The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 166: Can you forgive me?


She is a woman. Wearing black clothes and a cloak, most of his face was hidden in the dark cloak, and his face could not be seen clearly.

She brought the emperor's secret edict. The content of the secret decree is very simple, only four words -

Kill Dongfangze!

Su Li was stunned. She knew that the Saintess Cult was equivalent to the emperor's knife hidden in the dark. When she took over the position of Saintess, she must perform some tasks under the emperor's orders. But she didn't expect that the first task would be... it is this!

"Please report back to your Majesty, I am sorry that I cannot complete this task.

. "

"You dare to resist the decree?" The woman looked at her in surprise.

Su Li said expressionlessly: "That man has great martial arts skills, and he is in Sheng's camp. There are hundreds of thousands of Sheng's troops. No one can kill him."

"Perhaps no one in the world can kill him, but as long as the saint is willing, she can definitely do it! What's more, at this time, he... is not in the Shengjun camp!" The woman in black laughed solemnly, with a sharp cold light in her eyes. Everything has been checked out already.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, but her face remained calm, "Not in the camp? May I ask the emissary where he is?"

The woman smiled and said: "Wherever the person is, I have to trouble the Holy Lady to investigate more. I am just here to convey the decree. Since the Emperor has a decree for the Holy Lady, he knows that this is the best time for the Holy Lady to take action."

Su Li frowned, "I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity this time."

The woman whispered again: "Saintess, don't worry, the opportunity is in the hands of the saint."

Su Li was shocked and confused. He stared at her without saying a word, but secretly guessed in his heart, how much did Emperor Bian know about the affairs of the Saintess Cult? Only she and the four envoys knew Dongfang Ze's identity, and even Yang Xiao was not sure. Why did Emperor Bian's secret order arrive at this moment when she had just imprisoned Dongfang Ze

While I was thinking, I heard the woman say again: "The Emperor ordered me to go to Broken Moon Helm to pick up a few things. I won't be leaving tonight. Please ask the Holy Lady to ask someone to help me arrange a place to stay. Thank you!"

She wants to live in the main altar? Su Li frowned slightly, "You can tell me what the emperor wants, and I will take it and deliver it to the emperor personally tomorrow." For some reason, this woman gave her the feeling that it was extremely dangerous, and it was not appropriate to stay in the sect.

The woman said: "I don't dare bother the saint. The emperor has ordered that I must get this thing myself. Farewell!" After saying this, she turned around and strode away.

Su Li looked at her back and his eyes slowly darkened. If she could come here to convey the secret order for Emperor Bian, she knew very well that this woman must be a close confidant of Emperor Bian! Is there anything that she needs to pick up in person? !

Su Li frowned. Although she took over the position of saint, it did not mean that she would have no autonomy and obey Emperor Bian's orders from now on! No one in this world can completely dominate her! Even if he is respected as an emperor, it is the same.

Su Li snorted coldly and walked to the side hall. Yang Xiao was not there, so he reported that he had returned to the palace after dinner.


Su Li's face turned cold, "He responded at the right time!"

"What happened?"

"Emperor Bian sent a secret order asking me to kill Dongfang Ze."

Wanxin was shocked, "How did Emperor Bian know that he was at the main altar?"

Su Li shook his head, his face as cold as ice, and said coldly: "I also suspect that he has arranged many eyes and ears in this Saintess Cult! Guard the darkroom tonight and don't let anyone get close."

After thinking for a while, she said, "Miss, have you ever thought that maybe this is the opportunity for him to leave!"

Su Li was stunned for a moment, and then added: "Shenghuang's martial arts skills are unpredictable, and the four of us may not be his opponent if we join forces. This time, his identity has been revealed, and he is willing to be locked up in the darkroom. He has no intention of leaving. It seems that he has no intention of leaving. He is determined to take the young lady away, and since the young lady is unwilling to go with him, it is better to let Emperor Bian's envoy give him a warning, letting him understand that his identity has been exposed, this place is dangerous, and he cannot stay for a long time."

The idea of saving one's heart makes sense. With his skill and intelligence, even if his left shoulder injury has not healed, no one can kill him easily! Even if the woman tried some tricks, how could he be easily fooled? But... what if it happens? Su Li frowned tightly, unable to make up her mind after all.

