The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 171: Fantasy Mirror Love 1


This sound... Su Li was stunned and couldn't move even half a minute.

. Although she had had a premonition, at this moment, she still couldn't believe that he was actually here!

The long-lost warmth, familiar yet strange, he and she indulged in it unknowingly. Until he couldn't control himself and kissed the corner of her lips gently.

Su Li was shocked, pushed him away, and said coldly: "Let me go, Dongfang Ze."

The candlelight was lit again, and in the dim yellow light, Dongfangze was dressed in simple clothes. He was no longer dressed in a dignified manner. Only his black eyes were as bright as before, and he could not hide the joy in his heart.

Su Li had a complicated expression, staring at his handsome face that was still a bit pale, and was speechless for a long time. The two of them were close to each other just now, and she smelled the faint smell of herbs on his body. He was injured so badly and had to travel a long distance. Did he really not want to die? ! After a long while, he said coldly: "You have already gone back, why are you coming again?"

Dongfangze looked at her without blinking and said softly: "How can I rest assured that you disobey Emperor Bian's will for me?"

She actually smiled, with a slightly cold smile, "Then you can see now, I'm fine, there's no need to worry at all. You can go."

Dongfangze paused for a moment, feeling a little disappointed, but he only said calmly: "Really? Then why are you being punished here to think about your mistakes? Emperor Bian's move clearly has other motives."

Su Li turned her head away from him and said coldly: "No matter what his intentions are, I have my own opinion."

Dongfangze sighed: "You are smart and resourceful, and you can always adapt to situations. It's just that Emperor Bian and Prince Xiao have been frozen three feet for a long time. Do you really think that Prince Xiao, as a person, dares to secretly hide the past just for the sake of the past?" The killer poisoned Yang Xiao?"

Su Li's heart suddenly sank. This was indeed a hidden worry in her heart. Although Yang Zhen was sincere when talking about the past, it was obviously more of a test. He earnestly asked her to express her attitude, clearly having greater ambitions.

He stared at her and continued: "Prince Xiao is a man with deep thoughts and ruthless actions. How could Emperor Bian tolerate the existence of such a person with ulterior motives when he was the emperor? The situation in Bian Kingdom will definitely change in the future. By then How should you choose how to deal with it?"

Su Li's eyes dimmed. What should she do if that day comes? In terms of kinship, Yang Zhen is naturally closer to her. Even though the two have known each other for a short time, their relationship is not deep. But he argued hard for her to Emperor Bian, and even used Emperor Taizu's death-free gold medal to save her life. Such kindness cannot be forgotten even if there are ulterior motives. What's more, he is the only close brother of the mother-in-law. How can she stay on the sidelines and watch

As for Yang Xiao, that sunny boy who thinks about everything for her and does a lot for her, she has to admit that to this day, he already occupies an important position in her heart.

. If something happens to him, she will never ignore it.

Su Li was silent for a long time, and Dongfangze sighed softly. How could he not understand her embarrassment? He stepped forward to hold her hand and sat on the chair. "You don't have to worry too much. Things haven't gotten that bad yet. I'm just telling you, no matter what happens, what do you do and who do you choose? I, Will always be by your side.”

Su Li panicked and tried to pull her hand out, but he held on tightly. Her eyes suddenly turned cold, "Let go, otherwise I will be really rude to you!"

He closed his eyes and still smiled: "Susu, I just want to talk to you."

Su Li said coldly: "Dongfang Ze, don't think that just because I saved you, it means you can take advantage of it!" As she said that, she secretly had some luck in her hands and pushed him away violently.

Now that she has mastered martial arts, her internal strength has leapt thousands of miles. Dongfangze was caught off guard, and he didn't expect her to take action seriously. He fell to the ground, and the blood drained from his face.

Su Li was suddenly shocked. In her desperation, she only wanted to get rid of him, but she actually forgot about his injury! My heart was in a state of confusion, and I wanted to step forward, but I forced myself not to move.

He stood up with support. As soon as he removed his hand, he saw a few spots of bright red oozing out of the dark clothes on his chest.

