The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 177: Two emperors compete for beauty


The sound suddenly sounded, which shocked Su Li's heart and turned her eyes involuntarily.

A group of people strode into the hall. The leader was majestic, with extremely handsome features, but his eyes were deep and unpredictable. He was wearing a black dragon robe, which made him look even more powerful.

Behind him were the palace servants who had no time to report. Covered in cold sweat, they knelt down anxiously and said: "The King of Sheng Kingdom has come to congratulate you!"

Everyone in the palace was shocked when they heard this, and turned their heads to look. The ministers of Bian Kingdom were all stunned when they saw Dongfang Ze's face. Even if the sky fell at this moment, I'm afraid it wouldn't shock them so much. The Emperor Sheng, who was rumored to be ruthless and merciless, beheading Princess Zhaohua and a total of 131 members of the Bian State envoy in public, turned out to be the man who had been advising Yang Xiao in recent days and repeatedly turning things around at critical moments!

Yang Xiao's face turned slightly cold and he said calmly: "I thought Emperor Sheng was in poor health and would not come."

Dongfangze walked straight to the palace and stood there, sneering in a deep voice: "On the day Emperor Bian ascended the throne, he openly proposed to me, the Queen of Sheng Kingdom, how could I not come?!"

As soon as these words were spoken, they were like thunder, exploding in the hall. The ministers of Bian State and envoys from various countries were almost suspicious that they had heard wrongly, and looked at each other in shock and confusion. Someone on the side suddenly shouted: "No wonder she looks familiar to me. She is the Princess of Mingxi. When the Princess was defeated, I saw her in Shengdu!"

When Princess Mingxi chose her husband, it caused a sensation all over the world, and everyone in the world knew about it, and Yang Xiao was one of them. Now that he has ascended to the throne, the person he wants to marry is still the same woman as before! ? Everyone was astonished and their eyes were fixed on their faces.

Su Li's heart sank, and her hand suddenly tightened. Under the wide sleeves, Yang Xiao held her hand tightly, refusing to let go at all. She could almost feel his simmering anger.

A chill flashed through Yang Xiao's eyes, and he smiled softly, "Everyone in the world knows that Princess Mingxi was buried at the bottom of the Lancang River in March. It is said that Emperor Sheng personally led people to salvage her body. And the tomb of Queen Duanyi It's in the Imperial Mausoleum of Sheng Kingdom. If I remember correctly, it seems that I haven't heard of Emperor Sheng marrying a new queen since then?"

Dongfangze felt a pain in his heart. The seven days in Lancangjiang were the most desperate days in his life. When he suddenly mentioned it, it seemed that the scene that made him collapse came to mind again. He looked straight at Su Li, with complicated emotions in his eyes, and said slowly: "I did salvage a corpse from the Lancang River, and that person had a token of love that I gave to her..." He said , took out something from his arms.

Su Li instantly held her breath! What he was holding in his hand was actually the small sandalwood doll that Qi Xiangtang accidentally destroyed during her martial arts competition!

But... hadn't the doll been chopped into pieces by her? how come…

Dongfangze walked slowly in front of her. When she took a closer look, she realized that the doll had been pieced together by some unknown method. It was full of tiny cracks and was no longer as smooth and complete as before.

Despite this, he still had soft eyes and held it in his hands with great treasure, as if it were a peerless treasure that he would not let go until his death. A bitter smile appeared on his lips, and he whispered: "She must have thought that as long as she saw this doll, I would believe that she was no longer alive! The body had been soaked in the water of the Lancang River for seven days, and it was already beyond recognition. Everyone was I believe she is dead..."

Su Li felt her heart was suffocating and she was speechless.

Dongfang Ze's eyes were as tender as water, and he looked at her and said: "When I just saw the doll, I almost believed it. But then I thought about it carefully and felt that the body was not hers. The identity of the fourth envoy of Shenmen was exposed, and Shenmen All forces have evacuated Shengdu. Such a detailed and thoughtful arrangement must have been planned in advance, otherwise they would not have disappeared so completely in such a short period of time!"

Su Li was shocked and retorted: "Perhaps Queen Duanyi is determined to die and has already arranged everything for the people around her."

"You're right." He took a step forward, approached her and said, "But the woman I know is tough by nature. Even if she encounters huge setbacks, she will face them bravely and will never give up!"

Su Li's expression froze, her eyes seemed to be entangled in the madness in his eyes, and she couldn't look away even half a minute. He looked at her and continued: "I firmly believed that she must still be alive, so I went to check the body."

Su Li's heart tightened and she subconsciously asked, "What did you find out?"

"The back of the corpse has been soaked by the river water. Although the skin is festered and turned white, the black bird tattoo inside has emerged, which is exactly the same as the pattern on Yue Zhange's back. The deceased is clearly the girl lurking in the Regent's Palace. Moon Ripples!”

Su Li immediately lowered her head, looking uncertain. She thought that Dongfangze had determined that she was dead and would arrange for her burial as soon as possible and would not check her carefully again.

Yang Xiao's eyes darkened and he asked coldly: "Since you think that body is fake, why do you still make her your queen and bury her in the imperial mausoleum?"

"Who said that corpse was buried in the imperial mausoleum?!" Dongfang Ze looked straight at him, his sharp eyes chilling, "The queen I canonize is not the corpse, but the person who is still alive! I have ordered The Queen’s mausoleum built is still an empty mausoleum, so that I can sleep with her a hundred years later!”

He turned his eyes to her again, and his cold determination turned into deep tenderness, locking her eyes tightly. Even though something happened in the middle, even if she decided to escape, he never forgot the promise he made in the hot spring pool, and he would never break it, and they would be together in life and death!

Su Li's heart was shocked. For a moment, the suppressed emotions in her heart were almost uncontrollable and surged out! She took a deep breath and kept telling herself that the gap between them was unbridgeable and they could never go back to the past!

She tried to calm down and said calmly: "It's hard to predict things in life. Emperor Sheng is so young. It seems too early to tell who he will be buried with in the future!"

