The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 40: List of selected concubines


"Oh?" Su Li raised her eyebrows slightly but did not express her position.

. ()

He looked at her intently for a long time without urging her. No matter what decision she makes, she will respect her.

Su Li smiled and said: "I can't give you an answer to this matter right now. Give me some time to think about it."

They nodded heartily, and although they didn't speak much, after this incident, an indescribable tacit understanding had already flowed between each other's hearts.

After two or three days of recovery, the injuries on her body were healed. When Mo Xiang saw that Su Li could get out of bed and walk a little, she happily took her to the garden to enjoy the flowers. After walking for a while, I was a little tired. I just found a stone bench to sit down and rest. There was a whisper from the Yilan Pavilion. One person said: "Hey, I heard that the emperor is going to choose a concubine for the two princes!"

"Really? Then our eldest lady can enter the palace?"

"Two princes are choosing their concubines at the same time... What a spectacular scene it would be! Even if you don't get chosen, it's good to see the big scene!" Several girls pushed each other, laughing and walking away gradually.

Choosing a concubine? ! Su Li couldn't help but picture Dongfang Ze's handsome and deep face, staring at her with a smile but not a smile. My heart suddenly moved, and the warmth from his lips seemed to still linger on my ears. She couldn't help but frown. According to those girls, Su Qin must be on the list of concubines!

Mo Xiang said in surprise: "The second king is choosing a concubine? Miss, can you also participate in the election?"

Su Li's eyes moved slightly, remembering the unfinished words of the imperial doctor. If he could enter the palace, he would have a chance to find clues to the Li Su case! Now he walked to the Flower Hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion. As soon as he arrived in front of the door, he heard Su Qin's excited voice: "Huh? Isn't there that dead girl?"

Su Li paused, and Su Xiangru saw her, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Qin'er! Su Su is your sister, don't be so unruly and make people laugh!"

Su Qin curled her lips, and as soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Su Li coming in. She immediately approached him maliciously, raised the list in her hand, and said with a bad smile: "No matter how kind King Zhenning is to you, it's useless. I can't even get in. () Hahaha!" She smiled so proudly, as if the position of Princess Zhenning was already within her reach.

Su Li's face darkened, but she didn't speak. Mrs. Su said in confusion: "Okay, why is there suddenly a concubine selection banquet? And let the two princes choose the concubine together?" There was no precedent for this before the Sheng Kingdom.

Su Xiangru stroked his long beard and said deeply: "After the death of Princess Mingyu, King Jing'an will inevitably be hit.

. In order to save face, the Empress intended to hold a concubine selection banquet for King Jing'an. She was obviously showing favoritism. How could I let King Zhenning lose his limelight? After arguing hard, the emperor agreed to choose concubines for the two princes together. "

"So that's it!" Mrs. Su thought for a while and then said: "I heard that the other two countries sent envoys to congratulate on this selection of concubine?"

Su Li was slightly stunned. This was strange. No messenger came to congratulate Dongfang Zhuo on his wedding. This time, people from both countries were sent to choose the concubine!

Su Xiangru said: "Bian and Ding have long been interested in marrying each other, but there is no princess in our dynasty. The emperor probably wants to take this opportunity to see if any of the ministers' daughters can be favored by the envoys of the two countries!" After saying this, Su Xiangru glanced at Su Li narrowed her eyes and said, "Su Su, my father has a few words to say to you."

Mrs. Su was slightly startled. She quickly looked at Su Xiangru's face, found an excuse to get up, and led Su Qin back to her room. Before going out, Su Qin specially put the list in front of Su Li, holding back a smile and comforting her: "Sister, you must take care of yourself!"

Su Li sat motionless, only to hear Su Xiangru let out a long sigh, with a loving look on his face, and an unprecedented pity in his eyes. He sighed: "My father knows very well why Su Su is unhappy. You Hui Zhilan." Heart, generous and decent conversation, far better than Qin'er, that's why the two princes treat each other differently. If you enter the palace to participate in the election, the chance of being selected is indeed very high. Unfortunately, this time when choosing the concubine, the Queen must do it for Prince Jing'an. When she finds a good match, she does everything herself. Even the first candidate is screened by her herself, and no one else has any say. As a father, I speak lightly... Alas! It is true that I have more than enough ambition but not enough energy."

