The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 154: Never let go


The peace talks between the two countries have been put on hold for the time being, and there has been no movement. That day, after Yang Xiao helped Su Li correct her disordered inner aura, she didn't say another word on the way back. Yang Xiao and Wan Xin saw it in their eyes, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions. When they arrived at the military camp, Su Li went straight to see Emperor Bian. When he came out, he only said lightly to Wan Xin: "Pack up your things and set off for the Saintess Cult tomorrow."

On the second day, at dawn, on the way to the Saintess' Cult, a carriage drove up, followed by three men on horseback. It was Xiang Li and others. Su Li in the carriage remained silent. She held the ring she snatched from Dongfang Ze tightly in her hand, and her palms were sore. This was originally hers, and now it is natural that it should be returned to its original owner, but why is she so uncomfortable? His mind was filled with the look in his eyes when the puppet was destroyed.

"Miss, have you...really decided to become a saint?" Wan Xin finally couldn't help but ask, unable to hide the worry in her heart.

Su Li didn't answer, and looked out the window with indifferent eyes, which seemed to have expressed her inner decision.

Wan Xin couldn't help frowning and sighed: "The Heartless Pill is the secret medicine of the Bian Kingdom's royal family. Once you take it, it will be difficult to cure it in the future."

Su Li raised her eyes lightly and said, "I have stopped loving each other, it can't hurt me."

Wanxin said worriedly: "But Dongfang Ze has become suspicious and has tried many times without success. I'm afraid he won't give up easily..."

"So what?" Su Li interrupted in a deep voice, her eyes as cold as ice. "I told you, don't mention him in front of me in the future."

Wan Xin quickly kept silent. So far, they still don't know why she left Sheng Kingdom by pretending to die. Maybe others thought it was because of Princess Zhaohua, but Wan Xin knew it wasn't. She tried to ask why, but the response she received still makes her heart palpitate. She had never seen Su Li with such an expression.

Wanxin sighed silently. If she really broke up with her, if she really let go, how could that person become a taboo in her heart that she didn't want to mention

As soon as the carriage arrived at the foot of the Red Lotus Mountain, someone immediately came up to guide the way. It turned out that the two elders had received a secret order from Emperor Bian yesterday. They must prepare for the saint's succession ceremony today and urgently summoned the eight branch helmsmen to arrive at the main altar on time.

Su Li slowly walked into the entrance of the Saintess Cult Main Altar, and her heart moved slightly. The real entrance of the main altar was actually hidden in the mountain peak. No wonder they didn't find it when they climbed to the top of the mountain.

In the Zongtan Square, people with important positions from the eight branches have already gathered. There are hundreds of people.

. The first two people, one has thin eyebrows and long eyes, with white beard and hair, and is energetic; the other has broad eyebrows and square eyes, strong, tall, and formidable. Both of them were in their fifties, standing at the head of hundreds of people, with great majesty. Following closely behind them were the helmsmen of the eight divisions.

Su Li got off the carriage, and the two elders immediately saw the white jade ring she was wearing on her index finger. Their expressions immediately changed and they bowed in salute.

"Xuanjing and Xuanfeng, lead the disciples in the sect and respectfully welcome the saint into the sect to take over the position of saint!"

The eight major branch helmsmen couldn't help but feel suspicious. They didn't understand where this masked woman came from. She could have two elders who had been fighting for many years and had different opinions simultaneously recommend her as a saint!

Su Li stepped forward, and the person with white hair and beard in front of her was Elder Xuan Jing who had come back to capture Aunt Jingwan! Her eyes immediately turned cold, she glanced at him lightly, and said, "Thank you." After saying that, she walked straight up the mountain, with Wan Xin and others following closely behind.

The two elders were both stunned and quickly followed.

Everything in the temple was ready. As soon as Su Li entered the temple, someone immediately took her to bathe and change clothes. After a while, she walked out of the temple again, fully dressed. The splendid white robe shines brighter than snow, and the hosta and silver crown are exquisite, which makes her temperament noble and cool, and invisibly adds a bit of holiness.

The people lined up neatly in the hall couldn't help but feel shocked and fell into silence.

The eyes of the two elders changed slightly. The woman was wearing a mask and her appearance could not be seen. However, this noble demeanor reminded them both of the saint who succeeded them twenty years ago. Regardless of temperament or feeling, they are surprisingly similar.