Since ancient times, there have been countless women in the emperor's harem, but there are very few women who can sleep with the emperor after his death. How can he be sure that he will only love one person from beginning to end in his life? '

The doubts revealed in her words made Dongfangze feel slightly happy, and he eagerly took a step forward, his eyes never leaving her face for a moment. If this is what she cares about, does it mean there is still hope for him

"As long as you give me a chance, I will definitely prove it to you!" He was so happy that he unconsciously changed his name.

His eyes were so expectant and urgent. Su Li felt like she couldn't even breathe anymore.

Before she could speak, Yang Xiao stepped in front of her, blocking her sight from him, and said coldly: "You don't need to say more, she is not your Queen Duanyi!"

Dongfang Ze's face suddenly darkened, his eyes were as cold as a knife, and he stared straight at him and said: "You know best whether she is my queen! Yang Xiao, do you think that after ascending to the throne, you can sleep peacefully and peacefully?"

This was said with such arrogance that everyone in the hall changed their expressions and gasped.

Yang Xiao's eyes suddenly turned cold, cold and sharp intent burst out from his eyes, and he cast them on the man opposite him like a sharp blade. Bada, the leader of the guards in the palace, immediately pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, filling his palm with zhenqi, ready to fire at the touch of a button.

The ministers of the Bian Kingdom were shocked. Hu Erdu had an upright temperament and immediately shouted dissatisfied: "In the capital of the Bian Kingdom, Emperor Sheng is so rude and offends our emperor's authority. He is not taking the Bian Kingdom seriously!" Then, with a wave of his hand, the guards outside the palace immediately stood up and surrounded the palace door tightly.

Sheng Qin and others quickly guarded Dongfang Ze, looking alert and ready to take action at any time.

The atmosphere in the hall was almost tense, but Dongfangze sneered lightly: "I have heard about the reputation of General Hu'erdu for a long time, but the general seems to have forgotten something. The Yangzhen rebels are sieging the city. If I hadn't taken precautions and ordered people to spread the news in advance, I'm afraid you By the time we return to court, this capital city will already be in Yang Zhen's possession!"

Everyone was stunned again, and the envoys from various countries looked at Hu'erdu. Hu'erdu's face suddenly turned green and white. He was so speechless that he could only remain silent and secretly depressed.

Su Li's heart sank. It was indeed what she expected. Dongfang Ze was secretly helping! But what is the reason that can make someone like Dongfangze willing to give up the great opportunity to conquer the enemy's country and spare no effort to help his opponent

The envoy in red thought: "So, Emperor Sheng must be the benefactor of Bian State! Emperor Bian openly proposed to the Queen of Sheng State, which seems to be contrary to morality and kindness?"

The envoys from all over the world echoed and whispered.

Prime Minister Qi Muer suddenly came out of the queue and asked worriedly: "Is the saint really the Princess Mingxi of Sheng Kingdom?" Originally, he admired Su Li very much because of the edict. It would be a good thing if he could really get along with the emperor. . But he didn't expect that her identity was also strange.

Su Li frowned secretly. In front of Dongfang Ze, she could not admit her identity no matter what. At the moment he just shook his head.

Qi Muer frowned, turned to Hu'erdu and asked in a deep voice: "General Hu'erdu once went to Shengguo as an envoy, and he should have met Princess Mingxi. Are she and the saint the same person?"

Hu Erdu looked at Su Li with a hint of confusion. At that time, the army came back for reinforcements. When he saw the saint for the first time, he couldn't help being frightened. However, it seems unreasonable to say that they are the same person. After thinking for a long time, he had to say: "The two of them do look very similar and have the same names, but... Princess Mingxi has a red birthmark the size of a copper coin on her face, while the saint does not."

An imperceptible smile passed over Yang Xiao's lips: "Why does she have a birthmark? She is not a person in the first place!"

Dongfang Ze said in a deep voice: "Birthmarks are caused by fetal poison. Once the fetal poison is resolved, the birthmark will disappear naturally!"

Yang Xiao snorted coldly, "There is no evidence or proof, how can you prove it?"

Dongfangze said angrily: "I don't need to prove it, because I will never admit her wrongly!"

The two of them were tit for tat and refused to give in to each other. Su Li couldn't help but feel upset, knowing that if the argument continued like this, the situation would get worse. Thinking of this, his eyes darkened and he said in a deep voice: "His Majesty Shenghuang confirmed the wrong person! I am not Princess Mingxi, and naturally I cannot be Queen Duanyi!"

Dongfangze was shocked. No matter how he expressed his feelings, it seemed to be of no use! But at this moment, Yang Xiao was inexplicably surprised, and seemed to have a winning chance, which made his heart even more painful.

Yang Xiao smiled happily and walked up to him in a few steps, "You can give up completely this time!"

Dongfang Ze's eyes turned cold, and he took action like lightning and caught Su Li! A flash of sharp pain flashed in his eyes, he looked at her steadily, gritted his teeth and growled: "You can deny the identity of Queen Duanyi, you can also say that you are not Su Li! But you can't deny that you were by the hot spring pool , promised me never to abandon you!"

Su Li suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and the unforgettable lingering feeling in the hot spring pool suddenly came to mind. She tried her best to forget, but he kept reminding her to remember. Forcing herself to ignore the pain in her heart, she said coldly: "The person who promised you never to abandon her has been buried in the Lancang River. Do you remember what she said before she jumped into the river?!"

One sentence struck the most vulnerable part of his heart! Dongfang Ze's face turned pale, and there was no emotion in her eyes. He seemed to have lost the support of his strength for an instant, and the tall figure staggered back, almost losing his balance.

Sheng Qin was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but he swung him away hard and no one dared to take a step forward.

In front of everyone in the palace, she flatly denied her identity, so firmly and decisively! Is it really impossible to win her back? ! Seeing her so close, there was an insurmountable gap between them. He tried hard to get close to her, but she just wanted to stay further away! His heart was suffocated so hard that he could hardly breathe!

