The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 161: Want his life


Wearing a smoky purple gauze skirt that covered the woman's exquisite and voluptuous body like mist, Yu Qianji was leaning on a recliner, her eyes as charming as silk, her eyebrows raised lightly, and she winked softly, " Manager Xia, what do you think of Qianji’s proposal?"

Xia Fu sat quietly aside, never raising his eyelids from beginning to end, as if there was no one around him. He looked calmly at the white porcelain tea cup in his hand, blew slowly, and said calmly: "Thank you very much, Captain Yu, for your kindness. However, there are many affairs in the main forum, and I am afraid that I will not have time to go out with Captain Yu to relax."

"No matter how busy you are with business, you have to take a breather. Is it possible that you can be busy like this all your life? How boring is that." Yu Qianji smiled sweetly, turned sideways and changed her posture, her smoked gauze skirt slipped down like water, revealing a The legs are long and slender, and the skin is like cream. If you look at Xia Fu'an from the angle, you can just see the looming roots of her legs. Such an alluring spring beauty will make any man feel like his soul is about to take a look at it. You have to fly nine days away.

Xia Fu'an just smiled, picked up the teapot and poured her a cup of tea. He looked at it and said, "This is the new tea that Bai Yunduo just sent. It tastes good. Lord Yu, you can try it. If you like it, I will ask someone to deliver it." Go to Moonshattering Helm and get some."

The always invincible charm suddenly lost its effect. Yu Qianji frowned, looked at him and pretended to be angry and said, "I don't like drinking tea. I just want you to look at me and chat with me!" As he said, She turned over and sat up, reaching out to grab the cup that occupied the man's sight. She didn't believe that there was a man who didn't like her!

Just as his fingers were about to touch the cup, Xia Fuan's eyes flickered, and the white porcelain cup moved in an instant. Yu Qianji was faster, and her fingers immediately turned around and grabbed him at the front of his clothes. Her delicate body seemed to have no bones. Like a mermaid, she immediately slid into the man's arms


The intoxicating aroma suddenly hit his nostrils. If an ordinary man encountered such a charming beauty and was tempted in every possible way, he would probably want to open his arms and roll to the bed with her immediately to have sex.

However, a cold light suddenly flashed in Xia Fu'an's eyes, and he slapped the edge of the table beside him with his palm. The seat under him immediately moved sideways, and in the blink of an eye, he was five steps away from Yu Qianji.

Yu Qianji was suddenly shocked. She rushed at him from this angle, and it was almost impossible to avoid him, but she didn't even touch a corner of his clothes! Her feet were unstable and she leaned forward. The delicate woman fell to the ground like this. At this time, Yu Qianji's collar was spread out, and her breasts were half exposed under her tulle clothes. Her lowered eyes suddenly showed a cold light, but when she raised her head, she changed into a very aggrieved expression, she let out a soft cry of pain, and complained. : "Your heart is so cruel, is it made of stone?"

Xia Fu'an stood up and said calmly: "I have important matters to deal with, so I can't accompany you." After saying that, he walked straight to the desk, sat down and started working.

"This Xia Fu'an is really a piece of wood. He can be indifferent to such a beauty!" Xiang Li's low voice could be faintly heard from a leafy tree outside Siyuan Building: "I didn't expect that in the world, Besides me, there is no one else who can resist her attack!"

He smiled a bit evilly, and Wan Xin beside him was speechless. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, as if Yu Qianji had seduced him!

Su Li was silent in thought, her eyes cold. She couldn't figure it out. Although Xia Fu'an was the head of the general altar, he was meticulous and only responsible for taking care of daily affairs. In the end, he was just a handyman, without any real power, and his appearance Ordinary, extremely bland.

As for Yu Qianji, the master of one branch, he really wanted to find a man. Among the eight masters of the branch, there were several young men with first-rate looks and abilities, and any one of them was much better than Xia Fu'an. Why was she so interested in him

Recalling Yu Qianji's pounce just now, his movements were extremely fast, but he quickly got out of his way and dodged effortlessly. Not a drop of the cup of tea in his hand was spilled. This man's martial arts might not be as ordinary as he appeared on the surface!

Su Li's heart moved slightly, and she turned around and whispered to Xiang Li.

Xiang Li nodded, jumped down, and landed quietly. In one leap, he had already entered the Siyuan Building. With a wave of his hand, he went straight to Xia Fu'an, who was concentrating on his official duties!

The sudden sneak attack left no one able to think carefully or see clearly who was coming. Xia Fu'an could only hear the wind blowing from his palm, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he immediately turned around to meet him.