She sighed and said: "Looking at the young lady, she is still very worried about him. Since the young lady can't forget her feelings for him, why not go back with him..."

"Shut up!" Before Wan Xin could finish speaking, Su Li's expression changed. She didn't know whether she wanted to scold others or remind herself. Her chest rose and fell violently, and then she reprimanded in a deep voice: "Don't say that again in the future. I heard it!" After saying that, he walked out.

Returning to the dormitory, I lay on my bed for a long time and couldn't calm down. When she opened and closed her eyes, her mind was filled with Li Su's humiliation, tragic death, and the death of her mother and concubine. How could she forget all of this

She thought that with all that hatred, she could easily let go of that relationship and gradually forget about it without seeing him, but only now did she realize that that was just self-deception! There are so many memories that have filled her whole world during those days together. Once forgotten, there will be nothing left.

She was tossing and turning, the night seemed as long as a year, and the fifth watch was approaching, but she still had no sleepiness and her heart was in a mess.

She simply put on her clothes and got up and walked to the window. There was a group of swan geese flying by outside the window. The formation was originally very neat, but for some reason, passing by this part of the sky, the leading geese suddenly fell from the sky for no reason and landed in the lake in front of her. , shrill screams swirled in the air, endless, and grief seemed to fill the world at once, as if foreshadowing some kind of fierce ominousness.


Su Li's heart sank. Suddenly the door opened. Wan Xin stepped forward hurriedly and whispered: "Miss! She did go!"

Su Li heard this and said coldly: "Let's go."

The dimly lit secret passage connected several darkrooms of different sizes, and Dongfang Ze was in the innermost one. Before Su Li reached the door, she heard the sound of clothes coming from inside. The fierce fighting filled the whole darkroom with a strong murderous aura.

Su Li took a closer look and saw that it was indeed the woman in black sent by Emperor Bian! At this moment, her face was covered with black cloth, and the sword in her hand danced with silver light and flashed with cold light. Her moves were directed at Dongfangze's vital points. She was obviously a master of swordsmanship and had good martial arts skills. If she met an ordinary opponent, the opponent would definitely be helpless, but this time she met Dongfang Ze!

The soft sword at his waist was not unsheathed. Dongfang Ze faced each other with his bare hands, calmly making moves and walking effortlessly in the shadow of the sword. Finding an opening, he turned his palm and cut hard on the woman's wrist.

The long sword fell to the ground, and the woman screamed "Ah". Her entire right arm was instantly numb and she lost all strength. She almost cried in pain.

Before she could react, Dongfang Ze stretched out his long fingers and grabbed the woman's throat in a blink of an eye. With an expressionless face, he asked coldly: "Who are you? Who sent you here?"

The woman in black seemed unable to believe that she was restrained so easily. Her eyes were frightened and angry, and she stared at him angrily, but she didn't say a word.

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of martial arts or intelligence, no one in this world can be his opponent! Her worries were completely unnecessary. After this assassination, he must have understood that his identity has been exposed and he cannot stay here for long. She was about to turn around and leave when the black cloth covering the face of the woman in black suddenly slipped off, revealing a beautiful and elegant face and a bright red birthmark on the side of her face that was as big as a copper coin.

When Su Li saw that face, her eyes suddenly changed, and an ominous premonition rushed into her heart again, which was difficult to control.

Dongfangze was shocked when he saw that face, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Susu?" he shouted in disbelief.

No! There was a voice in his heart telling him that it was not his Susu, but his hand holding her throat still couldn't control the trembling.

. So many days and nights, what he could not forget in his dreams was this face. He had longed to see her again in this life. Now, this face was right in front of him. Even though he knew it was wrong, he could not move. His whole body Stunned on the spot.

At this stunned moment, the woman in black had a cold light in her eyes, turned her left hand, and the sharp dagger already prepared in her sleeve pierced the man's chest with lightning speed!

The sharp blade pierced the man's chest with a "pop" sound, blood spattered, and the hot murderous aura burned Su Li's eyes. At this moment, her breathing stopped.

