The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 70: Who falls in love with whom?


"It turns out it's you!" Su Li was shocked. These four short words almost blurted out, but she suppressed them deep in her throat. No wonder she always felt familiar. It turned out that Dongfangze... was actually the man who broke into her room at Linjiang Inn that night! Her heart skipped a beat. A few months later, he was still him, but she had experienced life and death, and was no longer the Li Su she was that night!

Trying her best to calm down the turbulent emotions in her heart, Su Li got up from him, took out the pills from the bottle, and put them into his mouth. His face quickly returned to calmness, but his thoughts were spinning rapidly inside.

There was silence in the air. Only each other's heartbeats can be vaguely audible.

"Are you feeling better?" Su Li hesitated and took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Well, much better." Dongfangze turned his eyes slightly and looked somewhere in the darkness, seeming to be immersed in memories.

"What kind of medicine is this medicine? Is it really useful?" Su Li asked hesitantly.

. That night a few months ago, he was also seriously injured by poisoning. After taking this medicine, he recovered quickly. The pill smelled so strange that even Su Li couldn't identify its ingredients.

"More than half a year ago, someone plotted against me." His handsome face slowly darkened, and there was a faint dark light in his eyes. Instead of answering Su Li's question, he told an unknown past event.

"Who is so bold as to dare to plot against the prince?" Su Li seemed surprised and suspicious. She didn't know it was him that night, but she realized that he was seriously injured. It was obvious that the person who plotted against him intended to kill him.

"I also want to know." The dark light in Dongfang Ze's eyes became darker and darker, "He took advantage of the death of my mother and concubine and when I was sad, he secretly poisoned the wine, and then sent the top killers in Shenmen to claim his life. ."

Su Li remembered that when he suppressed the Shen Sect, he asked the sect leader who was instigating it, but he never got an answer. Obviously he suspected Dongfang Zhuo!

"The guards helped me escape. I accidentally escaped into an inn and jumped into a woman's bathroom!"

Su Li's heart was beating fast.

"That woman actually knows martial arts and actually got rid of the killer for me. I caught her and threatened her, but she poisoned me." A smile appeared on Dongfang Ze's lips, which seemed to be absent. Su Li was dumbfounded. .

"Later I asked her to get the medicine from my waist, but she groped for a long time on me." After saying this, Dongfangze paused, looked back at her, and actually chuckled: "Unlike you, you can find it with your hands. ! You are very smart, so smart... you seem to know its location."

There was a hint of sharpness in the gentle eyes of the man, as if he could penetrate all thoughts in the dark. Su Li raised his head and only glanced at him. His heart was slightly shaken, and he lowered his head and said, "The prince is joking, how can Su Li be smart? It was just just now." When I fell down, I happened to get a little bump."

She answered very naturally. Dongfangze's eyes flashed slightly and he said with a smile: "That's it! The woman that night was very smart, which impressed me deeply. Later, I took people to find her, but I didn't know that she was gone. No one knows her identity, and no one at the inn even saw her appearance."

He went back to find her! Su Li stared blankly at the person in front of her, remembering what he said when he left in the darkness: "I will come back to find you!"

"A few days ago, I met another woman in the peach blossom forest on the bank of the Lancang River. Like the woman that night, she used flower petals as weapons, but the dance she danced was very similar to Su Su's Phoenix Yu Fei. resemblance

. "

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, but she didn't speak.

Dongfang Ze reached into his arms, took out something from his arms, put it in front of his eyes and waved it a few times. The radiance of white jade was clear and soft in the darkness. Su Li's eyes suddenly lit up. Wasn't that the white jade ring that he had taken away? The thing that her mother valued most during her lifetime has now become the last relic left to her by her mother!

She almost wanted to reach out and grab it immediately, but she tried her best to hold it back. His eyes were fixed on the ring, and his chest was rising and falling unsteadily. Dongfang Ze suddenly asked: "Do you recognize this object?"

Su Li was surprised. Although people with deeper internal skills have better eyesight, she didn't expect that in such a dark environment, he could clearly capture the changes in her expression in an instant. He nodded immediately and said, "I've seen it."

It means "seen" rather than "known".

Dongfangze was slightly startled, and the expectation that emerged in his heart gradually turned into doubt. He asked calmly: "Where have you seen it?"

Su Li hummed softly, "I... saw someone wearing it."

"Who is it?" Dongfangze asked after him, feeling like his breath was being held in his breath.

Su Li raised her head and asked without answering, "Why do you want to know who she is so much?" It was just a one-time encounter. She was forced by the situation to save his life, but he was wanton and frivolous towards her. Before leaving, he took away her things regardless of her wishes. It was fine that I didn't know he was Dongfang Ze before, but now that I knew his identity, I felt even more puzzled.

