The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 93: The Regret of King Jing'an


Finally, I can worship my mother openly and openly, without needing to rely on anyone or looking for excuses. The strange incident of the deceased's dream made the Li Su case a sensation. In the eyes of the world, Li Su and Su Li have become one and have an inseparable relationship!

After offering incense to her mother, Su Li walked out of Li's ancestral hall and came to Rong Xijin's tomb.

On the bluestone tile floor, under the yellow flower tree, stood a person.

Su Li was slightly startled and paused. As soon as Li Su's case was over, the first thing she did was come to pay homage to her mother, but she didn't expect someone to come earlier than her.

Feeling someone behind her, Jingwan turned around and was stunned for a moment when she saw it was her, but said nothing.

Su Li walked forward slowly, knelt down next to Jingwan, looking at her mother's tombstone, she said silently in her heart: "Mother concubine, Su Su is here to see you! Now that your daughter has been wronged, please rest in peace!" "

After bowing three times to the princess's tomb, her heart was not as relaxed as she imagined.

. Although the injustice was over and the murderer was brought to justice, her mother would never survive again! The deep sadness in her heart made her breathless. Su Li bowed down for the last time and didn't get up for a long time.

The mountain wind swept the fallen leaves, gently brushing her slender body, and filled the air of the entire Western Mountain with the sad atmosphere emanating from her body.

Jingwan's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly she raised her hand and patted her shoulder. She originally tried her best to find out the unjust case, but she had no clue. She didn't expect that the case would be solved by this girl in the end. Perhaps, this is the will of God.

Su Li looked up and saw a hint of unabashed relief and love in Jingwan's usually cold eyes.

Su Li's mind was in a trance for a moment. It seemed that many years ago, she was only ten years old. Because practicing martial arts was too hard, she asked her mother and concubine not to practice martial arts anymore, but she was severely scolded by her mother and concubine! That was the first time that the concubine lost her temper with her. She was very sad and ran to the small garden to hide and cry.

It wasn't until dark that people in the mansion looked for her everywhere, but she hid deeper. Finally, Aunt Jingwan discovered her. At that time, she patted her shoulder in the same way and said to her sincerely: "Princess, I am doing this for your own good! You have a special status and must be able to protect yourself!"

At that time, she had not thought carefully about the meaning of the words "special status". Now that she thinks about it, it seems that it is not just because she is the daughter of the Prince Regent. Perhaps, her status as mother-in-law is the real specialness!

With a move in her heart, Su Li couldn't help but shout: "Aunt Jingwan!"

Jingwan was stunned for a moment, looking at her in surprise and confusion.

Su Li whispered: "Can I... call you the same name as Princess Mingyu?" If there is anyone in this world who respects her mother more than her, that person is none other than Jingwan! Since she can remember, Aunt Jingwan can be seen wherever her mother is. It is said that Aunt Jingwan has been with her mother since she was a child. Her mother and she have not only a master-servant relationship, but also the closest relationship. Be dear!

Thinking of this, Su Li couldn't help but look at Jingwan with a more sincere look, and she saw the uneasy waves in Jingwan's eyes.

Jingwan's expression changed several times in an instant, and she regained her composure after a while. She chuckled and said, "Of course, as long as Princess Mingxi doesn't mind Jingwan's humble status."

Su Li shook his head, "My aunt is serious. I am today thanks to Princess Mingyu's support in my dream. In Su Li's heart, Princess Mingyu's relatives have long been regarded as her own relatives. How can I say that I have a low status?"

! "

Jingwan's gaze suddenly flashed as she stared at her, "Princess Mingyu..."

Su Li added: "You are Princess Mingyu's aunt, that is, Su Li's aunt. From now on, if anything happens to my aunt, she can come to Su Li."

Her eyes were bright and she seemed to be pointing something out. Jingwan was slightly startled and sighed: "Thank you very much, Princess, for your thoughtfulness. Now that Princess Mingyu's injustice has been revealed to the world, Jingwan... I'm done with my worries. I just want to stay with the princess and end this rest of my life."