The woman in black laughed coldly: "Emperor Shengguo, go to hell!"

In order to complete this mission, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her right arm, just waiting for this fatal blow! No matter how powerful a person is, once he has a fatal weakness, it will be easy to take his life!

"Stop!" Su Li shouted subconsciously and rushed into the room, trying to stop what was about to happen, but it was already too late. The sword penetrated deeply into his chest, and the blade almost disappeared into his body. Su Li's heart was beating violently, and she slapped the woman away with her backhand, and shouted angrily: "Someone, take her down!"

Unexpectedly, although the woman in black was injured, her reaction was still quick and she jumped up from the ground. With a wave of her hand, smoke-colored poisonous mist flew into the sky. Everyone was startled and immediately covered their mouths and noses. Wan Xin waved away the poisonous mist and flew after him.

Dongfangze felt severe pain in his heart and his pupils shrank, but he did not lower his head to glance at the sharp sword pierced in his chest. His eyes were fixed on the slender figure rushing in amid the angry roar. For a moment, he seemed to see the depths of her eyes. Shocked and frightened, he suddenly wondered, did she still care about him a little bit in her heart

A faint bitter smile appeared on the corners of his pale lips, and he knew that this might just be his wishful thinking.

"Su..." He wanted to call her softly, but he opened his mouth but couldn't spit out a word.

The smell of blood permeated the humid air wantonly. In this narrow space, breathing was full of pain, making people breathless. The shocking blood redness on Dongfang Ze's chest made his face even more pale as a sheet of paper. Su Li's whole body trembled slightly, and she wanted to help him, but she couldn't reach out her hand. His body stood so straight, as straight as a cracked porcelain. In the broken blood-colored light and shadow, with just a slight touch, The soul will disappear and the dream will disappear.

"How are you...?" Her voice was so weak that even she couldn't believe it.

Dongfangze didn't answer, just stared at her dreamily, fearing that if he blinked, he would never have another chance in this life.


"Susu, you... in your heart... do you still care about me at all?" He began to pant violently, and every word he spoke seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Su Li's heart was suffocated. At this time, he actually asked such a question. She felt sour in her heart, but she replied firmly: "I am not her."

Maybe it hurts, but when it reaches a certain level, people can no longer feel the pain. Dongfangze closed his eyes tightly and actually smiled softly.

"Are you not her?... That's fine, if I die... you won't be sad..."

There was a sad look of death in the depths of his dark eyes. Su Li's heart seemed to be hit hard all of a sudden, and she was stunned.

The cold mask covered her face, covering the paleness on her face, but it could not hide the sadness and panic that suddenly surged in her heart. She looked at him steadily, speechless.

The blood rolling in his chest could not be restrained and surged upwards. Dongfangze couldn't help opening his mouth and spitting out a large mouthful of blood. The bright red blood droplets splashed on the dark and moist ground, exuding the smell of death.

Death had never been so close, and he fell hard to the ground.

Su Li suddenly panicked and subconsciously rushed over to catch him.

"Dongfang Ze!" She screamed, and only then did she realize that her voice had been trembling.

The man in her arms did not respond. His body was heavy and cold. The blood that kept pouring out of his chest stained her jade-like fingers and palms red. The sticky moisture instantly soaked into her clothes and body. Su Li's breathing seemed to be stagnant.

A gust of cold wind blew outside the door, and the candlelight in the corner flickered and went out. The room suddenly fell into darkness, and the surroundings were extremely quiet. She hugged him and sat on the cold, damp ground, suddenly remembering that such a scene seemed to have happened before...

In the damaged secret passage of Shenmen, he blocked an arrow in order to save her, regardless of his life, and lay unconscious in her arms... At that time, she thought he would die, and felt uncomfortable, scared, and at a loss. Now, His injury was more serious than before, but she could no longer tell what it was like in her heart!

There was a blank moment in her mind. She quickly applied acupuncture on his acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, helped him sit on the ground, and quickly pressed her slender palms against his back, sending a steady stream of true energy into his body.

. The man in front of her was still breathing weakly and his face was gray. The air around her seemed to be solidified. No sound could be heard from the surroundings. Only her heart was beating in the darkness, getting more and more chaotic. No, he can't die, no!