Under the spotlight of everyone, Su Li walked towards the altar step by step without squinting, stopped in front of the throne, and suddenly turned around. At that moment, an invisible and compelling aura spread out from her body. In the eyes of everyone, it was as if a goddess had descended, which was breathtaking. Soul.

"This kind of attire suits her better than the queen's attire." Xiang Li laughed softly. Jiang Yuan glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

Qin Heng continued in a low voice: "Not sure. I always feel that Mu Yitianxia is the most suitable destination for her."

Wan Xin frowned and signaled quickly. The four of them straightened their expressions and took a few steps forward to line up on both sides of the throne.

Xuanjing coughed lightly and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, listen to the order and pay homage to my new saint!"

There was a slight uproar in the crowd, and for a moment no one came forward to pay homage. A man in Tsing Yi, who was elegant and restrained, stood up and stopped him: "Wait a minute.

! Elder Xuanjing, my subordinates have something unclear and would like to ask the elder for advice. "

Elder Xuanjing paused, raised his head and said, "Master Qingshan, please speak."

"Since the saint's rebellion eighteen years ago, our religion has been without a master and has been torn apart. It is a blessing to be able to gather here today. However, everyone knows that the saints of our religion have always been introduced and carefully cultivated by the saints of the previous generation. , and after gaining the unanimous approval of the entire church, they can then confer the holy title in person. But now, the two elders have found such a woman from nowhere. We neither know her identity nor her origins, and they want us to worship her. As a saint, it is really hard for people to obey her orders!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's discussion suddenly became louder.

"Not bad!" A middle-aged man with broad sideburns and beard strode out of the queue, pointed his hand at Su Li, and shouted loudly: "We can understand that the two elders are eager to promote the religion, but I do not teach the saint girl casually. Just one person can do it! Where does this woman come from? What qualifications and ability does she have to lead our religion and give orders to everyone? I, Cheng Fang, refuse to accept it!"

Su Li's heart moved slightly. It turned out to be Chu Weidong, the helmsman of Qingshan, and Cheng Fang, the helmsman of Wanqiu.

Cheng Fang's question raised the question in the minds of all Saintess Cult disciples, and for a moment, the whole hall was in an uproar. Although the other six branch helmsmen did not comment, the looks in their eyes were enough to express their inner doubts.

Everyone is waiting for an answer.

Elder Xuanjing frowned and looked back at Su Li. He saw that her eyes were still calm and calm, as if she didn't show any displeasure, and he couldn't help but feel dark. He took a step forward, raised his arms high, and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"This elder understands what the two helmsmen Qingshan and Wanqiu are thinking. Over the years, the sect has been leaderless, and everyone is used to taking care of their own affairs. Today's matter was not explained to you in advance, so you have some doubts. It makes sense." The majestic voice of Elder Xuanjing spread throughout the hall.

Chu Weidong and Cheng Fang stared at Xuanjing with expressions of dissatisfaction, and then they saw him saying: "What Captain Chu of Qingshan just said is absolutely correct, but there is a reason for this incident. We only got the news in the past two days. As you all know, Over the years, I and Elder Xuanfeng have always had different opinions. This time they can jointly elect her as the saint of our religion. Naturally, she has the qualifications and ability to assume the position of saint."

"Elder Xuanjing doesn't need to say much. There is a token of the saints of all ages - the ring. Who dares not to believe it

! Elder Xuanfeng continued in a deep voice. He stepped forward and raised Su Li's hand. On his slender jade-like fingers, a white jade ring shone with a soft luster.

As soon as the white jade ring came out, the expressions of the eight helmsmen suddenly changed and they fell silent. The Holy Lotus White Jade Ring is the highest token of the Saintess Sect. It is to the Saintess what the jade seal is to the Emperor!

At this moment, Elder Xuanfeng's eyes were gloomy, and he was secretly frightened. The new saint standing in front of the throne had not said a word since she entered the religion. She was not at all flustered in the face of doubts. Her temperament was cold, but she was actually a little terrifyingly calm, exuding... A momentum that cannot be underestimated.

Suddenly, she raised her hand and flicked it casually, and Chu Weidong and Cheng Fang immediately felt an invisible force coming through the air and reaching their throats. These two people can be said to be the first-class masters in the world. At this moment, facing the direct attack of energy, they can't avoid it at all!

