The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 140: The tenderness of the remaining life after the disaster


Although the weather in the hot spring pool was as warm as spring, Su Li still got some wind. On the way back home, she felt a headache, and when she got to the bedroom, she lay down drowsily. Wan Xin took her pulse and guessed she might have caught a cold.

However, Dongfangze was worried and hurriedly summoned the imperial doctor. After checking, the imperial doctor said that the princess was fine and prescribed a prescription to soothe the nerves and nurse her back to health. He said that she would be cured after taking it for a few days. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

She lay there for several days. After Dongfang Ze was busy with the government affairs of the DPRK, he would definitely come to see her and stay with her for a while. His considerate and meticulous care made her heart feel warm unconsciously.

In a blink of an eye, it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Because the emperor was ill, the capital canceled the annual Lantern Festival. People in Shengdu only hung colored lanterns in their homes to add to the festive atmosphere and celebrated in a small way. The Princess's Mansion was no exception. It was the first time for Yang Xuan to celebrate the New Year in Sheng State. Many customs and etiquette were different from those in Bian State, which made her feel very fresh. The entire mansion was decorated with lights and streamers, and she decorated it with joy from inside to outside. The previously dull and depressing atmosphere was swept away.

Dongfangze went into the palace to meet the emperor as usual and was not allowed to come here on time. After the dinner, Su Li was not feeling well, so she went back to her room to rest. Standing in front of the window, she was in a daze, and a sad smile appeared on her lips. It was originally a day when the family gathered together for reunion, but it was changed beyond recognition because of an accident.

Those who want to go back can't go back, and those who can go back don't want to go back.

The past is like a dream.

"Miss, it's time to take medicine." Mo Xiang came into the room with a soothing soup. Su Li sighed slightly, looking at the bowl of medicine, bitterness came out of her mouth. The soothing medicinal soup prescribed by the imperial doctor was indeed effective. The moment after taking it, Su Li felt her head feel heavy, so she went to bed to rest.

Mo Xiang carefully tucked her into bed and quietly exited the inner room.

Unknowingly, Su Li fell into a dream. She seemed to be in a heavy fog, unable to see anything clearly. Deep in the fog, there was a pair of cold eyes, staring at her, in a trance. When she heard a sneer, waves of thick fog came directly towards her face, and suddenly transformed into a ferocious devil, strangling her neck tightly.


Unable to breathe, the suffocating pain made her suddenly break into a cold sweat, sit up straight, and couldn't help coughing several times. His eyes moved slightly, and he noticed that there were wisps of white smoke coming in from the gaps in the low-hanging curtains, and there was a faint dazzling red light dancing around. Her heart sank, and she pulled open the curtains, and thick white smoke rushed towards her!

Su Li was stunned. Outside the closed window, there was actually a fire shooting into the sky. The fierce flames penetrated through the window frame and rushed into the room! Like a ferocious beast that wants to bite people! Her head was still heavy and the soothing effect of the drug had not worn off yet. She gritted her teeth and calmed down, struggled to get out of bed, rushed over and opened the door to the inner room.

The heat wave came along with the billowing smoke. Su Li couldn't help but take a few steps back. Her cheeks were hot from the fire, but her body was getting cold. With such a big smoke, she couldn't see what was going on in the room at all. She only felt that the fire was fast and fierce! A forced charge is obviously asking for death, but if you don't think of a way to escape, and there is no safe place here, you will be unable to advance or retreat for a while!

The weather was dry in winter and the cold wind was howling. In just a blink of an eye, the fire, which was originally very fast, took advantage of the wind and arrogantly grew much higher. The flames scurried a few times and rolled up to the roof beams in an instant.

The room was filled with thick smoke, and Su Li had difficulty breathing. The tunnel behind the screen in the inner room leading to Prince Zhenning's Mansion was sealed immediately after Dongfangze was acquitted. The best way to escape was also cut off. God really treated her well!

Suddenly, there was a dense sound of gongs outside, and someone raised his voice and shouted: "The water is flowing, someone is coming!" Soon, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps in the garden, and it seemed that many people were rushing in. people.

"Miss! Miss, where are you?" Wan Xin called her urgently.

"The fire is too big, you can't go in." It was Yang Xuan's voice, and she seemed to hold onto Wan Xin who was about to rush in.

"I... cough cough..." Su Li opened her mouth to respond. A puff of thick smoke was accidentally inhaled into her lungs, which stung her throat. She coughed several times and was unable to speak at all. She suddenly remembered the copper basin placed in the corner outside, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration. She vigorously swayed the white smoke in front of her, carefully avoiding the few flames on the ground, and quickly soaked the cloth on the copper basin stand in the water, covered her mouth and nose, and her breathing became smooth. a bit.