After channeling his energy for a long time, he showed no sign of waking up. The body under her palms was getting colder and colder. She could almost feel his life passing by bit by bit, and her hands could not control their trembling.

"Dongfangze! Wake up!" Su Li hugged him and couldn't help calling him loudly. Unfortunately, the body that was getting colder and colder showed no response. Su Li was a little panicked, and suddenly remembered that he always carried the healing medicine with him. Without thinking, she immediately reached out and touched his waist. The unconscious man suddenly shook his whole body, opened his eyes, and grabbed her hand. He stared at her with burning eyes.

In this world, there is only one woman who knows that he has medicine in his waist. No matter how the person in front of him denies her identity and hides her emotions, her actions and actions prove that she is her!


Su Li's heart trembled and she hurriedly retracted her hand. It turned out that he was already awake! Su Li suddenly felt a surge of energy in her heart. She stretched out her hand to push him away and stood up, her chest rising and falling.

At this moment, at the critical moment of life and death, he is still testing? Is determining her identity more important than his life and death? Does he know that the woman is not her and she would not deliberately deviate from the edge of the sword when stabbing him

Su Li closed her eyes hard and wanted to leave right away, regardless of his life or death, but those persistent eyes in the darkness tightly wrapped around her body, making it impossible for her to lift her feet.

She frowned and asked, "Are you really not afraid of death at all?"

"What about you?" he asked, "Are you afraid that I will die?" He leaned against the wall, his sharp eyes piercing people's hearts.

Su Li was slightly shocked, as if she was afraid of being seen through, and sneered intuitively: "What a joke! What does it have to do with me whether you die or not?"

He didn't speak, and the air was as quiet as death. Only his weak breathing filled the room, weighing heavily on Su Li's heart. The familiar pain was gradually spreading to the tip of her heart. Su Li couldn't help but take a breath. When she saw his pale fingers sliding weakly to the ground, immersed in a pool of cold blood, her pain jumped up a bit more. She My heart tightened, and I quickly turned my head away, not daring to look again.

Dongfangze sighed faintly: "I was in darkness and couldn't see my fingers. I didn't even know where to go or what to do? Until I heard a voice calling my name..." He After a pause, he looked at her with his deep black eyes, "I remember that voice, so many days and nights, I thought about it day and night, longing to see the owner of that voice.

. "

Su Li's body froze, but she was speechless.

"So I ran forward as hard as I could, telling myself that I was going to find her, find her, and never lose her again..." His voice weakened, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, "But I had no direction, I thought , I was about to despair, but at this moment, her hand stretched out, warm and soft, just like before... "

"Stop talking!" Su Li turned her face away, but couldn't control the heat in her eye sockets.

Sure enough, he stopped talking. In the dark prison, there was only the sound of each other's unsteady breathing, constantly revealing the secrets deep in their hearts.

"Why do you want to save me?" He smiled weakly, but Su Li couldn't speak.

She could watch him die, or wait until he was dead before visiting him. But she didn't.

He forced himself to stand up and walked toward her step by step, walking lightly as if he might fall down at any time.

"Why? To pull me back from that endless darkness?"

She stared at him, watching him approach step by step, but couldn't move an inch. Why save him? She doesn't know either. He was obviously half her enemy, and seeing him die in pain was what she should be happy about! But she... couldn't be happy after all. Even though she had 110,000 reasons to hate him, she always remembered how good he had been to her at the most critical moment!

If he really dies, there will never be another Dongfang Ze in this world.

Her heart suddenly throbbed, and the pain had reached her chest. It turned out that no matter how much she hated her, she could not erase the love she had. She took a deep breath, stretched out her hand to take out the medicine bottle from him, and wanted to pour a pill into his mouth, but it was empty. Su Lideng's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, and she cried out, "Where's the medicine?"

"No more." His voice was hoarse and weak, but his face remained calm and collected, as if he had already seen through life and death. But if this was true, why would he be so persistent with her and refuse to let her go

"Dongfangze, you...!" The medicine bottle in her hand was almost broken. She looked up at him, speechless.

Dongfangze smiled softly and said: "Susu, if I die, will you... forgive me?"