Su Li's heart trembled, and she no longer tried to calm down. She quickly stepped forward and helped him lie down on his bed, "How are you?" There was a slight tremor in her voice, and he felt warm in his heart. A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his face became paler, but he was speechless.

Su Li carefully opened the front of her chest, and on her smooth and strong chest, the scar that had healed recently split open again, and blood seeped out. She quickly took a clean cloth and carefully wiped away the blood. Then she skillfully took out the pills from his waist, crushed them, and sprinkled them evenly on the injured area.

After treating the injury, she suddenly felt a layer of cold sweat break out on her back. Turning his eyes slightly, he saw Dongfang Ze's eyes filled with tenderness and a faint smile, as if he was looking straight into her heart.

Su Li calmed down and said coldly: "You should rest for a while and go down the mountain as soon as possible. Don't come back again. It's my business that I don't want you to worry about." After saying that, she turned around to leave, but he held her hand tightly.

His palms were slightly cold, and Su Li's heart trembled slightly, but she did not look back.

. I just heard him say firmly: "Now that I'm here, I won't leave easily. Susu, in my heart, nothing is more important than you!"

Su Li shook him off hard and yelled: "What do you want?"

He stood up slowly, his pale face without a trace of blood, but his bright eyes as dark as ink, locking her firmly, "I just hope that you have remembered what I said. Even if you have to fight with Quan Even if the world is my enemy, I will definitely want you to come back to me."

Su Li was stunned, secretly hating that he was so persistent and refused to let go, but she couldn't say those cruel words no matter what, so she could only turn around and walk out of the room as if running away, leaning against the door, suddenly lost took all the effort.

When it gets daylight, the inner room is empty. Su Li looked at the place where he once sat, as if his residual warmth still remained. Her inner thoughts were ups and downs, and she could not calm down no matter what.

For three consecutive days, Dongfangze didn't come again. It wasn't until noon on the fourth day that Wan Xin hurriedly walked into the house with a solemn expression, "Miss, something happened in the post house."

Su Li's heart skipped a beat and she asked, "What happened?"

Wan Xin said: "Last night, three men in black came to the post house to assassinate the Sheng Kingdom envoy, and finally burned the whole post house with fire!"

Su Li was startled, "Are there any casualties?"

Wan Xin frowned and said, "I don't know yet. I heard that Zhang Fu went to the palace overnight to see Emperor Bian last night."

Su Li's heart sank. Who could be so bold as to assassinate the Sheng Kingdom envoy? Sheng and Bian had just agreed to make peace. Such behavior would obviously affect the newly eased relations between the two countries. Could it be that... someone discovered his identity

With his mind wandering, Su Li said in a deep voice: "Inform Qin Heng to find out more. In addition... send more people to keep an eye on the envoys secretly and act according to the opportunity at any time."

Wan Xin was slightly startled, "Staring at the envoys?"

Su Li said helplessly: "He's here."

Wan Xin immediately understood that the situation was urgent and nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

"Little Ah Li!" As soon as Wan Xin left, Yang Xiao's figure rushed in. When he saw Su Li, his furrowed brows relaxed unconsciously, and he said with a smile: "Did you miss me? I do. Damn you!"

"Why are you here?" Su Li was slightly surprised.


"I came to see you!" Yang Xiao grinned, "How are you living here?"

Su Li smiled and said, "I'm fine. Where's your injury?"

The beautiful woman took the initiative to express her concern, and Yang Xiao's heart blossomed, so he leaned his head on her shoulder and mumbled aggrievedly: "Forty sticks! How can it be so fast! I was able to get out of bed and move around just two days ago. , I haven’t seen you for a month and I missed you very much. I slipped out while my father was busy receiving the envoy."

Su Li pushed him away and asked, seemingly unintentionally: "Messenger? What kind of messenger?"

"Messenger from the Kingdom of Sheng? Why don't you know?" Yang Xiao curled his lips and smiled in a meaningful way.

Su Li said calmly: "How can I know what's going on outside here?"