Qi Muer turned his eyes, smiled, and calmed down the atmosphere and said: "It turned out to be a misunderstanding! Emperor Sheng doesn't have to be so sad. There are countless good women in the world, and we in Bian country have countless beauties. Let Emperor Sheng choose, so why worry? Don’t have a beautiful woman by your side?!”

After a while, Dongfang Ze slowly raised his eyes, flashed a hint of sarcasm, and smiled lightly, "Is this true?"

Qi Muer was stunned, and before he could answer, he heard Yang Xiao shouting sternly: "Anyone can do it, but don't try to trick her, I have already proposed a kiss to her!"

"But she didn't agree!" Dongfang Ze replied coldly, taking a step forward and facing Su Li, with a firmness in his eyes that would never back down! "You are unwilling to admit your identity, and I will not force you. But no matter what your identity is, I will never let you go in this life!"

Su Li's heart was shocked. Before she could speak, Dongfang Ze suddenly turned around and said loudly to everyone: "Today, in front of everyone in the world, in the name of the Emperor of Sheng Kingdom, I formally propose to marry the Saint of Bian Kingdom!"

Everyone was speechless and could hardly react. This, this enthronement ceremony turned into two emperors competing for beauty!

Su Li was shocked and turned pale. In order to restore the lost relationship, he endured every possible means and gave in step by step! He suddenly raised his head and looked at Dongfang Ze. He was extremely solemn and his expression was unwavering. Suddenly her heart ached like a knife, and she turned her head hurriedly, but she couldn't avoid his affectionate gaze.

He just heard him say softly: "I wish to win the heart of one person, and we will never be together forever. If you are willing to marry, there will never be another woman in Dasheng's harem!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Xiao's expression suddenly changed, and the whole hall almost boiled. Everyone was extremely surprised. The rumored ruthless Emperor Sheng would actually make such a promise for a woman? !

There is only one woman in life... It is difficult for even an ordinary man to do it, let alone the king of a country!

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, seeing his extremely handsome face with a firm expression, and his deep eyes looking at one person intently, as if everything around him was gone, and only the woman in front of him was an indispensable treasure in his life. .

Su Li's heart couldn't stop trembling heavily, and he sighed softly: "I only hope you give me a chance, so that I can promise you a happy future." The low voice was full of emotional temptation, and his eyes The light is as affectionate as water, revealing the persistence of never giving up.

Su Li was so tightly entangled in his gaze that she couldn't even move.

The solemn hall was silent, and it seemed as if she and him were the only two people in the whole world. She stared at him blankly, and for a moment, she almost forgot everything around her, only feeling that a crack seemed to be cracking silently in her cold heart.

Yang Xiao's heart suddenly sank, his eyes turned cold, but he smiled and said: "You want to give it? It depends on whether she is willing to accept it! Besides, you, Dongfang Ze, are not the only one in the world who can be single-minded! I, Yang Xiao, also Okay!" His face straightened, and he solemnly said to Su Li: "If I can have you by my side, I swear, Yang Xiao will only have you in this life, and I will never have second thoughts!"

Everyone was in an uproar, and Su Li's expression immediately changed. Dongfang Ze was already extremely difficult for her to deal with. She never expected that Yang Xiao would say such unwise words in the main hall!

The faces of the officials at this moment were as ugly as they could be. When the new emperor ascended the throne, they were looking forward to a draft and tried their best to send the female members of the family of the right age into the palace, and they have been prosperous since then. But now, Yang Xiao not only competes with Dongfang Ze for a woman in public, but also wants her to never take a concubine... This is like pouring cold water on everyone's heart, and they are instantly chilled from the inside out!

For a moment, the hall was silent, and no one spoke. Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Li's face, re-examining this beauty that caused the emperors of the two countries to compete for her. Her clear and beautiful face is charming, and she indeed has a charming and peerless appearance. However, what really attracts her attention is her calm demeanor that does not faze her. On such an important occasion, in the face of the public promises made by the two emperors, if I were not determined, I would have been overjoyed.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, Yang Xiao suddenly smiled and said: "Ah Li, you and I have experienced the tragic civil strife and the catastrophe of life and death. I thought you had already understood my heart. It was me who asked for my hand in marriage first. If you didn't respond, I would Sad!" The words seemed like a joke, but they revealed the uneasiness hidden in his heart.

Dongfangze said coldly: "Don't use this as a blackmail to influence her choice!"

"I tell you, my beloved woman, what does it have to do with you? If you want to win your heart, let's each rely on our own abilities!" Yang Xiao's face was cold, and there seemed to be something profound in his eyes when he looked at Dongfang Ze.

Dongfang Ze's expression changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp. Instead of being angry, he smiled and said, "Yang Xiao! Are you threatening me?"

Yang Xiao said sternly: "So what if I threaten you? Do you think I'm really afraid of your border defense army? I just care about the livelihood of the two countries and don't want the people to live in dire straits and lose their lives, so I keep giving in! But you push forward every step of the way! Dongfang Ze , believe it or not, with just one word from me, you will never be able to return to Shengdu!"


Dongfang Ze raised his eyebrows lightly, showing no fear on his face, and didn't take his words seriously at all.

Yang Xiao's face darkened, and he immediately shouted coldly: "Come here!"

Bada came in in response, and a cold and solemn breath immediately followed. Everyone was shocked. Are these two really going to get angry over the beauty

"Yang Xiao! No!" Su Li was shocked and quickly held Yang Xiao's hand. She had already tried her best to prevent the war between the two countries, but if there was another dispute over her and all lives were ruined, she would never allow it! Turning to look at Dongfang Ze, he was so desperate to confront Yang Xiao. Did he not care about his own safety at all

Zhang Fu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly raised his head and smiled, and said angrily: "Bianguo is really an ungrateful people! Don't forget, if I, Emperor Sheng, hadn't helped me repeatedly, Emperor Bian would never have had the chance to stand here. Making a big statement!?"

"The only thing between me and him is the hatred of killing my sister. How can there be any kindness?" Thinking of Yang Xuan's tragic death at the hands of Dongfang Ze, Yang Xiao couldn't help but become angry and couldn't hide the resentment in his heart.

