The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 5: Never die with peace of mind


The midday sun shone brightly on Li Su's broken wedding dress, making it particularly dazzling. The golden silk phoenix originally embroidered on it has long been broken into pieces, but it still shines with dazzling golden light. However, this is no longer a symbol of dignity and glory, but a proof of shame.

! The weather was so good today, it seemed that even God had deliberately left her with nowhere to hide her embarrassment.

There were people everywhere on the street, and they all seemed to be hiding aside, laughing at themselves secretly, laughing at her as a **** who deserved this end! go home? If it were the father, the queen, mother and concubine, how heartbroken and angry would they be when they saw her in such a miserable state? No, we can't let them see her like this! Li Su suddenly broke away from Lian'er's supporting arm and quickly turned around and ran towards the completely opposite road to the Regent's Palace.

"Miss?" Lian'er called her very worriedly.

"Don't follow me, I want to be alone and be quiet." Li Su shouted without looking back. Although her strength had not yet fully recovered and every step she took was so difficult, she did not dare to pause. I just want to run wildly, go to a deserted place, and quietly wait for dark. The darkness could swallow everything, and no one would notice her miserable appearance. No one will know who she is.

She will remember the feeling of falling from heaven to hell forever.

The scenery on both sides receded quickly, and the whistling wind could be heard in his ears, until Li Su felt his feet weaken and fell to the ground. She lowered her head slowly, her body already thrown into the water, and looked around blankly. The shore was full of flowers and willows, and the spring was just right.

This is Lancang River? It turns out that she has run so far.

The water rippled around in circles, and the face reflected on the river swayed from side to side with the ripples, just like her chaotic and complicated heart. After a while, she gradually calmed down. ()

Li Su just sat blankly by the river. What happened today was strange and sudden. Even though she was so smart, she couldn't figure it out for a while. She was infected with a strange poison and thought she would not survive. Her mother thought of various ways and secretly asked people to teach her martial arts. She saw famous doctors all over the world and ate herbal medicines all over the world. In the past few years, after careful conditioning, her body was much stronger than before. . If it hadn't been for the poisonous attack, she would never have been raped by Dongfang... Her heart suddenly hurt, as her father, who had chosen her husband from thousands of times, would treat her like this!

The surface of the water wrinkled by the wind was vaguely dotted with countless fragments of light. Suddenly there was a flash of silver light. Li Su's heart froze and he immediately rolled to the left. A sharp sword, carrying a fierce murderous intent, pierced through. In the land beside the river!

Standing on the bank of the river was a man in black, his face covered with silver light, holding a long sword. Li Su felt that the figure in front of him was strange, and he couldn't even see his appearance clearly! She subconsciously took a step back and secretly gathered her energy in her palms.

The man missed the target and didn't seem to be in a hurry to advance again. He just stood not far away and stared at her, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.


Li Su quickly calmed down and asked tentatively: "Are you seeking wealth?"

The man didn't answer.

Li Su frowned. At this time, her internal strength had not fully recovered, and the poisonous gas could not be suppressed, and there was a possibility of another attack at any time. This person's martial arts skills are not low, he can only win wisely but not forcefully. So she slowly took a step forward and said: "If you are asking for money, I will not be stingy and give it to you with both hands. I just ask you to give me peace. I still have parents at home waiting for me to go back." As she said that, she slowly He took off the golden hairpin on his head, but his eyes were still tightly locked on his right hand holding the sword.

The man in black narrowed his eyes slightly. This rich lady looked weak and sweet, but in fact she was extremely agile. Just when he stabbed the air with his sword, it showed that she was not weak in martial arts! He needs to be extremely careful and not take it lightly.

Seeing her gaze, he turned his right wrist, held the sword against his back, and walked towards Li Su.

The steps of the man in black were cautious, and every step he took on the ground left deep footprints, and the marks were exactly the same depth. Li Su's eyes moved slightly, the zhenqi flowing in his palms, ready to go. The distance between the two parties is getting closer and closer. When they are one step away, the two of them take action at the same time in an instant!