"That's true." Yang Xiao sat lazily on the soft chair and said with a smile: "A few days ago, the envoys from the Sheng Kingdom came to Biandu to sign a peace agreement. Who knew that someone suddenly assassinated the post house last night and burned it down with a fire? It has to be clean! Fortunately, there are no casualties in the envoy group, otherwise... this matter will be troublesome." As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Su Li lightly, as if observing her reaction.

There were no casualties, so Dongfang Ze should be safe. Su Li felt slightly relieved, but looked surprised and said: "Who is so bold! What did the emperor say?"

"My father ordered me to investigate this matter thoroughly. I must find out the real culprit behind the scenes and give an explanation to the Sheng Kingdom envoy. But there is something... that makes me feel very strange." At this point, Yang Xiao suddenly stopped talking and looked at Su Li seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and her eyes were full of amusement.

Su Li glanced at him lightly, "What's weird? Why are you hesitant to speak today?"

Yang Xiao chuckled and said: "The post house was burned down, and my father wanted to arrange for them to live in the palace as a sign of comfort. But I didn't expect that the envoy Zhang Fu refused and specified that he would come to Huangpu Temple to live there. I didn't want to It doesn’t make sense, I can’t stay in the comfortable and comfortable palace, but I have to rush to this temple of poverty.”

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, the envoy was designated to come... Could the assassination be Dongfang Ze's doing? No, he already knew that she was here and could pass through the Big Dipper Array. She could come whenever she wanted, so how could she go to waste? She was puzzled and couldn't ask Yang Xiao too many questions, so she had to change the topic lightly, "The emperor asked you to investigate this matter, do you have any clues?"

Yang Xiao's face suddenly darkened, and he sneered: "We haven't found any clues about the post house yet.

. But I have roughly guessed who the mastermind behind this is! "

Su Li was a little surprised, "Who?"

Yang Xiao slowly raised his eyes, his gaze turned cold for a moment, "Uncle."

uncle? Su Li asked: "Why do you think so?"

Yang Xiao said coldly: "Recently, my father intends to take back part of the military power in his hands. The emperor's uncle refused in every possible way and refused to hand it over. Now, just after the agreement was signed, someone assassinated the envoy. It was clear that he wanted to damage the relationship between Bian and Sheng. !”

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his deduction was correct, and he couldn't help but angrily said: "Once the relationship between the two countries turns sour and the peace talks fail, there will definitely be another dispute. For the sake of the overall situation, my father can only temporarily give up on taking back military power!"

"What you said makes some sense." Su Li suddenly remembered that before Yang Zhen came here, he had indeed mentioned that Emperor Bian wanted to reduce the military power in his hands. She pondered for a moment and reminded calmly: "But this is just your inference, there is no conclusive evidence."

"Evidence? The best evidence is that he once had a grudge and wanted to kill me! You saw this with your own eyes! He wants revenge!" Yang Xiao couldn't help but growl, a little sad and a little confused. , "Why don't you always believe what I say?"

"Yang Xiao, I don't believe you." Su Li sighed and said softly: "Everything must be based on evidence. My uncle was indeed suspected of what happened last time. I have never denied this, but in the end we did not take any evidence. I get the evidence. I understand how you feel, but conviction cannot be based on inference alone. No one can make rash assertions until the truth is clear."

Yang Xiao stared at her for a long time, "Do you think you will believe it if you find the evidence?!"

"I said, you can only be convicted if you have evidence." She said solemnly.

Yang Xiao suddenly stood up and said loudly, "I will definitely find evidence to prove it to you!" He strode away just like when he came, but when he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Su Li with a complicated and uneasy expression. Living with a trace of loneliness, "I have been thinking, if that day comes, will you still stand by my side?"

Su Li was shocked and didn't speak, because she didn't know the answer herself.

He had already expected her silence. A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his lips. Yang Xiao retracted his gaze and walked out of Xianju Garden without stopping.

In the evening, news came from Qin Heng that the Shengguo envoys came to Huangpu Temple at Shenshi and stayed in the guest house on the west side of the temple.

. Su Li had a premonition that Dongfang Ze would come tonight. Sure enough, when Xu was approaching, the door opened softly, and a black shadow slipped in silently.