Su Li stepped forward, took her hand, and said softly: "Su Li is touched by how affectionate and righteous my aunt is to the princess. However, there is one thing that Su Li would like to ask my aunt."

Jingwan groaned: "Say it!"

Su Li thought for a while and then said: "For some reason, General Hu Erdu, the envoy of Bian State, tried every means to investigate Su Li's life experience and found the person who delivered my mother's baby. But that person died suddenly!" She paused in her voice. He raised his eyes and looked at Jingwan steadily, and found that Jingwan's face changed slightly!

Su Li added: "She was killed by a leaf being driven into her heart from behind. Su Li once heard Princess Mingyu say that this kind of martial arts is called 'Flying Flowers into Leaves', and Aunt Jingwan is the best at this technique. So Su Li wants to ask her aunt, was that person killed by her aunt? And what was the reason why her aunt killed and silenced her? Could it be that Su Li's life experience... is there any secret that her aunt knows?" Her tone was sharp and her eyes were expectant.

Jingwan's eyes changed, and returned to normal in just an instant. She said calmly: "Princess, you think too much! Flying flowers into leaves is not my unique skill, Jingwan. There are not a few people in the world who can do this kind of skill." . Jingwan doesn’t know the princess’s midwife, and has no relationship with her, so it’s absolutely impossible to kill her!”

"Oh?" Su Li paused. Flying flowers into leaves is indeed not a secret skill, but being able to practice it to the extent that one leaf can instantly kill a person is by no means an ordinary person. Obviously Jingwan wanted to hide something, she lightly He sighed softly and said: "Su Li is just curious, why is an ordinary midwife being hunted down? That's why he asked this question. Su Li's life experience suddenly received so much attention from so many people, it really made Su Li a hundred I can’t understand it. My aunt may not know that not long ago, people from the Saintess Cult of Bian State set a trap and took me to a mysterious place!"

"Saintess Cult?" When Jingwan heard these three words, her expression suddenly changed. She quickly held her arms and asked nervously, "They arrested you? What did they do to you?" ?What did you say again?"

He had never seen Aunt Jingwan so panicked. Su Li once again confirmed that there must be some mysterious connection between the mother-in-law and the Saintess Cult.


Su Li held Jingwan's hand and hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry, aunt, they didn't do anything to me. They only asked me about the whereabouts of a pair of white jade rings."

"White jade ring..." Jingwan let go of her hand in shock, turned her face to the side, and murmured in a low voice: "After so many years, they haven't given up yet!"

"What did aunt say?" Su Li asked doubtfully. "Could it be that my aunt knows the secret of that ring?"

Jingwan's face straightened, she frowned and turned back, looking at her solemnly, but hesitated to speak.

Su Li added: "Of those pairs of rings, Su Li saw one on King Zhenning. It was engraved with very complicated and unfamiliar patterns. It didn't look like it belonged to our country at all. That ring originally belonged to Princess Lisu!"

As soon as these words came out, Jingwan couldn't help but said anxiously: "Is this what Princess Mingyu told you?"

Su Li nodded lightly, while Jingwan's eyes were filled with confusion, "King Zhenning! Was he the one who took the lady's ring?!"

Su Li sighed. When the ring was taken away by Dongfang Ze, her mother-in-law was furious when she found out that she had to kneel in front of the hall for a whole day! Aunt Jingwan also conducted overt and covert investigations since then, but there was no clue about the ring at all. No one thought that the person who took away the ring would be Zhenning King Dongfang Ze!

Jingwan said in a serious tone: "Since you call me aunt, then Jingwan can tell the princess that the ring is indeed extraordinary, but you must not ask too much about this matter. The less you know, the safer you will be." !”

Su Li has long known that Aunt Jingwan is not someone who will reveal the truth so easily, no matter she is Su Li or Li Su! She also knew that Aunt Jingwan didn't tell her because it was for her own good, but she didn't want to live in a fog all the time. One day, she would find out for herself.

