The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 138: I don’t want to escape anymore


Suddenly the car curtain moved, and a strong gust of wind swept by. The two box lids that had just been opened closed again with a "bang". Everyone was shocked. The deputy immediately pulled out his knife and shouted sharply into the car: "Who is it?!"

"Hmph." A cold snort came from inside the car.

The lieutenant general felt a shiver in his heart and immediately shouted: "People in the carriage, listen, the prince has an order. Anyone who leaves the city must be inspected!" He waved his hand, and a dozen people immediately surrounded the carriage.

"Okay." The person in the car suddenly smiled, "True as expected. What's your name?"

The deputy general was stunned and did not answer for a moment.

. Su Chun looked at Su Li in surprise, and she immediately jumped out of the carriage and lifted the curtain.

The man in black robe and golden crown sat lazily in the car, his handsome face expressionless, and his cold eyes swept across, making everyone shudder involuntarily. When the deputy general saw it, he was so frightened that he immediately knelt down and said in a panic: "The general didn't know that the prince was coming, and disturbed the prince. Please forgive me."

As soon as these words came out, the guards guarding the city immediately fell to their knees.

"What are you guilty of?" He glanced at him casually, and when he turned to look at Su Li, tenderness appeared in his eyes, "Su Su, come up."

He stretched out his hand to pull her into the carriage, looked at the people kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "Get up, you will do your duty faithfully, and I will not blame you. Master Su is leaving the city today on the emperor's order, and I and the princess want to see him off." It’s a journey, so pack it up quickly to avoid losing time.”

The deputy general waved his hands quickly and shouted: "Quick!"

Everyone hurriedly helped Wan Xin tie up the box, and the two cars immediately sped out. After leaving the city gate for a while, Su Chun stopped the carriage, came forward and sighed: "Thank you, King Zhenning, for seeing me off. It's getting late, I have to say goodbye and hit the road."

The car curtain was raised, Dongfangze's cold eyes were stern, but he just said lightly: "Master Su, you have a good trip, don't let down your father's trust."

Su Chun's face hardened, and a hint of complexity flashed through his candid eyes. He turned to look at Su Li and said, "Su Su, I have a message for you as a brother.

Su Li quickly jumped off the carriage and said softly: "Brother, please speak."

He pulled her aside and whispered: "Although you are now favored and everyone is vying to fawn over you, the changes in the court situation are treacherous and the future is unpredictable. King Zhenning does have some true feelings for you, but After all, this person is unpredictable and suspicious, so you should be more careful!"

Su Li's heart warmed, and she smiled gratefully and said, "I will remember my brother's words. Please cherish them all the way."

Su Chun nodded gently, and the two said goodbye. Watching Su Chun go away, Su Li felt melancholy in her heart.

"Su Chun is a talent that can be developed, but it's a pity..." Dongfang Ze deliberately stopped talking and looked at Su Li with his dark eyes.

"My eldest brother has been friends with King Jing'an since he was a child. I'm afraid he has no intention of going to court now. Your lord, how about you just treat your eldest brother as an idler and do as he pleases?" Su Li looked at him blankly. This man is so talented and powerful. , has the intention to dominate the world, Su Chun cannot be used by him, nor will it become a worry for him


He raised his eyebrows and smiled softly: "He is your eldest brother, so of course I will follow his wishes. Come up."

Su Li got into the car and was worried for a moment. Without saying another word, the carriage went straight to Huayugou.

The water is frozen and the vegetation is deserted. A simple wooden house stands here, looking particularly lonely. The door was closed and no one seemed to be there. Su Li asked strangely: "Is Jiang Yuan not here?"

Wan Xin's eyes darkened, "Jiang Yuan has nowhere to go, he should be here. I'll go call the door."

A group of people got out of the car, and the door suddenly opened. Jiang Yuanli, the master ghost doctor, stood behind the door. He glanced at him with a faint look and said as if no one else was watching: "I went to the doctor's house on the first day of the new year. You two really know how to choose the right time."

Dongfang Ze put his hands behind his back and said with a mocking smile: "Jiang Yuan is known as the 'Holy Hand of Ghost Doctor', and his medical and poison skills are unparalleled in the world, but unfortunately, his reputation is just in vain!"

Jiang Yuan's eyes darkened, he looked up at him coldly, and asked viciously: "Have you lost all your martial arts skills?"

Dongfang Ze sneered: "The martial arts is not lost, but the poison may not be clean!"

"How is that possible?" Jiang Yuan's eyes were filled with surprise, and he subconsciously looked towards Su Li.

"There was indeed an accident, so we came to seek advice from Divine Doctor Jiang." Su Li said quietly, with a hint of worry on his calm face.

Jiang Yuan was silent for a while, "Please come in."

The three of them entered the house and closed the door. The chill was immediately thrown out the door. Jiang Yuan glanced at Wan Xin who was guarding the door, withdrew his gaze and said, "If there is any surprise, please let me know."