Su Li didn't seem to notice, still focusing on the book in her hand. He walked directly behind her and leaned close to her, "You are so serious, what are you reading?"

Su Li ignored him, and he wasn't annoyed either. He sat down aside and just looked at her and smiled. It wasn't until she finished flipping through a page of the book that he held her hand tightly as soon as she stood up.

"Let go." There was suppressed anger in her cold eyes.

He was slightly startled, but smiled and said: "I finally came here, and Su Su treats guests like this?"

"His Majesty Shenghuang has a body worth thousands of dollars. Su Li can't afford to entertain him. Please go ahead." She pulled out her hand with force and walked to the bedside to sit down.

Dongfangze sighed, "I tried my best to live closer to you, but I never expected..."

Su Li stood up suddenly and looked back at him with a hint of coldness in her eyes, "Is Your Majesty still living comfortably in the guest house of Huangpu Temple?"

"You know?" Dongfangze was stunned for a moment, looked at her slightly cold face, and smiled: "Do you think I did it?"

Su Li's heart moved slightly and she stared at him without saying a word.

"I admit that it was my intention to move to Huangpu Temple because I could be closer to you. But the assassination is indeed true. I just... set the fire casually."

She was frightened and asked: "Seriously? Is the assassin going after you? Or does he have another purpose?"

Dongfangze walked aside and sat down, "Three of them came and drugged the dinner. They took the opportunity to attack after dark. Their target was Zhang Fu, and they probably didn't know my identity. The last two were He was captured and committed suicide by taking poison. The other one was injured and escaped. The man who escaped was good at martial arts and should be the leader of the two. This man's moves were fierce and powerful, not like a professional killer in the world. After that, I ordered someone to set the fire. Send Zhang Fu into the palace to see Emperor Bian."

"What clues can be found on the two dead people?"

"No, it's very clean."

Su Li fell into deep thought. Without clues, it would be difficult to investigate the matter clearly. The assassin didn't know Dongfangze's identity, and it seemed that he was really acting to undermine the relationship between the two countries.

. Could it be that it was really his uncle who did it as Yang Xiao said

Su Li frowned slightly, becoming more and more worried. Seeing that she was worried, Dongfangze couldn't help but sigh and asked, "Do you want to find out the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Su Li glanced at him, and thinking of his always sharp mind, she couldn't help but ask: "Who do you guess it is?"

Dongfang Ze smiled softly, "What if you guessed it, but what if you couldn't guess it? Someone will take care of this matter, it's not my turn to worry about it."

She looked at him intently, with a hint of doubt, "Aren't you worried? This person in charge obviously wants to sabotage the peace talks between the two countries and ruin your plan. Don't you want to know who is behind this at all?"

He couldn't help but straighten his face, "The conflict between Emperor Bian and Prince Xiao has been going on for a long time. Prince Xiao has a lot of troops, including the elite Ruifeng Battalion. It's impossible for Emperor Bian to be unscrupulous and want to get rid of him." Hurry. I will negotiate a peace. Emperor Bian will have a better chance of reducing King Xiao’s military power. It stands to reason... "

"You also suspect it's Xiao Wang Yangzhen?" Su Li's eyes darkened.

Dongfang Ze said softly: "His suspicion and motive are the greatest, but without evidence, the matter cannot be concluded. Su Su," he stepped forward and hugged her gently, "are you worried about Prince Xiao?"

She was silent, and he couldn't help but sigh: "No matter who it is, it is not a good thing for the royal family to fight within the Bian Kingdom. You are caught in the middle, making it even more difficult. Don't push yourself too hard, wait for the results of Yang Xiao's investigation, and you will have your own Decide.”

Su Li was shocked, why could he always see through her thoughts at a glance? She turned around and stopped looking at him, and said firmly: "It's very late, I'm going to bed."

After a long time, he heard a low sigh behind him, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away in the silent night.

For several consecutive nights, Dongfang Ze would come at Xu time and leave at Hai time. Most of the time, she pretended that he didn't exist and just read a book. Occasionally, she would chat with him lukewarmly, not much. But he was very patient, as if he was content just sitting aside and watching her quietly.

