The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 29: The thin line between life and death


Su Li's heart changed and she reminded: "Ahem, this... hero, you may have made the wrong decision by taking the little girl as a hostage. The little girl... has a low status and only has casual acquaintances with the two princes. Even if you Even if you kill me, you won't be able to escape the trap set by the prince."

The woman in black sneered and said hoarsely: "You can't lie to a three-year-old child with this! Who doesn't know that King Zhenning has never had a female companion by his side? How can someone who can travel alone with him be an ordinary person?" Hand over? Stop talking nonsense! Please also ask King Zhenning to withdraw his troops quickly and let the three of us leave safely, otherwise... don't blame me for being rude!"

Su Li's heart was as clear as a mirror, and she took the first step by practicing martial arts again. If something happened to her, it would be of no benefit to her. The situation was critical now... She had to find a way to help her escape as soon as possible.

Dongfangze remained silent, looking at her with a slight hesitation, as if he was still weighing.

An idea suddenly flashed in her mind. Since he was weighing, he must have scruples. Of course, she would not be so confused that she thought that Dongfang Ze was deeply in love with her. Although Su Li was a concubine, he was still a daughter of the Prime Minister. It would not be a good thing if word got out in the future that he refused to save her. However, this chip obviously does not have enough weight, and the probability of winning after making a rash bet is really unknown. However, if you have an opportunity, you can’t miss it!

Seeing that Dongfang Ze was silent, the woman in black frowned and was about to speak. Suddenly she felt that the arm holding the sword was tightly grasped by Su Li's hands. She couldn't help but feel a little frightened. She was about to let go some distance, but she forcefully snatched him away. Hit the sword directly! She shouted decisively: "Your Majesty, Su Li... it is not a pity to die. Don't ruin your Majesty's important affairs because of me!" She showed a strong and unwilling attitude. If Dongfang Ze avoids it at this moment, he will definitely react; if it's the opposite, Wan Xin will definitely understand that blackmail is ineffective.

The sharp sword blade immediately cut through the snow-white skin, and bright red blood seeped out, dyeing the sword edge red, making it look particularly frightening. The woman in black's heart was beating fast, and she suddenly and carefully pulled her body away to avoid the edge of the sword.

Dongfang Ze's face suddenly changed color, and he blurted out: "Su Su, no!" The fists in his long sleeves were clenched, and the joints were slightly white.

"Let her go, I will keep you safe!" Dongfang Zhuo said decisively, flew over, and stood side by side with Dongfang Ze. His chest was rising and falling violently, and he stared at Su Li who was being held hostage, completely ignoring the ground. Li Yao lying down. As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Everyone was waiting for Dongfang Ze's answer, but unexpectedly it was Dongfang Zhuo who spoke decisively.

Dongfangze's brows jumped and he looked at him in surprise. He was obviously very surprised, but he didn't have any objection.


Su Li felt a mixture of emotions in her heart. She didn't expect that the first person to respond at this moment was him! She had angered him like that just now, almost to the point of tense situations. Why now...

"Okay! King Jing'an is indeed a sensible person! Tell them to prepare a small boat immediately." The man in black with a silver mask spoke immediately. The action failed and he was besieged again. If he doesn't leave now, when will he wait

"Everyone on the boat, no one is allowed to be left behind, all retreat to the stern of the boat!"

Dongfang Zhuo waved his hand with a gloomy face, and the people below immediately retreated.

The man in black with a silver mask looked around and said coldly: "King Zhenning, order all your guards to retreat two miles away from Wangyue Lake. Otherwise, if we get on the boat soon, won't we be shot into a sieve?"

Dongfangze's eyes were gloomy and calm, and he raised his hand to issue an order. The guards by the lake exited the peach forest neatly, without any confusion. At this moment, Wangyue Lake, which is gradually shrouded in twilight, is beautiful and beautiful, with a few low calls of water birds coming from time to time.

Su Li staggered all the way and was dragged onto the boat, her feet swaying as she gradually sailed towards the center of the lake.

"I didn't expect that a little girl like you, looking so weak and weak, would actually ask the two princes of the current dynasty to change their original intentions for you! The method is not simple." The man in black with the silver mask said thoughtfully.

Su Li didn't seem to hear her at all. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: "Tie me up."

The man in black with the silver mask looked suspicious. Su Li glanced at him coldly and said calmly: "Did you think that after a while, they can still devote their energy to chasing you?"

He rolled his eyes and suddenly realized that the waters of Wangyue Lake were vast. His original intention was to reach a safe area and leave the hostages on the boat. The three of them escaped from the lake under the cover of night. If she also falls into the water, Dongfang Ze and Dongfang Zhuo will definitely have no time to pursue her. The guards on the ship are all useless and have nothing to fear... What a thoughtful little girl! Smart enough and cruel enough.

"What's the purpose of helping us like this?" The man in black with the silver mask obviously couldn't figure it out. This woman was not related to them, and she wasn't on the same boat, so why did she do this

Su Li replied calmly: "I didn't help you, I just wanted to help myself. Whether you believe it or not, I don't have a good impression of those two people." These words have different interpretations in the ears of caring people.

