The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 175: There are always choices in life


For several days, the city gates of Biandu City were closed tightly, and they were on high alert. Jiang Yuan and Wan Xin also arrived in Biandu with all the eight branch helmsmen and followers of the Saintess Cult, ready to be dispatched at any time. But the situation was a bit unexpected. Yang Zhen's army was stationed outside the city, and it was unusually quiet.

Yang Xiao ordered people to step up patrols. Every half an hour, a message was delivered to the palace. The content was always the same. No movement was found. No one could guess what Yang Zhen had in mind.

Looking at the letter and newspaper in front of him, which was already as high as a hill, the invisible pressure made Yang Xiao feel increasingly irritable. I know that the other party is prepared, but I can only wait and see what happens. This passive feeling is really unpleasant.

Su Li said calmly: "You don't have to be upset. If the enemy can't move, I won't move. The longer we delay, the better it will be for our situation. I just received good news that Xiang Li Qin Heng has successfully passed the first level."

"Really?" Yang Xiao was immediately delighted, this is really good news!

"Yes." Su Li nodded and glanced outside the palace. The afternoon light was dim and gloomy, and large thick gray clouds gradually covered the sky, which vaguely indicated that the celestial phenomena would change tonight.

That night, a strong wind suddenly blew up, the whole city was desolate, and the chill suddenly came. Yang Xiao and Su Li were discussing matters in the Qinzheng Hall. Suddenly, a eunuch ran in in a panic outside the hall, "Qi, Qi, report to the emperor..."

Yang Xiao's face darkened, "Why are you panicking! What's the matter?"

The eunuch took a breath and said urgently: "The traitor Yang Zhen has begun to attack the city!"

Biandu, North City Gate.

The night is dark, dark clouds cover the moon, the wind blows the yellow sand, and there is no light in the sky. The deafening sound of fighting and shouting echoed outside Biandu City.

Su Li and Yang Xiao came at full speed, their expressions changed upon hearing the sound. Yang Xiao was so anxious that he immediately jumped up from his horse and rushed up to the city tower. The tall and majestic city tower was brightly lit with fire, as bright as day. I could see soldiers all over the city tower lying scattered on the ground. Only a few people were left guarding the edge of the city tower to fight against the enemy. From time to time, there were still soldiers who fainted and fell to the ground.

The two men quickly stepped forward to check and saw that the unconscious soldiers were all weak and unconscious, as if they had fallen asleep.

"What's going on?" Yang Xiao roared angrily.

The leader of the team responsible for defending the city staggered to Yang Xiao, his feet were unsteady and he almost fell to the ground, "Back to the emperor, just now a burst of smoke came over, and soon some people began to faint, and they couldn't wake up no matter how they screamed. Then the opponent's cavalry suddenly launched a attack The people who attacked and covered the siege quickly arrived at the bottom of the city. Seeing that the situation was not good, the villain immediately sent people to ask for help from the Chifeng Battalion, and then managed to resist."

Yang Xiao immediately walked to the battlements to check. At a glance, in the dark night, he could see the bright lights in the camp in the distance.

The north wind blew in waves, and in addition to the smell of burnt firewood, the dry and cold air was vaguely mixed with a faint odor. Su Li immediately frowned and said warily: "Be careful, this smoke is poisonous!"

Yang Xiao's face was gloomy and he suddenly sneered: "No wonder he has stood still for so many days. It turns out he wants to take advantage of the north wind to poison him!"

The team leader said anxiously: "Your Majesty, what should we do now? This wind can't stop for a moment, and our people can't resist it!" Just as he was talking, there was another misty white smoke in the sky with the wind. I heard several "puff-plop-plop" sounds behind me, and several more soldiers failed to survive and fell to the ground one after another.

Light smoke passed by, Su Li carefully controlled her breath, inhaled some white smoke, and carefully identified the components of the poisonous smoke. She was immediately shocked to find that it turned out to be a specially made Ruanjin San. This Ruanjin Powder is filled with enchanting colors. This poison is very overbearing. Even if you take the antidote, it will take some time to regain your strength. Su Li's heart sank. It seems that Yang Zhen is determined to capture Biandu City tonight!

At this moment, just a "bang" was heard, and a huge impact came from the city gate!

A man stumbled up to the tower and shouted: "Report - the enemy has crossed the moat, lowered the drawbridge and started to attack the city!"

Yang Xiao shouted to the team leader: "Send extra manpower to defend the city gate immediately, no mistakes will be made!"

The leader immediately took the order and left.

The situation is precarious. Once the city gate is breached, Bian will not be safe! Su Li was also secretly anxious. The troops were limited and no one else could faint. She said loudly: "Everyone listen, cover your mouth and nose, and remember not to inhale the white smoke!" As she said that, she quickly tore off a piece of clothing from her body and tied it behind her head, covering half of her face.

All the soldiers quickly followed the instructions, but it was already too late. More and more people were fainting, and the gaps in the defense line were exposed. On the city wall, several rebels rushed up from time to time. They were stabbed through the body with a sword by soldiers with sharp eyes and quick hands, and fell down the city wall. Even so, there are still a large number of soldiers from the Ruifeng Battalion on the city wall, climbing up the ladders to the city tower one after another. They are as agile as apes. The defenders in the city are overwhelmed. Many people have already rushed into the city. The situation is critical, as if an arrow is on the string.

Yang Xiao's eyes flashed with evil intent, and he picked up a long sword left on the ground with his toes. The cold light shone brightly in his hand. He held his breath and rushed to the city wall to join the team that killed the enemy.

When the country is in crisis, no one can stay out of it.

Su Li's eyes flashed, and he flipped his wrist lightly. Before the arrows in his sleeves were fired, he saw a large number of saints coming up from the entrance of the city tower, each with their faces covered in black scarves. They were obviously well prepared. The leaders were Wan Xin and Jiang Yuan, and behind him were the eight helmsmen of the sect. Everyone rushed to the city wall, killing the enemy and treating the fainted soldiers. Most of the enemy troops who attacked the city were immediately killed.

Su Li couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. A familiar figure flashed beside her. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned her head subconsciously. It was indeed Dongfang Ze. He held up a small brown pill and put it directly to Su Li's lips, "Take it and it will detoxify the poisonous smoke."

Su Li was stunned. How could he have the antidote for poisonous smoke in his hand? Turning his eyes, Jiang Yuan squatted in front of the unconscious soldier and was putting the same pill into the other man's mouth. In the blink of an eye, the bottle of medicine in his hand was empty.

"Medicine." Dongfang Ze moved his finger an inch forward and touched her soft lips. She involuntarily raised her head and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Take it quickly!" He was anxious, grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms, his eyes full of anxiety, "This poisonous smoke is particularly harmful to people who practice martial arts, Su Su, you can't hold your breath at this time. !”

Su Li took a breath, pushed him away, took the medicine and took it. His brows relaxed, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Tianzheng walked over quickly and said loudly: "Many people have been seriously poisoned, and the antidote is too light to completely remove the toxin."

Dongfangze looked around, frowned slightly and said: "The number of antidotes is limited and will not last long. We must find a way to get rid of the source of the poisonous smoke as soon as possible to solve the problem of siege."

Lin Tian looked troubled and sighed: "The troops are approaching the city. It is too dangerous to go deep into the enemy's formation to extinguish the smoke. It will be difficult for people who are not strong in martial arts to deal with it."

"I'll go!" Wan Xin said immediately.

"No." Su Li flatly objected, "To extinguish the poisonous smoke, you must hit it with one strike. Once it fails, it will be difficult for the other party to take precautions. You and Jiang Yuan stay here to take charge, and I will go."

Wan Xin said anxiously: "This is too dangerous, Miss, you can't go!"

Su Li shouted sharply: "This is an order!"

Wan Xin's face turned pale, her lips trembled, and she was suddenly speechless.

Su Li's heart softened and her tone softened a bit, "Don't worry, my martial arts skills are not what they used to be. I will be fine. Even if Yang Zhen catches me, he may not dare to kill me." After saying that, she jumped up Going down the tower, it was like a ray of white light in the dark night.

"Miss!" Wan Xin exclaimed, and everyone's eyes blurred as another black figure followed closely and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

"Your Majesty..." The words that almost rushed out of his throat were swallowed back by Lin Tianzheng, who was just anxious.

The corpses of soldiers who died in the siege below the city were piled as high as a hill, and the dark crowd in front was still coming like a tide. The moon was dark and the wind was high. The soldiers attacking the city only felt two black shadows passing rapidly above their heads. When they looked up, they saw nothing.

Su Li jumped up and down a few times, and in a blink of an eye she was outside the circle. When she heard the footsteps following behind her, she did not look back. A complicated look flashed across her face, and she said lightly: "You have a special status. You have to take the risk.”

Dongfang Ze walked to stand beside her and said softly: "Do you think I let you take risks alone?"

Su Li lowered her head, gritted her teeth and shouted, "Why bother? You know that it's impossible between you and me."

He smiled faintly and said: "I did it knowing that it was impossible. I, Dongfang Ze, only made one mistake in my life, but I have to pay for this one time. If you refuse to forgive me for one day, I will follow you for one day. Su Su, even if it is The world is falling apart, and I can’t let go anymore.”

"You..." She was stunned and turned to look at him, but only saw his firm eyes. She was choked and speechless for a moment.

The white smoke became thicker and thicker, covering half of the sky. The north wind blew, and the thick white smoke quickly spread forward. A thick, round chimney stood upright among the towering branches and leaves of a dark dense forest ahead. It was more than several feet tall, facing the north city gate.

The two of them said nothing, and carefully leaned behind the tree to observe. Not far away, there was a bright fire in the open space in the woods. Four or five soldiers were busy adding firewood in front of the chimney and fanning the wind.

No wonder there is an endless supply of smoke. Guarding this forest, there is an inexhaustible supply of firewood on the spot.

Su Li and Dongfang Ze looked at each other at the same time, nodded slightly, and quickly surrounded them from left to right, attacking like the wind. Before those people could react, their acupoints were tapped, and they stayed in place, watching in horror. To men and women who seemed to fall from the sky.

Su Li quickly picked up sand from the ground and threw it into the fire. The fire gradually went out.

Dongfangze grabbed one of them, untied the person's mute point, and said in a low voice: "Tell me, how many places are there for smoking?"

The handsome face of the man in front of him was astonishing, but his eyes were ruthless. The man's heart suddenly felt cold, and he said tremblingly: "One, there are three places in total. The other two are over there." He pointed to the north. direction.

