The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 46: The first general of Bian State


The onlookers were all shocked when they heard this, but they really didn't see it. This little girl is actually the daughter of Mr. Su’s family? !

"I am..." The strong man was about to speak, but was interrupted by the master's sudden raised hand. The master raised his hand and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, maybe we recognized the wrong person and offended the young lady. Please forgive me, young lady. Please!" He suddenly stopped asking, implying that Su Li could leave.

A hint of cunning flashed in the master's eyes, which did not escape Su Li's keen eyes. She said no more, turned around coldly and walked away, but the string in her heart did not dare to relax, and she listened carefully to the movement behind her.

The strong man became anxious and shouted: "Su Mu!" The master, known as Su Mu, apparently cut off his words again and leaned close to whisper in his ear. Su Li could not tell what they were talking about. What, I only vaguely heard a few words: "Follow her... investigate..."

Judging from Su Mu's treacherous expression, you knew he didn't have any good ideas! Want to stalk her? I'm afraid it's not that easy! Su Li's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she suddenly quickened her pace, dragging Mo Xiang into a remote alley beside the road. She said in a deep voice: "Mo Xiang, wait for me here. If I don't come to find you in half an hour, , you can go directly back to the house!" After that, he ducked into the crowd again.

Su Li looked back from a distance and found that Su Mu seemed to have just walked out of the Tzu Chi Hall with a complicated look on his face and nodded heavily at the strong man. The strong man's face immediately changed color, and his sharp eyes quickly locked onto Su Li's figure in the crowd.

Su Li no longer hesitated, turned around and left, walking like flying. At this moment, she could basically conclude that the two people had confirmed some clues, and this discovery must be related to the toxin on her face! I didn’t expect that Su Li, a rich young lady, would have such trouble!

She relied on her slender figure and used some Qing Kung Fu to dodge in the crowd. After a while, she threw Su Mu and Su Mu away from each other and followed them from a distance.

Running to the end of the alley, there was no way to go. Su Li looked around and saw a coffin shop in the corner street. There were several coffins placed in the shop, either simple or luxurious, in various styles, which was dazzling. She had an idea and jumped into the store, but there was no one inside. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, there were hurried footsteps across the street. Su Li's heart tightened. In a blink of an eye, he saw a black nanmu coffin parked on the side of the inner hall. In desperation, he simply pushed open the coffin lid and got in silently. .

After fastening the lid of the coffin, the small space was filled with darkness. Su Li subconsciously held her breath and listened carefully.


The footsteps outside the door were a little noisy, as if there were more than one person coming. After a while, I heard someone say: "Shopkeeper, where is the nanmu coffin we ordered?"

Someone quickly ran out of the backyard and said with a smile: "It's coming, it's ready. Please come over here."

The footsteps stopped in front of the coffin, and after a few words of negotiation between the visitor and the shopkeeper, Su Li felt her body sway, and the nanmu coffin was lifted up. She was startled, how could it be such a coincidence that she managed to hide in the coffin ordered by the visitor? ! What should I do now? Just as I was thinking about whether to go out now, I heard someone rushing in from outside the door and shouting: "Have you seen a woman?"

Su Li recognized the strong man's voice and did not dare to act rashly. The coffin was carried out of the store, and the shopkeeper could only be heard saying with an apologetic smile: "Look, uncle, there are only coffin and me here, there are no women anywhere!"

The strong man paced anxiously up and down the street. He clearly saw her coming here, but why was she nowhere to be seen

Su Mu arrived panting and gasped: "Master Hu'erdu...have you found it?"

Hurdu? ! This name sounds familiar. I heard Hu Erdu shouting in frustration: "Follow me here, but I'm gone!"

Su Li was lying in the coffin and smiled silently when she heard the words. How could those two people imagine that they had the courage to hide in a coffin that everyone was avoiding! Maybe only people like her who have experienced death will no longer worry about such so-called ominous things! It's just that they don't know where the coffin will be carried. Since they are walking and did not choose to transport it by vehicle, the destination should not be too far. The situation is not yet clear and they cannot act rashly, so they have to wait patiently for the opportunity.

The group of people walked like wind, and within a moment they saw the towering city wall close at hand. Under the tall city tower, two teams were lined up, and the city guards were carefully checking the people coming and going in the city.

"Stand up one by one! Arrange in a straight formation and accept inspection!" the city guard general shouted seriously.

The dark coffins stood out in the slowly advancing queue.

After a few "tuk-duk" sounds, someone suddenly stretched out his fingers and knocked on the coffin wall a few times. Su Li was startled and held her breath for a moment.

The man said calmly: "The material is good. Where are you going to carry this?" The male voice was deep and sweet, so familiar that it made Su Li's heart suffocate. The owner of this voice was... Dongfang Ze

One person replied respectfully: "Reply to your Majesty.

. The boys took the coffin to the ten-mile slope on the outskirts of the city. "

Dongfangze sighed softly: "The quality of the fine nanmu seems to be quite heavy. It's hard to earn the money."

The man laughed dryly and said: "Hehe, this is the only food the brothers have to eat. It's enough to support the family."

A sneer flashed in the corner of Dongfangze's eyes, and he waved his hand: "It's really not easy, let's go."

"Thank you, sir."

Su Li was surprised. Dongfangze had always been a deep and indifferent person and didn't like to talk much. Why was he so concerned about the porters carrying the coffin today? As soon as the coffin moved, a person in the distance was heard yelling: "Wait!"

Su Li froze immediately, Hu Erdu was indeed not that easy to deceive! To catch up so quickly? She couldn't decide for a moment whether to go out or not. The wooden coffin had been carried quickly out of the city gate by those people. Before she could retract her fingertips from the coffin lid, she made an unintentional stroke, and there was a soft "click" sound. The mechanism was turned on, and something fell silently on her body.

Su Li was stunned and reached out to touch it. It turned out to be an exquisite brocade bag. Open it carefully and rub it carefully. There seems to be a piece of paper and a small square hard object inside. The hard object is as cold as a piece of iron.

Su Li suddenly became suspicious. Why would a coffin bought by an ordinary family have a mechanism? Just now, there was a tight check at the city gate, and Dongfang Ze's unusual questioning... I wonder if it is all related to this? Su Li pondered for a moment, then made a bold decision and put the kit into his arms decisively.

Hu'erdu rushed to the city gate and saw that the coffin had been carried out of the city gate. He was so anxious that he pushed away the few people in front of him and rushed out of the city. The general who was guarding the city shouted loudly and stopped him with his gun: "Who is so impudent! Why don't you retreat quickly!"

Hu'erdu chased after him all the way, his face turned red, but he did not lose his sense in his desperation. He took out a token from his arms, raised it directly in front of the soldier, and said urgently in a broken Shengguo dialect: " Let me go."

When Dongfang Ze saw the token, his eyes changed slightly and he said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, are you Sir Hu'erdu, the envoy of the Bian Kingdom?"

Su Li, who had not yet been carried away, was shocked. Then he remembered that Su Er was the number one general in the Bian Kingdom! A general from Bian State wanted to arrest her as soon as he met her. What was the reason for this

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