Dongfangze smiled coldly and said sternly: "There is indeed no kindness between me and you. Yangxuan's death is her own fault! Since I dare to come to Biandu, I won't be afraid of you!" His eyes were cold. He glanced coldly at the guards in the palace and said in a cold voice: "I might as well tell you that I send secret orders to Tianmen every day. If one day I don't receive my order, Yuan Xiang will meet with the regent immediately. Lead the army to crush your Bian country!"

The faces of all the ministers changed when they heard this. Even Hu Er couldn't help being shocked. Yang Xiao stared at him and suddenly laughed and said: "Dongfang Ze, do you know your most fatal flaw in this life?" You are arrogant and arrogant! You are now in my pocket. As long as you are in my hands, are you afraid that Yuan Xiang and Li Fengxian will not surrender?!"

There was a ruthless killing intent flashing in his eyes. Su Li had only seen such a cold look once when he faced Yang Zhen, and she couldn't help but feel her heart sink.

The coldness in Dongfangze's eyes was equally chilling. He smiled sarcastically, "I want to see how you can catch me!"

"Okay!" Yang Xiao's eyes flashed with anger. He strode up to Bada, pulled out his sword and pointed it at Dongfang Zedao: "Don't say that I bully the minority with more, today you and I will compete one on one!"

The cold sword light flashed away like an invisible sharp blade.

The ministers couldn't help but feel their hearts beating in shock. Qi Muer immediately stepped forward to stop Yang Xiao and said in shock: "Your Majesty, please don't be reckless, think twice before you act!"

Su Li frowned. Once these two people took action, no one could estimate the serious consequences. If Lang Chang were here, with his temperament and ability, he could still get away with it. But now that he is late and there is no one in the palace who can speak, is a war inevitable again? !

Su Li could not conceal her inner anxiety and said in a deep voice: "I told you that I am not the Princess of Mingxi! Why is His Majesty Emperor Sheng so stubborn? Are you willing to stop only if the lives of the people of the two countries are ruined and the rivers and mountains are stained with blood? ?" There was a hint of sternness in her words, and every word was like a knife, piercing Dongfang Ze's heart.

He suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, "In your heart, I am such a cruel person?"

The pain in his eyes was so close that she could only turn a blind eye.

Dongfangze said with a cold face: "I sincerely formed an alliance with him, but after he succeeded, he took away my love, and I will never allow it! Unless I die, no one can take you away from me!"

He wanted her heart to be so firm, with unwavering determination!

Yang Xiao looked coldly at Dongfang Ze, who was a few steps away, filled with anger. Why was he so conceited and domineering? ! "Okay! Dongfangze, you and I will fight to the death here today!" As he spoke, he held the sword in his hand, his true energy flowed, and the sleeves of his robe moved automatically without wind, scaring everyone back.

Dongfangze sneered, shook his waist, and the peerless sword appeared like a stray arrow. With a crisp "ding" sound, the tip of the sword made of fine steel in Yang Xiao's hand was broken by a strong force!

The sharp sound of the sword echoed in the solemn hall, frightening everyone's face to pale. It was rumored that Dongfangze's martial arts was peerless, and it was difficult for anyone to rival him. Now that seeing it is believing, I realized that it was not a lie!

Su Li was shocked and shouted: "Stop!" She quickly stopped Yang Xiao, who was getting angry. Her face turned slightly pale and she said coldly: "As long as I choose one person, you can stop fighting?"

Yang Xiao looked at her straightly, with thoughts surging in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I only want your choice."

Su Li's heart sank and she turned to look at Dongfang Ze again.

His eyes were extremely gloomy, but he was very firm, and he said every word: "As long as you don't marry him, I can promise you anything."

Su Li's face turned cold, "If I am willing, you have to stop me?!"

Dongfangze's heart ached, but he still replied decisively: "Unless, I die!"

Su Li was shocked and stared at him, but her heart grew colder by the minute. She suddenly turned her head and said to Yang Xiao without hesitation: "I promise you. You decide the wedding date, the sooner the better." After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the hall resolutely.

"Susu!" A tearing call came from behind, as if it was about to split the cold palace in half!

Su Li did not look back, nor did she dare to look back, she just walked forward quickly. The wind in early winter brought a bone-chilling chill, passing through the long palace alley, but not a trace of coldness could be felt. As she walked out of the palace gate, she felt a sudden pain in her heart. She couldn't help but hold her lapel tightly and took a deep breath. Dongfang Ze, we broke up with each other by the Lancang River. I, Su Li, will never make the same mistake again! Never will!

Yang Xiao acted resolutely and immediately decreed that the wedding date would be set in half a month. With such a hasty decision, everyone in the palace immediately got busy preparing for the new emperor's wedding. Yang Xiao was busy with government affairs and preparing for the wedding all day long. He was very busy, but he did not forget to visit Su Li every day. Dongfangze even sent people into the palace several times to meet with Su Li, but she didn't respond.

Seeing the wedding day approaching day by day, Qin Heng suddenly came to report that someone was secretly investigating the Shenmen stronghold recently. Su Li felt a little uneasy and secretly went out of the palace to check. When we arrived at the Xianting Pavilion, which was the closest stronghold to the palace, we raised the curtains of the carriage and felt the wind blowing in our face. The chill that penetrated our bones made us shiver involuntarily. She gathered up her robe and jumped out of the carriage.

Suddenly, a person rushed towards her. Su Li took a closer look and saw that it was Mo Xiang! Seeing Mo Xiang rushing so fast that she almost bumped into Su Li, Huan Xin grabbed her and said displeasedly: "How many times have I told you, why are you still so irritable!"

Mo Xiang stuck out her tongue and said with a naughty smile: "I have something serious to do, and I was about to go into the palace to report to the lady. By chance, the lady came."

"What's the matter?" Su Li asked.

Mo Xiang immediately replied: "There is a man coming from the Xianting Pavilion, and he has specified that he wants to see the Master of the Shen Sect!"

"Who?" Wan Xin couldn't help but feel wary.

