The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 128: Palace change 8


Everyone thought that Yuxi would wake up soon, but they didn't expect Yuxi to have a high fever and talk nonsense.

Yuxi was lying on the bed, the god se was in pain, and she kept yelling: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." He kept calling these two words over and over again.

Qiu's white hair came out in a hurry, and asked Doctor Bai, "Doctor, what's the matter with Si Yat?"

Doctor Bai was also very surprised: "The Fourth Girl is a sequelae caused by a big stimulus. It stands to reason that the Fourth Girl just saw her courtyard become a ruin. There shouldn't be such serious consequences! Madam, yes. Isn't there anything else that I missed that I didn't tell the old man?"

Qiu's remembered that Yuxi had inserted the sword into the thief's mouth at the time: "This kid, this kid..." Yuxi was calm at the time, so calm that she thought that Yuxi's murder was not a hindrance, but she didn't expect this kid to bury her fear in her heart. .

Doctor Bai heard that Yuxi was forced to kill someone, and immediately nodded: "Because of the emergency at the time, the four girls stretched themselves tightly, naturally, nothing happened. As soon as they relaxed, they saw that their courtyard was burned. After that, horror came to my mind. The anger attacked my heart, so I was unconscious." Doctor Bai appreciated Yuxi's decisive action to kill the culprit, but he did not expect that the four girls would be so brave at the critical juncture.

The Qiu family became anxiously angry and said, "Doctor, what should I do now? This kid has been talking nonsense, you can save her!"

Doctor Bai immediately prescribed a prescription for people to grab the medicine, and then told the Qiu family: "When the fourth girl wakes up, try to enlighten her and don't let her think about her own murder." If the murder is not good, it must become a thing. The shadow of a generation.

Zijin knew the reason for Yuxi's coma, and regretted it: "If I hadn't hesitated then, there wouldn't be such a thing."

Deng Shuang had a different view. If the four girls were forced to kill, they would leave a shadow, but at that time the four girls took the initiative to kill, and no one forced her, so Deng Shuang is not worried at all: "Pixie, you don't have to worry. The fourth girl will be fine." If not even the doctor said that Yuxi was frightened and unconscious, Deng Shuang would suspect that Yuxi was acting. Compared with the bravery at night, Yuxi is really weak now!

Zijin didn't see Yuxi waking up, but she kept holding her heart.

Yuxi opened his eyes and saw a golden sun shine through the window, which was sifted into a mottled shadow by the hollowed-out flower screens and shone on her body.

Looking at the purple pansy lying asleep by the bed, Yuxi yelled a few words softly. Seeing that Zijin didn't respond, Yuxi didn't call any more.

Zijin didn't wake up, but when the outside Zisu heard Yuxi's scream, she walked in quickly and saw Yuxi awake. She was pleasantly surprised: "Girl, are you finally awake?"

Yuxi looked at Zisu suspiciously, what it meant to finally wake up.

At this time, Zi Jin also woke up. Seeing Yuxi woke up, Zi Jin tears fell: "Girl, you scared me to death." If Yuxi doesn't wake up, Zi Jin wants to apologize with death.

Yuxi smiled, but she will be weak, and even her smile will be particularly bleak: "What stupid things to say, it's not good for me."

Zisu wiped away tears and said, "Girl, no matter how well, you have been asleep." If the girl doesn't wake up, they will all be anxious to death.

Yuxi was very surprised: "I actually slept for a long time?"

Zisu nodded and said, "Well, it's already dead." In fact, Yuxi only slept for two days, two full days.

Zijin watched Yuxi want to talk, and said hurriedly, "Girl, don't talk for now, eat something before talking."

Yuxi looked at the purple pansy with bloodshot eyes, and asked, "Did you not sleep this day?" In order to be loyal, the basil must be patted behind the purple pansy. No matter what, Shi Jin always put Yuxi first.

Zisu said to the side: "Girl, Zijin has been staying by the bed these days and is reluctant to leave. Girl, please persuade her! If this goes on, the iron man can't stand it."

Yuxi looked at Zijin and said, “Go and eat something for yourself, and then sleep well.” Seeing Zijin’s unwillingness, Yuxi said, “If you don’t take care of yourself, if something happens in the future, who will protect you? And me?"

After hearing this, Zijin went out to eat honestly.

Yuxi also ate two bowls of porridge to feel better. Lying on the bed, Yuxi asked perilla: "What happened that night?"

Shisu's face still has fear: "On the contrary, the ruffians in the capital got the news and took the opportunity to gather together to grab property from the big families. The Guogong Mansion is also the target of snatching in the eyes of these people."

Yuxi nodded and asked, "How is it now?"

Shisu will tell Yuxi everything he knew: "The rebellion failed and he died of suicide. All the people who participated in the rebellion were all punishers. I heard that the blood on the execution grounds in the vegetable market for the past two days is not cleansed." Every day. Thousands of heads have to be chopped off, so it's weird to be able to wash them clean!

Before Yuxi spoke, he saw Qiu's hurried approach. As soon as the Qiu clan got the news that Yuxi was waking up, he rushed over: "Si girl, you finally woke up." Because Yuxi was in a coma these days, Qiu clan regrets and feels guilty. One of her elders actually wanted Yuxi to protect her. Thinking of this, Qiu couldn't eat or sleep. Yuxi said apologetically, "Worry auntie."

Qiu clan was distressed and sad again: "What silly thing to say? If it weren't for you, auntie doesn't know what happened now?" The Qiu clan was afraid for a while thinking of that night. Fortunately, I didn't rush to take a servant girl to the room, or else the culprit would still be alive.