The two people looked at each other quietly in the darkness, testing each other without leaving any trace, trying to get the answers they wanted from each other.

"I've been looking for her!" Dongfangze said slowly.

Su Li asked: "What are you looking for her for?"

Dongfangze didn't answer. To him, the woman that night seemed like a beautiful dream in a desperate pursuit. And what this dream left him was not only the ring in his palm and the warmth remaining on his skin, but also...

In the air, there was a faint smell of blood lingering at the tip of her nose, mixed with a special floral fragrance that was almost inaudible. Su Li was startled, that was a smell she was very familiar with! He couldn't help but wondered: "Is it to understand the poison in your body?" I remember that at that time, she said that his medicine could not cure her poison, but he still didn't believe it. But in fact, she has no real antidote, otherwise her own poison would have been cured long ago.


Dongfangze's eyes suddenly lit up, "How did you know I was poisoned?"

Su Li nodded and said with a calm smile: "Have you forgotten, Your Majesty? I am very sensitive to the smell of flowers and plants. I have smelled this floral fragrance in Your Majesty's body on her body. I think it was because of her. flower poison, is that why you are so anxious to find her?"

Dongfangze looked at her, pursed his lips and said nothing. What she meant was, that woman was not her? But her face was clearly the same outline in his memory. And those kisses were almost the same as the feeling that night... But why didn't she admit it? Dongfangze frowned slowly. Few people could give him such a headache and feel like he couldn't figure it out. The woman in front of her was very defensive. The more she came into contact with her, the more she felt like a mystery with many secrets hidden in her body.

"Susu, you just need to tell me, who is she?... She saved my life, I... won't hurt her!" The last sentence was like a promise and a guarantee. He sighed softly, trying to remove her inner defenses and lead her to tell the truth. But Su Li smiled bitterly: "Even if you want to hurt me, you have no chance!"

Turning his gaze to a certain location in the darkness, a faint aura of sadness overflowed uncontrollably from the woman's body. Dongfangze's heart skipped a beat and he asked in surprise: "What do you mean by this?"

Su Li replied calmly: "She is dead. You saw her body in the Regent's Palace!"

Dongfangze's whole body was shaken violently. His body, which had been too painful to move before, suddenly brushed against the ground and sat up. The action was too intense and caused internal injuries. He couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood and almost fell back.

Su Li was startled and reached out to help him, but he held her wrist forcefully. Dongfang Ze frowned, as if he had been hit by some kind of blow, and there was no blood on his face.

"You mean... this ring belongs to Princess Mingyu? Are you sure... you didn't lie to me?" He held her hand and looked at her face, breathing suddenly became difficult.

I have been thinking, how can a concubine who never leaves the prime minister's house stay overnight in an inn without anyone knowing about it? ! But if it was Princess Mingyu... then the similar facial contours he touched seemed to be explained. However, he did not want to believe the answer. He preferred to believe his own feelings, so he emphasized the last question and stared closely into her eyes, trying hard to find any flaw in her deep emotions. But Su Li nodded to him with certainty.

"If you don't believe me, Your Majesty, you can ask Princess Mingyu's personal maid Lian'er, and Princess Regent's most trusted maid Jingwan.

. Both of them should know this ring. "

The grip on the woman's wrist gradually relaxed, but the fingers holding the white jade ring continued to tighten, trembling slightly. Su Li couldn't see clearly the expression on his face at this moment, but could only vaguely see that his eyes were flickering and his emotions were extremely complicated.

For some reason, Su Li seemed to feel a strange aura of sadness from him, full of sadness, and something else that she couldn't distinguish at the moment.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the man beside her murmuring in disbelief: "It's her! How could it be her?! So... Li Su, I want to find out who killed you?!"

Su Li was shocked when she heard this, and looked up at him blankly. Unable to conceal her surprise, overflowing from her eyes, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you investigating Li Su's case?"

During this time, she had been suspecting that he might be the murderer behind her murder, but she didn't expect that he was also secretly investigating the Li Su case! Could it be... that she thought wrong? But if not him, who would it be? Also, since this matter has nothing to do with him, why should he bother to investigate

As if seeing the doubts in her mind, Dongfangze said coldly: "That's right! I have long suspected that there was something behind Li Su's death! If the person who saved me that night was really Li Su, then with her personality, she would definitely She will not commit suicide! Miss Li from the Regent's Palace is the most beautiful woman in the world and has extraordinary martial arts skills. Even if... she really lost her virginity before marriage, she will never give up her life easily! But," he paused, lowered his eyes and said: " I didn't expect that the woman who saved me that night... was actually her! If I knew... I would definitely... "

"What must it be like?" Her eyes were sharp, staring directly into his eyes.