"I heard from shopkeeper Qi that as soon as the man arrived, he went to the corner room on the second floor and gave the shopkeeper something. He said that as long as the young lady saw him, he would definitely come." Mo Xiang said, taking out a small incense stick from her arms. Pouch, the refreshing and elegant fragrance is released instantly, as if it can soothe all the worries in the heart.

Su Li's heart was shocked, and she quickly grabbed the sachet and looked through it carefully. Her eyes couldn't help but heat up. Who else could embroider such awkward but familiar stitches besides her? He murmured and asked, "How old is this person?"

"I didn't see it. But shopkeeper Qi said that the man was extraordinary and definitely not an ordinary person. He asked me to report it to the lady immediately!"

Su Li's heart immediately started to beat wildly, but her face turned serious. She immediately ordered: "You guys stay downstairs and don't let anyone come up." After saying that, she quickly walked into the Xanting Pavilion.

It's a cool day in winter, so there aren't many tea-goers in the Xianting Pavilion, and the second floor is extremely quiet. Su Li walked to the door and suddenly stopped. She lowered her eyes and looked at the sachet in her hand, feeling a lot of emotions in her heart.

At this time, the door creaked and opened.

A face that looked slightly weathered suddenly appeared in front of Su Li. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and the luxuriant hair on his temples all seemed to tell the story of his loneliness.

Su Li suddenly felt a sore nose as she said goodbye to Tianmen. After not seeing each other for several months, her father had become much older!

Li Fengxian stared blankly at the woman standing in front of him. She had a beautiful face, and the birthmark on her face had disappeared. It seemed to completely coincide with the face of his beloved daughter in his memory. There was a hint of inexplicable distress in her eyes as she looked over, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Su Li narrowed his eyes and said respectfully: "Su Li has met the regent. I wonder when the prince will arrive in Biandu?"

Li Fengxian's expression immediately changed, as if this title was unacceptable to him. He stared into her eyes steadily, with a hint of sadness in his eyes. After a long silence, he sighed: "I just arrived this morning."

Su Li was slightly startled. Her father had only arrived in the morning, and now he was in a hurry to find her. She didn't dare to think about the reason for this. He quickly invited him to sit down in the room and served him tea.

The fragrance of tea in the room is faint and warm. There is a faint and familiar scent behind a fine carved wooden screen on the left, which is almost inaudible. Su Li frowned unconsciously.

The two of them looked at each other in silence, just drinking tea in silence.

The mist shrouded his father's face, which made Su Li suddenly feel uneasy. He pinched the sachet in his hand, his eyes flickered, and asked: "This sachet does not look like a delicate and rare thing. Your Majesty asked someone to bring it to me." , I don’t know what it means?”

Li Fengxian did not answer, but looked intently at the sachet in her hand, his eyes a little dazed, as if he was trapped in a distant memory. The expression on his face is one of sadness and joy, infinitely nostalgic. After a moment, Fang slowly said: "This sachet was a birthday gift given to me by Li Su when she was ten years old. During those days, I always couldn't sleep well at night, so she looked around for strange flowers that had a soothing effect. Yicao, made this sachet... It looks very ordinary, but in my heart, it is the most precious feeling in the world!"

Su Li's heart trembled slightly and she couldn't help feeling sour. She said softly: "Why did the prince give me such a precious thing?"

Li Fengxian looked at her face, his eyes brightened surprisingly for a moment, and sighed: "Perhaps it is because people are more likely to feel lonely as they get older. I have often thought about the past recently, and I miss the days when my wife and daughter were alive... I heard from His Majesty. Since Li Su is still alive, I want to come and see you. Are you... really Su Su? "

Su Li's heart suddenly jumped, and she saw his sharp eyes staring at her, as if he had understood everything, expecting to get the response he wanted. Her heart couldn't help but tremble. She didn't want to recognize her father, but the situation was changing. She had just denied that she was Princess Mingxi in front of the world, so she could never recognize her father now.

Li Fengxian took the sachet from her hand and caressed it gently. The cherished and caring look in his eyes made Su Li involuntarily think of every detail of the relationship between father and daughter in those sixteen years, and she felt an unbearable bitterness in her heart. She quickly lowered her head and sighed softly: "The prince's love for his daughter is touching. If the prince does not dislike her, Su Li is willing to fulfill his filial piety for Princess Mingyu!"

Li Fengxian's eyes were lost. This answer was obviously not what he wanted. He shook his head and said sadly: "I don't need anyone to perform filial piety. I just hope that Su Su is still alive in this world, so that I can be satisfied!"

A father's wish is so simple.

Su Li's heart seemed to be hit hard at that moment. She stared at him blankly, with a look that revealed a little hope and endless sadness, which made her eyes suddenly sore and her throat seemed to be choked. I was speechless.

Li Fengxian said sadly: "I have fought on the battlefield in my life, killed countless people, and my hands are stained with blood. I don't expect to have a good death in this life. I have always been worried about it. Because of my benevolence, I mistakenly accepted the letter of surrender from the Kingdom of Wan, causing my wife and daughter to be killed." He was framed and died tragically, laying a fatal hidden danger for the country!" He suddenly changed his self-identification, his face full of self-blame and guilt, as if he had committed a heinous crime.

"No!" Su Li's heart suddenly twitched, and she immediately shouted: "That's not your fault!"

"It's my fault!" Li Fengxian's expression suddenly became serious and he said solemnly: "Although Princess Yueyang of Wan Kingdom was born as a girl, her methods are more ruthless than men. She secretly cultivated Zhan Wuji and worked hard for many years. Only In order to avenge the destruction of the country back then! If this king was half as cruel as her, he would not be in the situation he is in today! There is no room for a woman's kindness in national affairs. Otherwise, it will not only bring disaster to herself, but also the family and the country. The world!"

Su Li fell silent immediately, thinking of Dongfang Ze unconsciously. He was born with the dignity of an emperor, and may never have the kindness of a woman!

"This time we go to war with Bian State, I volunteered to go out. Not only do I want to relieve the country's worries, but I also want to atone for my sins. If one day I die in battle, that will be the best destination for me, Mr. Li Fengxian!" There was something in Li Fengxian's smile. Very dismal.