Lin Yao, the helmsman of Baiyun on the side, cried out: "Chengfeng?!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. Riding the Wind is a unique internal skill and mental method that can only be practiced by the saint and her subordinates. It needs to be practiced since childhood to achieve success. How could this woman know this skill? Who is she

The expressions of the two people changed drastically, and they tried their best to retreat in panic. Suddenly, they felt that the hard and compelling energy turned into a soft net, surrounding them, leaving them with nowhere to escape.

Fu Tianren, the new leader of the helm, blurted out: "Floating Cloud Sutra!" As soon as he said this, even the expressions of the two elders Xuanjing and Xuanfeng couldn't help but change a little.

The Fuyun Sutra and the Chengfeng Heart Jue both belong to the Saintess Cult. Chengfeng can turn softness into hardness, and Fuyun Sutra can turn hardness into softness. The two complement each other. If they can be practiced at the same time and integrated, martial arts will progress rapidly. However, the Sutra of Floating Clouds was suddenly lost many years ago, and its whereabouts were later discovered and traced by Elder Xuanji. However, Elder Xuanji also disappeared for many years, and the matter was left unsolved. After so many years, everyone has forgotten this matter. Unexpectedly, the two great magical powers of the Holy Religion are actually gathered in this saint who suddenly appeared today! Everyone was surprised and confused, but no one dared to question it rashly.

Su Li calmly retracted her hand, stared at the two helmsmen with pale faces, and asked in a deep voice: "Do you have any questions, two helmsmen?"

The hearts of those two people were frightened. They were fighting endlessly within the Saintess Cult. They had always used force to differentiate themselves secretly. They claimed to be highly skilled in martial arts and were among the best among the eight helmsmen. However, today they were defeated in public by the successor Saintess. How can you dare to speak out again if you lose your face? Thinking of this, the two of them calmed down for a moment. After a while, they lowered their heads in unison and said in unison: "The saint's martial arts skills are so strong that I am convinced!"

Su Li slowly glanced at the other six helmsmen, with cold and sharp eyes. Everywhere he went, the six of them bowed their heads.

. She asked coldly: "Who has any questions?"

"My subordinates pay homage to the saint!" Chu Weidong and Cheng Fang immediately stepped forward to pay homage. At this moment, the still undecided believers also knelt down.

Suddenly, the mountain's cry resounded through the hall and shook the mountains and fields. The others were helpless and knelt down one after another.

Elder Xuan Jing unfolded the takeover document and was about to read it out, but Su Li said: "No need. From today on, I will be in charge of the Saintess Sect. I will abolish the duties of the two envoys on the left and right and change them to the four envoys of the main altar."

"The Miao Envoy, the Ghost Envoy, the Wealth Envoy, and the Sword Envoy came out." Wan Xin, Jiang Yuan, Xiang Li, and Qin Heng stood up one by one when she mentioned the names of the four envoys.

There was silence under the altar, and no one dared to question him.

Su Li glanced at the two elders, and then said: "The two elders are highly respected and have made many contributions to our religion. They still hold the position of elders and are in charge of the teaching affairs."

Xuan Jing and Xuan Feng's expressions softened slightly, and then the embarrassment just now was relieved. Xuan Jing waved his hand, and a man came up from underneath, carrying an exquisite jade plate, with an exquisite black lacquer box placed on the plate.

Xuanjing gently opened the box, and inside was a black pill.

"This is the Unfeeling Pill. Once you take it, you will not be able to get emotional for the rest of your life. Otherwise, the meridians will reverse and the pain will be like a thousand arrows piercing your heart. In order to prevent our sect from losing its master again and repeating the same mistakes, please take it."

The black pills appeared in front of her eyes, and a faint fragrance hit her face. Su Li's fingers hidden in her sleeves trembled slightly. She just looked at the pills blankly, and countless complex emotions suddenly surged in her heart, which she could not sort out.

The eyes of the four people in Wan Xin were solemn. For a moment, the palace was so quiet that even the sound of breathing was slight. Su Li was in a trance, as if there was a face slowly and clearly floating in front of her eyes. The sadness hidden in her eyes made her heart involuntarily painful.