Dongfang Ze closed his eyes and took a breath, gritted his teeth out of regret and said, "Then I will definitely not let her marry Dongfang Zhuo!"

If she was not allowed to marry Dongfang Zhuo, nothing would happen...

If he had known it was her...


There are no ifs in this world, everything that should happen and shouldn’t happen has already happened! All he can do is find her murderer in order to sacrifice her spirit in heaven.

Gently, he sighed, as if the sigh reached Su Li's heart. A strong sense of bitterness suddenly welled up from the bottom of her heart. She couldn't help but turn her eyes red and looked away hurriedly.

"Do you... believe she was wronged?" She asked cautiously, suppressing her inner grief.

. His relatives who have been with him for many years don't all believe him, but he just met her overnight, and he doesn't even know what she looks like, but he thinks about her so carefully and understands so well.

Dongfang Ze glanced at her, unknown emotions flashing in his eyes, and he said: "Whether I believe it or not is not important. What is important is that the world does not believe it, and my second emperor brother does not believe it."

Yes, the world doesn't believe it, Dongfang Zhuo doesn't believe it, even her father who always loves her very much doesn't believe it...

The bloody smell that filled the air gradually became thicker, and Dongfangze couldn't help but lower his head and cough a few times.

Su Li hurriedly stretched out her hand to run along his back. There was something warm and sticky between her tentacles. Su Li was slightly startled, and immediately raised her hand to take a look. Scarlet dots were clearly visible on her fingertips. She was stunned for a moment, her thoughts that had been disturbed by those things cleared up. She hurriedly looked at his back. He had also rolled down the steep hillside. Her dress was intact and there were only a few small scratches on her body. , but his clothes were torn, and the skin on his back was bloody!

Could it be that he...

Su Li couldn't help but feel shocked, and shouted urgently: "You were so seriously injured, why didn't you tell me earlier? You are still lying on the ground..." A layer of sand had already stuck to the bloody wound. Su Li frowned and looked at it. He, a complex and subtle emotion was brewing quietly in his heart without knowing it.

"The skin injury is not a problem." Dongfangze's tone was calm, as if he didn't care at all.

Su Li also knew in her heart that what really mattered was the invisible internal injuries. His palm was extremely powerful, and the backlash was even more severe. I'm afraid it would take some time to fully recover. This time, she owed him again.

"Do you know where this place is?" he asked suddenly.

Su Li checked the surrounding environment and replied thoughtfully: "It should be an abandoned tunnel. There is no way up the hillside. We have to find another exit. Your injury... can you still walk?"

Dongfangze nodded "Yeah" and stood up holding her hand. Although his steps were a little unsteady, he could still hold on.

There are many forks in the abandoned tunnel, making it look like a huge maze. The terrain of this labyrinth became more and more familiar to Su Li as he walked. He suddenly remembered that Bamboo Fence Valley was right next to Mount Sumeru, and there would never be another such a huge and complex underground labyrinth on Mount Sumeru!

Shenmen secret passage


Suddenly, both men stopped.

"So we fell in here!" Dongfang Ze frowned slightly, but Su Li was frightened. The secret passage had been destroyed like this, yet he could still react so quickly!

"Where?" Su Li pretended not to know and asked casually.

Dongfangze smiled and didn't answer, held her hand and pointed out a direction to walk forward. Originally, this direction led to the exit closest to the Bamboo Fence Valley, but the road collapsed halfway and he was unable to move forward. The two of them had no choice but to turn around. They walked around in the secret passage that was destroyed beyond recognition for more than an hour. Even Su Li, who had carefully studied the topographic map of the secret passage, could no longer tell the difference between north, south, east, and west.


Suddenly there was a loud click.

I don't know what she stepped on, which triggered the mechanism, and a cold arrow swished past Su Li's eyes. If Dongfang Ze hadn't pulled her into his arms in time, she would have been pierced through the head, and she suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

There was no extra time for her to feel afraid. The destroyed mechanism was completely out of control as soon as it was touched. At this small intersection, hidden arrows scattered in all directions were shot at them from all directions.

The expressions of both of them changed. Su Li could no longer worry about whether his martial arts skills would be known to others, and instinctively used Qinggong to avoid the flying arrows. Dongfang Ze was seriously injured internally, and his body shape was not as good as usual, so he was in danger. Surrounded.

Su Li recalled that the machine control buttons marked on the topographical map were probably in certain directions, so she explored those directions one by one. After trying the last place, she touched a stone that was almost imperceptible. piece.

She was overjoyed and was about to stretch out her fingers to press down. Suddenly, two sharp arrows shot towards her from the left and right directions at the same time, so fast that no one could react.

