The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 141: His night with others


On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the emperor issued an edict to announce to the world that he would confer King Zhenning Dongfang Ze as the Crown Prince of Sheng Kingdom. He chose an auspicious day to hold the canonization ceremony. Dongfangze received the edict to express his gratitude, and at the same time reported to the emperor that he would formally marry Princess Mingxi, Su Li, in three months. The consummation ceremony would be held two years later, and the emperor would approve it.

A fire burned the princess's mansion beyond recognition. Princess Mingxi and Princess Zhaohua moved into Zhenning Prince's Mansion for a temporary stay until the renovation of the princess's mansion was completed before moving back.

Prince Zhenning's palace has become more and more lively since the emperor decreed the appointment of Dongfang Ze as the crown prince. The courtiers who used to support the queen's faction came to the door one after another to express their goodwill, almost crossing the threshold of the palace. Even Zhan Wuji began to frequent Zhenning Prince's Mansion, and Su Li was greatly surprised by his familiarity with Dongfang Zeyan. I vaguely felt that the relationship between the two people was not as simple as it seemed.

A spring snow fell for several days before stopping, and the city of Shengdu was covered with snow. There are dozens of plum trees in the back garden of Prince Zhenning's Mansion. The bright red plum blossoms are fragrant, and they are set against the crystal clear white snow, making it even more beautiful.

In the afternoon of this day, Dongfang Ze returned from the morning and sat with Su Li in the viewing pavilion in the garden to enjoy the snow. Su Li made tea with the first snow collected early in the morning. The two of them hugged each other quietly and drank tea leisurely. The silence was better than the sound at this moment, enjoying a rare and comfortable time.

"Ha! No wonder I've been looking for this princess for so long. It turns out you two are hiding here to enjoy your leisure time!" With this crisp and cheerful tone, who else could it be besides Princess Zhaohua Yang Xuan? She walked over with a smile on her face, her big and shrewd eyes rolling around the two of them.

Su Li frowned slightly and hurriedly retreated from Dongfangze's arms. Dongfangze felt that his arms were empty, his eyes darkened slightly, he raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Princess, is there something wrong?"

"What the prince said is really heartbreaking." Yang Xuan flattened her mouth, "I have helped you so much in vain, and now I am so cold when I want to talk to you."

Su Li's thoughts moved slightly. Although Yang Xuan was an eccentric person, she handled things very appropriately. If nothing happened, she probably wouldn't have been looking for this for so long. Thinking of the favor she owed, Su Li immediately stood up and said with a faint smile: "Princess, if you have anything to do, let me tell you. If I can help, Su Li will never refuse." .”

"The princess is really smart.

! Then I won’t go around in circles. Yang Xuan's eyes flickered, and she stepped forward and said frankly: "I like ferrets the most in my life. I heard that there are ferrets near the Qishan hunting ground. Now that the heavy snow has stopped and it is the spring breeding season, it is a good time to catch ferrets... "

Catching ferrets

Su Li was slightly startled, and couldn't help but look at Dongfang Ze, feeling a little surprised. The favors owed to them by their status were only used by her to help catch ferrets? This Yang Xuan really behaves unexpectedly.

Neither of them spoke. Yang Xuan's beautiful eyes widened and she shouted: "No way, you are not willing to help even with such a simple request?"

Just because it’s too simple! It's strangely simple.

Su Li thought deeply and smiled slightly: "How could it be possible? Since I promised the princess, I must abide by my promise." After saying that, she turned to look at Dongfang Ze, "My lord, what do you think?"

Dongfangze thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Susu agreed, so I naturally have no objection. When I tell you to go down and prepare, we will set off early the next day..."

"What other day is better than today!" Yang Xuan smiled happily, took out a small porcelain bottle from her arms, and said: "What else should I prepare? This is enough."

"What is this?" Su Li asked confused.

"This is the ferret's favorite smell. It will definitely come running as soon as it smells it." Yang Xuan smiled triumphantly and urged: "Let's go quickly."

Speaking of this, Dongfangze couldn't refuse, so he had to get up and go with Su Li.

It was almost evening, and the three of them arrived at Qishan Hunting Ground on horseback. The dense forest is quiet and quiet, and the ground is covered with silver frost. Under the reflection of the setting sun, it looks like a crystal clear fairyland on earth.

Not far away, someone was riding a horse and standing quietly. The afterglow illuminated his tall figure, which made him look a little evil. Su Li was stunned, Zhan Wuji? !

Seeing their arrival, the Cavalry General's usually cold and stern eyes actually had a soft light in them, and then darkened in the blink of an eye. He drove his horse forward, raised his hands in salute, and said, "I have met King Zhenning, Princess Zhaohua, and Princess Mingxi."

"Why are you here?" Yang Xuan's face changed slightly, and her voice was a little dull.

Zhan Wuji glanced at her and said calmly: "I will practice riding and shooting here in the future."

. ” His stone voice was emotionless.

Su Li's eyes flickered, vaguely feeling that there was something unusual between the two of them, but she couldn't tell.