The soft call to save her heart interrupted her thoughts, and Su Li immediately came back to her senses and stared at the small black pill in front of her. It seems that it is not a desperate poison, but a peerless elixir. She has always made decisions, no matter how difficult they are, she never hesitates too much. This was the case before and it is still the same now.

After putting away the complicated emotions, Su Li reached out and took the Heartless Pill, her slender jade fingers becoming increasingly pale against the black pill. With a determined look, he raised his hand decisively, and his red lips had already touched the pill.

"Wait a minute.

! "Outside the water palace, there was a sudden shout, as if the color of the world suddenly changed.

Hearing this voice, the expressions of the four people in Wan Xin changed with shock. Su Li was shocked, and her raised hand immediately froze. She suddenly raised her eyes, and saw a tall figure like an eagle soaring in the sky, rushing over. In front of hundreds of feared martial arts masters, she felt like she was in a deserted place.

The person who came was wearing black clothes and brocade robes, and his hair was tied with a golden crown. His face was still extremely handsome, but the pain in his eyes was as thrilling as ever.

"Give me the Heartless Pill! You can't accept it!" He stepped forward quickly and grabbed it with his hands.

Su Li's eyes darkened slightly, and she suddenly stood up, then moved back in a blink of an eye, and the four Huan Xin men quickly moved their swords across to protect her.

Dongfang Ze only stared at Su Li, who was a few steps away, and said coldly: "Get out of the way." His voice was not loud, but it was cold and stern. I saw water ripples swaying between his sleeves and robes, and an astonishing evil aura was coming towards him, seeming to destroy everything that stood in his way.

The four people in Wan Xin were forced to take a few steps back by this strong energy, and their expressions changed. Qin Heng wanted to step forward again, but was grabbed by Xiang Li. The look in their eyes conveyed a message that only each other could understand, and Wan Xin and Jiang Yuan's figures also froze. The four of them have the same mind. If Dongfang Ze can successfully prevent her from taking the Heartless Pill, they will be happy to see it happen.

"Who is so bold! How dare you break into our main altar without permission? Come on, take it down!" Elder Xuanjing shouted sternly, and everyone in the hall suddenly came to their senses and drew their swords to surround him.

Sheng Qin and Sheng Xiao, who came with Dongfang Ze, looked cold and quickly stood by his side. A tense atmosphere enveloped this gorgeous water palace in an instant.

Seeing that a fierce killing battle was inevitable, Su Li's heart dropped, and there was a hint of wavering in the depths of his seemingly calm eyes.

Everyone came towards Dongfang Ze to kill the general. Sheng Qin and Sheng Qin swept the ground and drew their swords. The next moment, blood was about to splash on the walls. Su Li frowned and shouted coldly: "Stop!"

"Why did the saint stop you? I teach the rules. Anyone who breaks in will be killed without mercy." Elder Xuan Jing's face was gloomy, his tone was warning, and he stared closely at the pills in Su Li's hand. It is clearly saying that once she enters this place, there is no way out. If she does not take the Heartless Pill, she will never be able to get out of this place even if she is a saint!

Su Li sneered slightly, "Elder, are you confident that you can kill this person?"

Xuan Jing was slightly startled. Looking at the figure and speed of this handsome man just now, it was rare in the world.

! I'm afraid no one in this palace can be his opponent! But if he is asked to teach an elder to admit in public that his skills are inferior to others, how can he get off the stage? His face trembled, and he said coldly: "Even if my subordinates are not as skilled as others and are martyred by mistake, they are still worthy of the Saintess Cult's century-old foundation! Everyone obeys the order and must not let go of such madmen today, otherwise how will the Saintess Cult survive in the world in the future? !”

His voice was like a loud bell, buzzing in the hall. The crowd was so angry that the shouts shook the sky.

Su Li frowned and sneered: "Okay, today you want to die as a martyr, which is commendable. As a new saint, I have to prepare to collect your corpses. I'm afraid there will be no more saints in the world in the future. Teaching, what kind of foundation is just a joke!"

Xuan Jing's face turned livid and he shouted: "Holy girl! I have hundreds of people in my sect who respond to every call. Are we still afraid of an outsider?"

Su Li walked forward slowly, "What did you call me?"

Xuan Jing was slightly startled: "Saint!"