Dongfangze smiled slightly and exerted force with his fingers. The man tilted his head and collapsed to the ground.

The two performed Qinggong and soon arrived at the second setting point. Two black shadows flashed past, and the guarding soldier felt a chill on his neck and fell down in unison. The thick white smoke was gradually blown away by the wind, and the night sky returned to its original appearance. The last ignition point was successfully extinguished, and Su Li couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Dongfangze suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Someone is coming!" He quickly pulled Su Li and jumped towards the leafy tree nearby. The space between the tree trunks was narrow. Su Li was held in his arms and her back was pressed tightly against the trunk. She suddenly felt uneasy and struggled several times to push him away, but he held her tighter.

"What are you doing?" She was inexplicably angry.

"Hush!" He tried his best to lower his voice, "We are outnumbered and outnumbered! Take a look first before talking."

Su Li secretly hated it, but could do nothing. The crown of the tree was extremely dense. The two of them were hiding among the leaves, and their figures were completely hidden in the shadows. It was indeed an excellent hiding place. She stared at him, and in the darkness she could only see his bright eyes, shining like stars. Su Li's heart trembled and she hurriedly looked away.

There was the sound of horse hooves under the tree, and soon a group of cavalry came. The leader of the general was tall and slender, and his bright silver armor was particularly eye-catching. He was riding on a horse, and his appearance could not be seen clearly. The logo on the helmet on his head was the majestic flag of Ruifeng Camp. A sharp tiger head.

"Damn it! You didn't even know you were attacked by someone?" The general was so angry that he waved his whip and pulled the deputy general off his horse.

The lieutenant endured the pain, knelt down on one knee, and replied in panic: "Hui Shizi, a person with such skills is definitely not an ordinary person. The villain suspects that she is a saint from the Saintess Sect. I heard that she has strong martial arts and fusion in her body. Mastered the two great martial arts techniques in the world!"

Su Li's heart moved, Crown Prince? Could it be Yang Jin, Yang Zhen’s eldest son? Listening to the general's voice, he seemed to be very young. And she had visited Yang Jin several times, but she had never seen him. It is said that he was deliberately thrown into the military camp by Yang Zhen to temper his will.

"Is it her?" The general snorted coldly and said contemptuously: "They must still be nearby as soon as the smoke goes out. Send the order, search carefully, and kill without mercy!"

The sound of horse hooves gradually faded away. Su Li's tense nerves relaxed a little. She listened for a while and sighed softly: "They have been searching nearby. I'm afraid they won't be able to leave for a while."

"Who said we were leaving?" He smiled faintly.

Su Li glared at him: "You can live in this tree for ten and a half months if you want. I have to leave first."

As she said that, she used Qing Kung Fu and jumped down from the tree. As soon as she took a step, she was grabbed by the hand. Su Li frowned slightly, "Let go!"

"Don't be anxious yet, we still have things to do." He ignored her refusal, took her hand and performed Qing Kung, and walked quickly through the night. Su Li wanted to get rid of him several times, but because she was in the enemy camp and couldn't show off, she had to endure it again and again. Soon, the two of them arrived behind a huge rock on Jianlong Slope. Looking at Yang Zhen's camp where a hundred thousand troops were stationed not far down the slope, Su Li sighed and said, "So this is what you had in mind."

He raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Now that you're here, of course you can't go back empty-handed."

Su Li sighed deeply. Fortunately, he had thought carefully. The military camps of a hundred thousand troops stretched for miles. As long as the poisonous smoke is extinguished, the soldiers can still attack the city. If something happens to the camp at the rear, the attackers will be confused and will probably retreat without a fight.

Dongfang Ze took out a few round wax balls from his arms, picked up one and stuck it deeply on the tip of the arrow, pointed it at the torch next to a tent in the camp, and fired with a full bow.

His arrow skills are extremely accurate and his internal strength is astonishing. His sharp arrows are like meteors and hit the torch. There was just a "bang" sound, and the torch exploded into a huge fireball, which instantly ignited the tent nearby. At this time, the north wind did not stop, and the fire spread very quickly. In the blink of an eye, half of the tent was already on fire.

The military camp immediately became a mess. Soldiers carried water to extinguish the fire. Unexpectedly, when the water was poured on them, thick smoke immediately appeared. The screams of misery were endless, and the soldiers at the front covered their eyes in pain, fell to the ground and kept rolling.

Another wax pill was produced in the same way, and in the blink of an eye, another tent was on fire! Several wax pellets were shot into the enemy camp, almost turning the camp into a sea of ​​flames. From time to time, there were sounds of fleeing and screaming in the military camp, and for a while no one dared to come forward to rescue them.

Where did he get such a powerful poison pill? Su Li's heart moved, and she suddenly thought about the antidote, "Did you know that Yang Zhen would use poisonous smoke to attack the city?"

He shook his head, "I'm just guessing, not sure. The poisonous smoke was given to Yang Zhen by Yu Qianji a long time ago."

Yu Qianji was a spy arranged by Yang Zhen in the Saintess Cult. Where did he find out about such a secret? An idea suddenly flashed in Su Li's mind, "Did you arrange for Lin Tianzheng to enter the Broken Moon Helm?"

A smile flashed in his eyes, but he didn't answer.

Su Li sneered: "You are serious about the Saintess Cult. Even a woman like Yu Qianji is willing to work hard for you!" Remembering that when he was in the Saintess Cult, Yu Qianji once treated Xia Fu'an disguised as He showed his kindness in every possible way, but suddenly there was an inexplicable depression in his heart.

Dongfangze sighed softly and went to hold her hand, but she threw it away forcefully.

"There is a reason why a woman like Yu Qianji is willing to do things for me." He looked at her with bright eyes, as if he wanted to see clearly the cause of the unhappiness between her eyebrows.

"Of course there is a reason. As the leader of our Saintess Cult, she is actually willing to help an outsider. Even I, a Saintess, don't know about it. What other reason could there be besides being trapped by love!" She also stared at him, a powerful person. The emperor of the world is so charming, handsome, and unparalleled in wisdom. How can he not make women willing to fly to the flames for him? !

"You're right." He actually smiled, his brows turning like spring breeze and rain, shining like stars, "He is indeed trapped by love. No one in the world can escape this word of love."

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, she turned her eyes away and said coldly: "Then I should congratulate you, you can conquer even my own people. Since you value her so much, let her go with you from now on. That's it." Even our Saintess Cult can’t keep these people.”

His face darkened, but he didn't speak. Suddenly he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. Su Li was startled, and raised her hand to slap her. She heard a "bang" sound, her body swayed, and one hand was firmly around her waist without moving at all.

Su Li was annoyed and said angrily: "Let go!" She was about to swing her palm away again, but she saw that his face gradually turned pale, his hands tightened, and he closed his eyes slightly, as if he had expected that she would make a move, but he was willing to do so. Recalling that he had been so seriously injured, he came to accompany her through life and death before he could recover. The palm stayed on his cheek, stopping him in his tracks, but he was stunned and couldn't go down. Su Li stared at him and could only gasp. The next moment, he quickly raised her face and kissed her soft lips accurately.

The sweet taste, with its inexplicable throbbing, struck him and her instantly.

Su Li was so shocked that she couldn't speak, as if the indulgence and sweetness of despair in the Big Dipper array at Juling Peak came to her face again. And when she finally came to her senses and raised her palm, he quickly let go of her.

"You!" The familiar breath left in an instant, and Su Li felt a sense of emptiness for no reason!

"Susu..." He whispered softly, "Why do you resist your feelings for me?!"

Su Li gritted her teeth and turned around quickly, "I don't have any feelings for you! If you want to find feelings, go find Yu Qianji!"

The person behind him suddenly laughed twice: "The person Yu Qianji wants is not me at all."

Su Li was startled and turned back to look at him, "Not you? Hasn't she... always been interested in you?"

He approached her step by step, his eyes moving gently on her face, "Of course not. The person she likes is Lin Tianzheng."

Su Li was stunned for a moment, Lin Tianzheng? ! He is as gentle as jade and has a clear temperament. He actually falls in love with the romantic and charming Yu Qianji? !

"When I infiltrated the main altar before, I sent Lin Tianzheng to the Broken Moon Helm to search for the antidote to the Heartless Pill. Before the antidote was found, Lin Tianzheng and Yu Qianji fell in love with each other. Yu Qianji was originally the son of Yang Zhen. The insider of the Saintess Cult learned that Lin Tianzheng was obeying my orders and deliberately abandoned the dark side for the sake of his lover. Of course I am happy to see a good thing and help both of them. Yu Qianji had already prepared the poisonous smoke and gave it to Yang Zhen, and the army came to attack. At that time, I guessed that Yang Zhen might use the poisonous smoke to attack the city, so I ordered the two of them to prepare an antidote just in case."

Su Li felt a lot of pain in her heart, remembering that she thought he was in love with Yu Qianji just now, but she felt sulky, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. No wonder he had firmly told her that he would find the antidote to the Heartless Pill for her. It turned out that there was already someone of his in the Broken Moon Helm.

After a long silence, only hearing each other's heartbeats, which gradually calmed down in the dark night, she said in a low voice: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I just want to know, in your heart, is it true that you have no feelings for me at all, as you said." He took another step forward, his eyes staying in the depths of her pupils, "Susu... you lied to me. It doesn’t matter, why should you lie to yourself?”

His eyes were so focused that Su Li shuddered in her heart, was she lying to herself? Is she lying to herself? No, she and him had already broken up, and it was impossible to start over again in this life!

Turning around suddenly, she said coldly: "That's just your self-righteousness."

The thunderous sound of horse hooves came from the direction of the North Tower, and it seemed that the army was withdrawing. Dongfang Ze's face changed slightly, and he grabbed Su Li, "Let's go!"

The road they followed passed through a dense forest. The two of them ran towards the north city gate. A group of cavalry suddenly emerged from the other side of the forest. The leader was the young leader they had just seen in the dense forest. In the open space, there was nowhere to hide their tracks, and the two of them bumped into each other. Su Li secretly cried out.

"Stop, who is it?"

The deputy general had seen Su Li in the army and immediately shouted: "Saint of the Saintess Sect!"

The young general's face immediately turned gloomy, "Kill!"

When everyone heard the sound, they quickly bent their bows and set arrows. In an instant, a heavy rain of arrows came. Dongfang Ze and Su Li stood up to avoid the fierce attack, and the arrows shot deeply into the ground.

The cavalry quickly surrounded them, trapping the two of them. Su Li leaned closely on Dongfangze's back and looked coldly at the young leader in front of him. He was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with handsome and feminine features, resembling a yang. Zhen, those eyes looked more cruel and ruthless than his father's.

