little more sad than before, as if he is worried about something.

Su Li got out of the car and said softly: "I'm bored at home, so I'll go out for a walk."

Su Chun smiled and said: "Oh, my father has been thinking about you and is afraid that something bad will happen to you. He is discussing with his mother to go to the princess's mansion to see you tomorrow."

Su Li smiled and said, "Father is very thoughtful. Where are you going, brother?"

"In the past two days, I discovered that there were several major omissions and inaccuracies in "Ode to Shengfeng Ya". I reported it to Your Majesty this morning and received permission. I plan to take the previous manuscripts with me and visit some old gentlemen." Su Chun said with a smile. : "Where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"No need." Su Li subconsciously looked back at the closed car curtains. The people in the car seemed to have no intention of showing up. He couldn't help but sighed and said, "Su Li wishes brother a safe trip. I don't know when he will come back?"

Su Chun said: "I want to take the opportunity to travel around the world and gain more experience."

. He has resigned from his position as a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy to His Majesty, and the date of his return is uncertain. "There was a trace of bitterness on his gentle face, and the look of tiredness was deep in his eyebrows.

Su Li's heart moved slightly. He remembered that he and Dongfang Zhuo were close friends. When Dongfang Zhuo died, he must have been very sad. He might want to stay away from the court in the name of re-editing "Song of Shengfeng Ya". He sighed at the moment, but I don’t know what to say.

Su Chun smiled, looked at her face with gentle eyes, and suddenly felt a little sad, and said: "Su Su, the eldest brother is leaving. I don't know when we brothers and sisters will see each other again. Are you willing to give me a ride?"

Su Li was slightly stunned. It was natural for her to see her off, but there was another person in the car... Seeing Su Chun looking at her intently, he seemed to be full of expectation, and a little... unnaturally nervous. Ever since she survived as Su Li, there were very few people around her who treated her sincerely, and Su Chun was one of them. Su Li's heart softened and she couldn't help but said: "Okay."

Su Chun was overjoyed, glanced at the box behind her car, and muttered: "There are too many manuscripts, Su Su's car, can you transport two boxes for me temporarily? Come and take my car, so that we can go faster. ."

Before Su Li could say anything, she heard Wan Xin say, "Miss, there's enough room for two boxes in the back of the car."

Seeing that there was still calm behind the curtain, Su Li could only sigh, "Okay, I'll take my brother's car, and you guys will follow."

Su Chun was overjoyed and immediately asked Qingtong and Wan Xin to move two larger boxes and put them behind Su Li's cart. The two carriages drove to the city gate one after the other. The guards guarding the city gate had been replaced. Unknown to everyone, Whose order was it to strictly interrogate people leaving the city? Seeing a car coming, three or four guards immediately surrounded them and shouted, "There are so many boxes, what's in them?"

Su Chun said lightly: "Some paper manuscripts."

One of them seemed to be a deputy general. He recognized Su Chun and immediately said: "Master Su, please open it and have a look. We are going to do a routine inspection."

Su Chun frowned slightly, ordered the book boy to unlock the box, and said: "Please."

Before he finished speaking, the man strode forward and roughly opened the lid of the box. Unexpectedly, the wind was strong today. As soon as the lid of the box was opened, the biting cold wind immediately picked up the scattered papers and flew into the air. It blew up within a moment. It's everywhere.

Su Chun's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly reached out to grab it, but was unable to withstand the cold wind. Seeing some manuscripts being blown to the ground by the wind, passers-by accidentally stepped on them and left big black footprints on them. Su Chun frowned, and his usually gentle face became a little darker at this moment.


Su Li knew that these things were all his hard work, and the deputy general was still preparing to open other boxes to check, paying no attention to the precious manuscripts that were blown away by the wind.

She suddenly felt unhappy. She lifted the curtain and got out of the car. She scolded the guards who were standing still in a deep voice: "Why don't you come over and help? This is the manuscript of "Song of Shengfeng Ya" that His Majesty personally ordered to be compiled. If the data is lost and it affects the compilation, can you afford it?"

