The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 83: Strange dreams of the undead


Su Li suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, smiled at him, and said very calmly: "Su Li has met the regent!"

Su Li? ! His daughter Li Su would not speak to him in such a cold tone. She was Su Li, the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion! But they are so similar! Regardless of appearance or temperament, they all seem to be the same person, with the shadow of Xi Jin everywhere! Li Fengxian quickly looked away from her face, raised his head, took a deep breath, turned back to his seat, and sat down silently.

The emperor asked Su Xiangru again: "Has Su Li learned dancing since she was a child?"

dance? Su Xiangru was stunned. Wasn't it because of her dance at the concubine selection banquet that she received praise from the emperor and was named the princess? But what does the emperor mean by asking now? Was there something fishy about the dance that day? Su Xiangru looked at Su Li in surprise and then at the emperor.

. Seeing that the emperor's face was dark and unpredictable, he hurriedly attended and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, forgive me! Sir... I don't know..."

The emperor frowned, "She is your daughter, how could you not know?"

He knew it originally, but now... Su Xiangru broke into cold sweat on his forehead, lowered his head and replied: "I am usually busy with official duties, and my wife takes care of everything at home, and I seldom interfere. Su Li has been in poor health since he was a child, and has been staying in the backyard. , rarely goes out, I have seen her only a handful of times in the past ten years, so I really know very little about her, please forgive me!"

It’s really a high-sounding statement! A father has only seen his daughter very rarely for more than ten years. There is only one reason, and that is that the child is not welcomed by him! Su Li curled her lips coldly and heard the emperor ask again: "Then have you ever asked a master to teach her?"

"No, never..."

"Then why does she dance so well and you don't know the reason?"

"Reply to Your Majesty, I don't know!"

"What a good and competent father!" The irony was very obvious, but this sentence was not said by the emperor, but by Dongfang Zhuo. Although he was still in the shock of Lisu Tuomeng's grievances, when Dongfang Zhuo heard that the Prime Minister was so indifferent to Su Li, he still couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Su Xiangru was unhappy in his heart, but he didn't dare to argue at all on the surface. He could only lower his head tightly. The emperor looked past him towards Su Li, "Su Li, let's dance the dance you performed earlier."

Su Li responded "Yes". She immediately danced the most essential part of "Phoenix in Flight". Although there was only one section and she didn't have the same costume as before, her graceful dancing posture also stunned everyone around her.

Li Fengxian stood up suddenly and asked with a shocked face: "How can you dance this dance?"

The emperor asked calmly: "What's wrong with this dance?"

Li Fengxian said: "This dance... This dance is the legendary 'Phoenix in Flight'. It has been lost and no one knows how to dance. It was Xijin who accidentally got an album and re-arranged this dance according to the picture. . Li Su planned to use this lost and unique dance as a meeting gift for His Majesty and the Queen after their wedding. Except for the old minister and Xi Jin, no other person has seen it! How could she do it? "

The people around were once again deeply shocked! If it is absurd to complain about one's injustice through dreams, then it is even more unbelievable to practice writing and dancing in dreams. However, there is no other explanation for all this.


Su Li has not gone out since she was a child. No one taught her to read and write. However, she can compose poems and write the same words as Princess Mingyu. She can dance the dance that only Princess Mingyu can do. This... except for Li Is there any other reason why Su's undead spirit came into her dream to teach

The emperor couldn't help but take a breath. Even though he didn't believe in ghosts and gods, there were so many facts that could not be explained except through dreams. Looking at Su Li, he said coldly: "You said Princess Mingyu was framed. What happened? Tell me from the beginning how Princess Mingyu entrusted you with a dream and what she said in the dream. ."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Su Li responded calmly, took a deep breath, calmed her mind, and said the words she had thought about in advance.

"On the day of the princess' wedding, Su Li was knocked unconscious by her sister Su Qin because of a misunderstanding and was locked up in the woodshed." The first sentence at the beginning made Su Xiangru change his face and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. .

Su Li seemed to have disappeared and continued: "While I was in a coma, I saw Princess Mingyu! At that time, she was wearing a wedding dress that had been torn to pieces. She was covered in blood, her face was pale, and she had a flashlight on her chest. There is a sharp sword with a cold light, and there is a groove on the sword, and blood gushes out from the groove, as if it is going to drown me!"

Su Li suddenly paused, as she seemed to be out of breath because she had spoken so fast and urgently.

The wind blew past everyone with a whooshing sound, immediately causing a shiver in people's hearts. Everyone seemed to have seen the undead ghost in her dream, covered in blood, pale in face, and exuding an aura of injustice and hostility that could not be relieved...