The yard was in chaos. Dozens of people were running desperately, pouring pots of water into the sea of fire, but it was a drop in the bucket and had no effect. The smoke in the house became thicker.


It was very noisy outside, and the anxious voices of Wan Xin and Yang Xuan came in from time to time, but they couldn't make out what they were saying.

There was thick fog in front of him and the fire was getting fiercer. Su Li sat in the corner and couldn't see anything. His consciousness gradually became chaotic. In his daze, he seemed to hear Yang Xuan shouting in shock: "King Zhenning!"

Outside the back window, there were several earth-shaking loud noises. Layers of water were wrapped in tens of millions of broken ice, and they crashed through the window with the force of thunder, just like the waves rushing when the tide rises. The fire suddenly weakened a bit. point!

"Susu, where are you?!" The tall black figure jumped in like an eagle flapping its wings in the sky.

It’s Dongfang Ze!

Su Li's groggy consciousness couldn't help but suddenly shouted: "I'm here, cough..."

Dongfang Ze looked around, his eyes as sharp as eagles. He waved away the smoke and vaguely saw a slender figure huddled in the corner of the room. He kicked over the bookshelf that was already on fire and pulled her into his arms!

Su Li leaned against his chest and heard his heart beating rapidly. She was obviously extremely nervous. Suddenly, he realized that his clothes were soaked and as cold as ice, as if he had just been dipped in water! She couldn't help but shudder. Thinking of the loud noises just now, she seemed to have an enlightenment in her heart. She gasped weakly, but couldn't say a word.

Dongfangze lowered his head suddenly to cover her trembling red lips, and breathed out a warm breath.

This situation is so familiar, just like the scene when Wangyue Lake rescued her! The painful suffocation feeling disappeared, Su Li's tense mind suddenly relaxed, and her consciousness became a little blurry.

Dongfangze suddenly let go of his hand, quickly took off his clothes, wrapped her tightly, hugged her sideways, and jumped out towards the way without hesitation.

A gust of north wind roared past, and the flames that had just weakened suddenly jumped to the ground. Dongfangze's face changed slightly. He tightened his arms around Su Li and turned around in the air. The blazing flames were all blocked by his back. However, the speed did not decrease at all, and it bounced straight out of the window!

As soon as his tall figure landed in front of the courtyard, Yang Xuan and Wan Xin immediately surrounded him.

"Miss!" He looked relieved when he saw that Su Li was intact and frightened.

Realizing that Su Li was trembling in his arms, Dongfang Zejun said with a gloomy face, "Let's talk about it back to the palace."

Yang Xuan stared thoughtfully at Dongfangze's speeding figure, which quickly disappeared outside the courtyard wall, and she was lost for a moment.


When Su Li woke up, it was already late at night. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw that the large and comfortable bedroom was quiet, simple and exquisitely decorated, and full of masculine atmosphere. It turned out to be Dongfangze's bedroom.

There was no one in the room. She sat up slowly, her throat still aching. Just as she was about to get up and get out of bed, Dongfang Ze's figure flashed and he was already in front of the bed.

Seeing that she woke up, he was happy, held her in his arms, and asked with concern: "How is it? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Su Li nestled in his warm embrace, her heart already settled, she shook her head gently, "I'm fine." Her voice was a little hoarse, and she sighed in her heart, he once again saved her regardless of danger!

"Fortunately, it was a false alarm. I checked carefully and found that you are not injured. It's just that you haven't recovered from the cold last time. You caught the cold again today and you need to recover for a few days." He whispered in her ear. Speak softly.

Checked it? ! Su Li's body immediately stiffened.

"Are you shy?" Seeing that her ears were red, Dongfang Ze chuckled and said, "You are already mine, what are you afraid of?"

Su Li frowned and moved away slightly, "We haven't gotten married yet, and it's not good for people to find out..." Her throat suddenly hurt, and she couldn't help but cough a few more times.

Dongfangze quickly poured her a cup of tea. Thinking of yesterday's thrilling scene, the smile in his eyes suddenly disappeared, "The fire last night was not an accident."

"I know," Su Li took a few sips of tea and felt a little more comfortable. Fang Jingping said, "Although it was windy last night, I didn't light up the lanterns there, and the lanterns in the garden couldn't cause such a big fire if they blew over. The key... It was I who smelled the saltpeter from the smoke! But I couldn't imagine who it was that had such a deep hatred against me and couldn't wait to attack the house."

"Don't talk about you, even I didn't expect it!" Dongfangze said coldly.

"Did you catch someone?" Su Li asked in surprise.

He nodded and said in an icy tone: "The person was found, but he is already dead."

Su Li was slightly startled, "Dead? What's going on?"