Dongfangze looked back at Su Li, and thought for a moment: "After detoxification, my internal energy can be sent and released freely, and there is indeed no obstacle. But... As long as I see her, I want to get close, and I will lose control if I get close. The pain in my body is difficult to relieve, Not by yourself."

Jiang Yuan frowned and glanced at Su Li. Su Li looked solemn and nodded slightly: "Yes, this situation occurs after detoxification, so we suspect that it is related to the love flower poison. Could it be that the toxin was not removed last time?" clean?"

Jiang Yuan's face was slightly condensed, and his eyes were slightly surprised, as if he did not expect such a situation to happen.

. He found a medical book, looked at it carefully, and thought for a long time. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Emotion comes from the heart, the heart moves with emotion, and then desire arises..." There are only these three sentences in the Poison Classic. Is there another sentence that explains the explanation? untie?!"

Want an explanation? Su Li was stunned. Although he didn't know much about men and women, he probably understood the meaning. His heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously looked towards Dongfang Ze. It happened that his burning eyes were looking towards her, and she was immediately electrocuted. She quickly turned her head away, her fair cheeks turning a light red.

A smile couldn't help but appear on the corners of Dongfang Ze's lips, but then it disappeared silently.

Su Li asked: "Doctor Jiang, are you sure?"

Jiang Yuan did not answer, but asked thoughtfully: "Is every situation more severe and difficult to control than the previous one?"

Dongfangze nodded and said, "Not bad."

"That should be it." Jiang Yuan stared, thought and said: "The last time I detoxified, I used the blood of my beloved as the medicine. It was moved by love and derived from desire, and the poison that was restricted by skill was lifted, but I was also poisoned by it. The poison of love cannot be cured except by desire. Since this poison is called the poison of love, it must be related to desire."

"Desire?" Su Li's heart skipped a beat, "Does it mean that... it must be a woman..."

"That's right." Jiang Yuan answered affirmatively, making both of them look startled.

"If the disease is relieved, there will be no future troubles?" Dongfang Ze looked uncertain.

"Based on the records of the Poison Sutra, this should be the case. But not just any woman can do it. It needs to be a beloved person who uses blood as a guide to detoxify the son for it to be effective." Jiang Yuan looked at Su Li again, vaguely already There are worries.

Dongfang Ze's expression changed, he glanced at Su Li and asked, "If you don't understand, what will be the consequences?"

Jiang Yuan also glanced at Su Li and replied: "It depends on how far your poison has developed? If you can still control yourself, the situation is considered good. If you can't control yourself, you can only force yourself to endure it. Once it hurts your body, you will be disabled for the rest of your life." Desire is also unknown! "

So serious? ! Su Li was shocked, this love flower poison is really weird! As he turned around a thousand times, his mind was a little confused. Fang Ze's scorching eyes stared at her closely. Su Li's heart was pounding, unable to escape, and she gradually felt uneasy. He stood up suddenly, almost knocking over his chair.

"Thank you so much, Doctor Jiang, I... take my leave.

. "She ran out in a hurry, instinctively trying to avoid his burning gaze.

Wan Xin hurriedly followed her. Dongfang Ze looked at her fleeing back and sighed thoughtfully: "Does it have to be her?"

Jiang Yuan frowned and said: "If you want to find another woman to take your place, you can certainly relieve the temporary pain, but I'm afraid it won't be able to truly relieve the poison of love. Only when two people are happy with each other, their love reaches a deep level, and their bodies are relieved, can they be relieved." Best policy."

Dongfang Ze's face darkened, and without saying a word, he strode out the door.

The carriage began to walk slowly on the snowy road, and the large space suddenly became cramped. Su Li leaned aside, lifted the curtains, and looked intently at the snow outside, which was getting heavier and heavier. Her clenched hands betrayed her extreme uneasiness.

Seemingly sensing her struggle, Dongfang Ze gently held her hand, but Su Li was involuntarily startled.

He sighed in a low voice: "Susu doesn't have to be so nervous, I won't force you."

Su Li lowered her eyes. This sentence was expected by her, but why did she feel so uncomfortable? Now that she knew the dangers of love poison, how could she bear to watch him suffer from it and not care? ! One more day means more danger. What if, as Jiang Yuan said, he injures his body while struggling and is unable to have sexual desire for the rest of his life, how cruel it would be to him! But...but for her to be with him right now...she was a little scared.

Seeing the carriage approaching the city from a distance, she shouted out of nowhere: "Don't go into the city! Turn around!"

He was startled, "Princess Princess?"

The carriage stopped slowly, as if unsure of the way forward. Su Li lowered her head, bit her red lips lightly, and did not answer. His slender fingers were tightly clasped in his sleeves, sweat dripping from his palms. The fierce battle in her heart seemed to be constantly strengthening her beliefs, and she couldn't control her heartbeat that suddenly became violent. Taking courage, she raised her head to look at him.