The four palms connected with each other, and with a "bang" sound, Xia Fuan's face turned pale, he took a few steps back and fell to the ground, with a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his lips. He looked up at the man who was attacking him, frowned, and said with a cold face, "What does Cai Shi mean by this?"

"If you don't know how to show mercy, you should be beaten!" Xiang Li said with a chuckle. Doubts arose in his heart. Based on the intuition of a martial arts practitioner, he must have turned around to take the slap. Xia Fuan's reaction was exactly the same, but he His internal strength... seems to be much weaker than expected.

Xia Fu'an said coldly: "I didn't expect that people who make money are still people who cherish flowers."

Xiang Li turned his eyes slightly and looked at Yu Qianji, who was still sitting on the ground with a seductive posture. He smiled evilly, strode to Yu Qianji, squatted down, and raised Yu Qianji's soft chin with his index finger. She couldn't help but Look up.

At this glance, the charming light in Xiang Li's eyes was flowing, and Yu Qianji's heart suddenly trembled. He heard Xiang Li say softly: "Master Yu is such a delicate beauty, how can you, Manager Xia, be willing to treat her like this? If I were the envoy, I would not let her suffer even the slightest injustice. Girls are fragile and are most afraid of the cold. If they get sick because of this, how can you afford it?" He said, quietly reaching out and hugging Yu Qianji's slender body. Waist, considerately helped her stand up.

"Thank you, Mr. Cai." He took the opportunity to gently hold Yu Qianji into his arms, lowering his gaze. The white jade-like skin on her charming face was slightly red, and she was shy and charming.

Xiang Li leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Master Yu, there is no need to see the outside world. Manager Xia doesn't understand the style and hurts the beauty's heart. He deserves to die. I have always been the most understanding of my daughter's concerns. Why don't we go back to Jin Mantang... Let’s talk?”

His soft and charming voice made Yu Qianji's heart beat wildly, and then he raised a charming smile, "How dare Qianji disobey the good intentions of the wealthy envoy? It's just... It's getting late today, and Qianji still has official business to deal with. Why don’t we talk about it some other time?”

"Another day? When will that be?" Xiang Li held the hand around her slender waist a little tight, as if he was very reluctant to let go.

"Yes." Yu Qianji said sweetly: "Qianji will definitely prepare fine wine and delicacies one day and wait for the arrival of the wealthy envoy."

"Then what if you break your promise?"

Yu Qianji smiled and whispered into Xiang Li's ear. Xiang Li couldn't help but smile, nodded repeatedly, and let go of his hand.

Yu Qianji straightened her clothes, glanced at Xia Fu'an lightly, and quickly walked out of Siyuan Building. Her figure disappeared deep into the lake corridor in the blink of an eye.


Xiang Li couldn't help but have a faint sneer flash across his lips.

Xia Fu'an stood up, dusted off his clothes, and said sarcastically: "The messenger of wealth is indeed a master at wandering around the flowers."

Xiang Li turned his eyes flirtatiously, looked him up and down, and said with deep meaning: "All men are like this, but it's you. You are sitting calmly in front of a beautiful woman. Are you a man?"

Xia Fu'an gently wiped the blood from his lips and said expressionlessly: "The word "sex" has a knife on your head. Don't let the romantic life take your life." He raised his eyes and glanced at the direction where Yu Qianji disappeared, and with a touch of The cold light disappeared in a flash.

"You mean... this woman is untouchable?" Xiang Li narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "You underestimate me too much. Why don't you die under peonies and become a ghost? If I really have feelings for her, If you are interested, don't worry about her superb poison skills."

Xia Fu'an glanced at him lightly and didn't answer.

Not all men react to women**! This Yu Qianji's search for Xia Fu'an seemed to be a waste of effort.

On the way out of Siyuan Building, Su Li suddenly remembered something.

"A man can only have good self-control when facing a woman he doesn't like..."

Xia Fu'an was indifferent to the beauty and had such strong self-control. Could it be that he just agreed to this sentence

She felt a little astringent in her heart. This time Xiang Li tried to test, but he still couldn't find out the depth of Xia Fu'an's martial arts. Su Li even felt that this person seemed simple and unremarkable on the surface, but in fact, his heart was as deep as the sea, and his concentration was extraordinary. It was impossible to see through it. . Especially the vague feeling of familiarity always made her heart inexplicably confused.

Returning to the Sacred Heart Hall, as soon as they entered the water corridor, Mo Xiang hurriedly greeted him and said anxiously: "It's not good, something happened to the fourth prince!"

