The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 86: Mysterious white jade ring


"Yes!" The man quickly got up and retreated quickly.

Su Li's heart moved. Although these people acted a little rudely, they didn't seem to mean to hurt her.

. He couldn't help but take a closer look at the masked man in black in front of him. He is slightly taller, with his hair tied back, and his entire face is hidden behind a mask, except for a pair of eyes, which are arrogant and slightly sharp. Emotions are hard to discern.

He approached slowly, his footsteps soft. Su Li's heart sank, this man was not weak in martial arts.

The man in black mask looked down at her from a high position, without saying a word.

Su Li raised her head slightly and looked back at him without fear.

The two of them just stared at each other, neither of them willing to retreat first.

After a while, the masked man in black smiled silently and stood aside. The person behind him immediately appeared clearly in front of Su Li's eyes. He is wearing a gray robe, has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a straight nose and a square mouth, and a short beard on his lips. He is about thirty years old and has a cold temperament. He praised: "The princess has no timidity at all when she is in danger. She is indeed an extraordinary woman. No wonder Emperor Sheng Guo values you so much."

Su Li raised her eyebrows and replied calmly: "So your Excellency knows my identity, so you should also know very well that according to the law of the Sheng Kingdom, kidnapping a court official will result in the loss of one's head?" Although she answered the man in gray But he kept looking at the masked man in black.

The man in gray smiled and asked without answering: "It seems... the princess doesn't seem to be worried about her situation at all?"

Su Li smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty went to great lengths to kidnap me and risked beheading me. How could you kill me so easily? Until I get the answer you want, I am still safe for the time being."

The man in black mask flashed his eyes, looking at her with a little more interest.

The man in gray clothes smiled and said: "Princess Mingxi is not afraid of danger and is not inferior to men. I really admire you. I have something to ask the princess, so I have no choice but to do it. I hope the princess will forgive me."

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want to do?" Su Li glanced at him coldly and said in a deep voice.

The masked man in black sat in the dark room and waved his hand gently. The man in gray immediately stepped forward, took out a blueprint from his arms, and unfolded it, "Where is this ring?" His voice became a little darker involuntarily.

Su Li's heart was shocked, but her face showed no emotion at all. On the picture, she saw a pair of white jade rings, exquisite and elegant, with a very delicate painting style. Even the mysterious flower patterns engraved on the inner wall of the ring were painted in detail. It was the white jade ring that was the most important personal belonging left to her by her mother-in-law, and was later taken away by Dongfang Ze. Just why, she only has one in her hand, but there are a pair in this picture

The masked man in black still didn't make a sound, but his eyes were very focused, staring closely at her expression.


The other party went to all this trouble just to ask about the whereabouts of the ring? Doubts gradually arose in Su Li's heart. Regarding the past, Rong Xijin never talked much about the past. Whenever Li Su asked, he always deliberately avoided it. It seemed that he had many secrets hidden in him. Li Su didn't know the clues.

Now this ring is the most precious thought left to her by her mother-in-law. Even if she knew the clues, she would never give it to him.

Su Li looked at it carefully for a while and said calmly: "A very beautiful pair of rings."

The masked man in black's expression darkened, and he suddenly sneered.

The man in gray looked stern and immediately asked: "The princess is a smart person, why should she pretend to be stupid? Where is this ring?"

"It's not my thing, how do I know where it is?" Su Li glared at him disdainfully.

The man in gray clothes was anxious, and when he was about to step forward to question him again, the masked man in black clothes suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him. The man in gray had no choice but to take a step back, looking clearly anxious.

The masked man in black slowly stepped forward, squatted down, and reached out to clamp her chin. His gloomy eyes rolled over her face, but he did not speak. Through the mask, the youthful and masculine scent was still blowing on her face. This move was really ambiguous. If there wasn't this barrier, he might have kissed her face.

She didn't like this feeling.

Su Li's eyes turned cold, and he jerked his head hard to get out of his hand. For a moment, he forgot about the special stainless steel wall behind him. The masked man in black had a sharp look in his eyes, and quickly stretched out his hand, at the right moment at the right moment. , firmly supporting the back of her head. There was only a slight sound as Su Li's head hit his palm. There was no pain, only a strange feeling.