In the evening of this day, the sunset was very beautiful. After dinner, Su Li walked out of Xianju Garden for a slow walk. In front of Tai'an Hall, the breeze blows, bringing the cool breath of the forest, and I feel refreshed.

Suddenly, a scream of "ah" came from the front, instantly breaking the leisurely tranquility. Su Li heard the sound and looked for it, and found that the source of the sound was the location of the Big Dipper array in the woods outside the Ancestral Temple!

Someone broke into the formation


Su Li quickly ran to the outside of the Big Dipper array to check, but did not dare to go any further. Then a familiar male voice came, "Seek death! Let's see where you are going to run away! Tell me! Who sent you here?"

It’s Yang Xiao! Su Li's heart skipped a beat! Immediately shouted: "Yang Xiao! What happened?"

Yang Xiao was overjoyed and immediately shouted loudly: "Ah Li, come and help me! Enter the formation and walk twenty steps forward, turn left fifteen steps!"

Su Li walked into the woods. There were towering trees all around, and there was no way to go. She kept her eyes straight and followed his prompts to move forward cautiously. Those big trees would disappear without a trace when she was about to hit them. All of this was indeed an illusion!

Su Li took the last step, and a small piece of green grass appeared in front of her. In the middle lay a monk in gray robes. Yang Xiao was squatting aside. When he heard the footsteps, he looked up and said urgently: "Come and help!"

Su Li stepped forward quickly and saw that the monk was tall and mighty, with blood flowing from the corner of his lips, his breath was weak, but his eyes were cruel and ferocious.

The smell of blood floated up. Su Li smelled it carefully and said in a deep voice, "He took Soul Eater Powder and he won't survive."

Soul Eater Powder is extremely poisonous and there is no chance of survival after taking it. Yang Xiao was startled, grabbed him and shouted, "Tell me, who ordered you to commit the assassination?"

The monk laughed wildly, and when he opened his mouth, blood kept pouring out. His breathing suddenly became a little faster, and he said softly: "Fantasy, I will never die... I tell you..." After saying that, he tilted his head and died. .

Yang Xiao stood up suddenly, kicked him hard, and said bitterly: "You deserve to die if you fail!"

"Who is he? Why did he break into the formation?"

Yang Xiao said bitterly: "In the past few days, I have been searching for the escaped assassin in the city, but I have not found it. Fortunately, today I was ordered by my father to come to see the envoy of the Sheng Kingdom. He was sneaking around outside the guest house, and the guards saw him. He was acting suspiciously, so he stepped forward and asked a few questions. Unexpectedly, the more he asked, the more flaws he found! He showed his flaws and ran all the way up the mountain. Finally, he had nowhere to escape and broke into the formation! Unfortunately, I thought I could catch him. Ask the person behind the scenes!"

Su Li said solemnly: "If you look carefully, you might be able to find clues." She looked at it for a moment, her eyes darkened slightly, she pulled open his clothes and reached out to touch his neck, "He is very easy-going!" , raised his delicate hand, and the human skin mask was taken off, revealing the darkened face hidden behind it.

Yang Xiao was surprised: "How did you find out that he was disguised?"

Su Li unfolded the mask and sneered: "I have never seen anyone who has been hit by Soul-Eating Powder look as normal as before."

! "

Yang Xiao looked at it for a long time, frowned and said, "Why does this man look familiar? Damn it, he is disguised as a monk, how can he have any compassion to worship the Buddha?!" After saying that, he kicked him angrily, and the corpse Sliding to the ground, the Buddhist beads on the monk's neck suddenly hit the ground with a muffled thud.

Su Li and Yang Xiao looked at each other and immediately became suspicious. The beads were made of wood. Although they were as big as thumbs, they would never make such a sound when dropped on the ground.

Su Li took off the beads and weighed them in her hands, and suddenly felt something strange. After checking one by one, he found that one of the beads was much heavier than the others. When he took it off, he found that there were tiny cracks. Su Li was suspicious, so he picked up the beads and threw them hard. The beads fell on the ground and cracked into pieces. Two halves, and a brass-colored object fell out.