Old and new hatreds surged into his heart. Yang Jin was filled with hatred and shouted sternly: "Fire the arrow!"

"Catch him!" Dongfang Ze's message came into the secret. Su Li jumped up without hesitation, avoided the attack, and flew straight in the direction of Yang Jin.

Yang Jin's expression changed, he quickly picked up the spear in his hand and stabbed through the air! But in mid-air, Su Li turned sharply, thrust his fingers towards Yang Jin's back, and grabbed him from the horse's back. Her fingers were like the wind, and she quickly hit several large acupoints on Yang Jin's body. Yang Jin couldn't move and fell straight to the ground.

At the same time, Dongfangze pulled off the cloak behind him, turned around, and turned his wrist sharply. The black cloak was filled with strong internal force, like a black whirlpool, all the arrows were broken, but all of them were caught in it. .

Everyone was shocked, this weird move was simply unbelievable. Seeing that Yang Jin was captured, everyone quickly turned their horses and stepped forward to besiege Su Li.

Dongfangze sneered, shook his arm, and unfolded all his black cloaks. The broken arrows shot at the culprit with fierce force.

Suddenly, the horses neighed and screamed repeatedly. The horses were suddenly frightened. The cavalry was caught off guard and fell off their horses. They were trampled by the hoofs of the frightened horses and rolled over, wailing.

"You are such a wolf-hearted woman. It's a shame that my father trusts you so much!" Yang Jin lay on the ground, unable to move, staring at Su Li with a look of resentment in his eyes.

Su Li walked slowly to his side and said in a deep voice: "He has many opportunities to turn back. Yang Jin, you are still young, don't make the same mistake again and again!"

"You don't distinguish between close friends and strangers! You help the tyrants do evil! Have you forgotten how Yan'er died?" Yang Jin was so angry that he finally growled uncontrollably.

Thinking of the tragic death of Yang Yan, Su Li couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart. That innocent child was so smart and cute, but he became a victim of the ruthless struggle for imperial power.

Looking at the angry and twisted face of the young man at his feet. Su Li suddenly realized that Yang Jin... was Yang Zhen's only flesh and blood! She stared at him quietly for a moment and said calmly: "Your father also has an unshirkable responsibility for Yan'er's death. If he hadn't been stubborn and insisted on having his own way, you wouldn't be where you are today."

"Stop talking nonsense and kill me if you can!"

"You are my uncle's only son. I won't kill you. Go back and give your uncle a message to rein in the situation before it's too late. For your own ambition and chaos in the world, I'm afraid you will pay a heavier price. You... take care of yourself. Bar."

Su Li flicked his fingers, and Yang Jin felt his body suddenly relax, and the acupuncture points were released. She said no more, turned around and strode away.

Yang Jin lowered his eyes, with a hint of cunning. He turned his wrist lightly, and a shining dagger slipped into his palm. Silver light flashed, and the dagger shot straight towards Su Li's back!

Dongfang's eyes turned cold, he swept his sleeves, and the dagger suddenly reversed its direction. Yang Jin was startled, and he rolled over to avoid it. The dagger pierced his shoulder hard, causing blood to flow profusely. He stood up in panic, jumped on a horse and immediately went into the dense forest, disappearing like the wind.

Su Li paused, but didn't say anything, and walked away.

He followed her silently. At this moment, only the night wind was sobbing, and all the grudges and hatreds were sinking and undercurrent.

After this battle, the Yangzhen rebels ceased their activities, and the war once again fell into a stalemate. As a result, the late emperor had been in mourning for many days. Yang Xiao did not dare to delay any longer and decided to mourn the late emperor immediately and lay him to rest. On the day of the funeral, it was overcast and rainy, and the entire city of Biandu was white and solemn and desolate. Yang Xiao showed filial piety and led the courtiers to send the late emperor's body to the imperial mausoleum. Su Li followed the mighty team, staying close to Yang Xiao. Along the way, Yang Xiao was particularly silent. Whenever he turned around, he could always see her calm and concerned eyes, silently watching him, with a hint of comfort in her grief.

The late emperor's body was brought to the imperial mausoleum. Yang Xiao dismissed the ministers and knelt upright in front of the late emperor's mausoleum alone, without moving for a long time. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Xu Chang couldn't help but worry in his heart, and whispered: "Your Majesty, it's getting late, go back to the palace and rest."

Yang Xiao turned a deaf ear and just stared blankly at the undulating mountains in the distance, his dim eyes seeming to have lost focus.

After a long while, Xu Chang looked at Su Li with a sad face, asking for help.

Su Li sighed secretly. He hadn't had a good rest at all in the past few days. He looked haggard at the moment and had long lost his usual high energy. She was about to open her mouth to persuade him, but when she saw Yang Xiao suddenly stood up, without saying a word, he quickly got on his horse. The riding crop was whipped hard, and the horse immediately galloped away. Su Li secretly screamed, and quickly flew onto his horse, following closely behind.

In the autumn grassland, the grass and trees are withered and yellow, and the wind blows on the face, like a knife cutting. Su Li kept waving the whip and stared at Yang Xiao's back in front of her. Seeing him galloping like crazy, her heart ached. Yang Xiao like this was just like when she left her mother's mausoleum to go to Li Su's cemetery. She controlled He kept running wildly all the way. But she understood that even so, it could not relieve the grief of losing her loved one.

Yang Xiao suddenly tightened the reins, causing the horse to hoof up and neigh in pain. He threw him off the horse mercilessly and galloped away. Yang Xiao allowed himself to hit the ground hard, causing dust to fly. He rolled forward a few times and lay motionless on the ground.

"Yang Xiao!" Su Li screamed. Her heart suddenly sank, and she jumped off the horse, threw herself in front of him, and called out repeatedly: "Yang Xiao! How are you?"

That handsome face, always smiling, was actually covered with tears. She couldn't help but be stunned.

To this day, it was the first time she saw him cry.

Before, whether he was falsely accused of patricide or Yang Zhen's army was sieging the city, Bian was in danger, but he never showed the slightest bit of vulnerability in front of others. She was crying silently at this time, like a helpless child. Such Yang Xiao actually made her feel a little distressed for no reason, and she couldn't help but think of the most helpless days she spent after her rebirth. She also suppressed her sadness and smiled nonchalantly in front of others. However, the pain of losing her mother weighed on her heart like a mountain, making her breathless all the time.

Perhaps, everyone needs to go through a period of pain before they can truly grow up. When you lose the love and protection of your closest loved ones, weakness will become the most unnecessary emotion. She didn't speak, just sat down next to him quietly.

At the end of the grassland, the sunset was about to disappear. The last ray of light seemed to be accompanying him, bidding farewell to this last wanton vent.

After a long time, Yang Xiao finally spoke and said in a hoarse voice: "Ah Li, thank you."

Su Li turned to look at him. The tears on his bright handsome face were dry, and his expression was sad, but there was a trace of perseverance in his eyes.

She shook her head silently. At certain moments, wordless companionship is worth a thousand words. His heart moved, he sat up and hugged her gently.

Su Li felt a little sad and raised her hand to gently stroke his back. Yang Xiao paused slightly and immediately hugged her tighter.

"You know? Sometimes I really blame you." His low and hoarse voice sounded in his ears, slightly nervous, "No matter what I do or how I please you, you don't seem to care about me at all. At critical moments, you always choose to stand by others. But this time... I'm very happy that you didn't leave me when I needed you most!"

"Yang Xiao, I'm not a person who doesn't know right from wrong." Su Li said calmly. This sentence seems to be calm and gentle, but there are countless turbulent waves hidden inside. Only she herself knows how difficult it is to make such a choice!

"It's getting late, we should go back." Su Li said no more, pushed him away gently, stood up and wanted to leave, but he held her hand tightly. Yang Xiao raised his head and looked at her There was an undercurrent of emotion in his bright eyes, and he suddenly asked softly: "Ali, will you always be by my side?" His voice was very soft, but he was clearly serious and persistent.

She was shocked. Was he asking for a promise from her?

He then added: "I'm not sure what the future will bring. I only know that with you by my side, I can survive no matter how big the storm is. I can't live without you."

Su Li was silent. She had not planned to come to Bian Country in the first place, and she had not expected to stay for such a long time. As for the future, she had not thought about it, but when he suddenly asked her, she did not know how to answer.

There seemed to be a sigh in the wind. He didn't ask any more questions, stood up and said, "Let's go."

As the sun sets, the Bian Palace, shrouded in twilight, feels a bit unspeakably heavy. The evening wind whirled and stirred the copper bells under the eaves of the turret, making a tinkling sound that disturbed people's minds.

Dongfang Ze stood on the high turret with his hands behind his back, wearing a black brocade robe that was flying in the autumn wind. He stared intently at Su Li who was riding back with Yang Xiao, and his expression was somewhat indescribable. of loneliness.

The afterglow of the setting sun gently shone on the two of them, and the plain white mourning clothes were coated with a faint light. This harmonious and intimate scene immediately stung his eyes.

Once upon a time, she sat so intimately in front of him, and the faint fragrance in her memory still lingered in her heart. We are clearly committed to a lover who sincerely trusts each other and is extremely close to each other. Why are we separated from him by the furthest distance now? !

There were footsteps behind him, and Lin Tianzheng sighed softly: "It's windy here, your Majesty, please go back and rest."

Dongfangze seemed not to hear, and suddenly asked without looking back: "Lin Tianzheng, have you ever envied anyone?"

Lin Tianzheng was slightly startled and looked at him in surprise. A man who has always been aloof would actually ask such a question? ! Before he could speak, Dongfangze said again: "When I sent the late emperor to the funeral, a longer procession followed me, but... no matter how many people there are, they can't understand what I feel in my heart!"

The person who could understand his thoughts without words but with just one look had abandoned him.

Lin Tianzheng's heart moved. He looked at the woman in the distance and sighed: "The most difficult thing in the world to grasp is the human heart. Destiny comes and goes, and it has its own destiny. Why does your Majesty have to suffer so much?"

Dongfang Ze was shocked. Such a simple truth now requires others to remind him. He knows very well that he cannot let go of this love in this life. Even if he pays all the costs, he will get her heart back! With just his efforts and persistence, can he still bring her back?

I was confused for a moment, just looking at the pair of figures gradually approaching.

Such a focused gaze immediately made Su Li aware of it. She subconsciously raised her head and looked directly into his deep eyes, and her heart was instantly shocked. When she left with the funeral procession in the early morning, he seemed to be standing there, and now he was still...