Su Li's eyes widened, and she felt that the eyes in the mask suddenly had a slightly naughty look. The two people were obviously diametrically opposed to each other, yet they developed an indescribable and intimate care.

The masked man in black slowly pulled his hand and stood up.

This ring seemed to play a vital role for him, and now that the ring was with Dongfang Ze, something suddenly moved in her heart. Maybe... she could take this opportunity to find out all the answers to the mystery? She lowered her eyes slightly and immediately thought about it.

Su Li said lightly: "I have only seen one of these rings.

. "

The eyes of the masked man in black suddenly lit up, and he stared at her with joy.

"It looked familiar to me just now, so I couldn't be sure for a moment. However, I suddenly remembered that I had seen this ring once at Prince Zhenning's place."

"It's him..." The man in gray paled slightly, and the masked man in black flashed a sharp light, and he quickly fell silent.

The masked man in black waved slightly, and the man in gray immediately took out a piece of white silk and handed it to Su Li.

It was given to her by Dongfangze, the killer's relic!

Su Li's heart sank. The white silk she had just put in her arms must have accidentally slipped out on the road and they discovered it. Just as he was doubting, the man in gray said coldly: "How did you get this thing?"

Su Li smiled lightly and said: "What a coincidence, this thing was also given to me by King Zhenning."

The man in gray obviously didn't believe it. He stared at her and said, "How did King Zhenning get it?"

Su Li lowered his head and thought for a moment. He said: "King Zhenning said that this thing belonged to the killer of Princess Mingyu. He got it accidentally. I asked him to get it for the purpose of investigating the case."

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Su Li added, "If you want the ring, I can help you. But I have a condition."

"Now that you can't protect yourself, you still want to negotiate terms with me?" The man in gray seemed to be smiling, looking sideways at Su Li.

"This ring must be very important to you. If the terms are mutually beneficial, why can't we negotiate?"

The man in gray still wanted to scold him, but the masked man in black raised his hand to stop him and motioned for him to come closer. The man in gray walked up to him and whispered a few words into his ear, his voice almost inaudible. Hui Yi's complexion changed slightly, but he solemnly responded "Yes".

"My master said that if you can help us get the ring, we will naturally agree to a condition for you."

Su Li was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Okay. I'll help you get the ring. How about you tell me the meaning of the symbols on the white silk?"

The masked man in black looked down, and the man in gray looked obviously surprised, and couldn't help but blurt out: "You! How do you know that I recognize this symbol?"

Su Li smiled slightly and said, "The pattern on the ring is basically the same character as this symbol. Since you are looking for the ring, why is it strange that you recognize this character

. "

The man in gray's face darkened. It turned out that this woman was just testing, but he didn't calm down and fell into her trap! Feeling annoyed at the moment, I couldn't help but look at the masked man in black. Sure enough, the master was already very unhappy. He waved his hand calmly.

Hui Yi quickly cheered up, gritted his teeth and stared at Su Li and said, "Okay, help us get the ring, and I'll tell you the meaning of the symbol. Now... how to get close to King Zhenning?"

Su Li's eyes flashed and he said: "Bring me a pen and paper. I will make an appointment with him to discuss the Li Su case. He will definitely come to the appointment."

Paper and pen were quickly delivered, and the man in gray untied the rope from her body. Su Li rubbed her wrist, thought for a moment, wrote a line quickly, picked up the letter and handed it to him, saying: "Send it to Prince Zhenning's Mansion immediately. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for you." She His current status is unusual. It is already unusual to disappear for one night. If he does not return home as soon as possible, he will definitely attract the attention of the court.

The masked man in black took a deep look at her. This woman was calm and would find the right opportunity to seek benefits for herself.

The man in gray lowered his head and looked at the letter carefully. There was only one short line: "I asked for advice the day before yesterday, but I couldn't understand it, so I couldn't sleep all night. I hope the Lancang River will be at the time of application tomorrow. The word Su Li." A very ordinary sentence. , he hesitated, folded it carefully, and put it in the envelope. Then he called someone and told him to send it to Prince Zhenning's Mansion overnight.