Yang Xiao picked it up and took a look, his expression immediately changed.

Su Li took a closer look and was stunned. This thing... she has seen it before. It was a small, delicate tiger head made of brass, carved lifelike, showing the majesty of the king of beasts. The other side was as smooth as a mirror, with three words clearly engraved on it: Ruifengying.

Ruifeng Battalion is the most capable elite soldier under Xiao Wang Yangzhen's command.

Yang Xiao's tone was as cold as ice, "It is indeed him!"

Su Li said in a deep voice: "It's not yet known whether this person is from Ruifeng Camp. Don't be alarmed. Go find out his identity first and then make any plans."

Yang Xiao nodded and warned: "I understand, you need to go back the way you came. The Big Dipper array is changing a lot, and the Gate of Life and Death may move with it. You can't walk around." After saying that, he put the body on his shoulders. Walk outside the array.

His figure gradually disappeared from sight, and Su Li did not stop. When he turned around, there was a sudden flash of light in the grass under a big tree in front of him, which was dazzling. She looked carefully, and there seemed to be a small crystal clear bottle among the green clumps.

Su Li's heart moved. There were few people in the formation. Where did this thing come from? She observed carefully and found that the position of the vial was about three steps away from the corresponding position in the formation formula. Su Li's martial arts has greatly improved, but he is not proficient in the Qimen formation. He was able to break the nine-door Bagua formation in Tianmen Mountain because Dongfang Ze had given him instructions on how to break the formation. Now the Big Dipper array is more complicated, and she dare not move easily.

Su Li looked around, and suddenly an idea came to her. She took off the brocade belt around her waist, looked at the direction and waved her arms. The small bottle rose into the air and fell into her hand.


Su Li immediately breathed a sigh of relief. When she opened the vial, she saw that it contained transparent liquid. The smell was very light. It seemed to be neither medicine nor poison. She couldn't determine its purpose for the moment. She capped the bottle and put it into her sleeve, preparing to return to Xianju Garden to study it carefully.

Unexpectedly, she had just taken two steps forward when something suddenly changed in the formation! The originally dazzling sunlight above the woods seemed to dim in an instant, and she secretly felt that something was wrong. Carefully looking at every tree around her, it was difficult to distinguish reality from reality, but she could clearly tell that the formation had seven directions. Each direction has a center point, in which there must be a gate of life and a gate of death.

Su Li carefully thought about the direction when she came in, and slowly distinguished the positions of the gate of life and the gate of death. Finally, she determined a direction, picked up a small stone, and hit it towards that location.

The expected scene of the illusion disappearing did not appear, and the surrounding trees began to move faster and faster!

For a moment, Su Li's eyes were filled with tree shadows, the wind was howling, and sand and rocks were flying. The peaceful forest just now was suddenly shrouded in evil spirits. She screamed inwardly that it was bad, and quickly concentrated her mind, ignoring the illusion that disturbed her mind. But the fast-moving trees brought out fierce energy, like tiny needles flying all over the sky, stinging people's skin.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Li's clothes were soaked with cold sweat. She was secretly anxious. According to the situation, her internal strength would eventually be exhausted. If this continues, I'm afraid I'll die in this formation! She suddenly opened her eyes, looked for the direction of Tai'an Palace, and jumped up.

The breath of death swept over the sky and hit her heart like a stormy wave! Su Li's figure stagnated, blood surged in his chest, his mind went blank, and he fell straight to the ground!

Death comes so suddenly, it's hard to know what to do.

The wind roared in her ears and Su Li's consciousness fell into darkness. The anxious and frightened face of Dongfangze suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Bitterness filled her heart. She unconsciously touched his face and smiled slightly: "Dongfangze, this time, We really want to never see each other again... "


In the blink of an eye, I have been writing for four years. Thank you for your companionship and support during these four years. I wish you all a happy new year and everything goes well in the first year of the new year! ~o(n_n)o~

The Shocking Death of the Concubine 2 Bianguo Chapter has been published and is available on