The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 162: Who can control his heart


The heavy rain poured down, and the fragrance of moist earth entered with it. The man's aura was so restrained that she couldn't tell who it was for a moment, but she could feel that the man was not hostile. The black shadow quietly approached the head of the bed, leaned down, and suddenly laughed out loud, "It turns out you didn't sleep either!"

Su Li opened her eyes, and Yang Xiao held his hands on the sides of her face. A handsome face with a flat smile hung above her head, smiling wantonly.

Su Li frowned and said, "What are you doing in my room without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

"Girls are afraid of thunder. I'm worried that you won't be able to sleep, so I came here to stay with you.

. "He said seriously, his bright eyes smiling like crescent moons, shining in the darkness.

Su Li turned over and said calmly: "I'm fine, I don't need anyone to accompany me. You can go back."

Yang Xiao seemed not to hear, turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her intently.

Su Li felt uncomfortable looking at him and said coldly: "Are you still not leaving?"

Yang Xiao smiled and said: "Watching a beauty sleep is a kind of enjoyment. How can I leave?"

Su Li's face darkened, she turned over and sat up, shouting: "Yang Xiao!"

"Hey!" He actually pushed forward and immediately turned to face him, "What's the matter?"

"Don't blame me for being rude if you don't leave."

"Why are you so fierce! You can't sleep anyway, so it would be nice for the two of us to talk together. Besides... you are so nervous about me, why do you have to drive me away so cruelly?"

"What did you say?"

"You're nervous about me! You shed tears for me today, and they fell on me, and your clothes got wet."

In the darkness, his voice was particularly gentle, making the atmosphere inexplicably ambiguous.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, but she turned away her eyes and said coldly: "It's just a show. If I had known this, I shouldn't have helped you and let you be poisoned to death. I am also clean!"

"Haha! You can't bear it!" Yang Xiao screamed and suddenly climbed onto the bed. Before Su Li could react, he hugged her and whispered: "Ah Li, let me ask you, if I If you really die, will you feel a little sad?"

In the dark night, his eyes were so bright that he exuded a clear and warm aura, gently surrounding her, with a rare serious look in his eyes, as if her answer meant something to him.

Would she be really sad if he died? She also asked herself this question in her heart. Su Li looked at the handsome young man close at hand and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The sound of rain falling outside concealed my throbbing mood, but my senses became extra sensitive. A bolt of lightning flashed across, and Su Li could only see his face, getting closer and closer to her, and his lips were almost touching hers...

He couldn't hold it back anymore and suddenly laughed out loud


"Yang Xiao!" Su Li's voice suddenly became very cold, and he was obviously angry, but he let her go, and fell down laughing so hard that he couldn't breathe, and he was completely ungrateful, "You, you were very nervous just now. " Before he finished speaking, there was only a "gudong" sound, and the person fell to the ground, falling on all fours.

Yang Xiao screamed and was kicked down by her!

Su Li looked at him coldly, "Get out! If you dare to make such a joke again, I will make you never laugh again!"

Yang Xiao was stunned and looked at her blankly for a while, then stood up and walked towards the door. Before going out, he paused and said softly: "If possible, I would rather not laugh for the rest of my life, so that you can be happy till the end of your life."

Su Li's heart was shocked, the door closed gently, and the tall figure was no longer visible. Su Li clenched her fists involuntarily, would she be happy forever? The corners of her lips moved slightly, but she found that she couldn't smile at all.

She knew that Yang Xiao was just playing around with her and wouldn't really do anything about what happened just now, but... she still felt scared, afraid of the memories that that close feeling could inspire...

Being disturbed by Yang Xiao, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

The thunder was still rumbling, the rain was pouring, and it was beating against the pillars like a stormy sea. This kind of ghostly weather always reminded her of the day she left Shengguo.

The moment she jumped off the Lancang River, her mind was completely blank. If she hadn't arranged everything in advance, it might not be a bad idea to just die like that. Revenge has been avenged, injustice has been redressed, it doesn't matter much whether she lives or dies.

She put on her clothes and stood up, walking slowly along the corridor, watching the pouring rain connecting the sky and the water, and the green lotus in the lake gradually withered, and she felt an uncontrollable pain in her heart.