Sighing deeply, Su Li had no choice but to stand up and say goodbye. Before leaving, he gave Jingwan the address of the new mansion the emperor had given her, and took out a stone pei and stuffed it into her hand: "Auntie, if you have something to do in the future, I'll give it to you." You can bring this to me." She looked at her deeply, a little reluctantly.

Jingwan lowered her eyebrows and said, "Thank you, Princess. Jingwan will always keep vigil for the princess. If Princess has anything to do with Jingwan, she can also send someone here to deliver a message."

Su Li nodded, got on his horse, and galloped in the other direction.

The autumn wind was bleak, picking up her clothes and fluttering in the air. Jingwan behind her was looking at her blankly. Whether it was the back figure turning around, the posture of turning on the horse, or the momentum of flying immediately, it was all the same as in the memory. The little master is exactly the same


"Master, you must be very happy, right?!" Jingwan smiled sadly at Rong Xijin's tomb.

How long have you not experienced this feeling of galloping on an unfamiliar trail? Listening to the wind whistling in her ears and looking at the rapidly retreating mountains and rivers on both sides of the road, Su Li was in a trance, almost having the illusion of going back to the past. If it weren't for the desolate scene before her eyes, she might have been able to dream for a while longer.

In the remote ravine, the path is winding and narrow, and the overgrown weeds are knee-deep. I heard that her former body was buried at the end of that road.

Su Li got off his horse and walked straight along the path. After walking for an unknown amount of time, he finally saw a small earthen bag and an unengraved stone tablet. There are overgrown weeds in front of the monument, covering half of the small stone monument.

The surroundings were deserted, not a single person could be seen, and even the wind was stronger than other places, making it extremely desolate.

Su Li couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in her heart. Suddenly, a smell of alcohol rushed into her nose, rich and smoky. Su Li frowned slightly and walked forward slowly. Suddenly, something tripped under her feet. She staggered and almost fell to the ground. When I looked down, I saw a person lying on the ground!

Su Li was startled, and immediately pushed aside the weeds, and saw a very familiar handsome but haggard face.

Dongfang Zhuo? !

Su Lideng was stunned. He raised his head and looked around. Not far away, there were ten wine jars all empty. There was no sign of a third person nearby. She couldn't help but be stunned, how could he come here to drink alone, and there was no servant following him! I can't tell you what I feel in my heart. The truth about Li Su's case is revealed. Has this man finally realized that he himself wronged her? It's a pity that he understood it too late!

Su Li stood up and walked around him. She stood quietly for a while in front of the wordless monument. After tomorrow, no one will come here again! The emperor has issued an order to move Li Su's tomb to the Li family's ancestral tomb, and construction will begin tomorrow. Today, she just came in advance to see how desolate a place people said that even birds didn't want to stay! But I didn't expect to meet Dongfang Zhuo here!

I didn't want to care about him, but I don't know how long he had been lying here. I accidentally touched his body just now and found that his whole body was cold and had no warmth at all.

After thinking again and again, she came to his side again and shouted coldly: "Prince Jing'an"

! "

Dongfang Zhuo didn't respond.

Su Li frowned, reached out to pat his face, and shouted again: "Wake up, King Jing'an!"

The other party still didn't respond.

The sky gradually became dark. A drunken and comatose man is like a dead person. No matter how she slaps or screams, he doesn't react at all.

Su Li was a little anxious, stared at him, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Dongfang Zhuo, how much wine have you drunk?! You came to see her so drunk. Is this your sincerity?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man who had no reaction before and seemed to be dead suddenly opened his eyes at this time!

As soon as his drunken eyes touched the face of the woman in front of him, his body suddenly shook and he sat up suddenly. Without saying a word, he reached out and hugged her!

His arms were strong and strong, holding her tightly, as if he was afraid that if he let go, the person he missed would disappear.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, frowned, and raised her hand to push him away, but heard him whisper softly: "Li Su... are you finally willing to come to see me in my dream?"

His voice was hoarse, but his tone was cautiously gentle, as if he was surprised and sad at the same time.

Drinking so much wine was just to allow him, who had been suffering from insomnia recently, to sleep a little longer, so that she could have a chance to dream, and he could say a few more words to her when she was asleep. Even if she scolded him and hated him.