The woman in black, who was holding Su Li hostage, pondered for a moment, picked up the idle hemp rope on the boat, put Su Li's hands behind her back, and tied them tightly.


The man in black with a silver mask looked at Su Li carefully, with a deep look in his eyes.

The boat was getting further and further away from Dongfang Ze's sight. As dusk fell, her beautiful face could no longer be seen. She closed her eyes and could only see a pair of dark and bright eyes in her heart, always shining with stubbornness and unyielding light, staring at him quietly.

On the calm lake surface, there was a sudden "Ah-" scream, that was Su Li's cry! Then there was a loud "pop" sound, and he suddenly opened his eyes. The lake was churning and rippling in all directions. The boat capsized and kept spinning on the water. All four people on the boat were missing!

Everyone was stunned on the spot because of this incident.

Dongfangze took a deep breath and jumped straight into the lake without hesitation.

The coldness, darkness, and the fear that once made people feel hopeless came to an end the moment they sank to the bottom of the water.

The light under the water is dim and unclear, and the giant water plants that grow miscellaneously can be vaguely seen, swaying and floating slowly, like the pusher of ruthless fate. If you are not careful, you may be entangled tightly and you will be unable to escape.

Su Li held her breath tightly, not daring to make any big movements, just to conserve her strength. His hands were tightly tied behind his back, making it difficult to stretch. His legs swung a few times from time to time, trying to prevent himself from sinking.

The knot that tied her hands seemed complicated, but actually she could break free by flipping her wrists, which saved her heart... I really understood her intentions, and used such a clever method to leave a way for her to survive in the crisis... What a pity, I'm afraid today is... It's no longer useful.

Without the warmth of the sun, the water temperature was almost freezing, and the bone-chilling water was intimate, hugging her petite body tightly. She tried her best to overcome the uncontrollable fear in her heart, and tried to relax her mind, imagining that she was still that little girl. The baby, who knows no worries, seeks shelter in the gentle embrace of his mother and concubine.

Fear spread silently. After rebirth, Li Su could not and would never have any weaknesses.

Time seems to be standing still. The last bit of air left in the mouth turns into a string of tiny bubbles in front of the eyes, happily flowing to the top of the head. The body, which has been numb and stiff from the cold, gradually loses consciousness. She secretly calculated in her heart that Dongfangze was still testing her at the critical moment of life and death, but he would never watch her die, otherwise she would really lose her wife and lose her troops. After so long, it's almost time for him to show up. Bihenjue... Sometimes women are just better than men.

Deep in the dense bushes in the water, there seemed to be a black osprey moving nimbly through it. Its eyes, as bright as stars, were searching around anxiously. The moment he saw her, he immediately became calm and determined, speeding up and rushing forward. come to her

. Su Li smiled at him, her mind suddenly relaxed, and her body immediately sank down.

In a daze, he was hugged into someone's arms, and his lips, which had turned white from the cold, were pressed hard against him.

The clenched teeth were forcefully opened by a strong tongue, and a life-saving warm breath came in. Su Li suddenly felt his spirit shaken. The little heat source burned the cold lips and tongue, and slowly flowed with the blood, making the numbness The limbs gradually became warm. Dongfangze untied the rope, hugged her body tightly, and quickly floated to the water.

With a "crash" sound, the two of them burst out of the water.

Su Li's face was pale and her eyes were closed tightly, as if she was unconscious. Dongfang Ze's heart sank suddenly, "Su Su, Su Su, wake up." He patted her face and called urgently.

The cold wind on the lake blew by, and the skin on his face hurt like a knife. Dongfangze no longer hesitated, and quickly swam towards the shore with Su Li in his arms.

Dongfang Zhuo's spacious and luxurious carriage rushed over, and when he saw Dongfang Ze holding Su Li tightly on the shore, his gloomy eyes flashed with a trace of unspeakable pain and jealousy. Without saying a word, he stepped forward and quickly took off his robe, wrapping it around Su Li.

The carriage ran wildly in the direction of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Su Li's face was pale, and her wet hair was messy and stuck to half of her beautiful face, making her look even more pitiful. Dongfangze frowned and activated his true energy, flowing continuously along the palm of his hand and into her body. Even so, Su Li was still shaking violently, subconsciously looking for a little warmth, and snuggled deeply into his arms. Dongfangze tightened his arms and held her delicate and petite body tightly in his arms, with a natural intimacy like a couple in love.

Dongfang Zhuo's gloomy black eyes suddenly set off a violent storm, and his fists were immediately clenched, but he still didn't say a word. Only his tightly clenched teeth revealed his extremely suppressed emotions.

The atmosphere in the car was extremely depressing, and no one spoke during the journey. Li Yao huddled in the corner, motionless, as if she had been stunned by this sudden series of changes.

Before the carriage stopped in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Dongfangze jumped down, hugged Su Li and ran quickly towards the small courtyard where she lived. Dongfang Zhuo ordered in a deep voice: "Send Miss Li back home." After that, he walked away and followed closely.

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