It was already dusk, and the light in the car was dim. Only his pair of black eyes were bright and complicated, showing surprise, distress, and a vague expectation that could not be suppressed.

He didn't speak, just looked at her intently and tenderly, as if waiting for her to make a decision.

"Go to... Bamboo Fence Valley..." After saying these two words, Su Li's heart was instantly confused. But she didn't want to let herself regret anymore, so she immediately shouted: "Save your heart, go to the summer resort, hurry up"

. "

Dongfang Ze seemed unsure of her thoughts at the moment. He hesitated for a moment, held her hand, and called, "Su Su?"

Su Li lowered her head uneasily, not daring to look at him.

The carriage rushed all the way to the direction of Zhuli Valley. The heavy snow gradually stopped, and when we arrived at the villa, the lanterns were already lit inside. The beating lights made Su Li's mind wander for a moment. She didn't know why she came here suddenly, but she just intuitively didn't want to go back to Kyoto, the Princess's Mansion or the Prince's Mansion, as if everything gorgeous there would make her feel uneasy.

The carriage stopped, and he got out of the car with a heartbeat, "I'll go and pass the message. Princess and Prince, please wait a moment."

Wan Xin walked to the door and called the door. Dongfang Ze looked at her steadily in the darkness, "Have you thought clearly?"

Su Li took a deep breath: "Yeah."

He suddenly hugged her, and when he got her definite answer, his deep eyes suddenly revealed a bright light of surprise, like fireworks blooming, dazzling the eyes. He chuckled softly, suddenly jumped up, and like smoke, he got off the carriage and ran towards another place.

He turned around and shouted in shock: "Princess! Prince!"

Su Li subconsciously hugged Dongfang Ze tightly, looked at Wan Xin's surprised eyes, and smiled inexplicably. Wan Xin finally didn't follow her, and just sighed in her heart. I hope her decision will not be wrong.

He held her waist tightly and ran quickly along the mountain road. The snow was falling among the trees, and the bright moon was in the sky. The sky and the earth were covered with dazzling silver, and everything was quiet. Only his and her figures shuttled under the silver light, inseparable and wonderful. Su Li leaned her head on his chest, and the uneasy feeling in her heart slowly calmed down.

Finally he stopped, looked down at her, and said softly: "We're here."

Su Li looked up and saw the hot spring pool! It turns out he was bringing her here!

The hot spring pool is a natural heat flow on the mountainside. Even though the weather is cold, the heat wave is still rolling here, and the poolside is as gentle as spring. You can see the snow-capped peaks in the distance, and it looks like a fairyland under the moonlight.

"How beautiful!" Su Li exclaimed in a daze.

"Do you like it?" He whispered in her ear, and his warm breath rushed to her face, bringing her back to reality instantly.


. "She lowered her head, her cheeks flushed inexplicably.

He chuckled softly, his face was like a full moon, his eyes were bright and charming. The hand around her waist tightened and he murmured: "Susu, if you treat me like this, I will never let you down!"

Su Li was shocked, but she looked up at him and said, "Don't make promises to me easily. I will be disappointed if it fails to come true one day."

He is the future emperor who aspires to unify the world. To achieve his grand hegemony, sacrifice is inevitable. And who can know whether the relationship between him and her will become a stumbling block to his success in the future

If there is no commitment, there is no hope. They are indifferent to each other, and they are separated and cannot be bound.

But once a vow is made, it must be abided by for life and must not be broken, otherwise, she will hate him. And the feeling of hating someone is not pleasant, and she doesn't want to try it a second time.

Seemingly understanding her thoughts, Dongfangze said in disappointment, "Susu, you have no confidence in me?" The strength of his hold on her hand suddenly became stronger, and there was a hint of hurt in his eyes.

Su Li looked directly into his eyes, with a faint and cold smile that gave people a vague sense of coolness: "I just don't want to be disappointed in the future, let alone hate you one day. So I have no requirements for you."

If there is no requirement, does that mean you can turn around and leave at any time? The originally affectionate woman suddenly became indifferent, which was a bit unacceptable. Dongfang Ze's heart sank and he frowned: "I thought you had demands on me, which proves that you want to be with me forever."

He and she had gone through so many things together. When he was in the most difficult time, she chose to help him without hesitation. Even in the face of Dongfang Zhuobi Palace's rebellion, she firmly chose to stand by his side, even to detoxify the poison in his body. She could also take the initiative to hand over her innocent body... If she were an ordinary woman, she would take the opportunity to ask for a promise, but she was afraid of the promise and had no demands. Then...does she still have reservations in her heart

She had always kept the two-year appointment in Linjiang Inn in her heart. He looked into her clear eyes, and suddenly a strange thought came to his mind. Was she ready to break off the engagement and leave him at any time? !

He suddenly felt an unspeakable pain in his heart. Just thinking about these things would make him find it difficult to accept. Dongfangze forced himself to let go of her and said slowly: "I said I won't force you. If it's just for detoxification, you... don't have to do this."

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