He took out Xia Fu'an's brocade handkerchief from his sleeve. The scene was very much like the snow scene of the Forbidden Garden. That winter was so cold, but this rainy night seemed a bit colder than that winter. She stretched out her hand to catch the rain, and large raindrops splashed on her palms and fell into the blue lake, leaving only a cold dampness on her palms.

There seemed to be a line of sight fixed on her from the opposite side. Su Li raised her eyes and narrowed her eyes slightly. There was actually a person standing on the other side of the torrential rain curtain!

It's a man.

In the dark night, his black hair was dancing wildly, and his figure was tall and tall. He stood on the corridor not far away, looking at her from a distance.

. Su Li was startled in her heart and her feet did not move. When she saw the man walking towards her, her heart suddenly couldn't stop beating and it hit her chest, making it difficult to calm down.

But when she saw his face clearly, her heart suddenly sank.

It turned out to be Xia Fu'an, and she almost thought he was another person! It’s really hopeless! She closed her eyes slightly and silently put the brocade handkerchief back into her sleeve. She felt desolate in her heart. She thought she had driven him out of her sight, but unexpectedly, his shadow was still everywhere in her eyes!


She looked at the vast rain curtain, feeling a little panic in her heart.

Xia Fu'an's eyes flashed slightly and he walked slowly to her side. A strong medicinal fragrance mixed with an almost inaudible light refreshing air filled his nose. It felt a little inexplicably familiar, but more of it was unfamiliar.

He sighed slightly: "Listening to the rain at night is fascinating. I never thought there would be anyone else like me."

Su Li withdrew his gaze and said coldly: "The rainy night is cold, Manager Xia be careful of the cold poison returning."

Xia Fu'an laughed softly, as if he didn't care, and laughed at himself: "The onset of cold poison only lasts for a few days, but how can it be compared to the inner torment day after day."

Su Li was startled for a moment. The look in his eyes suddenly showed a bit of inexplicable sadness. She couldn't help but frown. She didn't want to say more to him, so she turned around and left. She heard him whisper behind her: "Saint Girl" Staying up late at night and listening to the rain, doesn’t it touch your heart?”

Su Li paused slightly and did not look back at him. She only sneered and said, "You're smart."

But he sighed: "No matter how many masks you wear, they can only cover up a person's face, but they cannot hide the true pain in your heart."

Su Li's body trembled, but her steps no longer stopped. She quickly entered the house and closed the door tightly, as if she was trying to escape from something.

The rain was still falling and the thunder was rolling. Su Li was in a confused mood and could not sleep. It was approaching dawn, and she had just fallen asleep hazily for a while. When she woke up, she felt her head was heavy. The sound of rain outside the window subsided. She stood up and walked to the window. She opened the window. The moist air was fresh and tangy. She took a deep breath and her mind became clearer. The figure of the man in the corridor late at night is no longer there, and the few conversations last night seem to be just an illusion.


The soft rain fell into the air, and the remaining lotuses in the green lake swayed gently in the wind. This autumn had arrived silently, and she suddenly felt a bit desolate and cool in her heart.

After washing, the door opened softly and she said calmly: "Come in."

Xia Fu'an walked into the room slowly and put breakfast on the table. His expression was calm and he did not appear tired, as if his late sleep last night had no impact on him at all. As usual, there are several exquisite side dishes on the tray, accompanied by a bowl of chicken soup wontons. The meat and vegetables are suitable, and the color, flavor and flavor are all available.

Su Li didn't say anything, just sat down and ate in silence. She didn't sleep well at night, so she didn't have much appetite, but the aroma of the chicken soup and the delicious wontons fell into her stomach and immediately aroused some appetite. She couldn't help but eat one after another. One, less than half the bowl was quickly used.

She had not been in the Saintess Cult for a long time, and she had never mentioned her preferences, but Xia Fu'an could always get her taste just right. This person became the steward of the main altar at a young age, and he was indeed talented. Somewhat extraordinary ability.

There was a slight movement in her heart, and she glanced at Xia Fu'an lightly. Today, he wore a light gray robe, a snow-white lining, extremely simple clothes, and a handsome and elegant face. He was obviously a steward who took care of daily affairs, but he had an uneasy feeling. The metaphor expresses nobility.

In fact, Xia Fu'an's facial features are not very outstanding. They are the kind of plain appearance that cannot be picked out among a crowd. Only his pair of deep and waveless eyes are sharp and restrained, like a cold starlight in the night. Easily penetrates the darkness and reaches deep into the heart.