"Do you still remember that on the first day of the new year, you went out of the city to find Jiang Yuan and met the exiled servants of the Jing'an Palace on the way?"

Su Li's heart moved and she asked in surprise: "Is it that woman?"


. A trace of anger flashed in Dongfangze's eyes, "When Sheng Qin found her, she had already committed suicide by taking poison." She changed her appearance and pretended to be a servant in the mansion. Judging by the time, it had only been a few days since she had sneaked into the mansion. She probably found the opportunity yesterday. This woman knows some boxing and kicking skills, and while you were asleep, she knocked Mo Xiang unconscious before doing so. "

Su Li's heart sank. An exiled maid was able to successfully escape from the officers and soldiers during the escort, sneak back to the city, sneak into the princess's mansion to avenge her old master. With her own strength, she could do so in such a short period of time. It's impossible to be troublesome, unless... someone is secretly helping her behind her back!

What puzzled her most was that even if the maid succeeded in killing her, what benefits would the person behind it get? For a moment, she couldn't figure out the key to this.

Dongfangze said in a deep voice: "This matter cannot be left alone. Even though the person is dead, the person behind her is the real thorn in the side! I have already asked Sheng Qin to investigate, and I will naturally report any news."

Su Li said "hmm" and collected her thoughts. When she looked up and saw a hint of fatigue on his brows, she felt a slight pain in her heart and said quickly: "It's getting late. You should rest quickly. We have to go to court early tomorrow." .”

Dongfangze smiled when he heard this, and suddenly came closer to her, his eyes flashed, and he smiled evilly: "Okay, then let's... go to bed early." After saying that, he hugged her and rolled to the bed!

Su Li was startled immediately and instinctively pushed him, but she couldn't break away from his tight embrace. A handsome face hung in front of her, with an undercurrent of tenderness in her eyes. Her heart couldn't stop beating, and her beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly as she said, "Stop making trouble. Aren't you tired from this long day of work?"

The corners of his lips were raised slightly, and he smiled a little evilly, "In front of Su Su, I don't feel tired at all."

She was speechless and her face turned red again. Ever since their night in the hot spring pool, he seemed to have become more and more unrestrained towards her.

The smile on his lips deepened, and he slowly lowered his head. Su Li gasped slightly, turned her head sharply, and heard him laughing softly. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and said with a gentle smile: "You are not fully recovered yet, so I can't bear to touch you. Go to bed early." After saying that, he put her in his arms, lay down comfortably, and covered her with her. Brocade quilt.

"Close your eyes." His deep voice sounded softly in his ears, and it was indescribably sexy and touching.

Su Li's lips curved slightly and she closed her eyes obediently. It was another thrilling night. She felt very satisfied to be able to lie in his arms at this moment.

. That night, she never fell asleep again. In the silent night, she listened carefully to the rhythm of his breathing. She felt that the years were peaceful, and her heart suddenly calmed down.

The next day, when Dongfang Ze came to court in the morning, Su Li called Wan Xin over and frowned: "It happened suddenly yesterday. I didn't have time to put away Shen Men's things, and I don't know how they were burned. You go and take a look." , be careful."

Wanxin said: "After putting out the fire last night, I got the things back. The box was hidden secretly and the things are still there. But in this situation, it is not safe to put the things here. If King Zhenning discovers... "

Su Li understood, "I understand, I'll leave it to you during this period and keep it safe."

Wan Xin nodded, "Okay. However, I also found something in the room."

"Oh?" Su Li was surprised, "What is it?"

Wan Xin took it from her arms and handed it to Su Li. She looked at it and saw that it was an exquisite red gold necklace and a broken book. A small gold medal fell under the chain, with a totem of a black bird engraved on it. The carving was meticulous and lifelike, fluttering its wings and about to fly. At first glance, it looked similar to the phoenix soaring into the sky in the Fengling Blood Jade. Somewhat similar. I casually flipped through the torn book, which seemed to record the old events of Wan Kingdom.

"Where did you find it?" Su Li was secretly shocked.

"There is a secret compartment underneath the lady's bedroom."

A hidden compartment in the bedroom? The main garden where she lives is the former residence of Princess Yueyang of Wan Kingdom. Could this sign be her old belongings? Hidden so secretly, it must be something very important.

Su Li thought for a while and said, "It's not a big deal. Leave it to me first." After saying that, he seemed to have remembered something, and then said, "Have you examined the body of the woman who set fire to her yesterday?"

Wan Xin nodded, "I inspected her body with Sheng Qin. She was indeed poisoned and found nothing unusual."

"I always feel that this matter is a bit strange. The prince has sent Sheng Qin to find out how she escaped back to the capital. You should start from the mansion and see if there are any clues."


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