Su Li was greatly shocked when she heard this. In a hurry, she rushed in front of Li Fengxian and shouted intuitively: "No! The prince will definitely live a long life!"

Li Fengxian immediately froze and looked at her in surprise. At this moment, the eagerness and uneasiness in Su Li's eyes reminded him of the long past, and he couldn't help but murmured: "You... really look like Li Su."

Su Li was startled again. She realized that she had lost her composure. She hurriedly averted her eyes and silently retreated to the chair.

Li Fengxian looked at her in a daze, as if he had fallen into distant memories again.

"When Li Su was very young, the king returned from an expedition and was seriously injured. A maid asked in the yard, 'Will the prince die?' When Li Su heard this, he shouted angrily: 'Father, the king will not die. , My father will definitely live a long life!’…”

Su Li's heart beat uncontrollably and she lowered her head uneasily. It was so long ago that she had forgotten it. My father actually remembered it so clearly.

Li Fengxian sighed: "When Xi Jin got married, I promised to love and protect her for the rest of my life and never let her suffer any injustice. I didn't expect that they, mother and daughter, would be implicated by me and die unjustly in humiliation! I am still living alone today. , death has become a luxury wish for me. I look forward to being reunited with their mother and daughter underground every night... This life is enough."

As he spoke, there was a hint of fascination in his eyes. It seems that the unspeakable loneliness and longing have made him yearn for another illusory world.

Feelings of self-blame surged up, and Su Li felt that she was a sinner! She is obviously still there, but her father, who is aging day by day, is still missing her...

"I really want to hear Su Su call me father again! Then I can die with peace of mind." Li Fengxian's eyes stayed on Su Li's face, and he suddenly felt a daze, "You... are really not Su Su?"

Su Li's heart ached, looking at Li Fengxian's old age and desolation. If he really left her, no one would respond to her call "Father" again... The mother-in-law didn't even know that she was still alive until her death. As long as she is alive, she cannot let such regrets happen again, otherwise she will regret it too late!

Su Li's heart was racing. All her scruples and worries were forgotten at this moment. She stood up suddenly and prostrated in front of Li Fengxian with sobs.

"My daughter is unfilial! Please forgive me, father!"

Li Fengxian was shaken, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at her almost in disbelief: "You... what did you call me?" His voice was a little hoarse, and he couldn't restrain his excitement and trembling.

Su Li raised her head, her eyes couldn't stop turning red, and she said guiltily: "My daughter is still alive, but she failed to recognize her father in time, which made her father sad. It's her fault!" She once again felt deeply. He bowed down, held his father's slightly trembling hand, and then said: "The sachet in my father's hand was indeed made by my daughter. Because she was a beginner, it took her three days and three nights to embroider it, and she finally finished it. Here we are. On the day of her father's birthday, the daughter didn't dare to take it out for fear that her father wouldn't like it... But she didn't expect that her father would keep it with her and keep it so well for so many years... "

Hearing her tell the past events so clearly and accurately, Li Fengxian couldn't believe it. The indescribable throbbing made his heart tremble violently. He tried his best to control his breathing, but he couldn't hide his trembling voice. He whispered He asked carefully: "You... Li Su told you this in a dream? Or..." He asked cautiously, fearing that everything in front of him was just a dream.

Su Li's heart became more and more sour and unbearable, and she said hoarsely: "No, it's not. The dream story is just a lie I had to make up to investigate an unjust case! I am Li Su, and I am also Su Li. Although Li Su is dead, The soul is still there. This matter is strange and difficult to explain, Su Su... I really don’t know how to explain it to my father... I hope my father will forgive me!"

"You...are you really Li Su?!" After getting the exact answer, Li Fengxian finally couldn't help but help her up. The shocked eyes couldn't help but linger on her face. At this point, I still can't believe that there is such a miracle in the world, that his daughter is actually still alive in this world!

A few days ago, after receiving an urgent call from His Majesty, he rushed to Biandu all night long. When he learned that Su Li and Li Su were the same person, he was shocked and couldn't believe that there was such a magical and strange thing in the world. However, he was too Knowing Dongfangze's temperament, he would never say it easily unless he was completely sure. Recalling Su Li's various performances in Sheng Kingdom, he couldn't wait to find her. It was only now, after hearing her confirmation from her own words, that he felt that God had treated him well after all, and that his most cherished daughter was still in the world. She... is Xi Jin's life!

Mentioning the past, Su Li felt only desolation in her heart, and said bitterly: "When my daughter woke up in the Prime Minister's Mansion, she couldn't believe it was true, but I did survive. I just wanted to go back to the palace to tell my father earlier. This matter with my mother and concubine..." Her eyes suddenly dimmed and she suddenly stopped talking.

Li Fengxian's heart sank, and he said heartbrokenly: "That day when you returned to the palace, you saw your father drinking tea and talking with Dongfang Zhuo, and even said that you wanted to betroth Li Yao to him. You... must be very sad!"

Su Li shook his head and said, "My daughter already knows that everything the father does is for her."

"It's a pity that my father never found any clues. Instead, it was you who tried everything possible to expose Zhan Wuji's conspiracy!" He couldn't suppress his sadness and sighed, "Su Su... it's my father who can't help you! That's right!" I can't live with your mother and concubine!" Thinking of Xi Jin's death due to excessive sadness, he felt heartbroken.

Su Li held Li Fengxian's hand tightly and comforted: "My father is upright and disdains to play with power. How can he defeat Zhan Wuji's deep calculations! In my daughter's heart, you will always be the best father in the world! I believe In my mother’s heart, you are the most perfect husband!”

"Really?" There was a dazzling light in the dim eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by inexplicable sadness. Li Fengxian said happily: "God has eyes, Su Su survived the disaster. Today I can hear you call me father again, and father is already satisfied!"

He gently stroked Su Li's hair, and cast his extremely loving eyes on her face. Filled with the joy of regaining her lost possessions, he sighed contentedly: "Go and clean up, and go back with your father tomorrow."

Su Li was startled and quickly grabbed him and said, "Father..."