Su Li frowned secretly. Su Xiangru had been in the officialdom for decades and was already as shrewd as a fox. He spoke in a high-sounding way, as if he felt particularly sorry for her, but he pointed all the fingers at the Queen and ignored herself. She didn't believe it. With Su Xiangru's position in the court, if he really wanted to help her, how could she have no chance

Pursing her lips, Su Li replied calmly: "Father is an upright official and has a clean reputation. If you put too much effort into such trivial matters, I'm afraid it will cause gossip and give others a thumbs up, which is not good. There is no need for father to be too much. Su Su understands."

Su Xiangru's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "She is indeed a good daughter for her father. I feel very relieved." He was quiet for a moment, couldn't help but coughed a few times, and then said seriously: "Actually... this matter is not without change. In this land, the concubine selection banquet is scheduled for after March, so there is plenty of time. Everyone in the court knows that the Queen loves King Jing'an the most. If he is willing to come forward to deal with it for you... "

At this point, it became clear that Su Li's eyelashes trembled slightly and she sneered in her heart. It turned out that he wanted her to beg Dongfang Zhuo herself.


"Su Su is a smart child. You should understand that this opportunity to choose a concubine is rare and you must not miss it easily." Su Xiangru stared at the birthmark on her face with burning eyes and sighed: "There is only one reason why you can't enter the palace - Ominous!"

Su Li slowly raised her head, met his gaze, and said calmly: "Thank you, Father, for the advice."

She had already guessed that this was the reason. As the legitimate daughter of the regent and the imperial concubine of Princess Mingyu, Li Su was already familiar with the rules of the palace. Marriage matters in the royal family have always been strict. In addition to being from a noble family and having a good family background, the candidate must also be of dignified character and have both ability and political integrity to be selected. As the concubine of the prime minister's palace, Su Li's status was slightly inferior, but with Su Xiangru's power in the court, entering the primary election was not a problem at all. It must have been those false rumors that reached the Queen's ears, and she had taboos in her heart, so she was excluded.

What a princess, she doesn’t care! The root cause of the investigation into Li Su's innocence lies in the Imperial Palace Hospital.

Back in the room, Su Li sat in front of the dressing table and thought about the countermeasures. She unconsciously caressed the bright red mark the size of a copper coin on her left cheek. This is where the rumor came from... Her eyes suddenly froze, and she suddenly He got closer to the bronze mirror and looked carefully. This birthmark... seemed different from ordinary people's.

Most of the ordinary birthmarks protrude slightly from the surface of the skin, but the one on Su Li's face is smooth and complete, integrating seamlessly with the skin. It looks more like a layer of rouge, giving off a faint glow. Li Su has tasted all kinds of herbs since he was a child, and has a little knowledge of pharmacology and toxicity. Looking at it carefully now, he actually has some symptoms of poisoning!

This discovery made Su Li's heart skip a beat. If she could find a way to remove this birthmark, wouldn't she be able to enter the palace smoothly? ! His thoughts changed and he called out repeatedly: "Save my heart!"

Wan Xin came in in response, and Su Li hurriedly whispered: "Please help me see if this looks like a poisoning disease? Do you have a way to get rid of it?"

Wan Xin looked at it carefully, and was shocked in his heart. He said in a low voice: "Miss, this birthmark has been there since she was born. If she said she was poisoned, wouldn't it be brought out from her mother's womb? Although Wan Xin's martial arts is slightly successful, in terms of using poison, Not proficient.”

Su Li sighed, feeling a little disappointed.

Wan Xin thought for a moment and then said in deep thought: "Miss, don't be discouraged. If it is poison, there must be a way to restrain it. Wan Xin heard that there is a famous doctor Jiang Yuan in Huayu Valley, fifty miles away from the capital. He is known as the ghost doctor in the world and is the best at treating various poisons. . Why don’t we go there and have a look.”

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