Yang Xiao reined in the reins and looked slightly coldly, seeing Dongfang Ze quickly descending from the turret and walking towards them.

Yang Xiao quickly turned over and dismounted, stretched out his hand towards Su Li and said, "Come on, I'll help you."

Su Li hesitated for a moment and just stretched out her hand, but was tightly held by a hand that suddenly stretched out from the side.

"How dare you trouble Emperor Bian for such a trivial matter!" Dongfang Ze smiled faintly, a chill suddenly appeared in his eyes. He stretched out his long arms and was about to carry Su Li off the horse. However, Su Li dodged lightly, and before he put his hands around her waist, she was already standing firmly beside Yang Xiao, her eyes calm and distant.

Dongfangze froze his fingers in the air and looked at her blankly. Countless times in the past, he would hold her off the horse, a natural and intimate gesture without the need for words, as if they were a natural fit. At this time, she deliberately avoided him, clearly wary of him. Could it be that in her heart, he was no longer as good as Yang Xiao? !

He took a step back unconsciously, unable to hide the deep disappointment in his eyes.

Yang Xiao saw it and suddenly smiled, the smile had some unclear meaning. He put his arms around Su Li's shoulders, his eyes as soft as water, "What Emperor Sheng said is wrong. In my heart, anything related to Ah Li is no matter how big or small it is. Not to mention helping her to dismount, even if I have to do it for her." She goes up to the mountain of swords and down to the sea of ​​fire, and I am willing to do so!"

Although he was speaking to Dongfang Ze, his eyes were always fixed on Su Li. He was so straightforward and tender, which made Su Li stunned and didn't know what to say.

Yang Xiao smiled softly and turned to look at Dongfangze. The warmth in his eyes faded and turned into a faint cold light. He said casually: "I'm tired, so I'll go ahead with Ah Li. His Majesty, Emperor Sheng, has nothing to do. It's better to go back to the post house early." Just rest."

One sentence clearly shows the difference between closeness and distance. The two people were going back and forth with each other in their words, which was obviously a grudge match. Su Li's eyes were slightly cold, and she didn't like that they were using her as an excuse to hide their secrets. Pulling Yang Xiao's hand off Yang's shoulder, he said calmly: "It's getting late, everyone, go back."

Dongfangze sneered and said: "I heard that Yang Zhen's army frequently appeared in Longpo today. I believe that a second attack on the city will be launched soon. I wonder how the Bian Emperor plans to defend your precarious Bian country!?" This sentence made me wonder. Yang Xiao's steps that he had just taken suddenly stopped.

Yang Xiao's expression suddenly changed. Just as he was about to speak, a man came running towards him. It was Shi Jing. He said anxiously, "Your Majesty! The spies are here to report. Yang Zhen has gathered an army and is planning to attack the city again!"

Yang Xiao's eyes were as cold and sharp as a knife, and he stabbed straight at Dongfangze. As a foreigner, the information he received was so accurate and fast, even surpassing that of the lord of Bian Kingdom!

Su Li was also shocked, "So fast?!" It had only been a few days since the last attack on the city. Even if the poisoned soldiers recovered as before, Yang Zhen should have some scruples and not launch an attack rashly.

Unless...he has found a way to overcome his addiction!

Seemingly sensing her doubts, Dongfang Ze said: "I saw that there is a medicinal herb in the valley near Longpo. The juice can temporarily seal people's sense of smell."

Su Li's eyes darkened, "Then all poisons will be ineffective!"

"That's right. Therefore, the next battle will definitely be extremely difficult to deal with." Dongfang Ze said in a deep voice.

Su Li's heart tightened and she said, "It's windy here, let's go back to the palace and discuss it later."

In the Qinzheng Hall, the aroma of tea lingered, a wisp of light smoke rose from the incense burner, and the faint aroma of ambergris slowly spread in the air. Su Li and Yang Xiao both had serious expressions on their faces, sitting on their own, silently thinking about countermeasures. Holding hot tea in his hand, Dongfangze leaned quietly in the soft chair and looked at them without saying a word.

"How long will it take for Hu'erdu to return to court?" Su Li suddenly asked.

Yang Xiao said solemnly: "The army can't move faster than a single horse, and it will take a few days at the fastest."

There are not many defenders in Biandu City, and many soldiers were lost in the last battle to defend the city. Once Yang Zhen launches a large-scale attack on the city this time, the defenders in the city will not be able to last for three days at most. Although the martial arts of the members of the Saintess Cult are high, they can barely deal with a Ruifeng battalion. It is simply impossible to resist an army of 100,000 people. The only solution for now is to delay as much time as possible and wait for reinforcements to arrive, but Yang Zhen has many tricks and tricks, so it will not be easy!

Yang Xiao and Su Li looked at each other and saw the worry in the other's eyes. No one spoke for a long time, and the atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

Su Li sighed softly. She was not familiar with the formation of troops. Is there any way to delay the arrival of reinforcements as much as possible? Her eyes looked towards Dongfang Ze involuntarily.

He was also looking at her, with unknown sadness hidden in his indifferent eyes.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat and she looked away.

After a long while, Dongfangze sighed, stood up slowly, and said softly: "If you want to delay time, it is not impossible." He tapped the map on the table with his finger, "This place is called Yu Canyon. It is the place where the emperor saw Longpo. The city must pass through. The valley is long and dangerous, with yellow sand everywhere. Lin Tianzheng predicts that there will be heavy fog tomorrow, so he can work hard here."

Valley... yellow sand... Su Li suddenly remembered that she had read a case in her father's military book, and her heart suddenly became enlightened. She raised her head happily and said: "You want to use the trick of suspecting the enemy..."

"That's right!" He smiled faintly, "Su Su Bingxue is smart and must understand what I am thinking." No matter when and where she is, she is always the one who understands his thoughts. Gazing at this moment, he felt as if he had returned to the time when the two hearts were in harmony...

"Emperor Sheng really knows the terrain of our country Bian very well!" His wandering thoughts were suddenly interrupted by cold words. Yang Xiao's eyes were sharp and deep, staring at him closely, as if there was something wrong.

Dongfangze seemed to know what he was thinking. He glanced at him lightly and sneered: "Why should Emperor Bian be nervous? I'm not interested in things that are easy to get." The meaning of the words was clear. He didn't bother to take advantage of others' danger and speak so arrogantly. , I’m afraid he is the only one in the world who can say it!

"But if it is what I want, no one can stop it! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous." A sharp light flashed through his deep eyes, and there seemed to be a warning in his tone.

Su Li naturally heard what he meant, and couldn't help but feel a little sinking in her heart. She was keenly aware that there must be something between them that she didn't know.

Seeing Yang Xiao's expression change several times, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, Su Li said: "Since we already have a way to deal with the enemy, we should set up defenses as soon as possible."

Hearing what she said, Yang Xiao had no choice but to suppress his emotions and discuss countermeasures. It wasn't until late at night that they dispersed.

This day, it was foggy. Yang Zhen gathered an army and was about to go to Yu Canyon. A spy from the front suddenly came to report: "Your Majesty, enemy troops have been found in Yu Canyon, no less than one hundred thousand."

"What? One hundred thousand?!" The generals were shocked.

"Impossible! There are only 30,000 defenders in the imperial city. Where did the 100,000 troops come from?!" Yang Jin immediately shouted.

"Is it the Huerdu army returning for reinforcements?" a general asked suspiciously. Hu'erdu was the number one general in the Bian Kingdom. Everyone knew that he was highly skilled in martial arts and would fight without risking his life. Even Yang Zhen was afraid of him.

Yang Zhen frowned and thought. Although the peace agreement between Sheng and Bian has been signed, the Sheng army has not yet evacuated Tianmen. How dare Yang Xiao order the border army to return to the court! Isn't he afraid that Shengjun will violate the agreement and take advantage of the situation? ! What's more, he had already set up checkpoints along the way to the border. With a hundred thousand troops, how easy would it be to get back reinforcements?

"I would like to see what kind of medicine they are selling in their gourds!" Yang Zhen thought about it for a while, then ordered in a deep voice, and the army marched straight towards Yu Canyon.

Ten miles south of Biandu City, you can see Yu Gorge, the only place that must pass from Longpo to the Imperial City. Surrounded by high mountains on both sides, the valley has yellow sand and strange rocks, and is shrouded in heavy fog. People can only glimpse the scenery within ten steps.

This place is usually extremely quiet, but today from a few miles away, the sound of horse hooves could be heard echoing in the valley, so loud that from a distance, one could not tell how many people and horses there were in the valley! The closer to the mouth of the valley, the louder and shocking the sound becomes, shocking people's hearts. However, the fog at the mouth of the valley is thick, the sky is full of yellow sand, and the figures are dim and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Yang Jin looked at it for a long time, then said with a suspicious look in his eyes: "Father, I'm afraid there is a fraud in this. For the past few days, 30,000 people in the city have been guarding the city, and the city gate has not been opened. Why is there a large army here today? Could it be...that Hu'erdu is really back?"

Yang Zhen's face was cold and he didn't speak. He just raised his hand slightly, and the huge army behind him fell silent.

The valley was filled with thick fog, and Su Li listened carefully to the movements outside the valley. According to Dongfangze's plan, the Saintess taught four thousand members and mobilized three thousand and five hundred people into a team and rode horses back and forth in the valley. The terrain of this valley was unique, with loud sounds and echoes, supplemented by the crowd's devotion. The sound of internal force driving the horses created a huge momentum that exceeded 100,000 people.

It's just that this plan of suspicion can only be delayed for a while because it relies on foggy weather. Yang Zhen is suspicious by nature and has a meticulous mind. If he doesn't leave easily, when the fog clears in the afternoon, this bluff will no longer be able to hide from him.

Su Li remained silent, and Jiang Yuan whispered: "Sect Master, don't worry, Emperor Sheng has spoken first. Once the situation changes, we can just retreat. He has his own countermeasures."

Su Li sighed: "I understand." Dongfang Ze transferred the new helm master Fu Tianren, who was good at concealed weapons, and five hundred people in the helm. He must have had other plans.

Outside the valley, Yang Zhen's army seems to have been parked in the distance, still watching, with no intention of leaving.

Su Li waved the flag in his hand, and six teams of cavalry shouted to kill at the same time. Thousands of horses raised their hooves and neighed. The momentum was extremely shocking! The sound echoed for a long time, and then the valley returned to silence, and no sound could be heard again.