She hesitated to speak, as if she had something to hide. Li Fengxian was stunned and said in disappointment, "What's wrong? Don't you want to go home with your father?"

Su Li said intuitively: "No..."

Li Fengxian showed a trace of sadness, "Since you and Xijin left, Linglong and Yaoer also left one after another, and the joy and laughter of the past can no longer be heard in the Regent's Palace... Every time I walk on the road you walked on, I recall the family When we are together, I can't help but think, if possible, I would give up everything in exchange for you coming back and living one more day... "

Su Li's heart couldn't stop trembling, as if she saw the desolate back of her father walking alone in the grand palace. Wanting to use everything I have to exchange for the dead person to live for one more day, what a desperate wish.

"Father..." Before she could speak, her throat was choked with sobs, and she didn't know how to comfort her lonely father. She wanted to go home with him right away, stay by his side forever, and serve him throughout her life. However, she couldn't. There was still a huge unsolved mystery in her heart that she had to find out.

Su Li calmed down and said softly: "My daughter really wants to stay with her father forever, but there is still something unfinished in her heart. Please forgive me!"

Li Fengxian said hurriedly: "What is it? Tell me and see if my father can help you?"

Su Li's eyes flickered and she smiled slightly: "Thank you, father. This matter... can only be done by the daughter herself. Please forgive me, father."

Li Fengxian's eyes darkened, and he sighed helplessly: "Since you were a child, you have been a very independent child, but there must be a reason for everything you insist on. Since you don't want to say it, my father won't ask too many questions, but there is one thing. Father must ask clearly about this matter!"

"Father, please speak."

"When you agreed to marry Yang Xiao, did you do it out of sincerity or because of circumstances?"

Li Fengxian's expression became solemn for a moment, and Su Li's heart suddenly sank. Originally, this question was not difficult to answer, but now... she couldn't answer it.

She glanced at the exquisite carved screen as if inadvertently. The screen remained motionless, but there was a faint fluctuation in the familiar scent in the air. Su Li darkened her eyes and remained silent.

Li Fengxian said sadly: "Marriage is related to your life's happiness. My father's wrong decision once caused you to suffer a lot. My father... I am really ashamed of you!" Thinking of that wedding that was envied by countless people. He regretted and felt pain for the harm he had caused her, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

Su Li couldn't bear it, and said softly: "My father just wants to give my daughter the best, and my daughter understands! Father, please rest assured that my daughter's agreement to marry Yang Xiao is not impulsive, but she is willing... "

"I do not believe!"

A low roar suddenly came from behind the screen, and before he finished speaking, Dongfang Ze turned around and strode out.

Su Li was not surprised when she saw him. From the first step into the room, she knew he was hiding behind the screen. In the main hall, he and Yang Xiao did not hesitate to draw swords at each other, how could they stop just because of her words

Su Li's face was calm, but there was a hint of anger in his eyes, and he said coldly: "You finally came out?! For your own selfish reasons, you actually worked all the way to Biandu for your father, have you ever considered him at all? An old man’s body?”

Li Fengxian was slightly startled, "Su Su, don't be rude! Your Majesty summons your ministers, it is only natural and right!" He turned to look at Dongfang Ze and saw that his face was slightly pale and his expression was gloomy, but he did not show any displeasure at all. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. I thought he was scheming and unpredictable and difficult to get along with. But I didn't expect that he was so persistent in his feelings for Su Li, and he actually put a lot of thought into it.

"Then what should I do? Watch you marry another man?!" Dongfangze frowned, and there was a sharp pain in his eyes. After the enthronement ceremony, she was in the palace, heavily guarded, and he could not see her at all. In the past few days, he tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night, and never slept peacefully. It wasn't until Li Fengxian arrived in Biandu this morning that he cheered up again. Now he has no choice but to hope that the relationship between father and daughter might dissuade her. It's just that he guessed this, but he didn't expect that she would refuse to go back to Chengdu with Li Feng first!

Su Li looked unhappy and said sarcastically: "Dongfang Ze, you are always like this, never caring about other people's feelings!"

Seeing the fierce words between the two, Li Fengxian hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Su Su, everything your Majesty has done is for you. If you really want to marry Yang Xiao, you should make it clear to your Majesty and make a break." He The look she looked at Su Li had a profound meaning, as if she was secretly reminding her not to be too tough.

Hearing what his father said, Su Li lost most of his anger and could only nod.

"I will leave first." Li Fengxian breathed a sigh of relief and gently left the room, leaving two silent people in the tea room.

There was silence all around. The water in the small clay pot on the tea stove boiled, boiling and rolling, making a constant "puff" sound, as if they were restless in each other's hearts.

Su Li slowly spoke: "You went through so much trouble just to see me. Why didn't you say anything after you met me?"

Dongfang Ze was stunned, his handsome face was filled with sadness for a moment, his lips moved slightly, but no sound came out. After a long while, he said softly: "Can you tell me what exactly you want me to do so that you won't marry Yang Xiao?" His voice was low and hoarse, unable to hide the deep sadness in his heart.

"Impossible." Su Li said quickly. She answered quickly and urgently, with a firm look on her face, as if she wanted to prove her determination that she would not look back. She stared straight at him, not daring to look at him, and continued: "No matter what you do, it's over between us..."

Dongfangze's hand holding the tea cup froze for an instant. She spoke so plainly, erasing everything in the past as if nothing had happened, leaving him no hope at all. He endured and endured, trying his best to calm down, and said hoarsely: "I don't want to force you to do anything. I just don't want you to act impulsively, marry someone you don't like, and waste your life."

"In your eyes, how can I not waste my life?" Su Li's heart suddenly turned cold, "How do you know that I don't like Yang Xiao?"

Dongfangze's eyes changed and his expression suddenly froze.

Su Li turned her eyes, stared at him and smiled lightly: "Yang Xiao treats me sincerely. With him, I will never have to worry about what he is thinking, nor will I worry that one day he will cheat and hurt me. And you Between me... is there still trust at all today?"

She asked back, ruthlessly cutting off all his hopes.