Su Li's eyes suddenly changed, and his steps were like flying. As soon as he arrived at the side hall and before he entered the door, he heard Xuanjing anxiously shouting: "Fourth prince! Fourth prince..."

"How could such a thing happen? What should we do now?" Xuanfeng was shocked and angry, "Ghost, what is the current situation of the fourth prince?!"

Jiang Yuan let go of Yang Xiao's hand, his face was gloomy, he seemed to be thinking about something, and ignored him.


Xuanfeng was about to have an attack when he saw Su Li suddenly come in. A cold and sharp aura was exuding from his whole body. Xuanfeng was shocked and quickly silenced himself, and he and Xuanjing stepped forward to salute.

Su Li walked quickly to Yang Xiao's bed and saw him lying motionless on his bed, his eyes closed, his face faintly blue, and his usual vigor was completely gone.

"What's going on?" Su Li asked with a frown.

Everyone in the hall was silent for a moment, full of depression before the storm was about to come.

Xuanfeng said: "Reporting to the Saint, my subordinates are not sure. When we arrived, the fourth prince had no information about his personnel. Ghost, what is the reason for your diagnosis?"

When Jiang Yuan saw Su Li arriving, he said, "The fourth prince has been poisoned. The situation... is very bad."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. Yang Xiao was the prince of the Bian Kingdom, and his status was so noble. If something happened, it would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone from the Saintess Cult would be buried with him! Xuan Jing's face turned pale. This fourth prince had always been smart and playful, how could he suddenly be poisoned? Could it be that he was joking

Su Li's eyes turned cold, and he stepped forward and shouted in a deep voice: "Yang Xiao! Stop making trouble! If you don't get up, I will throw you into the Sacred Heart Lake to feed the fish!"

She didn't often call his name, only occasionally when she was very angry. Every time she called him, even if he fell asleep, he would immediately jump up from his bed and smile playfully at her: "You called me?"

He always looked like a careless scoundrel. He would come up with new tricks to make her angry and make her happy as soon as he rolled his eyes. He seemed to have endless energy.

The hall was very quiet. At this moment, Yang Xiao was no different from usual. He was still dressed in red, but he was lying quietly on the bed without any reaction.

"Yang Xiao, get up!" A suffocation came from nowhere and blocked his chest. Su Li stared at the naked person in disbelief and suddenly shouted, "If you don't get up, I will never do it again." Ignore you!"

Everyone in the room was shocked. The Saint was always calm and silent, but how could she be so unable to control her emotions

Su Li's heart beat faster involuntarily, like a beating drum. She couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed Yang Xiao, and said angrily: "I told you to get up, didn't you hear?"

His body swayed feebly a few times as she pulled, and he completely lost consciousness.

. Suddenly, a stream of blood overflowed from his mouth and nose. Su Li was stunned. Her hands loosened, and Yang Xiao's body immediately fell into her arms.

Only then did Su Li realize that his face, which was pressed against her shoulder, was already cold.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, seemingly in disbelief, and slowly stretched out her hand to touch his face, as if she wanted to confirm her wrong perception.

But her hand accidentally touched the blood on his lips. His skin was cold, but this strand of blood was still warm.

She lowered her head and stared blankly at the bright red blood on her fingertips, and her tears slid down the golden mask without warning.

He just came back today, poked his head halfway through the palace door, and said to her with a smile: "I'm back, little Ali, did you miss me?"

But only a few hours later, he was lying here, breathless.

how so

The light gradually dimmed, and the process of the sky turning from white to dark was like life, coming from existence to nothing, but in the blink of an eye.

When darkness enveloped the sky and the whole world, the lights outside the water palace reflected dimly in the water, like ghost fires in the underworld.

"He also said that he would protect me from now on. No man can be trusted, and you are no exception!" She suddenly gritted her teeth and sneered, as if she was sad but also self-deprecating.

She stood up quickly, and Yang Xiao's body went limp and fell to her chest. As if there was no way to vent the resentment in his heart, Su Li suddenly swept away his sleeves, causing the whole bed to tremble. The naked Yang Xiao was overturned by the force, and rolled up to the inside of the bed like a rice dumpling, including himself and the quilt.

The sky was covered with clouds, and murderous intent was hidden in the thick ink-like darkness.

In the Sacred Heart Hall, the highest-level people in power within the Saintess Cult were gathered at the moment, but no one dared to say a word. The cold aura emanating from Su Li's body covered everything like a layer of ice.

Xuanfeng secretly frowned, looked at her expression, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "The matter has come to this, the saint, please forgive me, now it is better to find out who poisoned the fourth prince as soon as possible, so that he can tell your majesty There is an explanation.”