"According to the canon rules, what should be done to the following offenders who do not obey orders?" She stared at Xuan Jing tightly, her voice was stern, but her eyes were expressionless.

Xuan Jing was speechless for a moment, and Xuan Feng said in a deep voice: "Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

A sneer escaped Su Li's lips, but cold sweat broke out on Xuan Jing's forehead.

"Elder Xuanjing is a man of merit, and today is my great joy to succeed you. I will not hold you accountable for your contempt for your superiors. Why don't you retreat?!"

Xuan Jing's face had lost all color and his brows were furrowed. No one in this sect had ever been so rude to him! A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he finally waved his hand and retreated to where he was. Everyone was subdued when they saw him, and for a while they didn't dare to make any more noise.

Elder Xuanfeng saw this and asked in a deep voice: "Does the Saint recognize this person?"

Su Li didn't answer. Her eyes stayed on Dongfang Ze's body, as coldly as looking at the air.

Anyone with eyes can probably see that they are more than just acquaintances! This young man with extraordinary appearance and temperament has an unusual relationship with the newly appointed saint.

"Why are you here?" Su Li asked. The unfamiliar hoarse voice revealed a deep indifference.

Dongfangze's eyes dimmed, he took a step forward and said firmly: "Take you out of here."

. "

Su Li looked at him coldly: "Who is your Excellency, and who am I, and you want to take me away? You are too self-righteous!"

After three encounters, he has never been able to see her face, but he is already so convinced that she is the one he is looking for!


"The fourth envoy is seeing off the guests." Before he could say anything more, she turned her back indifferently and issued an order to expel the guests without any emotion.

"Please!" Wan Xin and the other four men immediately stepped forward and signaled for him to leave. Dongfang Ze waved them away as if he hadn't heard, strode forward, and grabbed Su Li's arm. He asked angrily: "What do you want?!"

"I should be the one to ask Your Majesty what you want!" She frowned and stared at his hand with her eyes as cold as ice: "Let go."

Dongfangze's eyes darkened, and the strength in his hand was not light but heavy. It took a lot of effort to catch up to the Saintess Cult Headquarters. If he just let go like this, he would not be Dongfangze! He moved closer to her, and his overwhelming aura enveloped her, and he said in a deep voice: "For several months, I have been thinking, what would I do if I found you?"

Su Li's heart tightened and her heart stung inexplicably. She raised her eyes to look at him and saw his deep eyes, which seemed to hide a hundred kinds of unspeakable pain. She steeled herself, pursed her lips, and remained silent.

Dongfangze gritted his teeth and said: "You are the only one in the world who can let me catch and never let go! If you understand, then follow me! Don't erase the relationship between us just because of a mistake I made." Everything!"

He had kept his promise to her, and would remember not to make any mistakes even if he was acting out with Yang Xuan, but little did he know that the most fatal mistake had been made long before he knew her!

If this is the arrangement of fate, it can only be said that fate is too cruel to them! And that mistake was undoubtedly serious and fatal to her. It changed her destiny, causing her to suffer humiliation and lose her loved ones. No matter how deep the entanglement between them was, they could not cross the bottomless gap from the beginning.

Su Li lowered her eyes and calmly raised her hand again. The Heartless Pill was right in front of his eyes and on her lips. The red lips parted slightly, ready to swallow.

Dongfang Ze's face suddenly changed, and without any hesitation, he immediately reached out to grab it, but she had expected it, and she spun around one step faster than him, and like a slippery fish, she escaped from his palm in the blink of an eye. .

Standing three steps away, her indifferent and cold gaze did not seem to waver at all.

. It seemed that no matter what he said or did, she was determined!

Dongfangze's eyes finally revealed a hint of fear, and the look in his eyes as he looked at her was too complicated to describe in words. His hand stopped in mid-air, still holding her, but there was nothing in it, leaving only the pain and despair in his heart.

"Susu!" He called her, his voice was very soft and trembling, but it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength. "You promised never to leave me, don't break the promise between us! I have never betrayed you!"

The unconcealed sadness overflowed from his eyes, as if he wanted to engulf her. In order to retain the woman he loves most in his life, he will make every effort.

Su Li's heart ached slightly. She knew that he had indeed not failed her, but the relationship and commitment between them were based on the mutual love. If all this had disappeared, everything else would be like a mirage. Exist again. Looking at his handsome and pale face, she was stunned for a moment, unaware that he was approaching quietly.