Yang Xuan smiled, "General Zhan is really hardworking!"

Zhan Wuji lowered his eyes and did not answer.

Dongfang Ze said: "An invitation is worse than a chance encounter. In that case, why don't General Zhan come with us to find the ferrets?" He smiled faintly and glanced at the two people, showing no emotion.

"Ferret?" Zhan Wuji raised his face, looking a little uncertain.

Dongfangze nodded, "Princess Zhaohua wants a ferret, so she wants us to help her catch one. General Zhan is very skilled in martial arts and courageous, so why don't you come and help us."

Su Li lowered her eyes and said nothing. Dongfang Ze tried his best to invite him, and there seemed to be something in his words.

Zhan Wuji hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "General, I will obey." He got on his horse and followed the three of them silently.

Yang Xuan's eyes darkened and she did not look back at him. Suddenly, she flicked her riding whip, and with a sound of "drive", the horse galloped rapidly. Su Li and Dongfang Ze were both startled and quickly chased after him.

For a moment, the dull and rapid sound of horse hooves broke the silence here. Snow covers everything on the earth. The surface looks clean and flawless, but no one knows whether it is mud, soil or ice skates inside.

As soon as Su Li stepped into the dense forest, he realized that the fallen leaves under the snow layer could be up to half a foot thick. If he encountered a pothole, he would most likely fall over. She shouted in a deep voice: "Princess, please slow down, the road here is not stable, it's better to be careful!"

Yangxuan turned back to look at her, as if she didn't take her reminder to heart. Her clear laughter was like a silver bell. Yangxuan smiled and said: "It's okay, we'll be there soon!" She galloped on her horse, her speed slowing down. Minus the slightest, the fiery red figure is like a bright flowing cloud on the horizon.

The edge of the dense forest was ahead, getting closer and closer. For some reason, Su Li's eyelids suddenly twitched, and the uneasiness in his heart gradually expanded. Before she could calm down, she heard Yangxuan's horse in front of her suddenly neigh and run wildly in the forest like crazy.

Everyone was shocked. Dongfangze's eyes were as bright as a flashlight, and he saw at a glance that there was a animal trap clamped on the horse's hind hoof! The saw teeth bit deeply into the horse's leg, and the bones were already visible!

Yang Xuan's face changed greatly, but she reacted very quickly in the crisis. She immediately threw herself forward, hugged the horse's neck, and clamped her legs together, trying to stabilize the horse's mood, but the horse was in great pain, went crazy, and couldn't stop at all.

. If you jump on a horse rashly, you will probably hit a tree and vomit blood and be seriously injured!

Dongfang Ze shouted: "Stop it!"

Zhan Wuji nodded, his face tense, and he seemed even more nervous than Yang Xuan. With Dongfangze on the left and right, they quickly mounted their horses to outflank him!

Wu Zhui is a famous horse in the world, with excellent quality. Dongfang Ze is one step ahead of Zhan Wuji and gets close to Yang Xuan. He stretches out his arms and shouts sharply: "Give me your hand!"

Yangxuan gritted her teeth and stretched out her arms. As soon as their fingertips touched, Yangxuan's horse suddenly turned to the right and ran straight out of the forest. Dongfangze tried to grab it but failed to catch it!

Zhan Wuji's expression immediately changed. There was a cliff outside the dense forest! He couldn't help shouting: "Princess, be careful!"

Su Li had already reined in her horse and stopped, and the thrilling scene that followed seemed to be frozen in her mind. In this life, she will never forget that from this moment on, her fate took a turn for the worse and she fell into another unpredictable abyss...

Yang Xuan's horse rushed out of the dense forest. After a violent jolt, the horse's leg, which was trapped in the trap, made a crisp "click" sound. Finally, it could not bear the strength, and the horse tilted its body and fell heavily to the ground. Broken snow flew up and filled the air like smoke. Yang Xuan screamed "Ah" and plummeted down the cliff!

At the critical moment, Dongfangze flew up from Wu Zui's back like light smoke, and went straight to Yangxuan as fast as lightning.

Unexpectedly, in desperation, Yangxuan pulled out the long whip from her waist and swung it towards a pine tree on the edge of the cliff. Unexpectedly, it was Dongfangze's body that was wrapped in the braid! Su Li's breath was held for a moment, and her heart seemed to fall into the cliff along with the two men's plummeting bodies!

Rushing to the cliff, Su Li jumped off the horse. In the vast moonlight, he looked around anxiously. Where could he see Dongfang Ze and Yang Xuan? ! She couldn't help shouting: "Dongfangze—" No one responded, and the voice was torn into countless pieces by the howling night wind and quickly disappeared in the night sky.

Zhan Wuji's face was pale, and he rushed over in a few steps. After a quick look, he found that his internal strength was much stronger than Su Li's. The thick snow under the cliff could be vaguely seen, and there were traces of someone rolling on it. "Princess, don't worry, Yi Mo will take a look. The princess and the prince should not be in danger..." Before he could finish his words, he suddenly realized that the snow that had stopped began to fall again.