Perhaps it was this striking similarity that made her suspicious of him, but when she found out the information, it was not what she thought. His identity is still a mystery.

Thinking of that person, there was a slight bitterness in the corners of her lips. No matter how indifferent or calm she pretended to be in front of others, in the dead of night, the painful, sweet and past events would always come to her mind like a tide. The harder I tried to forget him, I couldn't forget him no matter what.

It turned out that the memory Dongfangze left to her was already so profound.

She stopped using her chopsticks and was stunned for a moment. Xia Fu'an was keenly aware of this and turned his head involuntarily, just in time to catch her gaze, which he couldn't avert in time. The continuous drizzle outside the window made a subtle rustling sound on the lotus leaves.

No one could move away for even a moment, their eyes were glued to each other and entangled. Su Li's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the corridor outside the door. She immediately got rid of her uncontrollable emotions, and quickly looked away, secretly shocked.

There was a knock on the door of the room. Before Su Li could speak, the visitor seemed to be unable to hold himself back any longer and pushed the door open directly. His hair and clothes were covered with a thin layer of water droplets. His expression was solemn and he could not hide his anxiety. The color is Xiang Li


"Xuanfeng is missing!"

"What?" Su Li was shocked when he heard this, "What's going on?"

"I went to inspect the darkroom in the morning, but no one was there anymore. The guards didn't know anything about it. No clues were found in the cell. It seemed like it had disappeared out of thin air! What a ghost!" Xiang Li frowned, it was incredible.

How could a person disappear out of thin air in a cell? There must be something fishy about it!

Su Li stood up decisively and said in a deep voice: "Go and have a look."

Xiang Li and Xia Fu'an hurriedly followed her, quickly walked out of the room and headed towards the darkroom near the secret passage at the bottom of the mountain.

Compared with the last time Su Li came to visit Dongfangze, the darkroom had not changed at all. It was still dark and damp. It had rained heavily all night, and the cold air penetrated through the pores, adding a little chill. There were messy piles of hay on the floor inside the cell. Su Li slowly and carefully observed the surrounding environment, her mind becoming more and more heavy. Just as Xiang Li said, everything was as usual here, without any trace of fighting. How on earth did he leave

"If someone comes to rescue Xuanfeng, the guards will not be unaware. I have asked several times and the confessions are consistent. They did not lie, unlike the internal agents." Xiang Li stroked his chin and frowned, "Look It seems that Xuanfeng is more likely to escape on his own."

Su Li walked to the old door and said, "The lock here is made of special stainless steel. It can't be opened without a key. Someone must answer him."

"But no one has been coming in or out of the main forum recently, unless... this person has been lurking for a while. If that's the case..." He stopped mid-sentence and looked at Su Li with an extremely solemn expression.

Su Li understood what he meant. He was able to hide in the main forum for so long without being noticed. This person was definitely not an ordinary person!

Xiang Li looked at the lock and said bitterly: "The person who responded is really good at choosing the right time. It rained heavily all night last night, and even if there were any traces left, they were all washed away. In this way, it is difficult to Determine which direction he went."

Su Li said: "His escape is likely to be a disaster, and the mastermind behind the scenes will not miss this great opportunity."

"He ran away, maybe there was another reason

. Xia Fu'an, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Yu Qianji's words yesterday seemed to have something in them. "

Su Li was startled, and looked up at him in surprise. This man's insight was really sharp. No wonder he could stop Xuan Feng from committing suicide in the first place! He was right. During the interrogation yesterday, Xuanfeng was originally hesitant, but after hearing what Yu Qianji said, he immediately chose to commit suicide. This woman's motives are indeed suspicious. Could it be that... Yu Qianji is another chess piece placed in the sect by the person behind Xuanfeng? If this is true, the person behind it must have been planning it for a long time!

Xiang Li also thought of this and asked quickly: "Should I catch Yu Qianji and ask?"

Su Li shook his head, "No. Xuanfeng is an elder in the sect and holds a high position of authority, and Yu Qianji is the helmsman of the Broken Moon Helm. Both of them have extraordinary status. To be able to drive these two people to their advantage, the mastermind behind this must not be Ordinary people. Don't try to scare the snake."

"Then what should we do now?" Xiang Li frowned and thought, "Xuanfeng is the most important clue in this matter. Now that it has been broken, it may be difficult to find the mastermind behind it."

