The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 14: Death of the Princess


There was a loud bang, and the coffin lid opened. The woman lying quietly inside had a pale face and was obviously swollen and deformed by the water. Only the wide-eyed eyes revealed the fear, pain, and struggle he experienced before death, and it was clear that he died unwillingly. Even though she had changed her clothes, deep finger marks and traces of being severely slapped could still be seen on the woman's cheeks and neck.

When Rong Xijin took a look, her originally bloodless face was as pale as paper. A wave of dizziness hit her head. She barely held on to the coffin and closed her eyes painfully and forcefully. She felt panic and anger surging in her chest. The anger is hard to calm down. With a hoarse voice, she shouted with difficulty: "Jingwan! Check... carefully!"

Jingwan's chest couldn't help rising and falling, and her eyes were filled with shock and anger. She quickly stepped forward to lift up the woman's sleeves, and saw that the pale skin of her arms was full of shocking bruises... which all proved that the woman was dying before she died. The abuse and abuse she suffered.

The air seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and the suffocating silence was like the weight of a mountain, making people almost collapse. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the body of the woman in the coffin. The once extremely beautiful face was deformed by the abuse before death, like a delicate flower that had been raped and withered before it had time to bloom.

Dongfangze frowned, never expecting that Miss Li, who was famous during her lifetime, would be like this after her death! If you look closely at her facial features, why do you feel a little familiar? There was a vague suspicion in his heart, and he turned his head unconsciously and looked at Li Su beside him.

Li Su closed her eyes in pain. The pain that was clear to the bone that day was like a sharp knife, piercing her heart, making her almost unsteady. She no longer cared about the reactions of the people around her.

Jingwan gently opened a corner of the woman's shroud and found that she had obvious signs of being violated, and she couldn't help but feel sad and resentful. Where does this sin of infidelity come from? Now that we only look at this corpse, I am afraid that we will never be able to find out.

When Rong Xijin saw this, his body shook violently, his pupils suddenly opened wide, his heart ached so much that he could no longer stand still, and he staggered back.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Li Su was shocked and quickly stepped forward to hug her tightly.

. He called out urgently: "Princess, be careful!"

Rong Xijin closed her eyes hard. The surge of anger and pain made her tremble all over. She was so angry that she couldn't control her blood. She rushed up and spat it on the white flag in front of the soul.

The pale spiritual flag reflects the dots of blood and scarlet. There is no more desperate writing in life than this.


The uncontrollable screams suddenly pierced the tranquility of the sky. Rong Xijin grasped the hard coffin tightly with her fingers, raised her head and screamed angrily. The cry almost shook the entire Regent's Palace. The daughter she had held in her hands and cared for since childhood... died so tragically! How could this make her feel so embarrassed? How embarrassing!

The painful blow caused the already exhausted woman to suddenly collapse. Li Su was horrified, but he could only hug her tightly in panic, but he still couldn't stop her body from sliding down.

The two fell to the ground together.

"Mother!" Li Su choked and shouted, but was drowned in the loud exclamations of Lian'er and Jingwan.



Jingwan came over in horror and wanted to hug Rong Xijin, but Rong Xijin grabbed her hand.

"Jingwan!" Rong Xijin screamed with difficulty and gasped for air. Li Su hurriedly helped her up and put his hands on her back to help her breathe. But no matter how smooth she was, Rong Xijin still opened her mouth and couldn't speak.

Li Su bit her lips desperately. The extremely sad and fearful emotions tightly tightened her heart, making her breath stagnant and panicked. Even if it was death, she had never been so afraid!

Jingwan quickly held Rong Xijin's hand with both hands and kept choking up her sobs: "Master, just say whatever you want. As long as it's your order, Jingwan... I will do it for you even if I die!"

Heavy grief instantly filled the small mourning hall, and only rapid breathing could be heard. Reluctant anger and the smell of death tightly enveloped people's hearts.

Suffocated to death.

"Check..." Rong Xijin opened her mouth several times, but could only say this word with difficulty. Grief and resentment filled her expression and voice, causing her to open her lips desperately and seemed to be unable to catch a breath. After a long while, Weakly said: "Give her... her... innocence..."

The word innocence has never been uttered, and my hand has been unable to slide down.

. This regent princess, who was extremely beautiful and had won the regent's unwavering affection for many years, finally breathed her last in front of her daughter's coffin! However, even though she had swallowed her breath, her eyes suddenly widened at the last moment and she looked steadily in the direction of her daughter, refusing to close her eyes!

"Master!" Jingwan shouted sadly, and Lian'er burst into tears. Li Su only felt a bang in his head, and his eyes suddenly went blank. The blood in his body seemed to have solidified, and his body was as hard as iron, cold and stiff.

Her eyes widened and she stared aimlessly at Rong Xijin's hand that was hanging down weakly, without any reaction.

Like an ice sculpture.

Dongfangze frowned slowly. The cries of the two maids were extremely sad and painful, which made people feel sad. However, this kind of sadness was actually compared with the woman who was sitting on the ground, neither crying nor screaming, with a dull expression. Less than one ten thousandth. Pain that can be cried out is not the deepest pain! Dongfangze's heart suddenly moved.

When Concubine Liang Guifei passed away half a year ago, he was also like this. He was too sad to express his grief and couldn't cry in pain. Looking at the woman in front of him, a slight pain arose deep in his heart. He walked over involuntarily, squatted down in front of her, and patted her shoulder gently. She turned her head to look at him numbly, and her dark eyes, which were originally as bright as stars, could not see any light in the plain white sunlight.

At this moment, Li Su's eyes were filled with darkness. One of her hands was still holding her mother's hand tightly, as if she didn't want to let the remaining warmth dissipate. The overwhelming despair overwhelmed her completely. She couldn't breathe. She raised her head subconsciously and wanted to shout loudly, but she tried her best and couldn't make any sound.

Time seems to be frozen in this moment. No one spoke again, and no one left. Until there were hurried and hurried footsteps outside, and someone shouted in pain: "Xi Jin!" She was pulled away from her mother and concubine, and she felt her eyes dim and fell into boundless darkness.

The moment she closed her eyes, Li Su saw the pale sunshine outside the window. She could no longer tell which was yin and which was yang. I only remember clearly that the only person in the world who truly loved her died in her arms like that!

The whole world suddenly fell into bottomless despair...

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