Outside the valley, the spies sent earlier came back and reported: "Your Majesty, the fog in the valley is extremely heavy and there are so many different figures that it is difficult to distinguish them clearly. However, it can be concluded that the opponent's flag is black!"

Everyone was shocked. Who didn't know that the black flag in the army was exclusive to the first general of the Bian Kingdom?

Yang Zhen frowned, and a general behind him couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, this should be Hu'erdu! There are mostly cavalry under his command, and every time he trains, the sound of horse hooves can be heard for miles. "

Yang Jin doubted, "If it's really Hu'erdu, with his temper, why would he hide even though he knew we were here? There must be something wrong with this!"

Yang Zhen's eyes were cold and he snorted: "He can't see clearly what's going on outside the valley even in the fog."

"Father, Ku'erdu never fights an uncertain battle. If it's really him, we must not rush in!" Yang Jin's face also became solemn.

Yang Zhen's face darkened, and he stared intently at the misty valley entrance. At this moment, the mountain wind was blowing, and the thick white mist was constantly billowing, making the situation increasingly difficult to distinguish. His heart became cold and he waved his hand: "Retreat!"

The sound of horse hooves could be faintly heard outside the valley. Su Li listened carefully and saw that the other party was planning to retreat. She breathed a sigh of relief!

At this moment, the clouds in the hazy sky suddenly cleared and the fog dispersed, revealing a bright light.

It's going to be sunny!

Yang Zhen immediately reined in the reins and faced the bright light, with sharp eyes and a sneer on his lips.

The sun has risen, and no matter how heavy the fog is, it will clear away. He only needs to wait quietly. It won't take long before the mystery of the valley will be clear at a glance!

Su Li's heart suddenly sank. Man's calculations were indeed inferior to God's calculations. It was obviously impossible to muddle through today!

She took a deep breath and never gave up easily until the last moment. An order was issued immediately, and the cavalry was ordered to run again. The flying dust and sand suddenly filled the air, mixed with the lingering mist, which could barely cover up the true situation in the valley.

Seeing that noon was approaching, the light became stronger and stronger, most of the fog dissipated, and the situation in the valley was vaguely visible.

"Father, the fog has dispersed, what are we waiting for?" Yang Jin looked at the mouth of the valley, eager to try.

Before Yang Zhen could answer, he suddenly heard several whooshing sounds in the air. Everyone looked up and saw an overwhelming number of sharp arrows coming from the peaks on both sides of the valley entrance. They were so fast and fierce that they didn't know what kind of crossbow arrows were used. They shot from far away. beyond normal range.

Yang Zhen's expression changed, and he quickly ordered the cavalry to retreat, while the infantry raised their shields and stepped forward to block the arrows.

After the first round of offensive in the valley, the sun became brighter and brighter, and the fog at the valley entrance gradually thinned. Looking from a distance, one could vaguely see the not-wide valley entrance. Densely packed cavalry were waiting at the valley entrance, but the sound of hoofbeats continued from behind.

Yang Zhen looked up and saw several huge crossbows hanging on the boulders on the top of the mountain, but there was not a single figure in sight! It turned out that it was not an ambush at all, but the use of agencies to build momentum! He suddenly smiled coldly, "Kurdu is brave and good at fighting, but not good at planning, and none of his subordinates are good at traps or Qimen's armor-breaking skills. Otherwise, they would never have fallen into Yuan Xiang's plan and been trapped in the miasma forest!"

This person in the valley must not be Huerdu! He no longer hesitated and shouted decisively, "The forwards listen to the order and immediately lead the Ruifeng Battalion's 5,000 troops into the valley!"

The striker quickly took the order and left.

Seeing the people and horses rushing towards him, Su Li's heart sank, and he immediately shouted: "Everyone retreat!"

Thousands of people retreated to the back of the valley in an orderly manner. Su Liduan sat on the horse, suddenly flew up, used his internal energy to strike out with a fierce palm, and the heavy internal energy fell on one side of the hillside, immediately stirring up countless dust and smoke, successfully blocking the view of the opponent's army.

However, the army did not stop because of this. The horses were galloping and still pressed forward!

Su Li was secretly shocked. Yang Zhen's troops were really extraordinary, but he still couldn't scare them under such circumstances! Just as she was about to high-five her again, a fast horse suddenly came running behind her. Before she could turn around, he had already grabbed her waist and hugged her onto the horse's back.

"Let's go!" A familiar magnetic voice passed by his ears, and his breath brushed his ears, slightly unsteady.

Dongfangze let out a clear roar that shook the valley.

The mechanism on the top of the mountain once again fired a fierce rain of arrows, which were embedded in the ground. The war horses were frightened and spun in circles, refusing to move forward.

Dongfangze took her running all the way to a higher hillside. The horse stopped slowly, and Su Li couldn't help but look back at him. His handsome face couldn't hide the look of exhaustion. From last night to this morning, he personally led the people to set up the formation here. He worked tirelessly and personally. He helped like this. Yang Xiao, what is it for? There seemed to be an answer vaguely in my mind. But she didn't dare to think deeply, nor did she want to think deeply.

"Where is this place?" Su Li jumped off the horse and walked to the highest point of the hillside to stand.

"Condescendingly, you can have a panoramic view of the situation in the valley from here." He walked behind her and slowly touched her shoulders, "When the army rushes in, you just rush out with your people, and leave the rest to me. I."

Su Li frowned and wanted to say something but held back.

The crossbows at Taniguchi have stopped firing, and the flying yellow sand has settled. The valley was actually empty, as if no one had ever been there.

Yang Jin laughed and shouted: "Father, it is true that he knew what was going to happen. Suddenly, he didn't come back at all! They were just bluffing, trying to delay time! Now they can't resist and want to run away? Ridiculous! Xiao Wang is determined I want to kill them all without leaving a single piece of armor behind! General Yu, come with me!" Before he could finish his words, he took the lead in rushing into the valley, riding one person at a time.

Yang Jin took the lead and was full of confidence, and the morale of Ruifeng Battalion was immediately boosted. General Yu immediately led his team to follow. The sound of hooves shook Yu Canyon. When we reached the middle and back part of the valley, huge boulders suddenly rolled down from the top of the mountain. Yellow sand filled the sky and there was no way to go or go.

"Fell into a trap!" Yang Zhen's expression changed, he galloped on his horse, and shouted, "Jin'er! Come back!"

The charging army, which was originally menacing, immediately turned into chaos. Many soldiers could not control their frightened horses and fell off their horses one after another. In the blink of an eye, they were trampled to pieces by the frightened horses!

Suddenly, the war horses in Yu Canyon neighed, and screams continued!

In a battle, I don't know how many soldiers will die as a result, separated from their loved ones, and separated from their loved ones forever!

The scene in front of him was so tragic that Su Li felt heavy in his heart, as if a stone had been weighed down on him.

Suddenly, a row of sharp arrows shot through the air with fierce murderous intent. The astonishing force could almost penetrate the stubborn stone!

Su Li was shocked. At some point, a small group of people stood on the hillside opposite the canyon. The leader stared directly at her with cold and gloomy eyes. It was Yang Zhen!

Dongfangze's expression changed, and he quickly threw her to the ground, rolled over, and hid behind a boulder. It was just that the momentum was too strong, and his back hit the hard stone hard, and he couldn't help but groan.

Before Su Li could speak, he heard dozens of clicks, and the ground where he was standing had been deeply embedded by dozens of sharp arrows! so close! Just a little bit away from the two of them being shot into hedgehogs! She was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on her forehead and her heart beat rapidly.

Thinking that the collision just now seemed serious, he couldn't help but look up at Dongfang Ze and asked in a low voice: "How are you?"

Unexpectedly, he just lowered his head and asked her eagerly: "Are you okay?"

The two spoke in unison, but were stunned at the same time. She nestled in his arms, so close, and the concern in each other's eyes was so clear that there was no way to hide it.

He was lost for a moment, holding her arm and couldn't help but slowly tighten it.

Su Li lowered his eyes and said nothing, but his heart was like a turmoil, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Suddenly there was a loud and earth-shattering sound, and the whole valley seemed to be shaken.

The two were startled and immediately stood up. I saw that the stone forest at the bottom of the valley had collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, Ruifeng Camp had suffered heavy casualties. Yang Zhen looked extremely ugly and headed straight for the stone forest without further delay. This stone formation was extremely weird, and he couldn't get through it for a while, so he had to lead everyone to exit the valley. Unexpectedly, a fire suddenly broke out at the other end of the valley, and the thick smoke that filled the mountains and fields made people breathless.

"Damn it!" Yang Jin's face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I want to trap us alive!"

Yang Zhen's eyes were cold, but there was no fear on his face, and he shouted coldly: "Get out!"

The remaining soldiers of the Ruifeng Battalion rushed out of the valley under the leadership of Yang Zhen. By this time, more than half of the army had been lost. Yang Zhen looked back and saw that these 50,000 remaining soldiers had just rushed out from the edge of life and death, and they all looked panicked. He widened his eyes sharply and shouted loudly: "Generals, listen to my order and follow me into the imperial city. Capture the faint king alive. There will be heavy rewards!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The crowd was so excited that they would not stop until the city gate was breached!

Seeing this scene, Dongfangze frowned and said, "Everyone retreat to the imperial city!"

The battle of life and death has finally arrived.

On top of the towering city tower, Yang Xiao was personally conducting the command, wearing a golden armor that shone brightly under the sunlight. The soldiers around them were encouraged by the monarch's personal presence, and their morale was high. Their eyes were fixed on the direction where the enemy army was about to appear, and their eyes flickered with a look of death.

Su Li was slightly startled. This was the first time she truly felt the imperial aura emanating from Yang Xiao! This naughty boy who loves to joke has transformed into a butterfly and become a monarch who cares about his family and country after experiencing great changes in his life! A faint smile of relief flashed across her lips, but she was still a little worried in her heart.

Dongfangze saw this in his eyes, and felt enlightened, and said lightly: "If he can't even resist the opponent's 50,000 sick and disabled generals, how can he be qualified to be the king of this country?!"

Su Li fell silent immediately.

"He's right." Yang Xiao stepped down from the tower at some point, with firm confidence on his face and a steady pace. The dazzling golden armor made his handsome face even more noble and unforgettable. He crossed Dongfang Ze and walked straight to Su Li, and said solemnly: "By sitting in this position, I will shoulder the honor and disgrace of the country, and there is no room for failure! You can rest assured and go back to the palace to rest. I will use facts to prove that your choice is right. This I can definitely protect the city and you!"

Su Li remained silent. His words were firm in conviction, but they were just to comfort her heart. She knew how difficult this battle was. But there was another reason why she didn't want to leave.