"That's not necessarily the case." Xia Fu'an continued: "The clue of Xuanfeng is broken, but it is not difficult to find out the mastermind behind the scenes." He sneered slightly, with sharp eyes and a determined expression, It seems that nothing in the world can be hidden from his eyes!

Su Li's heart was shocked, and that strong feeling hit her heart again! Before she had time to think about it, his eyes had already turned towards her, and the palpitating familiarity of that moment almost overwhelmed her. Something flashed through her mind quickly, and she wanted to catch it but couldn't.

Xia Fu'an said in a deep voice: "Who dares to use the power of the Saintess Cult to poison and kill the four princes of the current dynasty? Who in the Bian Kingdom dares to do this?"

Su Li was shocked when she heard this and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean by this?"

Xia Fu'an looked at her steadily and said, "With the saint's intelligence, there is no need for my subordinates to explain more."

Su Li's heart sank. Not many people in the sect knew Yang Xiao's true identity and knew how to use the Saintess Cult to harm Yang Xiao. This person must know the connection between the Saintess Cult and the royal family. She had given an explicit order not to send news to the palace, but Xuanfeng still secretly sent a letter informing Emperor Bian that Yang Xiao had been poisoned and died. What was the purpose of the person behind this

Emperor Bian is seriously ill and has not recovered. If he receives this news, he will be greatly shocked. If there is another accident, who will benefit

The answer seems to be ready!

The royal family of Bian Kingdom stipulates that if there is no direct bloodline to take over the throne, a highly respected clan member can be selected from the branch to succeed the throne.

. The most outstanding and most prestigious person in this generation's branch of the royal family...

Su Li couldn't help but feel a shiver in her heart, recalling the first time they met, could it be...him? She thought for a moment and then ordered in a deep voice: "Listen, no news about Xuanfeng's disappearance should be leaked for the time being, especially to Yu Qianji."

She added thoughtfully: "Although Xuanfeng ran away, the Saintess Sect has many institutions. It will not be easy for him to escape unscathed. Cai Shi, you secretly send people to continue to search for his whereabouts. In addition, Find the two guards and ask them carefully, don’t let go of any clues.”

Xiang Li nodded: "Understood, I will handle it carefully."

Thinking about her thoughts all the way, Su Li slowly returned to the Sacred Heart Hall. Before entering the hall, she saw Yang Xiao lying on the table with concentration, moving the chopsticks like flying. The few exquisite side dishes on the plate were about to be eaten by him in the blink of an eye. Sweep away.

Su Li's heart moved, and she was just about to find an excuse to find him, when he happened to come.

When Yang Xiao saw her coming back, his eyes lit up with joy and he shouted incoherently: "Where have you been so early?"

"You think I'm you and you don't have to do anything?" Su Li replied calmly, slowly walked in and sat aside, watching him feasting happily. She couldn't help frowning and couldn't help but said: "Why didn't the kitchen send you breakfast today?"

Yang Xiao wiped his mouth and complained: "The breakfasts all look the same. Why do the ones you have here taste completely different from the ones you sent to me?" He thought seriously for a while, "I have to find Xia Fu later. An Wenwen is the one!"

Su Li didn't speak. She was in no mood to gossip with him at the moment.

Yang Xiao came over and asked, "What happened?" She looked thoughtful, something was obviously wrong, and he unconsciously stopped laughing.

Su Li whispered: "Xuanfeng is missing."

"What?" Yang Xiao jumped up immediately, a little unbelievable, and frowned: "There are so many people closely guarding the darkroom, and there are many institutions in the teaching. How can someone disappear for no reason? When did it happen?"

"Last night." After Su Li finished speaking, she looked at his gloomy and uncertain face and warned, "Don't make any noise about this matter. I have sent people to secretly track down clues. I will tell you if I have any news."

Yang Xiao nodded, looked at her and smiled suddenly, with a hint of unexplained inquiry in that smile, "Listening to what you said, does it mean that you already have a goal?"

Su Li suffocated slightly and quickly replied: "Nothing at the moment."

. She thought for a moment, "Have you ever had any grudges with anyone in court?" "

Yang Xiao's eyes moved slightly, and an ambiguous and evil smile appeared on his lips, "You still don't admit that you care about me!"