Su Li's raised hand suddenly stopped there, as if he had suddenly lost strength.

The man's hands kept tightening, as if he wanted to embed the lost woman into his life again. His breath, smelling of wine and warm, rushed towards her.

"Do you hate me very much?" The trembling voice revealed the panic and fear deep in his heart.

Su Li took a deep breath and replied expressionlessly: "Yes."

Dongfang Zhuo trembled all over, as if he couldn't suppress his heartache. He buried his head on her thin shoulder. The warm moisture penetrated her skin through the layers of clothes, and his unspeakable emotions of regret were deeply felt. to the bottom of her heart


Su Li's heart trembled slightly, but she didn't move. She only heard Dongfang Zhuo say painfully in her ear: "You should hate me!... On our wedding day, my wife was framed. As a man, I not only failed to notice, but also To add insult to injury, I made an unforgivable mistake against you... You deserve to hate me! Even I hate myself!"

His sad voice almost sounded like crying. The emotion of regret can only be completely vented in a drunken dream. There is no need to worry about the identity of the prince or the eyes of others. For the woman he loves, he is so weak for the first time! From the moment he learned about her death, he had already regretted it! But he couldn't say it, and he couldn't let anyone know it, because he was the most distinguished prince of the royal family, and he was the candidate for the future crown prince that many people had high hopes for. He couldn't let those people down, especially since he had devoted his whole life to him. The queen mother on my body!

His mother taught him since he was a child that everything he did was wrong and right, and he could not regret it. Except for the emperor, he cannot bow his head to anyone and admit his mistake! But mistakes would not disappear because of this... When the unjust case was uncovered and proven, all his attempts to escape had lost their excuses, and he finally understood Su Li's indifference and contempt for him.

"...I'm sorry! Li Su, it's all my fault. I misunderstood you and hurt you. I'm sorry! Li Su..." He apologized to her in a low voice, feeling guilty and self-blame, and incoherent. He seemed to be different from the usual cold, proud and aloof King Jing'an. the same person.

Su Li closed her eyes quietly and still did not speak. The sad emotions in her heart surged silently, wrapping the two people tightly. In the final analysis, he was just a victim when it came to the wedding, but this did not become a reason for her to forgive him. As he said, the mistakes he committed against her were unforgivable.

Pushing him away suddenly, she looked at his stunned and sad expression and said coldly: "King Jing'an, please see clearly, I am Su Li, not Li Su! She will not fall into your dream, no matter how much you drink, It’s no use!”

The cruel words shattered his eyes in an instant, and the dream he painstakingly created came to nothing. Dongfang Zhuo was stunned for a moment and laughed sadly.

Su Li added: "... She won't accept your apology, and she won't be able to forgive your mistakes! Go back to the place you belong to. This place is not suitable for you!" After saying that, she stood up quickly and said coldly. She turned her back, not wanting to look at him again.

The sky in the distance was finally completely shrouded in darkness, turning into darkness. The night wind in late autumn is particularly desolate and desolate, blowing in the ears as if playing a helpless tragic song.

Dongfang Zhuo closed his eyes hard, but he couldn't stop the pain from spreading in his heart.


Past events, one scene after another, come to mind again, and I can't control them...

When they met for the first time under the pear tree, he fell in love with Li Su at first sight and made a three-life vow without hesitation! That day was the happiest day in his more than 20 years of life. He met the woman he wanted in his life, and he was so excited as never before. So he couldn't wait to enter the palace and declare his feelings to his father and mother. He knew that such a marriage would easily arouse his father's suspicion, but he couldn't care less. He only wanted to marry her and longed for her...

For the first time in my life, I experienced, what is lovesickness? ! He once secretly swore in his heart that if he could get her to treat her so lovingly, he would never want another woman in his life!

