The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 17: The concubine returns


The carriage galloped all the way and soon arrived at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Seeing that the eldest son, Su Chun, was back, the servants rushed to the palace to report. The prime minister's wife was overjoyed when she heard that her son had returned. She took Su Qin and a group of servants and happily welcomed him into the courtyard. Su Qin saw Su Li behind Su Chun at a glance, and immediately shouted like a ghost: "You, you... why are you back?!"

The Prime Minister's wife was also stunned, with an uncertain expression on her face, and finally looked at her son in surprise.

Su Chun said calmly: "Su Su met a thief on the road and was rescued by King Zhenning."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words "King Zhenning".

Su Chun looked directly at her mother and said, "Su Su is frightened. Someone, help the young lady go back to her room to rest first."

The Prime Minister's wife quickly said: "Wait a minute!"

"Mother, Su Su is my prime minister's daughter no matter what, how can you let her live outside? Those who don't know think that my prime minister is easy to bully!" Su Chun's tone was slightly more solemn, "Fortunately, King Zhenning took action today. Save, if something happens, where will the face of my prime minister go? I think it’s better to wait until father returns to the house before making a decision."

Su Qin still wanted to argue, but the Prime Minister's wife waved her hand to stop her, "Okay. You've had a hard time traveling all the way. Let's settle things first. Guiniang, call Mo Xiang to help the second lady back to her room."

Moxiang is a little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, with a round face and round eyes, and a very pleasant appearance. When she saw Li Su, tears filled her eyes. She couldn't wait to leave the front yard, so she pulled her and asked nervously: "Miss, are you okay? Are you injured or uncomfortable somewhere?"

Li Su shook his head and said: "It's okay." Mo Xiang was still worried, and carefully checked her front and back, and then breathed a sigh of relief after making sure she was not injured.

. He smiled and said, "Then let's go quickly. Wan Xin is waiting in the house! Miss, you don't know, but when Wan Xin heard that something happened to Miss, his expression was scary! Really!"

As if afraid that she wouldn't believe it, Mo Xiang deliberately wrinkled her nose and widened her eyes. She is naturally smart and cute, but she insists on making a ferocious expression, which looks a bit funny. Li Su couldn't help but smile slightly, and the heavy mood he had been feeling for the past few days instantly became much lighter due to this little girl's deliberate comfort. At this time, she only thought that Moxiang was teasing her with Wan Xin, and didn't think much about how special Wan Xin was. So when she saw Wanxin in the simple courtyard, she was really surprised.

She is about 20 years old, tall and pretty. Wearing a simple dress, standing in front of the steps, there is a potentially intimidating power. Those seemingly plain eyes seemed to have been tempered by the light and shadow of swords. Although they deliberately restrained their sharpness, they could not hide the coldness in their bones.

Unexpectedly, Su Li's personal girl could be such an extraordinary person. It seems that she will have to be more careful in the future. And since he decided to return to the Prime Minister's Mansion, there will be no more Li Su in this world. She is Su Li from now on!

Wan Xin walked briskly, her footsteps almost unheard. His eyes looked over her face, stopping at her unadorned hair, and her expression suddenly became concentrated.

"Moxiang, go to the kitchen and get some food. Miss, please follow me into the house to freshen up." The tone was respectful but not humble, as if it was a command, and it was not objectionable.

Li Su, no, it's Su Li. Su Li walked slowly and silently looked at the small courtyard. Both the inside and outside of the house were very simple. Although there are three rooms in the wing, inside and outside, they are all small and pitiful. There is no decoration in the room except for the necessities such as bed, table and chairs. It was a world of difference from her former boudoir in the Regent's Palace.

I went into the house to freshen up briefly and changed my clothes. Just when her throat felt a little dry, a glass of water was handed to her. Su Li took it and took a sip. She heard Wan Xin ask: "Miss, where is your hairpin?"

Hairpin? Su Li was slightly startled, the one that was knocked out by the thief? A hairpin with hidden secrets attracts such attention from a maid, so there must be something inside.

"Lost." She replied casually, looking at her secretly from the corner of her eye.

Wan Xin's eyes darkened slightly, and asked: "Lost? When I gave the hairpin to the young lady, I said that this thing is not a last resort and cannot be used casually. How could the young lady lose it?"

Wan Xin looked solemn, as if the hairpin was no ordinary accessory. Su Li thought of the strange fragrance in the hairpin, and felt a chill in her heart. She couldn't help but glance at Wan Xin again. This woman has a solemn expression, she is definitely not an ordinary slave.

. If she gave him the hairpin, is she related to Shen Men

Su Li lowered his head and sighed, and briefly talked about today's events, deliberately avoiding the part about the Prince Regent's Palace. When Dongfangze was mentioned, Wanxin's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately asked: "You mean, Dongfangze was present when the hairpin was knocked down? He also saved you?"

Different from Su Chun's surprise, the heart-warming tone was more warning. Could it be that...she is really a member of the Shen family? Shenmen is a well-known killer organization in the world. The killers in the sect are highly skilled in martial arts and elusive. How could they stoop to become a slave in the Prime Minister's Mansion

Su Li suppressed her doubts and asked tentatively: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Wan Xin didn’t answer. Turning her eyes slightly, Mo Xiang went back to the house, and said calmly: "It's okay. Dongfang Ze is a very scheming person. Miss, try to have as little contact with him as possible in the future. If you really can't avoid it, just try to be more careful. Okay, You’ve been tired for a long day, so eat quickly and rest early after eating.”

Su Li knew that she wouldn't be able to get anything out of her if she asked again, so she said no more. Mo Xiang passed the meal and the three of them ate together. Wan Xin was silent all the time, and Mo Xiang was in a very good mood because Su Li had returned safely. Su Li asked her if she could answer ten questions, and almost told everyone in the prime minister's house. In less than a quarter of an hour, she already understood most of the situation in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Tao, the first wife of Prime Minister Su Xiangru, has a son and a daughter. The eldest son, Su Chun, is full of knowledge and talent. He is always very good to Su Li and is one of the figures that many famous ladies in the capital are chasing after. The eldest daughter, Su Qin, is young. Fang Shiba has an arrogant and domineering temperament. He is proud of his beauty and noble status. He often bullies Su Li, the daughter of his concubine Liu. The Liu family originally came from a famous family, but her family was backward and she committed herself to the prime minister as a concubine. At the beginning, she was very affectionate with the prime minister, which made the principal wife Tao feel neglected for a time. He later fell out of favor for unknown reasons and died of illness three years ago. Su Li was left behind to live a difficult life in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Not only was the birthmark on her face said to be ominous, but some even said that she was the reincarnation of an evil star and was denigrating her relatives and mother, so she was not to be seen by Su Xiangru. Gradually, even the servants did not take her seriously. If Wan Xin and Mo Xiang were not around to take good care of her, she might not even be able to eat a hot meal.

She lay on her bed at night, obviously very tired and sleepy, but Su Li couldn't sleep. I turned over and sat up, trying to meditate and practice as before, but I couldn't get back the feeling I had before. Only then did I remember that my mother-in-law once said that the internal skills and mental methods she practiced were only suitable for practicing from a young age. I couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but in the end I was unwilling to give in. I persisted and practiced for a while. I started to feel restless and irritable. Later, my whole body became dry and stuffy, my consciousness was blurred, and I couldn't stop even though I wanted to!

Cold sweat gradually covered his body, falling like rain. Su Li was shocked. At this moment, a strong burst of true energy suddenly injected into his body, suppressing and dispersing the chaotic atmosphere.

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