Everyone around was shocked and subconsciously looked at the leading lieutenant. The deputy general obviously didn't know Su Li. He frowned and looked her up and down. "Who are you?" his tone was quite disdainful. He was obviously very upset that this woman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere dared to give orders to his people. Displeased.

Su Li sneered, Huan Xin had already walked over, and said coldly: "Princess Mingxi is here, but you are so rude!

The deputy general's expression suddenly changed. Princess Mingxi, the future Princess Zhenning, is now famous in Kyoto City, and she is very likely to become the future queen! He quickly bowed his hands to Su Li and saluted: "It turns out that the princess is here, I will be rude." His expression was more respectful, completely different from before.

Su Li's heart sank slightly. This person knew that Su Chun was the eldest son of the prime minister's house, but he didn't take it seriously. But when he heard about her identity, his attitude immediately changed. What's the reason for this

Su Li frowned, "General, there's no need to be polite. What's the big deal recently? Why are the city gates so tightly checked?"

The man hesitated for a moment and replied respectfully: "This is an order from King Zhenning. Anyone leaving the city, whether pedestrians or carriages, must be carefully inspected without exception."

Dongfangze! What is he checking? Su Li frowned slightly and subconsciously looked towards the carriage behind. The car curtains were closed tightly and there was no sound at all. She said calmly: "My princess's brother has the emperor's mandate. The manuscripts in these boxes are all important and cannot be careless. If the general wants to check them one by one, please be careful and don't let the wind blow them." Scrape away!"

The man said yes again and again, and turned around to open the lids one by one. He became cautious in his movements and only opened a gap. After seeing that there was indeed a manuscript inside, he quickly closed the lid. The deputy general raised his eyes and glanced at the carriage behind him, and then said: "The carriage behind also needs to be inspected!"

Su Chun frowned and said, "That's the princess's carriage!"

The deputy general hesitated for a moment, as if hesitating, and then said after a while: "Princess Mingxi, please forgive me, the general will not dare to disobey the prince's order."

. "

Su Li smiled gently and said, "General, you're welcome. There are also manuscripts in that box, so be careful."

The deputy general cupped his hands and led a person to the rear car. Two huge boxes stood behind the carriage and were tied tightly with ropes. His face darkened and he smiled casually: "The princess's car is so small, but she has to tie two such big boxes. Why not put them in the car?" Inside?"

Wan Xin said coldly: "How can the place where the princess sits be dirty? The same goes for the outside."

The deputy general reached out and patted the box gently. The box made a dull sound, as if it was very full. He winked at the person behind him and said, "Put it down and open it and take a closer look. Don't miss it."

The man responded and called another person to put down the box. When he opened it, he found that it was indeed full of manuscripts and seemed to contain nothing else. The officers and soldiers shook their heads slightly. The deputy general squinted his eyes slightly and raised his eyes to look at the closed curtain of the car.

"Take out these manuscripts and look at them carefully."

Su Chun's face changed slightly and he refused flatly: "No, these two boxes of manuscripts are the most important. What if I take them out and throw them away?"

The deputy general smiled and said, "Young master Su, don't worry. Take out the manuscript and put it in the princess's car to make sure you don't lose one. Is there anyone in the car?" As he said that, he raised his hand to lift the car curtain. The hand just touched the curtain and was already grabbed by Wan Xin.

"Don't move the princess's car." Her cold voice contained a slight warning.

The lieutenant tried to withdraw his hand, but failed. Suddenly, he was shocked. This woman is so skilled in martial arts! His face looked ugly for a moment, "I will act as ordered, but I hope the princess will not be embarrassed."

Su Li sneered and said, "I won't embarrass you. You can take out the manuscript if you want, but you are not allowed to touch my car. If there is any loss of the manuscript, I will definitely inform the emperor. The general is just following orders and will not embarrass you."

The lieutenant general was startled. In the cold weather, cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead. In a blink of an eye, he saw all the people below looking at him. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so he said harshly: "The prince has an order. Anyone who leaves the city must Thorough investigation! Princess, the last general is only... offended!"

After saying that, he slammed the lid of the box hard and shouted: "Come here! Take these manuscripts out and put them in the car!"

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