Seeing that the wedding was coming, he couldn't describe his mood the night before. He was excited, excited, and couldn't sleep. He was simply not like him before! And the next day, when he saw a woman wearing a red wedding dress appearing in his sight, it was difficult for him to suppress his inner excitement, thinking that on this day, he finally got his wish and became the happiest man in the world. , but unexpectedly... she got the shocking news that she was pregnant out of wedlock! At that moment, his mood... was simply indescribable!

The huge blow not only destroyed all his dignity, but also shattered his longing for her day and night! And the deeper those thoughts are, the stronger the love, the deeper the hurt caused by adversity. Sadness, disappointment, grief, resentment... all these emotions mixed together destroyed his reason and made him lose his due judgment at the most critical moment!

I thought countless times that he must have been crazy at that time to do such a cruel thing to her! ... Even the pulse can be changed. How difficult is it to make it disappear with the blood of a mere virgin

Really, I can’t think about it anymore! The pain of suffocation has overwhelmed his entire body and mind! It was like thousands of knives piercing into his heart. Nothing was more heartbreaking and despairing than pushing the woman he loved most into death with his own hands...

Regret will always be with you in this life!

Instead of leaving obediently, he leaned up and lay down on the ground again, letting the cold and wet ground cool his gradually warming body to the cold again.

He took out another wine jar from somewhere, opened the lid and poured it into his mouth, but he poured it all over his head and face. The only sip he took down his throat made him burst into tears and he couldn't control it.

Opening his eyes, his broken eyes reflected the woman's cold and determined back. She was so similar to the woman in his heart! It’s almost like he’s the same person! But this person, he no longer has the qualification to say to her, "You are mine."

! ", not anymore!

Ten jars of wine had not been able to invade his mind, and at this moment, it finally became blurry.

Su Li pursed her lips and never looked back. A violent cough came from behind, as if it was about to tear out her heart and lungs. When the coughing gradually stopped, there was no movement. She couldn't help but frown. After a long time, and a long time after that, an almost desperate murmur came from behind her, as if she was talking in her sleep, almost inaudible.

"... I was wrong!... How can I forgive..."

"If I could, I would give up everything to get you back...even if you will never forgive me..."

"Never... will never forgive..."

Two lines of clear tears slowly seeped out from the corners of the man's closed eyes and flowed to the cold ground beneath him. The wind gently passed over his body, drying his tears, leaving only grief and despair, which tightly enveloped his heart.

Su Li's heart suddenly ached, and the hatred that had been lingering in her heart gradually faded away unconsciously. But she still didn't look back at him.

He asked, what can be done to forgive

No matter what, it can’t be forgiven! Some things, once you do something wrong, there is never a chance to look back!

She slowly closed her eyes, feeling that the surroundings were full of sadness, as if silently mourning the love that had withered before it could bloom!

It was an extremely cold night. In front of this desolate and wordless tombstone, she and the man she hated most before stood and lay there, quietly, all night long.

When the sky was getting brighter, she realized that something was wrong with him. His whole body was burning hot, and his consciousness seemed to have been blurred for a long time. It was then that I was shocked to realize that he was not drunk and fell asleep, but was in a fever and coma caused by the cold air! He couldn't help but feel shocked. With his status, if something happened here, the entire city of Kyoto would be turned upside down. He quickly sent a signal to summon Wan Xin, who ordered Dong Fang Zhuo to be sent back to Jing'an Palace, but Su Li himself did not leave.

The weather on this day was not very good. Although there were no dark clouds, the fog was thick and the sunshine was thin.

Su Li went to a nearby mountain. Under a sycamore tree on the top of the mountain, she was alone in plain clothes and with black hair. She looked down from a distance at the majestic tomb-moving team that came under the emperor's orders. In the Regent's Palace, almost everyone except the Regent Li Fengxian came. Everyone wore sackcloth and mourning, and their cries were loud. They all felt extremely sad and sorry for Princess Mingyu's unjust death.

. It was in sharp contrast to the desolation of the mourning hall in the Regent's Palace that day.

Su Li couldn't help but sneer. Why hadn't she noticed in the past that those people were so snobbish and hypocritical! Perhaps the only one who is not hypocritical is Li Yao

Lying in front of Li Su's grave, Li Yao cried heartbrokenly. She fainted and woke up several times. She didn't know whether it was because of Li Su's wasted death or because she felt extremely sad for the sins her mother had committed.