The surrounding sunlight suddenly dimmed, as if it was night all of a sudden. People seemed to be pulled into her dream by Su Li's low and trembling voice.

She raised her head and looked directly at her father, her eyes slightly cold.

Li Fengxian was shocked all over, his hands trembled involuntarily, and he looked at her in shock, completely speechless. Because after Li Su's body was recovered, he saw the sharp sword with grooves inserted in her chest! He once tried to find clues about his daughter's murderer from the sword, but found nothing.

The emperor squinted his eyes and took in Li Fengxian's expressions and movements, but said nothing.

Su Li trembled: "I was very scared at the time, but she told me that she would not hurt me. She just wanted me to help her find out her grievances and clear her name."

! "

The tone was sad, as if the resentment was overwhelming and could not be dissipated. Everyone trembled when they heard this.

"At that time, Princess Mingyu suddenly fainted while visiting the church. Eighteen imperial doctors said in unison that she was pregnant. This was like a bolt from the blue! She had followed the rules and observed etiquette since she was a child. She had never had any affair with any man. But King Jing’an doesn’t believe it!”

Dongfang Zhuo's eyes widened in shock, and the wound deep in his heart began to hurt so violently that he almost shivered uncontrollably.

"Princess Mingyu refused to argue. King Jing'an was so angry that she divorced her, which made her heartbroken. She tore up the divorce letter on the spot and threw it in front of King Jing'an..." After a pause, she closed her eyes suddenly. The unbearable memory, once brought up, was like a knife, ruthlessly cutting into her body and mind.

Dongfangze's eyes moved, he tore up the divorce letter and threw it back in the other person's face. What a woman with a strong character! And why did he feel that such behavior was more in line with Su Li's personality? ! Or are Su Li and Li Su the same person? Seeing Su Li's eyes closed and her face pale, as if what she said were all her own experiences, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, and he actually had the urge to hold her in his arms.

Turning his eyes, he saw Dongfang Zhuo's eyes widening at this time, staring at Su Li blankly, his fists clenched, his handsome face turned white, the look of regret in his eyes was clearly visible, and even breathing seemed to have become very difficult. The emperor frowned upon seeing this, but remained silent, waiting for Su Li to continue speaking.

Su Li opened her eyes and said slowly: "After tearing up the divorce letter, Princess Mingyu left Jing'an Palace. Because she was afraid of facing her parents who loved her, she ran to Lancang River alone, wanting to be alone. In a moment, who knows there is a desperate killer waiting for her there!"

Everyone was shocked!

From the time Li Su left the palace to the time she fell into the river and died, no one had seen her, and they didn't know what the situation was like at that time. Now listening to Su Li talk about the killer, everyone feels thrilling.

"The killer covered his face with a mask and had great martial arts skills. How could Princess Mingyu be his opponent? Finally, he pierced the chest with a sword and fell into the river to his death. The moment before falling into the river, the princess stabbed the golden hairpin on her head. Entered the killer’s abdomen!”

Someone in the main hall couldn't help shouting "Ah", as if they really saw that beautiful and unparalleled woman being beaten into the river by the cruel killer, and the blood stained the river surface red.

"She died an untimely death, and her grievances were never redressed! So she died with her eyes closed, hoping that someone would salvage her body early so that her father could make the decision to avenge her and find out her murderer.

! However… "

Her voice was choked, and she suddenly couldn't speak anymore. She still doesn't understand why her father didn't plead her grievances and track down the murderer, but instead concealed the truth that she didn't commit suicide

Feeling her gaze again, Li Fengxian turned his head away, his eyes slightly red, and his face that was no longer young showed an old look. He glanced at the queen, who frowned and looked steadily at Su Li.

Su Li had a lump in her throat, raised her head, and forced back the tears that were threatening to come to her eyes, and then said: "Princess Mingyu said that all of this is clearly a shocking plot! Yes Someone wanted to harm her, and she asked Su Li to help her find the real culprit! After waking up from the dream, Su Li had been feeling uneasy. Later, when she learned that Princess Mingyu was pregnant out of wedlock and fell into the river and died, Su Li was very shocked. ! By chance, Su Li met King Zhenning when he was assassinated by a thief. Hearing that King Zhenning was going to the Prince Regent’s Mansion to pay homage to Princess Mingyu, Su Li boldly asked King Zhenning to take me with him... "

Li Fengxian's eyes were startled, and he suddenly remembered that day, the strange attendant who followed Dongfang Ze to the Regent's Palace. When the master left the house, she was still in a daze in the room. At that time, he was still wondering, how could there be a person like King Zhenning around him? Such a servant who doesn't understand the rules? It turns out that person is Su Li pretending to be!