Su Li didn't even have time to be frightened, and instinctively turned sideways to avoid a sharp arrow on the left. Just as his fingertips pressed the stone and made a clicking sound, another sharp arrow pierced the person's body with a "pop" sound. …

There is no feeling of pain.

A pair of slender hands hugged her body and rolled her to the ground.

At that moment, Su Li almost forgot to breathe and was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

. She quickly raised her hand and touched the man's back tremblingly. In addition to the bloody skin, she also felt an arrow that had penetrated deeply into his back.

The arrow completely sank into his body, and the man on top of her didn't even grunt. He quickly lost consciousness, but his hands still held her tightly, as if he was afraid of losing her.

Su Li's heart trembled violently, and she hurriedly shook his body and shouted: "Dongfang Ze!... Dongfang Ze, wake up!"

The man on his body was motionless, as if he was dead.

Su Li's voice gradually became uncontrollable with panic, and the fear in her heart surged up one after another, almost drowning her. She quickly took out the medicine from his waist, poured one pill into his mouth, but he couldn't swallow it. Su Li was a little at a loss and could only use half-drag and half-back method to continue looking for the exit with the unconscious man.

This dark time seems endless. For the first time, she hated the complexity of this secret passage, as if she couldn't get out no matter how hard she walked. Finally, they came to the last passage. If it was blocked again, they might be buried here.

With a trace of hope, she dragged the seriously injured man to the end of the passage, stretched out her hand to press the switch, and the stone door suddenly opened. The silvery moonlight broke the darkness in front of her, and it seemed that a bright light opened up in her life.

Outside the stone gate, there is a green grassland full of small yellow flowers, surrounded by mountains and forests. This quiet and uninhabited space circles the sky full of stars, like a paradise, which is completely different from the remote and desolate place outside the main entrance of Shenmen.

Su Li had no idea where she was. She only saw a clear stream at the end of the grass. She hurriedly took Dongfang Ze to the stream, tore off a piece of his sleeve and helped him treat his wound.

The comatose man still didn't wake up. Su Li looked at the arrow deeply embedded in his body and didn't know what to do.

In such hot weather, if the wound cannot be removed in time, the wound will be more likely to deteriorate. If the wound is removed and there is no medicine to stop the bleeding, it is difficult to predict what will happen.

Su Li hesitated again and again, going through all the possibilities in her mind, and finally helped him sit up.

The slender fingers held the arrow shaft, trembling slightly from the exertion. She closed her eyes, used all her strength, and fiercely pulled out the arrow.

The comatose man was shaken immediately, and blood spurted out from his back, quickly covering the palm of her hand that was tightly covering the wound. Su Li couldn't help but hug him hard, her heart filled with panic


This was the first person after her rebirth who was willing to risk his own life and death for her. No matter what his reasons or purposes were, and no matter what she had experienced, at this moment, she could not help but be moved or scared. And this emotion of excitement and fear has nothing to do with identity, and has nothing to do with any calculation of gains and losses. She was just simply afraid, afraid that this man, who could not tell whether he was an enemy or a friend, would die in her arms like her mother!

She had always thought that he was a very smart man who would put his own life and death interests first at all times, but what he did today was beyond her expectation.

Dongfangze woke up in severe pain, with salty tears wetting his back behind him. The sharp burning pain made him frown, but a complex emotion mixed with joy could not help but surge up in his heart.

The less a woman sheds tears easily, the more precious her tears are. He couldn't help but feel distressed. He took a breath, raised his hand with difficulty, patted the shoulder of the woman behind him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have a hard life, and I won't die that easily." After that, he took out a few pills from his waist and asked She crushed it and applied it to his wound, and soon the bleeding stopped.

Su Li couldn't help but be surprised, what kind of medicine was in his bottle? It can detoxify, heal internal injuries, and stop bleeding. It is a miracle drug that can be used everywhere! Looking at his pale and handsome face, she suddenly didn't know how she should face him in the future.

"You..." She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, so she asked a very silly question: "Does it still hurt?"

"What do you think?"

Dongfang Ze turned his head. The woman's eyes were red and full of worry. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. He couldn't help but leaned over and smiled evilly: "Are you distressed? You must have fallen in love with me, right?"

It was obviously a joke, but it seemed that the question was extremely serious. This was the first time she had seen Dongfang Ze like this.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat and she was stunned. She instinctively distanced herself from him. Two red clouds suddenly appeared on her pale cheeks. She subconsciously replied: "I didn't expect that King Zhenning would make such a joke! You were hurt because of me, and it's human nature for me to worry about you. If I think like you do, wouldn't I also think that King Zhenning Have you fallen in love with me a long time ago?"

After saying that, both of them were stunned. The air around them was extremely silent, with only each other's heartbeats and breathing clearly audible.

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