Su Li squeezed her palms and hesitated for a moment, but in the end she didn't go to comfort him. After this incident, she no longer knew how to treat Li Yao! Although everything was done by Concubine Jade and not Li Yao's fault, Concubine Jade was Li Yao's biological mother after all, and what she did was for Li Yao. No matter how generous Su Li was, it would be difficult for her to be like her again. Like before, she was the closest sister to Li Yao without any grudge.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people in this world that she can truly treat!

Taking a deep breath, she raised her head and let it out gently.

Behind her, someone suddenly approached silently. Su Li suddenly tensed up her nerves, but found that the other person did not deliberately hide his aura. And that aura was overbearing, restrained, and unique. When he got within three feet of her, she basically guessed who it was. Unconsciously relax.

When everyone was wondering why Princess Mingxi was missing when Princess Mingyu moved her grave, Dongfangze saw at a glance the thin figure that was almost invisible standing on the top of the mountain.

Her white clothes and black hair are flying in the wind, and she is lonely and desolate under the sycamore tree. It was as if the peerless fairy shrouded in clouds and mist was alone in the world.

Feeling the urge to hold her in his arms, Dongfang Ze paused, stepped forward and asked, "What is Su Su looking at?"

Su Li did not answer immediately, or even look back. Her eyes were still looking forward, and after a while, she smiled slightly mockingly: "Look at how many faces the hypocrisy in this world has!"

Dongfangze was stunned for a moment, then laughed softly: "Then do you see clearly?"

"I can see it clearly, but I can't see it clearly." This answer may sound contradictory, but it is also true. After Su Li finished speaking, she turned to look at him, and he was already standing side by side with her.

This man still had a handsome face and a black robe, and he looked at her with a smile, but she was not sure how much sincerity, temptation, and different intentions were behind that smile.

"Some people can't see clearly no matter how they look.

! "She smiled faintly, and in the misty sight, his extremely handsome face was the most advanced mask in the world! It was as deep as the sea, and no one could pry into the true expression behind it. Occasionally, true feelings were revealed, but it was nothing more than a mask. What changed in an instant was back to the original in a blink of an eye. When she was with him, she never knew what he was thinking in his heart?!

"Su Su... are you talking about this king?" The heroic eyebrows slowly raised, Dongfang Ze stared at her with a half-smile, his deep eyes seemed to be filled with a mist, making it difficult to see the depth clearly. scenery.

Su Li didn't say anything, and just heard him say again: "But in my eyes, Su Su happens to be such a person!"

The more he tried to see clearly, the harder it became, which attracted more and more attention to her.

Su Li was slightly startled, her? maybe! At least she's trying to be that person! Only by not being seen through by others can her fate not be controlled by others!

Turning away his eyes, Su Li chuckled and said, "The prince is joking again!"

"I have said many times that I never joke in front of Su Su!" After Dongfang Ze finished speaking, he also looked away and looked into the distance, and asked in a calm tone: "What are Su Su's plans next?" ?”

Intend? Su Li was stunned, she hadn't thought about it yet! Since her rebirth, all she has been thinking about is finding out the unjust case of Li Su, clearing her name, and letting the murderer behind the scenes get the retribution he deserves! Now that the case is over, her grudge has been avenged, and the matter of choosing a husband is imminent and cannot be delayed any longer! At the moment, the most important thing is to determine your intention. But this time she seemed to have a choice in choosing a husband, but in fact it was the same as having no choice. Dongfang Zhuo, she would never marry again no matter what!

Then Dongfangze seems to be her only choice! … But, is this man so unpredictable? Is it so easy to determine

Su Li raised her head and sighed secretly, "Can I ask the prince a question?"

Dongfangze nodded and said, "Ask."

Su Li raised her head and thought for a moment, then looked back at him. Her clear, beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a sharp light, shining directly into his eyes. She smiled steadily and asked, "Why must the prince marry Su Li?"

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