Dongfangze's eyes flickered slightly and he looked at her quietly, his thoughts being brought back to that day.

"That was the most desolate mourning hall I have ever seen! Because she was stigmatized by the world for being unfaithful, in the entire regent's palace, only her personal maid Lian'er stayed there alone! Later, the princess also came. Because I didn’t believe that Princess Mingyu was as miserable as the world said, and I didn’t believe that Princess Mingyu committed suicide in shame and anger, so I ordered someone to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy... "

At this point, she paused again. His throat felt like it was being strangled, and every breath he took was filled with deep pain. I will never forget the heart-rending screams of my mother that day, and she will never rest in peace. She closed her eyes gently, hiding the uncontrollable grief in her eyes deeply behind her seemingly calm eyes. She didn't notice that Li Fengxian's body trembled when she mentioned the word "Princess", and a deep look filled his eyes. Pain!

For a long time, no one made a sound.

The emperor frowned and asked, "Ze'er, were you there at that time? After the museum opened, what were the results of the autopsy?"

Dongfang Ze lowered his eyes and sighed softly: "My son was far away from the coffin at that time, so I never saw the extent of the tragic injuries on Princess Mingyu's body. However, I saw with my own eyes that the regent Princess died tragically because of Princess Mingyu." , and she was so heartbroken on the spot!… Before leaving, the regent princess left a last note, instructing her personal maid to investigate the unjust case and restore Princess Mingyu’s innocence.

! "

These few words are enough to prove that Princess Mingyu definitely did not commit suicide!

Everyone couldn't help sighing and sighing, and unanimously turned their attention to the Regent. They saw the pain in Regent Li Fengxian's eyes getting darker, and his whole body exuded an aura of sadness.

Su Li's hands became tighter and tighter, and she could hardly contain the grief surging in her heart, and her body trembled slightly.

The emperor said: "If that's the case, why did the regent conceal it and not report it? Don't you want to clear your daughter's name?"

Su Li suddenly raised her head. This was the answer she had always wanted to know.

Li Fengxian closed his eyes in pain and said sadly: "How could I not think about it, veteran! At that time, I was taking care of Xijin's health, and was afraid that she would not be able to bear it in the future, but I didn't expect that the result would still be..."

Li Fengxian sighed softly, and his sad and helpless tone suddenly hurt Su Li's heart. It turned out that her father was not as concerned about power as she thought, but not about the relationship between father and daughter. He was worried about whether the body of his mother and concubine could withstand this blow! The tense string in my heart seemed to suddenly relax a little.

She raised her head and glanced at the emperor quietly. Seeing that there was still a trace of doubt in his eyes, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said: "After returning from the Regent's Palace, Princess Mingyu appeared in my dreams almost every night. She taught me how to read. Writing, composing poems and dancing... The 'Flying Phoenix' was indeed, as the Prince Regent said, a post-wedding ceremony specially prepared by Princess Mingyu for His Majesty and His Majesty. However, she never had the chance to dance for His Majesty and His Majesty. See it! So she hopes that through Su Li, she can give her former love to His Majesty and His Majesty, even if she is no longer the royal daughter-in-law!"

"Li Su..." Dongfang Zhuo's eyes hurt and he couldn't help but murmured. The regret in my heart is all revealed at this moment and cannot be concealed.

The emperor couldn't help but have a look on his face, with a look of regret.

The queen sighed: "What a pity, this child!"

pity? Su Li sneered in her heart. She had not forgotten that the Queen once spoke of Li Su to her with disgust and contempt. She said, "Princess Mingyu is responsible for it." She still remembers it fresh!

With a flicker of his eyes, Su Li turned to Dongfang Zhuo and said: "In fact, what saddens Princess Mingyu the most is the three-life covenant that Prince Jing'an made to her in the back garden of the Regent's Palace! The pear tree has thousands of branches, and the flowers There are many things to do, but there is only one heart..."

"...if you get it, I hope you will never give it up for the rest of your life."

! " Dongfang Zhuo continued sadly, his voice already slightly hoarse. "I didn't expect that she would even tell you this! "My thoughts suddenly returned to the afternoon when I first met that woman...

The afternoon sun was shining brightly, and the white pear blossoms were blooming all over the garden. A beautiful girl in a light green dress stood alone under a pear tree. She raised her head slightly, with a cold expression, like a fairy who was independent from the world, which made him fall in love at first sight. He reached out and plucked a white pear blossom, inserted it gently into her hair, and smiled softly at her with the tenderness he had never experienced before: "The pear tree has thousands of branches, and the flowers bloom in thousands, and the heart is unique. I wish I would never give up for the rest of my life!"