His heart sank and he shouted decisively: "The general will call people here immediately and go down to find people."

! "

Su Li nodded quickly. The situation was unknown now, and she didn't know what happened to the two of them. It would be even harder to find them if the snow was so heavy and the traces were lost if they were delayed.

The sounding arrows shot up into the sky with a "whoosh" sound, piercing the sky. Several golden fireworks exploded in the night sky. Zhan Wuji was sending a signal to the soldiers stationed at the hunting ground.

Not long after, there were dull sounds of horse hooves, faintly carried by the night wind. Su Li's eyes flashed slightly, Zhan Wuji's men came so fast! When dozens of soldiers arrived at the cliff, the snow was already falling heavier and heavier, like goose feathers, instantly covering all the traces left on the ground.

The long rope was thrown down the cliff, and everyone followed it carefully. The cold wind was like a blade, blowing on Su Li's face. Her skin suddenly ached, almost torn apart. She seemed unconscious, her eyes were firm, and she tightened the rope and the rope. Zhan Wuji slowly descended to the bottom of the cliff.

The fire was bright, and Su Li looked around and found that this was a deep and long sloping valley. The snow was blown down by the wind and accumulated rapidly, making the snow here deeper and thicker than elsewhere, reaching up to the knees.

After checking, no trace of Dongfang Ze and Yang Xuan was found here. Su Li's mind was tense. She followed Zhan Wuji with difficulty, carefully identifying the signs around her, and slowly walked out along the valley path with the others.

The search lasted all night. The heavy snowfall made it extremely difficult to find people at night. There was a silvery white everywhere. Finally, as the sky became brighter, I saw a small hut in the distance ahead. Everyone was overjoyed. Su Li quickly walked to the house and was about to knock on the door, when the door suddenly opened and a tall man came out.

Su Li's heart was shocked, and she shouted in surprise: "Your Majesty! Are you okay?" She quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hand, eager to confirm whether he was okay.

Dongfangze was slightly startled when he saw her, "Susu?!" He glanced at Zhan Wuji behind her, his eyes darkened almost invisibly, and said lightly: "I'm fine." He held her tightly as he said that The tightness of her hands made her feel a little painful. Su Li was slightly surprised.

The skin in his palm was as cold as snow, and even his body had no warmth. It was obvious that he had been searching for him all night. Dongfangze's heart ached and he hugged her tightly. A pair of deep black eyes were complex and gloomy above her head.

Feeling his warm embrace, Su Li's tense mood finally relaxed. The exhaustion from a hard night came to her heart like a tide. Worry or fear could not describe her mood that night!

"As long as you're okay

! "She sighed softly. Apart from this sentence, she could not say anything else. Only at this moment did she truly understand how important he was in her heart! Her previous reservations were that as long as she didn't promise, it would be fine. To withdraw at any time is just a lie to others and yourself! Her heart had already fallen into his tenderness and sweetness, and she couldn't extricate herself.

"The end will come soon. Please forgive me, King Zhenning!" Zhan Wuji stepped forward to apologize. Dongfangze's eyes flashed slightly, and he waved his hands calmly: "It's none of your business."

Su Li asked: "Where is the princess? Is she okay?"

Dongfangze's eyes sank. For some reason, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became extremely weird.

Only then did Su Li realize that Dongfangze was only wearing his middle coat, and there was a rustling sound coming from the hut. She followed the sound and looked around, only to see Yangxuan wrapped tightly around Dongfangze's large hut, Miaoman, inside the half-opened hut door. The curves of his body were fully exposed, and he was slowly sitting up. The fire set up beside them was roasting their robes.

Su Li's eyes changed slightly, this situation... it's hard not to make people think about it. And Yang Xuan's eyes quickly dropped as soon as they made contact with Su Li, like a child who was caught doing something wrong.

Su Li's heart sank slightly, and she involuntarily retracted the hand held by him and took half a step back. Dongfangze seemed completely unaware and just said to her: "Go and help the princess get dressed. She sprained her foot when she fell down last night."

Su Li's eyes stayed on his face for a moment, without asking any more questions, she nodded lightly, walked into the hut and closed the door. It's just a small thatched hut, but it's as warm as spring with the fire, and it's like two different worlds from the ice and snow outside and the howling wind.

"How are you? Does your foot still hurt?" Su Li took the clothes and helped Yang Xuan stand up carefully.

Yang Xuan shook her head, "Much better. I just twisted it a little. It shouldn't be a big deal." She spoke softly, not sure whether it was due to the heat or something else. Her cheeks were slightly red, which was different from her usual cheerful and straightforward expression. If two people.

Su Li couldn't help but feel a little heavier in her heart. She helped her put on her clothes and said no more.

On the way back to the city, Su Li rode Wu Zhui with Dongfang Ze and snuggled into his arms. She was unusually silent. The scent of Dahui lingered faintly on his nose, and the lingering aroma was both strange and familiar. It was the unique scents of Dongfangze and Yangxuan, mixed together.

She leaned into his warm embrace and closed her eyes silently.

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