Su Li's eyes were slightly cold, and she flipped her wrist lightly. Seeing that she was serious about it, Yang Xiao quickly jumped aside and shouted, "Okay, okay, I'm just asking. Being so fierce will scare people to death!"

Su Li's eyes darkened, he almost died, but he was still in the mood to joke!

After a long silence, Yang Xiao tapped his fingers on the table and thought: "There are definitely not a few people in the court who wish me to die immediately, but there are only... not many people who have the courage to take my life." Finally, the voice gradually became colder.

"You mean my uncle?"

She spoke bluntly, but Yang Xiao's expression changed slightly, and then he smiled lazily and said, "This is what you said, not me."

He smiled and said, "There is no basis for this matter. How dare I talk nonsense? But..." He paused.

Su Li said: "But what?"

"There is indeed a rift between the emperor's uncle and his father because of the incident involving the emperor's aunt."

Suddenly hearing him mention his mother and concubine, Su Li couldn't help but feel sad, and asked hesitantly: "Uncle and my mother..."

"Their brother and sister have a very good relationship. I heard from my father that the emperor's aunt suddenly left Bian State and her whereabouts were unknown. The emperor's uncle was still young at that time and told his father all day long that he must find the emperor's aunt... But as time went by, There was no news at all, but he never mentioned it again. I think he may have mistakenly believed the rumors and became estranged from his father."

Su Li lowered her eyes and sighed: "So, when you were held hostage by me, he deliberately sent people who didn't know you to catch us?"

Yang Xiao nodded, "Maybe. On the surface, it seems that what happened to the emperor's aunt back then is indeed closely related to the father." He looked a little helpless, "But the ancestors' instructions, the father must not violate it. Not to mention everyone's With different positions, it’s hard to tell who is right and who is wrong.”

Su Li's heart moved slightly. Yang Xiao was young, but he saw things very clearly.

. She thought for a while and asked again as if unintentionally: "Are you not dissatisfied at all with your uncle treating you like this?"

"I am a person with clear grievances. As long as my bottom line is not touched, everything is easy to discuss. But if someone dares to hurt my beloved relatives in the slightest, I, Yang Xiao, will definitely repay him a hundred times!" He did not answer directly, his eyes only deepened. Staring at Su Li, he spoke clearly every word. The smile on his lips was unusual and cold, and he almost didn't look like Yang Xiao.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat. Yang Xiao's words obviously also hinted that if Yang Zhen was found to be the mastermind behind the scenes, he would never be merciful!

Yang Xiao suddenly sneered, "Why are you so nervous? It's as if I will have a life-or-death duel with the emperor's uncle tomorrow!"

Su Li said nothing, his heart as heavy as iron. Although Yang Xiao was young, he was quick-witted and extremely intelligent. He might have already guessed who the mastermind behind the scenes was, but as he said, there was no proof. I won't make any judgments. After all, that person had high prestige in the court and also had a close blood relationship with her.

She understood that he didn't want to rashly destroy the relationship that they had finally built up.

"Ah Li." He suddenly looked at her and said softly: "If, I mean if, one day you have to make a choice, you must tell me frankly. No matter how you choose, I just want you to be forever Remember, in this life, I, Yang Xiao, will never do anything to hurt you."

Su Li was shocked and looked up at him in surprise. His tone was so soft and unprecedentedly solemn. He seemed to be making a promise to her and asking for a promise from her.

There was once a person who asked for her sincerity so earnestly, but reality is often more cruel than fate. It will only ruthlessly tear apart all the beautiful past when you are unprepared and full of expectations.

Always trust him? She wanted to ask him, do you know how far it is forever

Decades of life can be short or long, and there are many unexpected things. No one can guarantee what the future will bring! She can't, and neither can he.

The young and handsome boy in front of her looked at her expectantly, and she couldn't help but sigh secretly. No matter what the future holds, at least at this moment, his heart is sincere.

After a long silence, Su Li said calmly: "Thank you, Yang Xiao."

Not getting the answer he deserved, Yang Xiao's eyes dimmed slightly, but he still smiled and said: "You are too outspoken.

. Based on our relationship, I should be nice to you. He stood up, stretched out, grinned and said, "After you've eaten and drank enough, go find a place to sleep." Little Ah Li, don’t miss me! "After he finished speaking, he winked at her and walked away with a smile.

Su Li sat motionless, quietly sorting out her thoughts. Mo Xiang entered the room and cleared the table. Su Li looked at her busy movements, and with a thought, she called for Xia Fu'an.