"Check. I want to check!" Su Li stared at the person in front of him, his eyes sharp for a moment.

"What did the Fourth Prince eat and use just now?" Someone suddenly asked. When everyone saw it, it turned out to be Xia Fu'an. They didn't know when he entered the palace.


Xuanfeng frowned and said, "It is said that the fourth prince only ate half a bowl of lotus seed soup before he suddenly fell to the ground."

"Who dared to eat the courage of an ambitious leopard and poison the food sent to the Sacred Heart Temple, and became impatient?" Xiang Li closed the folding fan in his hand with a snap, and his peach blossom eyes were filled with fierceness.

Su Li's eyes turned cold, "Where's the lotus seed soup?"

Xuanfeng immediately replied: "The lotus seed soup was accidentally knocked over by Elder Xuanjing, and my subordinates have asked people to clean it up. Come, bring it up." The door opened, and an attendant immediately brought the broken bowl of soup over.

Su Li was suspicious. Xuan Jing had always acted prudently. How could he overturn a bowl of lotus seed soup for no reason today? She raised her head and looked at Xuanjing. Xuanjing's face was a little ugly, and his eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty, but he didn't speak.

Su Li took the bowl of broken soup, and a faint sweet scent floated in the air. She carefully identified it, and her heart was suddenly shocked. It turned out to be the poison newly developed by Broken Moon Helm—Death Breath! The entrance of this poison will cause the blood to rush and accelerate the effect of the poison. And Yu Qianji happens to be the helmsman of the Broken Moon Helm...

Juexi and lotus seed soup, Yu Qianji and Xia Fu'an. Is there any connection between the two

The scene Siyuan Lou saw suddenly flashed through Su Li's mind. She couldn't help but glance at Xia Fu'an, and he happened to look towards her as well. His deep black eyes, deep and bright, met her without hesitation. With his sharp gaze, there was a slight fluctuation in the depths of his pupils, but he couldn't see it clearly.

For a moment, her heart moved slightly inexplicably, but she said coldly: "Xia Fu'an, the problem is the lotus seed soup, how do you explain it?"

"This bowl of lotus seed soup was cooked by Xia Tong himself and then sent to the Sacred Heart Palace." Xia Fu'an replied truthfully.

"Where is Xia Tong?"

"Biography of the Marquis outside the palace."

Someone immediately called Xia Tong. He lowered his head and walked in tremblingly, not daring to show his anger. He walked straight to Su Li and knelt down, crying, "Xia Tong has seen the saint."

"You don't have to be afraid. Tell me what happened in detail. If it's really not you who did it, I will naturally clear your name."

"Yes, the Sacred Heart Palace sent a message for a bowl of lotus seed soup, so the youngster went to the kitchen to prepare it.

. He always stood by the fire and never left it. After cooking, all the utensils and lotus seed soup were inspected, and there was nothing unusual. He was sent directly to the Sacred Heart Palace, and not long after returning, he told the truth. Little one, little one really doesn’t know! "Xia Tong said to the end, feeling scared and almost crying.

Xia Fu'an immediately stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "When such a big thing happens, it's hard for my subordinates to take the blame. What Xia Tong said is the truth and there is absolutely no intention of shirk. Please be careful with the Holy Lady." "

His voice was calm and there was no hint of panic. Su Li looked at the two men in silence for a long time. She believed that the two men had no intention of harming Yang Xiao. Normally, the real culprit would only blame others, so how could he get into trouble? With Xia Fu'an's careful observation of people, if he really wanted to poison people, he probably wouldn't be discovered so easily.

If the problem was not in the kitchen, could it be that someone had tampered with it during the short period of time it was sent to the Sacred Heart Temple? She was thinking, but before she spoke, she heard Xia Fu'an ask in a deep voice: "Xia Tong, did you meet anyone on the way to the Sacred Heart Temple, and did anything special happen?"

Xia Tong recalled for a while, and finally remembered one thing, "Before the villain entered the house, he accidentally bumped into Elder Xuanjing, and some lotus seed soup was sprinkled on him. Fortunately, the elder was generous and did not blame the villain."

Su Li raised his eyes slightly, and his sharp eyes swept across Xuanjing, who frowned. Su Li ordered: "Pass on Yu Qianji."

"The helmsman of the Broken Moon Helm, Yu Qianji, pays homage to the Saint. What are the unknown instructions passed down by the Saint?" Yu Qianji is still wearing a purple smoky skirt, and her figure is like a willow when walking, but she no longer looks like before. Fascinating. She was kneeling in front of the temple with a very respectful expression.