The masked man in black didn't say another word and strode out the door. Just as he walked out of the door, he turned back and glanced at her. But the look in his eyes was so familiar, as if he could see the young and charming face behind the mask, which made Su Li's heart skip a beat.

The door slowly closed. Su Li slowly sat down against the wall and decided to recharge her batteries. There was still a battle to fight tomorrow. As long as Dongfangze didn't surprise her, she would still have a chance to win this battle.

I don't know how long it took, but the door opened again, and a servant came in with food and refreshments in his hands. He carefully placed it next to Su Li, bowed his head and said, "This is prepared by the master for you, please use it with caution."

For some reason, this man spoke very slowly, which felt a little strange. Su Li couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and saw that his plain face was full of respect, and his eyes were eager and unsuitably tight. Keep an eye on her.

Su Li's heart skipped a beat, and a smile quickly flashed across her eyes, but she just said lightly: "Oh, I understand.

. "She looked at the servant with a smile, but did not touch the rich and delicious meal.

The servant nodded and slowly grabbed her arm.

Su Li shook her head gently and said softly: "I have other plans. You should hide your identity. If there is an accident, it will not be too late to take action."

The servant nodded slightly to indicate understanding. He packed up his things and bowed out.

The night passed quickly, and no one came to harass Su Li again. Even in the dangerous situation, she was able to sleep peacefully.

It wasn't until the next morning that the door opened again with a "clang", and it was not a masked man in black who came in, but an unfamiliar face. He lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Miss Su, please." Although the voice was Indifferent, but his attitude was obviously much more respectful and polite than yesterday. It was obvious that the sudden burst of anger from the man in black mask yesterday had taken effect.

Su Li glanced lightly, stood up calmly, without any sign of panic, walked to him and closed her eyes.

The man in black was slightly shocked, but without saying much, he took out a black cloth and covered her eyes with just the right amount of force. Then he led Su Li carefully out of this mysterious place.

Su Li's eyes went dark, and he felt like he was being helped into a carriage by the man. As soon as he was seated in the carriage, he set off. The carriage was very quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of galloping horse hooves. She held her breath secretly, carefully distinguishing the breath in the car, and there was a faint and shallow breath on the opposite side. It was immediately clear in his mind that besides himself, there should be someone else in the car, but he never spoke a word the whole way. It was probably the masked man in black from yesterday. Now I feel a little relieved.

She has cast such a dragnet, but the main character is not available. How can she finish the play

About an hour later, the faint sound of rushing water could be heard outside the car.

Lancang River has arrived.

Su Li was led out of the car with her eyes covered. She stepped onto the soft ground, and the scent of wet grass and flowers entered her nose. She had already reached the shore. After dragging her forward for a while, the man pulled off the black cloth from her eyes. Her head was violent in the midsummer day, and the dazzling light suddenly made her unable to open her eyes. After a long while, she slowly opened them.

Sure enough, it was him, the masked man in black.

He remained silent and motioned for Su Li to sit on the stone platform beside him.

This stone platform is the only place to sit on the shore. Ten feet away on the right is the roaring river. Behind it is a dense forest covered with lush and fragrant flowers and plants.


This place seemed to be no different from yesterday, but for some reason, Su Li suddenly felt vigilant in her heart. As soon as she moved her body, the masked man in black stretched out his hand like lightning and hit her acupuncture point. Su Li's body suddenly froze.

The two men in black accompanying the driver looked at him and immediately stood up, leaping up to the big trees in the forest and hiding among the dense branches and leaves. The masked man in black quickly jumped into the flowers behind Su Li.

The tip of a bright sword, with a chilling feeling, was pressed against Su Li's back vest. Her expression was calm, neither scared nor frightened. But she didn't ignore the uneasiness in her heart. She couldn't move her body, so she could only turn her eyes slightly and carefully observe what she could see.