The man in black quickly twisted his body and swung the sword in his hand towards Li Su! Li Su turned slightly to avoid the sharp sword. She gritted her teeth and struck with her backhand. With a "pop" sound, the gold hairpin pierced the man in black's right arm. The man in black screamed in pain. Blood flowed suddenly, and the sword in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Li Su hit the target immediately and quickly retreated. Unexpectedly, the personal belongings given to her by her mother-in-law turned out to be a weapon for self-protection today. She was indeed right. This man was not looking for money, he was just here to take her life! This series of events must have been framed by someone deliberately.

The man in black covered his wound and stood up slowly. A ferocious look suddenly appeared in his eyes. He still underestimated this rich lady! No longer concealing his purpose, the man in black slowly handed the sword to his left hand, exuding frightening killing intent, leapt forward, and stabbed Li Su!

Li Su's heartbeat was beating violently, and she had no time to think anymore, even if she died! You must never put yourself in a situation where you are at the mercy of others!

Thinking of this, his true energy suddenly increased, flowing rapidly throughout his body, and his hair was covered with black hair, flying in the air. Li Su jumped up and launched a fierce attack on the man in black. The two of them were fighting in the same place, and their moves were so fierce that they were close to each other's vital points. The strong murderous aura suddenly frightened a group of birds in the forest. They fluttered their wings and scrambled to escape, but a few feathers were still swept off by the strong airflow.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Su gradually felt that the true energy in his body was out of control, poisonous energy was surging, and his muscles and veins were beginning to go backwards.

. She knew in her heart that she was at the end of her strength and could not hold on much longer, but the man in black still showed no sign of exhaustion. Could it be that she was really going to die here today

His steps were frivolous and messy, and he couldn't dodge in time. Li Su was stabbed in the center by a sword from the man in black, and blood gushed out like spring water. She smiled sadly in her heart, and quickly made a decision. Instead of retreating, she took a few steps forward. The sword penetrated her body in an instant!

The man in black's eyes widened in disbelief. He could clearly hear the sound of the golden hairpin being pierced into his abdomen. I didn't expect that this woman would use such a deadly attack, but she would also fight to the death!

Li Su's eyes were red, and with his last effort, he immersed all the gold hairpins into the body of the man in black. His blood instantly stained her jade hands red.

The man in black was in great pain and roared loudly. He smashed Li Su's shoulder bone with his palm. Her body flew straight out. The sound of wind suddenly rose and whistled in her ears, like the cry of the undead, "Pfft "With a sound, Li Su fell heavily into the Lancang River!

The river was surging, cold to the bone, and swallowed her up in the blink of an eye.

The sharp sword was still inserted into her body, and a large amount of blood gurgled out from the wound and merged with the river water. The coquettish red, along with the sky-high hatred, poured into her internal organs.

In this life, she was respectful and kind, and had never done anything harmful to nature, yet she ended up in such a tragic situation.

In this life, she treated people sincerely and never harmed an innocent creature, but she ended up killing and being killed.

In this life, a short period of sixteen years, I have always enjoyed all the glory and love, but in the end, I died in such a humiliating way!

Who is harming her and why? She was really unwilling to accept being wronged and suffered injustice, and she would not live in peace. However, the suffocating pain gradually drowned her last trace of consciousness. In a daze, she seemed to feel that her soul had left her body. She was looking at everything coldly, but she was unable to touch it!

The spring breeze blew by, and the green willows swayed gently, quietly dissolving the faint smell of blood in the air.

The bank of the Lancang River is still a green spring scenery, and everything around it seems to have not changed. However, no one knows that in this world, Li Su, the eldest lady of the Prince Regent’s Palace and the most beautiful woman in Sheng Kingdom, who was once loved by thousands of people, is no longer there...

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