Su Li looked at the woman kneeling down silently. It was really strange for such a woman to take the initiative to show her kindness to Xiang Li, one of the four envoys, but then perfunctoryly evade him.

"Master Yu, you have been studying poison preparation and detoxification all day long. Why don't you take a look for me to see what kind of poison was in this bowl of lotus seed soup?" Wan Xin immediately put the pile of residue in front of Yu Qianji.

Xia Fu'an seemed to have an epiphany, and a faint smile passed across his lips.

Yu Qianji's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that Su Li would ask her to identify the poison. He noticed that she was staring at him intently, so he couldn't help but said "Yes." He calmed down and lowered his head to identify the poison carefully.

For a moment, she raised her head, seeming uneasy, but finally said firmly: "This is the poison made in my subordinate's Broken Moon Helm - Death Breath."

"You personally developed the Breathless Poison. If I remember correctly, all the poisons in Shattered Moon Helm are also kept by you personally.

. Su Li asked word by word, "Half an hour ago, the distinguished guest in the Sacred Heart Palace died after eating this bowl of lotus seed soup." "

Yu Qianji's face suddenly turned pale, "Saintess Mingjian, this matter has nothing to do with this subordinate! Holy girl, this poison is indeed breathless, but I don't know what's going on, so I have been in Siyuan Tower all the time. , and being with Manager Xia, there is no chance of poisoning the soup. Manager Xia can testify for me!" She eagerly turned back to look at Xia Fu'an, her eyes full of expectation.

Su Li's heart sank, that seduction became evidence of her alibi!

Xia Fu'an seemed to have disappeared and turned his eyes faintly to the window, as if what Yu Qianji said had nothing to do with him.

Yu Qianji frowned and turned to look at Xiang Li, "The financial envoy also knows."

Xiang Li stroked his chin and looked at Yu Qianji, thinking thoughtfully: "Yes, she was indeed in Siyuan Tower just now. I can prove this."

Wan Xin frowned and said in a deep voice: "But no one else can get Juexi except you. How to explain this?"

Yu Qianji hurriedly defended: "Replying to Miao Miao, the poison of 'Death Breath' is not possessed by one of my subordinates. On the day when the poison was made, I submitted a copy to Elder Xuanjing."

Everyone's eyes flickered to the ground, gathering on Xuan Jing.

"Elder Xuanjing, is this really happening?" Su Li asked in a deep voice with sharp eyes.

Xuanjing frowned and stepped forward to reply: "It is indeed true. But this poison is definitely not caused by Xuanjing! Please give me a clear warning from the saint!"

"The Broken Moon Rudder has always been under your control. Apart from Yu Qianji, the master of the Broken Moon Rudder, who else is dying?" Before Su Li could speak, Elder Xuanfeng said angrily: "Just now Xia Tong said that the lotus seed soup is being delivered When I arrived at the Sacred Heart Temple, I only met you. It wasn't you who planted it. Could it be that it appeared out of nowhere?"

"I don't know if it came out of thin air! But I have been in Xuanjing for decades. Although I cannot say that I am aboveboard, I am loyal to my master. I put the interests of our religion first in everything and will never do the following. Poisoning the Lord! Has anyone seen me poisoning with their own eyes? Has anyone?" Xuan Jing had an angry look on his face, and his words were sonorous and loud. His chest heaved violently, and he looked around at everyone, obviously filled with resentment. He seemed to doubt that poisoning the fourth prince was a great insult to his character.

Xuanfeng sneered: "If the facts were not in front of me, I would not believe that Elder Xuanjing would do such a thing.

. "

"You!" Xuanjing pointed at Xuanfeng, too angry to speak.

Xuanfeng turned to Su Li without hesitation and said: "Holy Girl, no matter what, this matter must have a result before it can be explained. Otherwise, all of us will suffer!"

Su Li naturally knew what he meant by the explanation. Yang Xiao was the most favored prince of Emperor Bian, and now he died here without any reason. If the murderer could not be found, even if the Saintess Cult was dismantled, Emperor Bian's anger would not be quelled!

"According to Elder Xuanfeng's wishes, how should this matter be handled?" Su Li asked calmly, her eyes calming down and showing no emotion.

Xuanfeng said without hesitation: "My subordinates believe that the bodies of Elder Xuanjing and the distinguished guest should be immediately sent out of the main altar and handed over to...the Lord for disposal."

"My Lord has not recovered from his illness, do you think he will get sick again?" Su Li suddenly turned cold and asked sternly.