Along the Lancang River, the scenery is still as picturesque and green as before. After doing the rounds, she was about to look away when she suddenly noticed that there was something strange about the green grass a few steps in front of her. All I could see was a piece of turf a few feet in diameter, which was slightly lower than the surrounding land. There were faint traces of soil being turned between the grass roots.

Su Li's heart sank, there... was a trap! This trap is set up so secretly that you won't even notice it if you don't look carefully.

The appointed time came soon, and the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. The man in black behind him immediately reacted and moved the tip of the sword again, warning Su Li to cheer up.

After a moment, the figure of Dongfang Ze Yushu Linfeng appeared in Su Li's sight. When he saw that she was already waiting there, he couldn't help but smile in surprise: "I didn't expect that Su Su arrived earlier than me. In your letter, you said that you would stay up all night." Mian, I wonder what makes you so anxious?"

Su Li hurriedly smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you are busy with things. If it wasn't for a reason, Su Li would not dare to trouble Your Majesty." Although she was smiling, she frowned tightly at him and kept glancing at the turf in front of her.

"Susu has something to do, how dare I not come?" Dongfangze's eyes moved slightly, but he was still smiling, but his steps did not slow down at all. He looked very happy at the moment, with a spring breeze on his face.

Su Li intuitively told herself that he would not be fooled because of his meticulous and unpredictable mind. However, seeing him getting closer and closer, almost reaching the edge of the trap, her heart could not help but feel nervous.

When Dongfangze saw that she didn't reply, he was about to speak when a small stone suddenly rolled quickly towards the center of the trap in the grass. He heard a "crash" sound, dust was flying, and the aroma of earth and grass suddenly overflowed. The grass suddenly collapsed, revealing a hole more than ten feet deep.


Dongfang Ze's expression suddenly changed and he stopped immediately.

The thick flowers and plants behind Su Li swayed and separated, and the masked man in black jumped out and held Su Li in front of him, holding the sharp sword in his hand.

Dongfangze shouted in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

The personal guard Sheng Qin Shengxiao who was waiting in the distance heard the commotion and rushed here quickly. When they saw Su Li being held hostage, they all showed their weapons.

The arm of the masked man in black suddenly tightened, and Su Li's slender neck was immediately strangled by him so that he could not breathe. His fair cheeks were red, and the threat was self-evident.

Dongfangze's face was gloomy, and he stared closely at the movements of the man in black. He waved his hand, and Sheng Qin and Sheng Xiao had to step back and stay a few feet away.

"You held the princess hostage and set a trap to ambush me. You are really brave!"

The masked man in black loosened his arm slightly and motioned for Su Li to speak.

Su Li coughed a few times, then regained her breath and said, "He, he wants the white jade ring on the prince's body."

Seeing his eager eyes, Dongfangze was suspicious. This ring was just a personal belonging to Li Su. Why did it make the other party so nervous and take the risk of threatening Su Li

With a slight thought in his mind, he took out the ring from his arms, held it in his hand and asked, "Is this what you want?"

The jade was white and delicate, and the carving was exquisite and elegant. It lay quietly in the palm of his hand. The man in the black mask took a closer look, and his eyes immediately lit up. He wanted to step forward and snatch the ring away! But he soon realized that the rings were obviously a pair!

He whispered: "Is there another one?"

Dongfangze's eyes turned slightly cold and he said in a deep voice: "I only have this one ring. If you let the princess go, I will give it to you!"

Just want to change one ring? The masked man in black sneered, and the sharp sword blade lay across Su Li's slender neck, sending a chill that had sunk into his skin.

There was a sneer on Dongfangze's lips, and a fierce anger suddenly appeared in his eyes. He said slowly: "If you dare to hurt a hair of hers, I will definitely kill you without a burial place!" His voice was soft, and that breathtaking feeling The innate domineering aura of a king immediately sends chills down from the bottom of one’s heart.


Feeling the murderous aura he exuded in an instant, the man in black felt his heart suffocate. He quickly calmed down. Seeing how much he cared about Su Li, it didn't seem like he was lying. The meaning of this ring was extraordinary. It was not easy to find one. He thought Turn and nodded immediately.

Dongfangze felt slightly relieved and said in a deep voice, "How can I ensure her safety when I give you the ring?"