In the depths of her clear eyes, emotions flowed, seemingly hiding countless heavy thoughts. Her hesitant expression was seen in Yang Xiao's eyes. He sighed softly, stepped forward and held her hands tightly, and said seriously: "I promise you, I won't kill him unless absolutely necessary."

Su Li's heart trembled, and there was a hint of gratitude in her eyes. She didn't have many relatives left, and she didn't want to lose any more.

Dongfangze lowered his eyes and looked at the two people's tightly held hands, a sharp cold light flashed in his deep eyes.

When Su Li returned to the palace, news came from Jiang Yuan from time to time. The fierce offensive of Yang Zhen's army far exceeded their expectations. However, in just one day, 30,000 defenders fought desperately and nearly 10,000 were killed or wounded. However, the offensive under the city did not weaken at all. If this continues, within two days, the city gate will be broken!

Su Li was extremely anxious and asked her to sit in the palace and wait for an unpredictable outcome, but she really couldn't do it. He immediately decided to go to the city gate to investigate the situation.

Just after leaving the palace gate, a four-horse carriage stopped on the avenue. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the man who stepped out, dressed in rich clothes and wearing jade belt, walked steadily, was Dongfangze. Judging from the situation, it seems that he has been waiting here for a long time. Seeing her leaving the palace gate, he quickly stepped forward, grabbed her, and said in a deep voice without any doubt: "Follow me."

The familiar hands in front of her were full of calming power, but Su Li calmly looked away and looked in the direction of the North City Gate, "I won't follow you."

A trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but ask: "Yang Xiao, is it really so important to you? Do you know how urgent the situation is right now, Yang Zhen's army can attack at any time! Once the city is broken, you will be in a dangerous situation!"

"As of now, life and death have been ignored by me." She answered calmly.

Dongfangze's expression suddenly changed when he heard this. Pain and anger intertwined in his deep black eyes, and he roared: "You don't care, someone does! Have you forgotten the regent? He only has you as his relative now, you can't bear to let him Are you going to live alone forever and never enjoy any family happiness?"

Father... Su Li's heart immediately ached. She raised her head and said firmly, "Even if he wants to blame me, I will do this. You... let's go." She didn't look back and went straight to the carriage.

The wheels rolled and creaked, and the sound seemed to run over his heart inch by inch, and the bitter pain filled the air. He slowly closed his eyes. What should he do to return to the beginning? Or... no matter how hard he tries, he can't go back to the past?

"Your Majesty, you still have things to do, so let's go first." Lin Tianzheng couldn't help but remind him.

Dongfangze was slightly shocked, his expression returned to its original state, and he said, "Where is he?"

"The Imperial City is locked down and no news can be received for the time being. If there is no accident, we can arrive in one day at most."

Dongfangze nodded lightly, and suddenly said: "Sheng Xiao! Go and guard her, there is no loss!"

Sheng Xiao left in response, and her vigorous figure disappeared at the end of the street in an instant.

At this time, the city of Biandu seemed to be stained with blood. Rivers of blood flowed outside the city, and corpses piled up like mountains. Su Li took a breath. This was the first time she had seen such a tragic war scene. My heart couldn't help but clench, Yang Xiao... was he injured? For some reason, she was so worried about his safety right now! The slender figure flew up the tower, looking around anxiously for the golden armor.

Suddenly someone from the front hissed: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

Su Li stopped and saw a flash of sword light, a pop, and blood splattering everywhere.

At the end of the tower, a rebel slowly fell down, revealing Yang Xiao's red eyes. He gasped heavily and propped the sword in his hand on the ground to stabilize his almost exhausted body.

Su Li's breath suddenly froze. The armor on his body was stained with red blood, and the original golden color was almost unrecognizable!

Yang Xiao raised his eyes slightly and saw her standing not far away. He was immediately startled and rushed over to shout: "What are you doing here? Go back!" His tone was tough, but he couldn't hide his anxiety and concern.

The tower was full of dangers, and the sounds that could be heard were the clash of weapons, the screams of soldiers, and the sound of blood splashing. The soldiers guarding the city fell one after another, with more corpses than living people, and the attack on the city was still fierce under the city wall. In the distance, no trace of reinforcements could be seen. Inside and outside the city, there was blood and the smell of death. Su Li's heart was heavy and she was completely speechless.

When Yang Xiao saw her standing still, he immediately became anxious and grabbed her and rushed directly to the city wall. Su Li screamed: "Yang Xiao! What are you doing?!"

Yang Xiao turned a deaf ear and rushed to the bottom of the city tower. He stopped just now, turned around and looked at Su Li and said in a deep voice: "Ah Li, listen to me, this city cannot be defended. Go to the post house to find him, and leave immediately." The secret passage of Jingxin Hall leaves Biandu as soon as possible, the better!"

"You..." Su Li was stunned immediately. A few days ago, he hoped that she would not leave, but now he wants her to go with Dongfang Ze? !

"Although Yang Zhen is your uncle, you chose to stand by me. Even if he doesn't kill you, Yang Jin will never let you go!" He didn't give her a chance to speak at all. How serious is the situation now? He knows the crisis better than anyone else. Once the city is defeated, not only will he not be able to protect himself, he will also be unable to protect her!

"Ah Li." He held her hand tightly, and the affectionate gaze in his eyes repeatedly lingered on her beautiful features, not daring to leave a trace behind, and it was clear that he was heartbroken.

When he and she first met, they treated her as husband and wife. He played all the jokes at the husband-choosing banquet, but was unknowingly attracted by her peerless elegance. No matter how cynical he was, he never dared to make a mistake in front of her. He was overjoyed to meet her again in Bian Kingdom, and he wanted to keep her safe even if he was against his father. He was carefree all his life and could put everything behind him, but he could not let go of her. I have a deep love for her, and I want to stay with her till I grow old. But at this moment, at the critical moment of life and death, he had to push her into the arms of another man! The pain surging in his heart made his hands tremble slightly, but he forced himself to smile and said: "If we can't see each other again in the future, you must never forget me."

Su Li's heart was shocked, her throat was choked, and she couldn't speak.

Yang Xiao hugged her tightly, lowered his head to her lips, and kissed her deeply, but he couldn't let go, as if he wanted to carve her warmth into his heart and never forget it.

"Let's go!" He pushed her hard, mist floating in his reddish eyes.

The fierce and heavy sounds of attacking the city gate came one after another. Su Li was shocked, and held his hand instead, with a firm expression, "Let's go together!"

Yang Xiao stopped smiling, turned his head, looked at the soldiers on the city wall who were still resisting desperately, and said bitterly: "As the king of a country, how can I abandon my subjects and run away? What will I look like under the Nine Springs in the future? Going to see my father?!"

Su Li was about to speak when he saw a general rushing down from the city tower and said urgently: "Your Majesty! The rebels have rushed up the city wall. The general has been ordered to escort them. Please leave this place, Your Majesty!"

Yang Xiao's expression changed greatly. He looked up and saw that there were indeed many rebels on the city wall. We were outnumbered and the enemy was about to fall. He suddenly felt a sense of heroism in his bones, holding the sword in his hand high and shouting: "Kill me!"

He rushed straight up to the city tower, swung his sword to attack, and blood spattered three feet, but he still could not stop the invasion of the rebels who were getting fiercer in the Vietnam War. More and more soldiers boarded the city wall. Su Li followed him and rushed up, his sleeves turned up. Fei, swatting down several rebels who rushed forward, looked at Yang Zhen, who was calm and composed on his horse under the city, and was suddenly startled.

Yang Zhen also saw her, a complicated look flashed through his cold and sharp eyes. They used to be relatives who protected each other with their lives, but now they have reached a life-and-death showdown!

Seeing that the city was about to fall, Su Li didn't care anymore and quickly mobilized all the zhenqi in her body. She gathered the zhenqi in her palms and pushed hard, and the fierce energy went straight to the direction where the enemy troops were most under the city.

There was a bang. The powerful force swept the bodies of countless enemies and flew out, hitting the opponent's camp with a loud bang. Dust and smoke filled the air, and the sudden change shocked everyone! As if they had forgotten that they were on the battlefield, both sides of the army stopped their offensive and defensive movements, and stared in shock at the slender figure standing on the high city wall. It was unbelievable that this seemingly weak woman had such amazing power!

The soldiers under the city wall were timid and couldn't bear to retreat.

Yang Zhen's face was sinister as he stared at Su Li, his cold eyes clearly showing the pain of disappointment. He slowly raised his hands and shouted sternly: "Generals, listen to the order, and those who retreat will be dealt with according to military law!"

Yang Zhen was strict in managing the army. With an order, the retreating soldiers immediately mustered up the courage to attack the city again.

The shouts of killing were loud and the two sides fought fiercely. It was getting dark, and the huge chariot slammed into the city gate, about to break through!

"Ah Li, leave quickly!" Yang Xiao's voice was hoarse and he shouted uncontrollably, urging Su Li to leave again and again. No matter how strong a person is, he can't withstand an army of tens of thousands!

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Lu suddenly walked towards this side with several generals and said anxiously: "The city gate cannot be defended anymore, please leave the emperor quickly!" After saying that, he turned to Su Li, "The emperor's safety is in danger. Please leave it to the saint!" After saying that, they all bowed to Su Li.

Yang Xiao was panting, the blood on his armor had dried up, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "I will not leave, I will live and die with Biandu! Otherwise, I am not worthy to be my father's son!"

Su Li shouted anxiously: "If your father is here, he will definitely hope that you can live well."

Zhao Lu immediately said: "Yes, Your Majesty, I will leave the green hills without worrying about having no firewood! The future will be long!"

"Your Majesty, please leave quickly!" All the surrounding soldiers knelt down, their sincere eyes full of pleading.

"No, I won't leave!" Yang Xiao gasped, his heart trembling uncontrollably and his eyes turning slightly red.

The enemy troops under the city wall accelerated their impact, and the city gate had been cracked open. The soldiers guarding the gate resisted desperately, but they still could not withstand the strong impact.

Su Li was so anxious that she took a step forward, grabbed him, and said urgently: "You once asked me if I would leave you in the future. If you come with me now, I will always be by your side in this life."

Yang Xiao was shocked, he didn't expect her to say such a thing! To be by his side forever... This was once his deepest wish. He couldn't believe it and said blankly: "Ah Li, you..."

"I promise you, as long as you leave with me, we will always be together!"

"Then... where is he?" He said in a daze, not forgetting that there was another person waiting for her. But in her heart, she could never forget her love for him.