Xuanfeng's expression changed and he said firmly: "I don't dare!"

Su Li gave him a cold look, "No one is allowed to say a word about today's matter. Otherwise, the canon will punish you!"

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison. As for the identity of the lord mentioned by Su Li and the elder, as well as the distinguished guest who died after eating lotus seed soup, some people's hearts are like mirrors, while others have no idea.

Su Li added: "Elder Xuanjing is the biggest suspect. Before the facts are investigated clearly, he will be locked up in the darkroom and will be punished after the truth is found out. Elder Xuanjing, do you have any doubts?"

Although Xuanjing was unwilling to do so, and all the physical evidence pointed to him, he could not find a way to clear himself of the crime, so he had no choice but to nod his head and follow Wan Xin away. Everyone dispersed.

Su Li then called Mo Xiang into the room and asked in a deep voice, "Did you hear their voices clearly?"

Mo Xiang nodded, stepped forward and whispered a name.

Su Li's gaze was as sharp as a blade, and he said coldly: "Okay. Qin Heng, let someone keep an eye on these few of them. We will strictly check them tonight and report any unusual movements immediately!"

"Yes." Qin Heng took the order and left.

Su Li raised her head, her eyes were like snow, and she looked towards the dark sky with a cold smile on her lips.


It’s time to clean up this Saintess Cult.

As expected by Su Li, in the middle of the night, Qin Heng intercepted a secret message: the fourth prince was poisoned and died, and it was Xuanjing's fault. After reading it, Su Li smiled coldly, put away the note, called the four envoys, gave a few instructions, assigned tasks to each of them, and the four of them took the order and left.

Half an hour later, Wan Xin was ordered to summon Yu Qianji and Baiyun Helm Leader Lin Yao to come for tea. Lin Yao was very impatient in his heart. What kind of tea could he drink in the middle of the night? It was obviously an excuse. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not dare not to come. He was still frightened by the punishment he received in the past two days. This new saint was even more cruel than a man!

Yu Qianji glanced at Su Li quietly, not daring to say anything, just thinking to himself.

Su Li said nothing, just drinking tea by herself, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, Xiang Li came back with one person in custody. His usually strong and tall body was slightly rickety at the moment, and his head was hung tightly, as if he didn't dare to look into Su Li's eyes.

Lin Yao's heart skipped a beat. He tilted the teacup in his hand and the hot tea poured out, covering half of his body. He didn't notice it at all. He only stared at Xuanfeng. Looking at his appearance, he didn't look like he was invited to tea.

Xiang Li pushed Xuanfeng in front of Su Li and kicked him in the crook of his leg. He immediately became unstable and knelt in front of Su Li.

Su Li said coldly: "Why did the elder give such a great gift?"

Xuanfeng said nothing with a sullen face, knowing that it would be useless to say anything now. Everything was planned by her. After all, he underestimated this young woman!

Xiang Li said: "My subordinates were waiting outside the darkroom on the order of the Holy Lady. Sure enough, they found someone killing someone and trying to make it look like Elder Xuanjing committed suicide. My subordinates immediately led people in to arrest him. Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be Elder Xuanfeng! "

Lin Yao and Yu Qianji's expressions changed.

Only Xiang Li sighed: "It's a pity that my subordinates were a step too late. I only had time to catch Elder Xuanfeng, but failed to save Elder Xuanjing's life. I still ask the saint to punish him." After that, he waved to someone to carry him up. A corpse, with thin eyebrows and long eyes, is clearly from the Xuan realm!

Lin Yao was so shocked that he could hardly bear to stand up.

The corpse of Xuanjing on the ground had an angry look on his face. It seemed that he must have had a fierce dispute with Xuanfeng before his death.


The corners of Xiang Li's mouth were slightly curved, and there was a deep cold smile in his eyes, without any trace of guilt or blame. Su Li sighed secretly, maybe he was a step late on purpose.

Aunt Jingwan died because of Xuanjing, and Xuanjing died because of Xiang Li's actions. It seems that the cycle of heaven has its own cause and effect.

"Get up."

"Thank you Saintess for your kindness." Xiang Li smiled and blinked quickly at Wan Xin. Wan Xin quietly looked at Su Li and saw a trace of sadness flashing in her eyes, but she didn't blame them for taking matters into their own hands. She finally felt relieved. Come.

Xiang Li then presented a small medicine bottle, "This is evidence that Elder Xuanfeng poisoned Elder Xuanjing. Please take a look at it."

Su Li put it between her nose and smelled it carefully. Sure enough, she was dead breath, and said sternly: "Xuanfeng, why do you want to harm Xuanjing? Why don't you recruit it from the ground up!"