Never give up!

Three lives... never give up...

"It's a pity that this life is not over yet, the oath is still there, and there is no trust. In the end, I can only die with hatred and heartlessness in the world!" Su Li smiled softly. The smile looked regretful, but was full of cold ridicule. The reflection in Dongfang Zhuo's eyes was like an ice knife piercing his heart.

Dongfang Zhuo couldn't help but raise his head and inhale, and closed his eyes forcefully. His trembling voice revealed the pain in his heart, and he murmured, "Does she hate me?"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Dongfang Zhuo had believed what Su Li said about Li Sutuo's dream!

Everyone was stunned. Probably no one had ever seen King Jing'an like this. At this moment, there was no trace of the pride and confidence of the past in him, only sadness and pain, no different from every man trapped in love.

Su Li did not answer his question, but turned to look at the emperor, who had thick eyebrows and furrowed his eyebrows. He bowed respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, Su Li has told Princess Mingyu's grievances in full, without any lies. I hope your majesty will judge!" "

What should be said and shouldn’t be said, what I want to say but doesn’t want to be said, all have been said. Through the Regent, Prime Minister Su, King Zhenning, and King Jing'an, these four important figures each proved what she could prove. Although it is unbelievable, everyone present must believe it. After all, it is easier for people to accept and believe the dream of the undead than the resurrection of the dead!

The emperor glanced at her with a deep expression, and after pondering for a moment, asked: "Even if what you said is true, Princess Mingyu is not related to you, so why would she choose to entrust her dreams to you instead of hers?" Parents and relatives? You are just a concubine who is not taken seriously by the Prime Minister. How can you redress her injustice? "

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her.

Dongfang Zhuo also opened his eyes at this time, looking at her steadily with the last hope. Sometimes he would feel that she was the elegant Tsinghua woman he met under the pear tree, and would tear up the divorce letter. , Li Su, who decided to turn around, her face was never the only similarity.


Dongfangze's eyebrows moved slightly, and his searching eyes locked her tightly. The last question asked by the emperor had been lingering in Dongfangze's heart since the moment she showed despair and grief when the regent princess passed away. , there is still no solution.

Su Li calmly replied: "Su Li has also been puzzled by this question. Maybe... it's because we look so similar, so she has the opportunity to enter my dream! Princess Mingyu's grievances cannot be redressed for a day, and hers The soul cannot rest in peace! And I am entangled by her wronged soul every night. If I can't avenge her, I will definitely die in the near future! Su Li... neither wants to die, nor does she want Princess Mingyu to keep her grievances clean, so He had the audacity to add medicine to the tea just to prove that the pulse can be faked. I hope your majesty will be merciful and order a thorough investigation of the case, so that Princess Mingyu can be cleared! I believe that Princess Mingyu and the regent princess have spirits underground, and they will also be grateful. Your Majesty, your kindness!”

She kowtowed respectfully again, the sincerity in her words was so touching that everyone couldn't help but be moved.

On the Yunyan Terrace, there was silence. There is an inexplicable sad atmosphere, silently surging in the bleak autumn wind.

The emperor was silent for a long time, staring at her with an unpredictable expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Su Li's head was still on the ground and she never raised it.

At this point, she had completely calmed down. This case involves the royal family. No matter how much the emperor tried to suppress it before, but now in front of the envoy, once it is opened and it is classified as a suspicious case, there is no reason not to investigate thoroughly. However, the emperor must be worried that if the investigation is carried out with great fanfare, what will happen if the investigation turns out to be an unjust case? I'm afraid that when the time comes, nothing will be worth her life!

"Father!" Suddenly, another person next to him knelt down with a bang, and the sound of his knees hitting the ground almost shocked the entire Yunyan Terrace. Su Li didn't look up and knew who that person was.

"I sincerely request my father to issue an order to thoroughly investigate this matter and restore my wife's innocence!" Dongfang Zhuo's voice was uncontrollably sad. However, to Su Li's ears, it sounded so ironic.

wife? Did he admit that she was his wife now? Su Li sneered slightly, and in a blink of an eye she saw his hands clasped on the ground, his eyes red, emotional and uncontrollable resentment. I don’t know if I hate others for being framed, or I hate my own ignorance.

The emperor frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, "Do you really believe that Princess Mingyu is innocent?"

Dongfang Zhuo said sadly: "Regardless of whether she is innocent or not, now that we know that she did not commit suicide, I must find her murderer and cut her body into pieces."