The man in black pondered for a moment and whispered: "Throw it away."

"No! The princess's safety cannot be compromised!" Dongfang Ze flatly refused, and then said: "The limit is twenty steps. When she reaches ten steps, I will throw away the ring."

After a moment of silence, the man in black responded: "Okay!"

Dongfangze's eyes darkened slightly, his fingers suddenly tightened, and he slowly lowered his hand, holding the ring in his palm.

With a snap, the man in black untied Su Li's acupuncture points first, and her body, which had been stiff for a long time, suddenly felt relaxed.

"Susu, come here," Dongfangze said breathlessly, with a slight hint of nervousness in his calm tone.

Su Li calmed down and walked towards Dongfang Ze counting the steps.

She wasn't walking fast, nor was she walking too slowly, but the sight of just ten steps away stretched everyone's emotions like a string that was so tight that it was about to break.

The man in black held his breath involuntarily and stared at Dongfangze's actions with all his attention.

As Su Li took the tenth step, Dongfangze raised his arm quickly, and saw a flash of white light, and the ring fell into the trap in front of him!

The man in black was suddenly startled, and anger rushed into his heart. He secretly cursed Dongfangze for being cunning, and then he jumped into the trap to look for it. At the same time, two men in black who had been hiding in the tree for a long time jumped down. The long sword swung straight towards Dongfang Ze!

Dongfangze didn't even raise his head, as if he already knew there was someone hiding in the tree. He sneered, and as fast as lightning, he jumped to Su Li's side, hugged her slender waist tightly, and then waved his sleeves, The strong internal energy was like a stormy sea, hitting the two people instantly.

The two men in black were shocked. They didn't expect that Zhenning King Dongfangze's internal energy was so deep. The power of that palm was like a huge stone pressing directly against them, leaving them unable to breathe!

Sheng Qin and Sheng Xiao took action in Dongfangze, flew over, and immediately fought with the two men with swords.


Dongfangze hugged Su Li, his speed not slowing down at all, and like an arrow from the string, he instantly shot back, several feet away. Her cheek was hugged tightly by Dongfang Ze's warm chest, and through her clothes, she could feel his heartbeat beating fast, like a heavy hammer, each blow clearly hitting her sensitive nerves.

Dongfangze, always calm and unpredictable, turns out to have such a tense moment...

Su Li's heart skipped a beat. Did he... really care about her safety

The man in the black mask couldn't find the ring, and he was so angry that he jumped out of the trap.

Su Li was startled and immediately shouted: "Grab the man with the mask, don't let him escape!"

Dongfang Ze sneered: "No one can escape!" He waved his arm, and a large number of guards rushed up from all around like a tide, holding crossbows and arrows, and surrounded the few people who were fighting fiercely.

Su Li suddenly remembered that the sneak attack by Shenmen on Wangyue Lake was just like today. She was right about him. Dongfang Ze never fought an uncertain battle!

Dongfang Ze gave the order, and several more guards immediately joined the fierce battle, striving to subdue the three men in black in the shortest possible time. The battlefield was filled with smoke and dust. Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, the three men were afraid that it would be difficult to escape for a while. They couldn't help but feel angry, and their men's offensive became more and more fierce.

The two men in black were already slightly inferior to the men in black masks in martial arts. They were killed by the guards who joined later and started to panic. They were killed within a moment. Su Li saw it clearly and shouted anxiously: "Leave one alive!"

Sheng Qin and Sheng Xiao cooperated seamlessly, and the bright sword light was airtight, wrapping the masked man in black.

The three of them fought endlessly. Finally, the masked man in black was stabbed in the calf by Sheng Qin with a sword. He felt pain in his leg and slumped down. He knelt on one knee and quickly used his sword to support the ground. When he reacted, There were already two shining swords in front of his neck, which were held back by the cold murderous intent, and were as cold as bones.

Sheng Qin had sharp eyes and quick hands. To prevent the other party from seeking death, he quickly tapped his acupuncture points and knocked off his mask with one palm, revealing his true face. Su Li took a closer look and was shocked!

Why him? !

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