Xuanfeng lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Did he think he couldn't be convicted if he didn't speak

Su Li sneered slightly and said in a deep voice, "Who did you hear say in Piaoxiang Tower? Tell the truth."

Mo Xiang gathered her courage and said, "I heard Elder Xuanfeng tell Master Baiyun that there is a man living in the Sacred Heart Palace. If word spreads about it that it will damage the reputation of the Saintess Cult, you should use this to deal with him."

"Nonsense!" Lin Yao's face changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly. Just as he was about to scold Mo Xiang for his foul mouth, he saw a small porcelain bottle delivered by Wan Xin Fei that was almost exactly the same as the one he got from Elder Xuan Feng. It was the one he threw away after using it. ! Lin Yao's face suddenly turned pale.

Su Li looked at him coldly, "Is this it?"

Although she spoke softly, there was an overwhelming pressure coming towards her. Lin Yao's heart trembled, and he turned to look at the kneeling Xuanfeng and the exhausted Xuanjing on the ground. They used to be so majestic that they shocked the entire sect. Great Elder, now in front of this new saint, one is dead and the other is dying. He is just a small helmsman, taking orders from others. Everything is under her control. What else does she not know

Thinking of this, Lin Yao's knees softened and he knelt down at Su Li's feet.

"Saint, forgive me!"

He still knows the current affairs! Su Li said coldly: "Although he was ordered to poison the prince of the current dynasty, his crime is unforgivable.

! "

Lin Yao was immediately frightened and turned pale, shouting: "What? Prince? He, he, he..." He looked at Yang Xiao, whose body was silent, in shock, and then turned to look at Xuanfeng, who was like a puppet. , no response.

Lin Yao fell to the ground, his face turned ashen, and suddenly he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Holy Maiden, everything this villain did was under Xuanfeng's instructions! I don't even know that that person is the current fourth prince, otherwise... otherwise, villain How dare you do such a treasonous thing!"

Apart from Su Li, the two elders, the four envoys, and only the steward Xia Fu'an knew about the relationship between the Saintess Cult and the royal family, as well as Yang Xiao's true identity.

"Tell the truth about what you have done."

"Elder Xuanfeng secretly handed over the breath-killing poison to his subordinates, and ordered his subordinates to disguise themselves and sneak into the kitchen. After Xia Tong checked that the lotus seed soup was non-toxic, he waited for an opportunity to put the poison into the bowl. As for the person who was going to be poisoned, The villain has no idea about his identity and his purpose!" He glared at Xuanfeng fiercely, his eyes almost bursting with fire, and he hated him to the core at this moment.

Su Li ordered people to take him down, looked at Xuanfeng, and said coldly: "The witnesses and material evidence are all there, what else do you have to say. Silence does not mean you are innocent."

Xuanfeng raised his head and glanced at her, then smiled slowly and said: "Everyone is already dead, so what does it matter who is the real murderer? No one here can escape the blame. What can I do if I admit guilt or not?" In his eyes Suddenly a flash of destructive light flashed, and he looked around at the people in front of him, and the smile on his lips exuded a bitter taste.

Su Li's heart sank, Xuanfeng obviously ignored his own death. Will a man who wants to die still tell the hidden truth

At this time, someone suddenly heard a sneer: "You are being instigated by others, so of course you hope that this prince will die!"

As soon as these words came out, Xuanfeng's expression suddenly changed. He raised his head suddenly. The man who had obviously been poisoned to death suddenly turned over and sat up. His face was dressed in fiery red clothes, and his face became darker and darker. His eyes were cold, and the corners of his lips were cold. There are still bright red blood stains hanging on the side, like a ghost seeking death!

Xuanfeng's eyes widened immediately and he trembled. Yang Xiao jumped down to the ground. The shadow behind him proved that he was a human and not a ghost. Xuanfeng's heart sank suddenly, he couldn't believe his eyes, his expression changed again and again.

Yu Qianji was also stunned, with his mouth wide open and unable to speak.

Su Li frowned and sighed secretly. It was indeed impossible for him to just wait until she finished interrogating him before getting up.


Yang Xiao walked up to Xuan Feng, looked down coldly and said: "Instruct Lin Yao to poison this prince, frame the elders of Xuanjing, disobey the saint's order and secretly deliver the news of my death to the palace. If you don't get a response after a long time, you will kill him. Xuanjing silenced him and created the illusion that he committed suicide out of fear of crime, in an attempt to end the matter. Elder Xuanfeng, you are so brave!"