Dongfang Ze said in a deep voice: "The Jueqing Pill can't help you truly end love and love, it will only bring you endless pain! You can't take it!... Su Su, come with me!" He took another step toward her. Taking a step further, as if he couldn't see the coldness in her eyes, he stretched out his hand towards her, with a look full of expectation that was hard to refuse.

Su Li's eyes flickered, but her hands made no move.

It is undeniable that even now, he still has an irresistible attraction to her. And the elixir in her hand seemed to suddenly become extremely heavy, and the memory of the past was like a thorny ivy piercing deeply into her heart. No matter when and where, as long as she touched it lightly, it would hurt. Heart-gnawing.

She suddenly turned her eyes away, suppressed all the emotions in her heart, and said coldly: "I am not the person you are looking for!"

Until now, she still refuses to admit it? !

There were turbulent waves in Dongfangze's eyes, and the violent aura fluctuated like the ebb and flow of the tide, with unpredictable ups and downs. Suddenly, his figure flashed, and the person who was not far away was already in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Su Li was startled and wanted to retreat from his control, but suddenly found that she couldn't move. The sudden pain in her body clearly told her that the two conflicting internal forces were attacking again, so she quickly calmed down.

In just this moment, Dongfangze's hand had already grasped the mask on her face. She had no way to dodge. She only heard a slight sound and the mask fell off, revealing a familiar face to everyone.


Dongfangze felt as if someone had poured cold water on his head. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at the woman in front of him in disbelief. All the people in the Saintess Sect were also stunned. Looking at her familiar yet unfamiliar face, they were surprised and speechless.

How could it be her? !

The mystery that had troubled Dongfangze for several days was finally solved at this moment today. He had been sure that in the land of Bian State, besides Su Li, who else would be the one who would disregard his own safety to save the regent

However, the answer was completely beyond his expectation!

"...Jingzuo Shi?!" Lin Yao, the leader of Baiyun Helm, shouted in surprise: "How could it be you?!"

The people around him suddenly exploded. No one expected that hidden behind the mysterious mask was the messenger Jingzuo who had been apostate for many years! The whole hall was suddenly in chaos. Everyone was astonished and didn't understand why the new saintess jointly recommended by the two elders was a traitor that they had tried their best to hunt down.

Faced with the sudden doubt, Su Li had no explanation. She didn't even look at those people. She just glanced at Dongfang Ze's still stunned face, and a mocking sneer crossed the corners of her cold lips. To deal with him like this As a person, she would not think that just one mask is enough. Even with Aunt Jingwan's internal strength, her martial arts skills were still not as good as his. It was only a matter of time before he unmasked her. Since he was using her father to test her, she might as well give him an answer. Aunt Jingwan is the personal maid of the mother-in-law, and it is natural for her to come to the rescue when her father is in trouble.

So, is he satisfied

Su Li raised her hand with a smile, and under Dongfangze's unbelievable gaze, which had not yet recovered, she firmly put the Heartless Pill into her mouth. The cold fragrance penetrated into her lungs, and after a while, the uncomfortable shock feeling in her body disappeared. She was secretly lucky, her internal energy was abundant, and her blood circulation was unimpeded, as if she was full of strength again. Emperor Bian really didn't lie to her. This Heartless Pill was indeed a holy medicine that could suppress the conflicting internal forces. It must also be able to help her integrate the two internal forces as quickly as possible.

Dongfangze was completely motionless, like a puppet. At this moment, a cold look flashed in Elder Xuanjing's eyes, and he stood up, rushing towards him as fast as lightning.

However, Dongfang Ze seemed to have lost his ability to react. He didn't even dodge and was caught in one move!

The expressions of Sheng Qin and Sheng Xiao changed greatly, and they rushed towards the savior quickly, but they were a step too late. Elder Xuan Jing's hand had already pinched the large point on Dongfang Ze's neck.


The two were shocked that their master had been restrained so easily. This was something they had never seen before. They shouted: "Master!"

Dongfangze didn't react at all, just stared at Su Li blankly.

Su Li was also shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Catch them both quickly!" Elder Xuan Jing gave the order, and Sheng Qin and Sheng Xiao, who did not dare to resist anymore, were quickly tied up and pushed to her feet. Dongfangze's acupoints were also clicked by the mysterious realm, and his body stood straight.

