The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 51: Dark night love


Usually a person who stubbornly insists on doing something will be supported by a unique belief. He looked at the blurry figure of the woman, but what emerged in his mind was another person, wearing the cold moonlight, persevering in the middle of the night, scarred, practicing a shocking dance, just to bring back that coolness as thin as paper. of imperial love


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Sheng Qin called twice, but he didn't respond. Suddenly he turned around and strode out.

By the peach blossom forest on the river bank, Su Li was sweating profusely, with bruises on her knees and elbows. The most difficult movement was finally completed in one go. She stopped and took a deep breath. There were still two months left, and she must practice this dance to the best of her ability. And this is the best place for her to practice dancing.

Using her figure, she regarded the peach blossoms, smoke and willows as the most beautiful silk in the world, and used Qinggong to gently swirl and dance among them. Her black clothes and black hair were shrouded in the moonlight, and her face was covered with gauze. At this moment, she looked hazy and mysterious. .

The forest was silent, as if there was no one there.

Su Li jumped to the highest point, glanced at it, and suddenly saw a silent figure there.

The dark hair and black robe seemed to have melted into the night, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Su Li was slightly frightened. She stabilized her mind in the shortest possible time and reacted intuitively. She reached out and picked off a petal and quickly hit the person.

Flying flowers into leaves is a martial art that Aunt Jingwan taught her before. She once used this move to knock down the sword of the man in black at Linjiang Inn, and penetrated the body of the killer who was chasing the man. She would not let the killer die in her room, nor leave a chance for him to be recruited. companion. Now when he uses this move again, his internal strength is not strong and the power is greatly reduced, but the speed is still shockingly fast.

The vision of the man in the forest changed, and he saw the petals rushing towards his chest like sharp knives. He waved his hand casually, and the bright red in the darkness fell into his fingers. Using flower petals as weapons to kill people invisible was exactly the move the woman used that night! The soft touch of the petals between the fingers was like the red lips of the woman that night.

The man's heart moved slightly, and his sharp gaze suddenly penetrated the entire peach blossom forest, locking her tightly from a distance.

Su Li's heart trembled. In just one round, she already understood that she was far from that person's opponent. It was not advisable to stay here for a long time, so she quickly picked three more petals, used all her strength to hit the man's three key points, and at the same time jumped out of the forest. Within a month, although her internal strength was not yet strong, she had already practiced Qing Gong extremely well.

Seeing her intention, the man curled his lips and smiled. His sleeves and robes flicked, and three deadly petals fell to the ground in an instant.

Before she could leap out of the peach forest, he was already like lightning, flying towards her. His tall figure, like an insurmountable mountain, stood firmly in front of her, blocking her way.


The strong momentum brought out invisible oppression and enveloped her tightly. It's frightening.

Clouds gathered, blocking the moonlight, and there was darkness between heaven and earth.

She raised her head and could no longer see his face clearly, but she felt very familiar with the cold aura emanating from him. There was no time to think about it, the man had already reached out and grabbed her. The speed was so fast that she had no time to react, and the strength in his hand was even more astonishing.

Su Li couldn't break free, so she waved her hand and slapped him in the face. The man's face darkened, he raised his hand and accurately grabbed her wrist, turned her over, and clasped her tightly in front of his chest. With the same martial arts skills, the same reaction when attacked, and a familiar aura, he became more and more suspicious that she was the mysterious woman who saved his life at Linjiang Inn that night and poisoned him with a strange poison

Su Li couldn't move, feeling annoyed. The person behind her seemed to be deep in thought, as if he had no hostility towards her, but he grabbed her hand and never let go.

"Who are you?" The cold and low question rang softly in his ears. Su Lideng's heart was shocked and he was almost stunned.

She turned to look at him in surprise. In the darkness, his facial features were still unclear, but in her mind, a very familiar and handsome face lingered in her mind. No wonder she felt familiar, no wonder she couldn't get past his grasp. It turned out that he... turned out to be Dongfang Ze? !

Why did he come here in the middle of the night

Su Li was filled with doubts, but she didn't dare to ask a question. I couldn't help but secretly scream that it was terrible. If Dongfang Ze knew her identity, a daughter of the prime minister's house would come here to dance in the middle of the night, and she could also do martial arts... There is no way to explain all of this!

No, she has to find a way to leave quickly! Her thoughts were running rapidly, and the man's hand had already touched her veil, as if he wanted to confirm something. Su Li's heart skipped a beat, knowing that it was not that easy to escape. In desperation, she turned around and hugged him tightly!

The slender body seemed to contain powerful power. The feeling the woman brought to him became more and more familiar, but her reaction was completely beyond his expectation.

Dongfang Ze was slightly surprised and looked at her in surprise. The woman's face was buried deeply in his chest, and her warm breath sprayed on his skin through the layers of clothes. He lowered his head and could only see her black hair, spread softly on both sides of her face.


The clouds in the sky dispersed at this time, and the gentle moonlight split the layers of darkness, dyeing the heaven and earth with a hazy color.

The breeze blew, the river surface rippled, and the silver glow shone. All around, there was a faint fragrance floating in silence.

There is a subtle feeling.

He didn't want to push her away. He couldn't help but raise his hand, wanting to brush her black hair away and get a glimpse of her beauty. However, at this moment, she raised her head suddenly, and with a "bang!", the top of her head hit his chin hard.

A muffled grunt of pain suddenly sounded, and Su Li felt a numb pain on the top of his head. You can imagine how much pain he had. Dongfang Ze frowned, his handsome face tinged with a bit of coldness, and he loosened his hand around her waist slightly.

Su Li took the opportunity to push hard and quickly left his control. Retreat to the peach blossom forest.

Dongfangze knew he had been fooled, so he narrowed his eyes, sending out a dangerous message, but the interest in his eyes became even stronger. This woman seems to be very afraid of him seeing her face!

Seeing that she was about to leave, he jumped up and chased her into the peach blossom forest. Su Li knew very well that if he caught him again, there would be no way to escape. The only solution now was to use the peach trees in the forest.

She is petite and agile, and will go wherever there are many trees. She was used to playing in the pear orchard of the Prince Regent's Palace as a child, and she was best at the game of hide-and-seek in the woods. As for Dongfang Ze, who was tall, he would inevitably be restrained in the dense woods. Whenever I see her close to me and reach out to grab her, she always nimbly dodges away.

Such two people, on such a mysterious night, in such a beautiful peach blossom forest, chasing each other, like a cat chasing a mouse, or like a mouse playing with a cat.

Dongfangze raised his eyebrows slightly, suddenly changed his strategy, picked several peach blossoms at random, and struck them in different directions around her. He controlled his strength very well, and the soft rustling sound was like the sound of footsteps or the sound of clothes flying.

Su Li was stunned. He and she were running extremely fast at night. They couldn't see anyone and could only judge each other's position by feeling and sound. At this moment, the man who had been chasing behind her suddenly lost his voice, but footsteps and the sound of flying sleeves were heard from all directions at the same time. It was difficult to tell the truth from the false. She couldn't help but stop, pause, and try to discern the direction. , but no one was seen. She panicked, and felt a strong wind blowing behind her, and he was already standing behind her.

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