"You...really think so?" Dongfangze's face suddenly turned pale as paper, his voice trembled slightly, and the pain surging in his heart almost made him unable to control himself.

Su Li was quiet for a moment and said calmly: "Tomorrow is the wedding day, and there will be no changes in this matter. I hope that after you go back to Shengdu, you can let go of the past and start from scratch." Her expression was dull and her voice had no warmth, as if she was saying Things that have nothing to do with oneself are all proof of the irreversible inner thoughts.

Dongfangze gasped rapidly, his chest heaving, as if he still couldn't believe it.

Su Li sighed and said quietly: "Why don't you believe it? I really like him."

Dongfang Ze suddenly turned his head and stared at her, his eyes filled with cold hatred, "What did you say?" His voice was so soft that it was almost a whisper.

Su Li's expression remained unchanged, but she clenched her hands desperately, trying to calm the uneasiness in her heart. She lowered her head and forced herself to say: "I... really like..."

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly felt a figure in front of her flicker, and she looked up suddenly. Dongfang Ze was already in front of her. All she saw was his handsome face, close in front of him, his eyes full of crazy jealousy, and he pulled her into his arms forcefully.

Su Li was shocked and reached out to push him. Unexpectedly, under his anger, he was so strong that he couldn't push him at all.

Dongfangze's arms were as solid as iron, and he held her tightly in his arms. He slowly approached her, with the tip of his nose almost touching hers. Anger burned in his eyes, and he said word by word: "You lied!" Before he finished speaking, He lowered his head suddenly and kissed her lips.

He kissed her wildly, almost using all his strength to melt into the kiss.

Su Li tightened her lips and couldn't breathe. Anger surged up in her heart, but she couldn't break free from his iron grip. She felt his lips lingering, moving down inch by inch, and touched her earlobe. His wet tongue gently hooked, and a tingling sensation flowed to her limbs. Her body suddenly couldn't stop trembling, and she could hardly stand. Immediately, his heart was shocked. He was going to use the toxicity of the Heartless Pill to test her reaction!

At that moment, her heart was pounding, and she instinctively wanted to resist, but she paused. If she was firm-willed and calm, she might be able to suppress the woman's reaction and take this opportunity to make him give up completely! As soon as her mind changed, she gave up her struggle, stiffened her body and allowed him to kiss her arbitrarily.

There seemed to be endless anger, hatred and sadness in his dark eyes, with an almost stubborn madness, which stung her eyes. She closed her eyes involuntarily, feeling sad in her heart. The arrogant and conceited Dongfangze seemed like a gambler with nothing at this moment, placing his final bet.

Realizing that she no longer resisted, his movements slowed down. The domineering and wildness faded away, and he kissed her gently, hugging her tenderly, as if he wanted to melt the ice built up in her heart with tenderness.

The gentle move made Su Li's heart tremble slightly. She inhaled unconsciously, and the tip of his tongue pried open the teeth, and the sex was extremely touching. The long-lost pleasure and strange joy quickly rushed into her heart. Su Li suddenly panicked and tried her best to steady her mind. In the panic, she tightly grabbed his front and opened his clothes. This action seemed to be in anticipation. He got closer.

The lust that had been suppressed for many years came like a flood. Dongfangze couldn't control the desire flowing in his heart. He quickly untied her belt, put his palms inside, and stroked her gently, trying his best to tease her.

The uncontrollable emotion made each other's breathing become more and more rapid. The reason she tried to maintain was only defeated by the emotion in an instant. The pain seemed to be torn from the heart, gradually becoming sharper and stronger, almost tearing her body apart. .

Su Li gritted her teeth and slapped him hard on the chest with all her strength.

There was just a "bang" sound, and the two people who were kissing tightly a moment ago fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time, the door opened, and Li Feng rushed in with a nervous expression. When he saw Su Li, his face was pale and disheveled, he was sitting on the ground, staring at Dongfang Ze and panting constantly. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Dongfangze's mouth, who fell to the ground. His face was paler than Su Li's, and his eyes were dazed but seemed to be filled with ecstasy. He quickly stood up, grabbed Su Li's hand, and checked her pulse. Su Li's heart In a panic, she quickly shook him off and said, "Don't touch me again!"

"Are you afraid?" Dongfang Ze locked his eyes tightly on her and said sadly: "The Heartless Pill is in a person's body, and it will only cause toxicity if true love is touched! Why do you insist on marrying Yang Xiao when you clearly have me in your heart? ?!”

Su Li's eyes widened and she looked at him panting uneasily. Compared with the pain in her body, her weakness of will made her feel more frustrated. She finally understood how stupid it was to compete with her true heart. She couldn't stay in this tea room for a moment longer. The longer she stayed in front of him, the easier it was for her to be shaken.

Her eyes turned cold and she said quickly and cruelly: "This is my choice! It has nothing to do with you! Stop pestering me!" After saying that, she rushed out the door.

"Su Su" Dongfang Ze's eyes changed and he started to chase, but Li Fengxian stepped aside and stopped him. In the blink of an eye, her back had disappeared around the corner of the stairs. He was anxious and angry, and couldn't help but growl: "Li Fengxian, you are so bold! Get out of the way..."

Li Fengxian said anxiously: "Su Su has a stubborn temperament. The more you force her, the further she will hide. If marrying Yang Xiao is her willing choice, please make it happen!"

Dongfangze looked at him, his eyes were red, and he cried out sadly: "She is your daughter, you can fulfill her, no matter who she marries, no matter where she goes, you will never lose her! But I But it’s different! If I succeed, I will lose her forever! I can’t live without her, do you understand that?!”

Li Fengxian was stunned immediately. In his eyes, Dongfang Ze was always deep, wise and calm. But at this moment, he was on the verge of emotional collapse, in despair and pain. He was completely different from the strategizing and awe-inspiring young emperor he knew in the court!

After Dongfangze finished speaking in one breath, he seemed to have lost all his strength. He staggered back and fell onto the chair. His eyes were empty, and his heart seemed to have been crushed in the flying smoke and dust along with the carriage speeding away outside Xanting Pavilion...

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