! "He gritted his teeth, his eyes were sinister, red and bloodthirsty.

Li Fengxian then prostrated, "Old minister, I sincerely ask Your Majesty to take the initiative to redress my daughter's injustice!"

The queen's face suddenly became solemn, and she knelt down in front of the emperor. The emperor frowned and asked, "Even the queen thinks this matter should be investigated thoroughly?"

The queen said: "I feel that if Princess Mingyu is really wronged and framed, the person behind it is really terrible!"

The emperor looked stunned and said nothing.

The Queen said: "If everything is as Princess Mingxi said, Princess Mingyu should have been given medicine to change her pulse and then assassinated to death. This shows that the person who designed the plan was not only able to get close to Princess Mingyu, He also knew the behavior and temperament of Zhuo'er and Princess Mingyu very well, so he set up conspiracies and plots with precise calculations step by step, which shows how deep his scheming is! I never expected that there are such terrible people in our Sheng Kingdom! This person has put so much effort into setting up such a conspiracy, and he probably doesn’t just want Princess Mingyu to die. I am worried that this person has another plan behind his back?"

As expected of a queen, she could always easily grasp what the emperor cared about most.

The emperor's eyes darkened, he lowered his eyes and looked at Dongfang Ze, and asked expressionlessly: "Ze'er, what do you think? Should this case be investigated?"

Dongfang Ze raised his head and said in a deep voice without hesitation: "I think it's time to investigate! And we have to do it with great fanfare. We won't let it go until we get to the bottom of it!"

The queen was stunned, and she and Li Fengxian looked at each other, and both looked at Dongfangze suspiciously. The emperor asked: "Why?"

Dongfang Zedao: "Because we want everyone in the world to know that those who harm others will harm themselves! In fact, after I learned that Princess Mingyu did not commit suicide, I have been secretly investigating the matter!"

"You?" Dongfang Zhuo suddenly raised his head, with a stern look on his face, and said in disbelief: "Someone is harming me. It's already good if you don't add fuel to the fire and add insult to injury. Will you take the initiative to investigate the truth?!"

Dongfang Ze frowned slightly, but could not tell whether he was happy or angry. He just said lightly: "Brother Second Emperor, if you don't believe me, you can ask Princess Mingxi."

Everyone's eyes returned to Su Li


Dongfang Zhuo didn't believe it. In his heart, if someone wanted to destroy his wedding with Li Su, he would be the first to suspect Dongfang Ze! Turning her gaze to Su Li, Su Li also raised her head at this time. Facing the questioning looks of Dongfang Zhuo and the Queen, as well as her father's doubts, she said calmly: "That's right! Although King Zhenning is an outsider, he can see clearly. Su Li believes that Princess Mingyu has been framed and is willing to go to great lengths to find out her grievances, which makes Su Li very admired and touched!"

She glanced at Dongfang Zhuo indifferently, her eyes cold and sarcastic, clearly saying, "How can an irrelevant outsider give her trust? As her husband, you have made a three-life covenant. But at the critical moment, he pushed her into hell, so what right do you have to question or grieve here? It's really ridiculous!"

Dongfang Zhuo's pupils shrank, and his heart immediately felt pain and suffocation.

Dongfangze smiled slightly at her and said no more.

Li Fengxian frowned, his eyes lingering between Su Li and Dongfang Ze, as if he couldn't believe it.

The emperor pondered and asked: "Since you all think that a thorough investigation should be carried out, in your opinion, who should handle this case?" His deep eyes passed over everyone's faces one by one.

The queen immediately lowered her head, and Dongfang Ze remained silent.

It concerns the royal family's face, and involves the Regent's Palace and Jing'an Palace. It is a hot potato for everyone. Among all the officials, no matter who has the courage to take on this case, just talk about it. It is confusing and unbelievable. Can we investigate it? No one can guarantee the outcome.

Dongfang Zhuo suddenly raised his head and said, "Father, please leave this matter to me!"

The Queen was startled, and just when she was about to reprimand, the Emperor frowned and said, "You?"

"Yes, Father!" Dongfang Zhuo's eyes were firm, "No one is more qualified to know the truth of this matter than I am!"

"But do you think anyone will be convinced by the truth you found out? Are you sure no one will say that you deliberately fabricated the facts to save face?" The emperor's face was cold and his tone was slightly scolding.

Dongfang Zhuo lowered his head and said nothing. It's not that he didn't expect what the emperor said, but at this moment, in his heart, it didn't seem that important anymore! And all he wants is a truth, a truth that will make him regret for the rest of his life!

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