"I wonder what the saint's instructions are?" Xia Fu'an asked as he entered.

Su Liping took off the scent of foam and said, "Manager Xia must have already made up his mind about Xuanfeng's matter. You might as well talk about it and listen to it."

Xia Fu'an was stunned for a moment, as if surprised, and asked instead: "This matter is not trivial. Why does the saint trust me so much?" He stared at her for a moment, with a hint of unnoticeable expectation in his eyes, as if to him, Her answer is extremely important.

Su Li also stared into his eyes, "Why does Manager Xia feel so untrustworthy?"

Xia Fuan's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Su Li stood up and approached the window. She felt that his eyes were following her closely from behind. Her heart sank slightly, but she did not look back. She raised her eyes and looked out the window at the spot where he had stood last night, and said in a calm tone: "If Manager Xia has different intentions, there is no need to wade through this muddy water. I work according to my principles, don't trust people who are suspicious, and don't trust people who are employed. You just need to remember , as long as you are loyal to me, I will not treat you poorly."

Xia Fu'an's eyes deepened, and many complex and difficult emotions flashed through his eyes, and then returned to calm in an instant, making it impossible to capture them.

The rain gradually stopped, and the sun jumped out of the clouds, shining brightly, shining on the water of the blue lake like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and the surrounding scenery, only hiding its own world.

Su Li slowly turned around. The silent eyes behind her were like the green lake, hiding countless secrets.

"The Saint has treated her so kindly, Xia Fu'an should do his best." He was silent for a while, sighed softly, and walked forward a few steps: "Currently, the news of Xuanfeng's disappearance is still under seal, and not many people know about it."

"You want to lure the snake out of its hole?" Su Li responded intuitively.

"That's right!" Xia Fu'an's eyes flashed, "The person who wants to find him more than us is the mastermind behind the scenes."

Su Li couldn't help but was startled again. A familiar scene suddenly came to mind. Even the dialogue and tone were so familiar. She tried her best to calm down her slightly agitated mind and smiled slowly: "This is indeed a good idea.

. So what do you want to do? "

Xia Fu'an seemed to be thinking.

Su Li stared at him and said slowly: "It seems that Yu Qianji is interested in you, why don't you start with her."

In the Siyuan Building, she saw with her own eyes the scene where the enchanting woman in purple seduced him with all her charm. No matter what Yu Qianji's purpose was, as long as he was willing to flatter him a little and use some tricks, he would surely find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Not difficult.

"You want me to get close to that woman?!" Xia Fu'an looked at her in shock, as if his heart ached with pain. All kinds of complex emotions poured into his eyes like a torrent, and were quickly suppressed into more complex emotions.

Su Li's heart tightened inexplicably, "What's wrong?" she asked doubtfully. Why did his usually calm eyes suddenly become so complicated? She seemed sad and lonely, her expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "I'm just letting you put on a show, but I'm not really asking you to commit yourself to me... Could it be that you are worried that Wen Rouxiangli will not be able to control you, and will eventually be controlled by him? ?”

"Just her?" As if he heard a big joke, he frowned and suddenly sneered, "She won't be able to do this even if she practices for a hundred years!" After saying that, he turned around with a puff of sleeves. He couldn't tell if he was annoyed or not. Angry or sad, his heart was ups and downs, and the aura emanating from his body suddenly became strong, as if he was the god who controlled all things in the world!

Only he controls others, no one can control him!

Su Li's heart skipped a beat and she was speechless in surprise.

"There is only one person in this world who can control my mind!" He looked up at the sky outside the door. His tall figure suddenly became lonely and desolate. When he looked back at her, his eyes were sad and sad, and his voice was vague and sad. She laughed softly: "With just one word, she can make me happy and make me feel that I am the luckiest person in the world! With just one action, she can make me feel like falling into hell, so desperate that I can't bear to die..."

Su Li's heart suddenly beat wildly, and her eyes sank into the painful whirlpool in his eyes, unable to extricate herself.

"you… "

"Although I am a steward, I am not at the mercy of anyone else." His eyes quickly regained their composure and he calmly said, "There are still things to deal with in Siyuan Tower. I will resign first." After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

The tall back quickly disappeared around the corner of the corridor, and the mountains and rivers in the distance gradually became blurry in her eyes. She stood there in a daze, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.