Su Li's eyes flashed slightly, and then he said firmly: "The past is in the past, and he and I have already broken up."

Yang Xiao's heart was ups and downs violently, and he couldn't control his flying thoughts. The woman in front of him still had cold eyes, but sincere and flawless. When he looked at her like this, he seemed to have seen the peach blossom garden in his dream, holding hands with each other and staying together forever!

The bloody carnage around him seemed to have gone away. In the hustle and bustle, he only saw her eyes, which were warm and firm. He thought that she was as firm as her will, which is as iron-clad as death, but it was shaken in an instant! He impulsively held her hand, and the promise of that lifetime was almost blurted out!

"Report! Report to the Emperor that a large number of people suddenly appeared in the southwest and are running towards the capital!"

The deputy general shouted in surprise: "Southwest?! General Hu'erdu must be back!"

Everyone was shocked and doubtful. They turned around and saw an army galloping in the distance, approaching the capital. Black flags were fluttering in the wind. The big word "Hu" instantly ignited everyone's hopes!

"It's General Hu'erdu!"

"General Hu'erdu is back!" The soldiers guarding the city cheered in surprise. Tears of joy welled up in their eyes that were almost desperate before. The city tower suddenly burst into joy, and everyone was ecstatic.

Yang Xiao was overjoyed and ordered loudly: "Open the city gates and go out to meet the attack." Zhao Lu immediately followed the order and left. Two groups of people inside and outside the city attacked from outside, drowning Yang Zhen's army like a tide. And at that command, he was so surprised that he didn't realize that he had missed the happiness he wanted most in his life!

Under the command of Hurdu, the reinforcements outside the city formed a fan shape and quickly surrounded the Yangzhen rebels. They were outflanked in front, and the capital was behind them. They attacked from the front and back. Yangzhen had no way out!

The situation suddenly reversed, unexpectedly, and Yang Zhen's expression changed drastically, almost in disbelief. The city of Biandu, which was almost at your fingertips, was lost in the blink of an eye. Yang Zhen was filled with hatred, and his eyes were red, staring at Huerdu who was charging forward bravely. He had just received news that a large army was approaching from behind. He just thought that they were repeating their old tricks and once again set up a trick to deceive the enemy. However, he did not expect that the army of Hu'erdu was actually coming back! How could it be so fast?

"Protect the prince and retreat!" Seeing the army attacking, Yang Zhen's army was heavily surrounded and suffered heavy casualties. Yang Zhen's general Yu immediately led the troops of Ruifeng Battalion to quickly return to the defense. At the moment of life and death, all the soldiers of Ruifeng Battalion were furious, and the offensive was fierce and unstoppable. Gradually, a small gap appeared in the originally airtight encirclement. Ruifeng Battalion immediately boosted its morale and attacked with all its strength. Finally, it protected Yang Zhen and his son and broke out of the encirclement!

Su Li couldn't help but turn her head to look at Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao's eyes were focused on the battlefield ahead, his sharp eagle-like eyes flashing with a fierce light.

"Stop him!" Yang Xiao shouted angrily, and Hu Erdu quickly led his men to chase after him.

The large group of people roared away, and the noisy battlefield finally calmed down, but Su Li's heart was not filled with any joy of victory. The afterglow of dusk shone slantly on the inside and outside of the city wall, and corpses lay everywhere, covered in blood. A strong stench filled the sky above Biandu City, like a lingering nightmare. This civil war severely damaged the vitality of the originally powerful Bian Kingdom. How long can the current situation of the three kingdoms in the world last? If there is a war between the Three Kingdoms in the future, I don’t know how many families will be destroyed!

Su Li's heart suddenly felt as heavy as a rock.

Yang Xiao raised his head slightly and looked at the sky in the distance. Thinking of that person, his heart became heavier.

"Ah Li," he suddenly turned to look at her, his eyes focused and serious, "if one day, the person standing opposite me is not the emperor's uncle, but the emperor of Sheng Kingdom, will you still stand so firmly for me? Around you?"

Su Li frowned, but didn't speak.

Yang Xiao's mind sank for a moment, then he held her hand again and said with a smile: "Leave the answer to the future. Let's go back to the palace."

In the next few days, news came one after another that Yang Zhen and his son led the remaining soldiers of Ruifeng Battalion to flee all the way to the southeast border fiefdom. Hu Erdu followed closely, and after several fierce battles between the two sides. Ruifeng Battalion suffered heavy casualties and was defeated. As a result, Yang Zhen and Yang Jin were scattered and disappeared.

"Miss." On this day, Qin Heng hurriedly came to report, "Holy girl, Emperor Sheng has left Biandu and his whereabouts are unknown."

Su Li looked up in surprise, "He's gone?"

Qin Heng said: "Yes. He left Biandu on the day Hu'erdu returned to the city. Our people tracked him for a while and found that he was not heading towards Tianmen, and he was later abandoned by him."

Su Li stood up immediately. Recalling his expression and actions that day, she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Qin Heng thought for a while and then said: "There is one more thing that I find strange. When we went to Tianmen, General Hu'erdu seemed to have received the news and had already arranged everything. He was just waiting for the imperial edict of Emperor Bian to arrive and set off immediately. The supplies of food and grass on the road were very complete, and the horses were all excellent and fast horses, so it took ten days faster than expected."

Su Li's heart moved. The late emperor died and Yang Zhen usurped the throne, triggering a civil war. No one knew about it in advance. How could Huerdu be so well prepared? How did the news reach the Tianmen Army? A scene suddenly flashed through her mind. On the day the late emperor passed away, he told her with a faint smile that there was no need for him to see a person who was about to die. Could it be him?

However, Dongfang Ze and Yang Xiao are clearly enemies rather than friends, but why does Dongfang Ze always come to help whenever it concerns Yang Zhen?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She still didn't understand him well enough. This man's thoughts were so deep that it was impossible to fathom. He obviously has the world in mind, but everything is unexpected. At this time, he did not return to Tianmen, where did he go?

Su Li frowned tightly, and immediately found a map of Bian State to observe carefully, and found that Liaocheng, the fiefdom of Yangzhen, was located at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, close to Wan State. Based on the current situation, her uncle would not take the main road back to the fiefdom. If he wanted to cover up others' eyes and successfully return to the fiefdom... She thought hard and suddenly discovered that there was a pine mountain in the southeast of Bian State, and an ancient plank road in the mountain could lead to the border of Sheng State. Due to the steep mountains and the disrepair of the plank road here, it has long been abandoned and has not been inhabited for a long time.

Su Li's heart sank, and she immediately stood up and strode out the door: "Four envoys, please follow me out of the city immediately!"

Traveling day and night, they arrived at Songshan four days later. After searching for a long time, Fang found the entrance to this ancient and narrow plank road among the long grass deep in the dense forest in the middle of the mountain. Several people carefully climbed onto the plank road. This trail undulates along with the mountains and is extremely steep. Even though these people are highly skilled and bold, they also walk with extreme caution. It took about an hour and passed successfully. At this time, everyone was shocked to realize that their backs were already soaked with cold sweat.

The wind is strong in the mountains, and the leaves are rustling. As we continue to move forward along the vaguely discernible mountain road, the scenery ahead gradually opens up, and there are faint voices in the wind. Su Li's heart froze and she couldn't help but follow the sound.

I saw about ten people standing on a hillside more than ten feet away. The leader was wearing a black brocade robe, and there was no expression on his handsome face. Who else could it be if he wasn't Dongfang Ze? ! His eyes were as sharp as a blade, and he stared coldly at the man kneeling in front of him, and that man was none other than Yang Zhen, who was rumored to have been missing for a long time!

His whole body was tense, veins were pulsing on his forehead, his eyes were wide and red, and his facial features were deformed. He was obviously suffering from great pain! Behind him, the guard in black, Sheng Qin, had an angry look on his face. He pointed at the large hole in his neck with one finger and covered his head tightly with his other hand.

Su Li was shocked and couldn't help shouting: "Stop!" Before she finished speaking, she flashed and was in front of Yang Zhen in an instant.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound. Sheng Qin raised his head. When he saw that the person coming was Su Li, his expression changed drastically and he couldn't help but let go.

Dongfang Ze's expression changed, but he didn't speak.

Yang Zhen was sweating, exhausted, and slid straight to the ground!

"Uncle!" Su Li ran over to help him and found that his body was soaked with cold sweat and his body was limp. With a thought in mind, I used my fingers to feel his pulse. I was so shocked that I couldn't speak. There was no breath left in his body, and his martial arts skills were completely useless!

He inhaled repeatedly in pain, and Su Li hurriedly placed a palm on the back of his heart, channeling internal energy to relieve the pain in his body.

After a moment, Yang Zhen regained his strength and raised his eyes slightly. Only then did he realize that the person next to him was Su Li, and he couldn't help but be startled. He had no idea that she would still be so worried and nervous about him to this day. He suddenly felt mixed with love and hate, and felt a faint sadness in his heart. He couldn't tell what it felt like.

Yang Zhen was dressed in coarse linen clothes, his hair was in a messy bun, his face was covered with dust and frost, and he was in a miserable state. It would be difficult to escape after defeat. I remember that when we first met, he was so domineering and arrogant that one person was inferior to ten thousand people. Today, it is even more different.

Su Li felt inexplicably sad and said softly: "Uncle, are you... okay?"

"What are you doing here?" Yang Zhen's face changed slightly and he pushed her hand away forcefully. Without even looking at Su Li, Gu Zi sneered and said, "Whether this king is alive or dead now, what does it have to do with you? " His tone was tough, but there was a hint of sadness that was not easy to detect.

"You are my biological uncle, how can I not care about your life or death?" Her voice was hoarse, unable to hide the sadness in her heart.

Yang Zhen suddenly looked back at her, his heart fluctuating uncontrollably. The tone of her words at this moment and the faint concern in her words were exactly the same as her sister Yang Xi! The floodgates of memory suddenly opened. The time when the two siblings were dependent on each other after losing their parents when they were young, and the constant longing for them for the past seventeen years, instantly overwhelmed him!

This child looks so much like my sister! Unknowingly, his heart softened a little, his eyes began to heat up, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Dongfang Ze slowly walked up to Su Li and said hesitantly: "Su Su..."

Hearing his voice, Su Li's heart trembled, she slowly raised her head, stared at him coldly and said, "Why you?"

The disappointment and defensiveness in her eyes were so obvious, and she didn't hide it at all. She was all accusing him of having ulterior motives for Yang Zhen.