"How to deal with these three people, let the saint decide." Elder Xuanjing bowed for instructions, with a look of color on his face and murderous intent in his eyes.

Elder Xuanfeng stood up and said: "Of course, kill him immediately to avoid causing any further trouble."

"Yes, kill them!" the sect members shouted in unison.

Xiang Li and the other four frowned. Who would have thought that a person who might not be able to defeat the four of them could be captured so easily!

After the shock, Su Li quickly calmed down. The hundreds of people in this hall were all professional killers who had undergone special training and could carry out assassination missions alone. Their martial arts skills must not be weak, especially the eight helmsmen. The two elders' martial arts skills are unknown, and their intentions are unclear. They recommended her to be a saint under the orders of Emperor Bian, but they may not really follow her. It is impossible to expect the two of them to calm down this chaos.

The main altar of the Saintess Cult is extremely secretive, and Dongfang Ze would be damned if he broke into it without permission. Nowadays, public anger is hard to come by. If you want to quell the riot, you must scare everyone with one move in the shortest possible time!

Su Li frowned and shouted with heavy eyes, "Stop!"

"The saint wants to protect them?" One person paused and called the saint, but his tone was no longer respectful.

"What kind of saint is she? She is just a traitor who can be punished by everyone! Who of you wants to respect her as a saint?" A middle-aged man in earth-gray clothes stood up angrily from the crowd and pointed at her. , shouted loudly: "I, Zhou Yue, are the first to refuse!"

It turns out that he is Zhou Yue, the helmsman of Qiongyou Branch! This one, he really got it right! Su Li's eyes suddenly turned cold, and before he could finish his words, he waved his hand violently, and a powerful palm wind seemed to be able to split the sky and cover the earth. It hit the man's chest fiercely.

Captain Zhou You, the captain of Qiongyou, didn't expect that she would suddenly attack. He couldn't dodge for a moment, so he had to raise his hand to catch it. With a "bang", his whole body was blown away.

! The body of the seven-foot man hit the wall on the side of the hall hard, making a loud bang and making everyone tremble. He spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a pop.

Everyone looked up in shock, and when they looked at the hard wall, there was actually a big hole left!

In the water palace, there was silence for an instant, as quiet as death.

Su Li slowly walked down from the high position, looked down at the resentful man lying at her feet, and said coldly: "I have heard that Captain Qiongyou controls me with an iron fist, and whoever dares to disobey orders will be severely punished. Many people have been executed! I want to try it today to see if this method works!"

"You! You..." Zhou Yue's eyes widened and he was too angry to speak.

Su Li turned the white jade ring on his hand carelessly, raised his eyes slightly, and swept everyone's faces one by one with cold eyes. Everyone he passed was trembling in their hearts and lowered their heads. Jing Zuo used such martial arts. If you wait for other means, you have to give in!

Su Li shouted sternly: "The ceremony has been completed, the sacred object is here, and I am already a saint in the religion. Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be guilty of the following offenses and will be punished according to the canon rules! Come on!" She shouted loudly.

The four envoys immediately stepped forward to listen to the order.

Su Li said: "The helmsman of Qiongyou has violated the canon rules and will be reduced to an ordinary member of the congregation with immediate effect. The new helmsman will select a capable person from the Qiongyou sub-rudder on a certain day. Miaoshi, you are responsible for this matter. Please suppress him first and wait for disposal." "

"Your order." Wan Xin immediately accepted the order and ordered people to drag Zhou Yue out.

Elder Xuanjing felt a chill in his heart. The saint was very decisive and merciless in attacking those who resisted within the sect! But these three outsiders have always avoided talking about it, and they obviously have other thoughts. Then he frowned and asked, "How does the saint plan to deal with these three people?"

Dongfangze's eyes were still fixed on Su Li's eyes, complicated and difficult to distinguish, and he seemed not to be worried about his situation at all.

Su Li turned away her eyes lightly and ordered in a deep voice: "Lock him up first, and we will discuss it later. I'm tired, you all should leave." Her words left no room for doubt. After saying that, he turned around and went to the Saint's dormitory without looking at him again.

In an organization like this that makes a living by killing people, you must not be soft-hearted when you should be tough. Suppression by force is often the best way to win.