Every word was like a sharp knife, piercing Xuanfeng's heart. He could hardly breathe, and his body lay low, unable to raise his head for a long time.

"Tell me, who ordered you to do this? What's the purpose?" Yang Xiao couldn't control his rising anger.

Xuanfeng's body trembled again, he glanced at Yu Qianji from the corner of his eye, gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Xia Fu'an's eyes flickered, he sighed, and advised: "Elder Xuanfeng has been in the religion for decades, and it is not easy to be able to sit on the position of elder. You have always dedicated your life to this religion and died for yourself. What you have done this time will definitely be punished." Why don't you tell me your reasons, and maybe the Saint and the Fourth Prince will be lenient at their discretion."

These words seemed to touch the depths of Xuanfeng's heart, and his iron-clad look finally wavered.

Yu Qianji's eyes flickered and he sighed as if unintentionally: "Elder Xuanfeng must think carefully and confess the mastermind as soon as possible. Only by sacrificing his own life, begging the fourth prince may save him from killing the nine clans. It’s a crime! Otherwise, it will be difficult to feel at ease even if you are under the Nine Springs!"

She sighed repeatedly, as if she had infinite emotion in her heart. She caressed a white jade pendant hanging around her waist. The jade pendant was exquisitely carved, with a "Gang" character engraved in the center.

Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly changed, as if someone had cut into his life gate. The hesitation and struggle he had just had with great difficulty immediately disappeared, and a lifeless determination gradually filled his eyes.

Su Li suddenly became wary and had a bad intuition. But Xuanfeng waved his palm straight towards Tianling Gai without hesitation! He was about to die here.

Su Li and Yang Xiao's expressions changed. At this critical moment, Xia Fu'an moved one step faster than everyone else! He ducked in front of Xuanfeng, grabbed Xuanfeng's wrist with one hand, and struck him in the back of the head with a knife. Xuanfeng immediately fainted and fell to the ground.

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief, "Take him to the darkroom first and keep him under strict supervision. We will try again tomorrow."

Xiang Li and Qin Heng stepped forward and carried Xuanfeng away.

"Am I pretending to look good?" Yang Xiao asked proudly as soon as everyone in the hall dispersed.

Su Li ignored him. He was indeed pretending to be dead. Even she, an insider, almost believed him.

. Now that Xuanjing is dead and Xuanfeng is imprisoned, there are still many mysteries that have yet to be revealed.

Su Li looked at Xia Fu'an and said calmly: "Manager Xia is very skilled."

She fixed her sharp eyes on Xia Fu'an and found that the longer time went by, the more extraordinary this person made her feel! Just now, Yang Xiao suddenly came to life, and everyone was shocked. Only he looked calm and composed, without any expression of surprise, as if he had already seen clearly that this was just a play put on by her and Yang Xiao! And Xuanfeng intended to commit suicide, his reaction was so fast that it was impossible not to be shocking!

Being stared at by her like this, Xia Fu'an didn't feel unnatural at all. Instead, he stared back at her closely. The light in his eyes was hot and compelling, as if he wanted to see into her heart. He suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Saint Maiden praises you. The one below was just closer to him, so I succeeded with one strike."

"Really?" She also smiled, but a little coldly.

A hand suddenly waved in front of her eyes, and Yang Xiao sat down next to her and shouted dissatisfied: "Hey, I almost died, you don't care about me, you keep asking questions! "He stretched out his long arms and put his arms around her shoulders, half seriously, half joking.

Xia Fu'an stared at that hand, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

She took advantage of the situation and stood up, avoiding Yang Xiao's intimate actions, and said calmly: "After a hard day, I'm tired, so go back to the house and rest."

Yang Xiao cried out sadly: "I have been lying down for several hours and I am still sleeping..."

Su Li ignored him and went straight into the bedroom to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, she fell into a dazed sleep. A muffled thunder rolled down from the sky, and the whole earth seemed to tremble. Su Li was awakened, and lightning like silver snakes outside the window split half of the sky, and heavy rain fell. She accidentally caught a glimpse of a dark figure flashing outside the window, and immediately became alert. When she looked carefully, the figure was gone again.

Su Li frowned. Suddenly there were slight footsteps outside the door. Her heart sank and she quickly closed her eyes. A few days ago, she always felt that someone came to see her at night. Maybe it was not a hallucination! She tensed her nerves, listening to the door being quietly opened, and someone quietly approaching the bed...


I'm sick again. I cough all night and can't sleep. I feel groggy during the day. The update time and word count are not guaranteed. Please bear with me.