Dongfangze was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I never thought about taking his life. Just now he suddenly secretly assassinated me, and Sheng Qin abolished his martial arts."

Uncle wants to kill him? ! Su Li's heart tightened, as if she didn't believe it.

"If I don't kill you, how can you be captured without mercy?" Yang Zhen suddenly sneered. At this moment, he had recovered a little strength, struggled to get up, and said coldly: "You have been lying in wait here for a long time. If I hadn't been alert, you would have almost fallen into the trap and been captured. ! Say, who are you?! Why have you repeatedly opposed this king!"

Dongfang Ze lowered his gaze and was noncommittal.

Yang Zhen was filled with doubts in his heart. He had long hated this person, but he could never find out his origin. Judging from his majestic appearance and noble demeanor, he is by no means an ordinary person. And there seemed to be a deep entanglement between him and Su Li. Could it be... His heart trembled, and he shouted in shock: "You, you are..."

"Uncle!" Su Li stepped forward to support him, "Su Li will take you back to Liaocheng."

Yang Zhenxing glanced at Su Li doubtfully, "Do you know who he is?!"

Su Li looked at him deeply, "Who he is is not important to you now."

"How could it be unimportant?!" Yang Zhen shouted angrily, "This person is obviously from the Sheng Kingdom and has ruined my plans many times. How can I let this person go?!"

Dongfangze's eyes were sharp for a moment, and he said majestically: "Yang Zhen, you are ambitious and insist on your own way. You should have expected that you will end up today!"

"Hahaha!" Yang Zhen laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of pathos. He suddenly stopped laughing and stared at him coldly, still fearlessly provoking: "Winning king or losing gangster, if Yang Xiao'er comes to kill me personally, I will fight him to the death! You, a foreigner , you use all your tricks to force me to submit, you are so ambitious and your heart is clear! Do you think Yang Xiao will listen to you if you catch me?!"

Dongfangze's eyes were cold and he didn't say a word.

Su Li supported Yang Zhen and said, "Uncle, stop talking, let's go."

Yang Zhen's eyes flashed and he stared straight at her and said, "Ali, let me ask you, have you ever had a marriage alliance with him?!"

Su Li was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"If you don't say it, you are admitting it." Yang Zhen sneered loudly and turned to look at Dongfang Ze, "His majesty, Emperor Sheng, actually came in person for me, Yang Zhen. Okay! Okay! Now that I am in your hands, I have no complaints. . If you want to kill me, kill me! If you want to catch me to see Yang Xiao, it’s absolutely impossible!"

"You can't kill him, and you can't see Yang Xiao." Su Li looked at Dongfang Ze with cold eyes. He sighed and said in a deep voice: "You want to send him away?"

Su Li's eyes showed a firm light, and she said solemnly: "Not bad!"

Dongfangze looked at her silently, and she looked at him, as if time had tempered him, and everything he had with her had become a sharp thorn in his bones, causing pain all the time.

Dongfangze withdrew his gaze, took out the jade seal from his arms, slowly put it into her hand, and said softly: "Go eastward from here to the border of Sheng Kingdom. With this thing, you can pass the customs smoothly. There is still a long way to go. Far away, you... must be careful."

Su Li was stunned for a moment. The seal in his palm was warm and transparent, still carrying the residual warmth of his fingers. He was once framed by the Queen and imprisoned. In times of crisis, he handed this seal to her to use it to mobilize the three thousand armored black cavalry of Prince Zhenning. Now that he is the king of a country, and the significance of the seal is even more extraordinary, how can he still trust it to her?

Dongfangze smiled slightly, and the beauty in his brows still made her heart beat faster and she couldn't resist. He suddenly came closer, held her hand, and whispered in her ear: "Susu, your wish is my wish!"

"You..." She looked up in surprise, unable to say a word. Is he really willing to give up great opportunities again and again for her?

"Maybe you don't believe me," he sighed softly: "I said that you are the queen of our Sheng Kingdom and the destined wife of Dongfang Ze. No one else is qualified to possess this seal except you!" He helped me Holding her shoulders, he quickly pressed a gentle kiss on her temples, "Let's go, it'll be too late if you don't!"

Su Li stared at him with wide eyes, feeling confused. The seal was tightly held in her hand, causing pain in her palm. She forced herself to turn her head, helped Yang Zhen up and said, "Uncle, let's go."

Yang was shocked and confused, as if he couldn't believe it. Dongfang Ze actually let him go like this?

Suddenly, the sound of rapid horse hooves came from the valley behind! A murderous shout resounded throughout the valley, "Rebel Yang Zhen, let's see where you are going!" Dongfang Ze and Su Li looked at each other, and their expressions changed slightly.

Everyone looked back and saw hundreds of soldiers heading this way, one of whom was the first general of Bian State, Hu Erdu.

Another man was sitting on a horse, the sun shining on his young and handsome face. The light and shadow were unpredictable, making it difficult to see his expression clearly at this moment. Only the exquisite and gorgeous bright yellow dragon robe on his body exudes an unstoppable light.

Yang Xiao!

In the blink of an eye, soldiers surrounded the hillside like a tide, and Yang Xiao rode over. He looked down at Yang Zhen, looking unusually calm, but his eyes were cold.

Su Li's heart sank to the bottom. His calmness at this moment was just a temporary illusion before the storm.

His eyes moved slightly, passing over Dongfang Ze and landing on Su Li. He frowned and complained, "Ah Li, when you left Biandu City, why didn't you tell me that it was easy to find me?"

Su Li said quietly: "Yang Xiao, do you still remember what you promised me?"

Yang Xiao's expression turned cold, he got off his horse, strode up to Su Li, and raised his lips, "I haven't forgotten. However, I only promised you not to kill him, but I never said I would let him go!" Compared with the passive fight to the death when defending the city, at this time, he had completely taken the initiative. He looked at Yang Zhen with unsmiling eyes, not hiding the deep hatred in his heart.

Su Li's heart sank. The hatred was so obvious that it made people shudder. She took a deep breath, knowing that the chance was slim, but she still refused to give up. "Yang Xiao, can you..."

"I, can't!" Yang Xiao didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and replied word by word, "Ali, I can promise you anything else, but this one, there is no room for negotiation! "

She looked at her and he looked at her. They seemed to be facing each other in silence.

"Yang Xiao." After a moment, Su Li broke the silence, "If I insist on sending my uncle away, will you also arrest me?"

"You!—" Yang Xiao stared at her, speechless. She protected him so much, just like when the city of Biandu was about to be destroyed, she stood by his side fearlessly. This woman who obviously looks cold is so affectionate.

It's just that in this dark battle for imperial power, there is no way to have both.

Either you die, or I die.

She lowered her voice with a hint of sadness, "Yang Xiao, uncle, he has no martial arts skills. The entire army of 100,000 people was wiped out, and now he is just an ordinary person. You let him go and let him go back to Liaocheng to settle down." For the rest of my life, okay?" Her voice was extremely heavy. At this time, even she couldn't tell whether she was thinking about the sibling relationship between her mother-in-law and him, or whether she was trying to save Yang Zhen's life because of the momentary intolerance in her heart!

"The ancestors have decreed that once the vassal territory is divided, no one can take it back. If I let him go today, it would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. I will not do such a stupid thing!" After saying that, he turned around and stopped looking at her. , raised his voice and shouted: "Hurdu!"

Hu Erdu waved his hand, and hundreds of infantrymen immediately showed their weapons and aimed at Yang Zhen. They only waited for the order to attack!

Yang Zhen laughed heartily, with no fear on his face. He slowly stood up straight, looked around, and shouted sternly: "Come one by one, or together?!" At this moment, he had lost all his inner strength, and his voice was no longer as loud as before, but arrogant and domineering. No less!

Su Li's body swayed and he was already in front of Yang Zhen. The four Wan Xin people also rushed forward immediately, with their weapons in hand, protecting the two of them.

Su Li said in a deep voice: "Don't come over, I don't want to hurt anyone!" Her amazing martial arts skills had already spread throughout the army. Everyone didn't dare to step forward for a while, looking at each other in hesitation.

Yang Xiao's expression suddenly changed and he said in shock: "Ah Li! You are forcing me!"

Su Li hardened her heart and said in a deep voice: "Yang Xiao, I'm sorry..."

"I don't want to hear you say these three words!" Yang Xiao yelled angrily.

Su Li's heart ached, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Then tell me, what should I do to let him go?"

Yang Xiao stared at her, speechless.

Dongfangze, who had been silent for a long time, said, "If Prince Xiao swears to God that he will never have any different intentions from now on, and will never leave the fiefdom again in this life, will Emperor Bian be willing to let him go?"

Yang Xiao was stunned and stared at him in disbelief, as if he had heard such shocking words.

Dongfangze's eyesight is light, but he has a profound meaning, "There are always choices in life, otherwise... the gains outweigh the losses."

Yang Xiao suddenly sneered, "Dongfang Ze, when did you become so generous? Yang Zhen is ambitious and bent on usurping the throne. Will he give up easily? I will never trust his oath!"

"I'll be your guarantee!" Su Li said decisively, and Yang Xiao was shocked again. They were uncles and nephews, but they killed each other. Su Li was unable to stop the struggle between Yang Zhen and the late emperor. Now that the late emperor of Bian State is dead, Yang Zhen has also lost all his martial arts skills. It is no longer possible to determine who is right and who is wrong in the past grudges. Clearly, why let this struggle between relatives continue?

Su Li slowly walked up to him and said sincerely: "Yang Xiao, I know, I owe you a lot. But I can't just watch him die! You let him go, I owe you a favor, what will happen to you in the future, Su Even if I risk my life, I will go through fire and water for you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"If you don't want to, I won't force you. It's just... I'm afraid Su Li will offend you all today!" After saying that, she took a step back and waited for his answer.

Yang Xiao was shocked. She knew that he would never hurt her, but she used both soft and hard tactics to press on him step by step until he had no way out! She stood in front of him with a firm look on her face, showing her unshakable decision in her heart!

Those dark and bright eyes stared straight at him. He could hardly breathe and said with difficulty: "You...must be like this?"

Seeing that he seemed to be loose, Su Li immediately turned to Yang Zhen and said, "Uncle! If my mother and concubine are alive in heaven, I hope you can live well!"

Yang Zhen's expression was complicated. He never expected that Su Li would actually force Yang Xiao to compromise again and again for him! Hearing her mentioning her sister, Yang Zhen couldn't help but change his expression. He sighed and said sadly: "That's all. I...swear that I will never step out of the Liaocheng fiefdom again in this life! If you violate this oath, you will be punished." Don’t die a good death!”