Yuxi didn't claim the credit, but just asked a question: "Auntie, where did the culprits who broke into the backyard come in? Have you checked it out?" Yuxi guessed that the culprit that night was brought in by County Lord Shou, but these are just these. Yuxi couldn't say clearly, she could only lead Qiu to doubt without a trace.

The Qiu family gritted his teeth with hatred: "It has been found out that these people came over from Qingzhu Xiaozhu. Judging from the situation that night, these people are very clear about the pattern of the backyard of the Guogong Mansion. The thief has gone out."

Yuxi pretended to ask strangely: "Why did my aunt say this?" Yuxi really couldn't figure it out. She really felt that she and the Heshou County Master didn't have any trouble with the river. Why was Heshou County Master unwilling to let her go? He even did not hesitate to direct such a big show.

The Qiu clan said, "Except for me, they didn't succeed. Shangfang and Tingyun Pavilion, Bitengyuan and Songxiangyuan were all robbed by them." After speaking, Qiu clan said again: "These thieves probably saw your courtyard. There is nothing valuable, so I set it on fire and burned the courtyard in anger?" Gold, silver and jewellery are portable and easy to carry. They are the favorites of gangsters, and they are not interested in other things that are not easy to bring. As for Yuxi's Rose Garden, Zisu and the others took away all their valuables when they escaped. These people looked at the empty courtyard and burned the rose courtyard in anger. It was a very normal thing.

Yuxi was very puzzled: "There are a lot of valuable things in our courtyard!" Over the years, she has also accumulated a lot of ornaments and silver, and the treasury also has a lot of valuables. We all carry the precious things with us.” Until now, Shiso didn’t know if she had taken the ornaments away. If she hadn’t taken those things away, the Rose House might not have been burned by the culprits.

After hearing this, Yuxi quickly asked, "Is there still a bank note in the land deed?" These are the roots of her standing, the others are floating wealth, and money can be bought back.

Shisu nodded: "Take it away." That is the most important thing, how can I not bring it!

The Qiu clan watched Yuxi's expression relax, and said with a smile: "You stupid girl, even if the house deed and land deed are burned, it will be fine to go to the yamen to reapply, what are you worried about."

Yuxi was a little embarrassed when she heard this, she really forgot about it, and immediately changed the subject: "Auntie, has the insider been found out?"

Qiu's nodded and said: "It was found out, it was Poor Cao from the inner courtyard. Your father has arrested her for interrogation."

Yuxi didn't have much interest in this. Even if the interrogation revealed something, it didn't matter to the county lord Heshou: "How about grandma and sister? Are you okay?"

Qiu's sighed slightly: "The old lady and Yuchen are fine, but the maids around the old lady are either dead or disabled, and two of them are also abolished. I let Liu Yin and Liu Yue go over and wait. Old lady."

Yuxi didn’t need to think about it, and knew it was something like this: “How are the maids beside Yuchen? Are they all okay?” Those maids were all trained by Grandma Gui Jingxin. If they were to die like this, What a pity.

Qiu shook his head and said, "The maids in Tingyun Pavilion are still clever. They all ran to the pavilion in the middle of the lake when they knew that the gangsters were coming. Those thieves took possessions and didn't care about the maids." Mother Gui followed Yuchen. I went to the upper court, but Tingyun Pavilion still left Madam Sha and a few experienced people. At that time, Madam Sha saw that something was wrong, and immediately asked all the maids of Tingyun Pavilion to run to the pavilion in the middle of the lake. Divide the crowd into two groups, one that knows water, and the other that doesn't. Those who know the water stay in the pavilion. If the culprits come and jump into the lake, and the black lights are blind, it is impossible for these culprits to jump into the lake. Those who knew no water got on the two boats left in the lake, and then rowed them to a very secret place. Those two boats were reserved for Yuchen and others to play and play, and no one thought they would use them at this time.

These gangsters first went to the Rose House, but they didn't even see a personal figure; when they arrived at the Tingyun Pavilion, they were not seen half of them, and they let people go around. As a result, she grabbed a maid who hadn't escaped, and learned that a group of people were hiding in the pavilion.

When the people in the pavilion saw the culprits fiercely, they all jumped into the lake without thinking about it. The night in April is very cold, the lake is even colder, but no matter how cold it is, it is better than being killed by the culprits. As Mother Sha had expected, the culprits saw people jumping into the lake, and left after only a few curses in the pavilion. Then I was so happy to see so many gold and silver jewels in Tingyun Pavilion, I was so happy about those maids. Therefore, the more than forty maids in Tingyun Pavilion are much stronger than the upper courtyard. Only one person died and six were injured, but there were more than a dozen who caught a cold.

Yuxi said: "That's good." It is estimated that the Lord Heshou not only wanted to kill her, but also wanted to kill Yuchen. He wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

The Qiu clan also told Yuxi a happy event: "Your second brother made a contribution this time. Although the award order has not come down, he will definitely be promoted." In this rebellion, Han Jianye killed a lot of rebellious officials, and his performance was very special. Brave. With the Lu family, I don’t worry that someone will wipe out Han Jianye’s credit, so this promotion is a sure thing.

Yuxi would smile a lot more now: "This is a big happy event." The second brother is now a sixth, and if he is promoted to the next level, he will be from five, which is very good.

The Qiu family was also very happy, and felt that it was right to be married to the Lu family. Otherwise, children can't stay in the capital and they won't be able to make merit, and naturally they won't be promoted.

Yuxi asked again: "How is the sister-in-law? Is the child okay?"

Qiu's smiled: "The doctor has seen it, but it's a little frightened, it's not a big problem. It was Hua Po, who saw a lot of dead people on the Internet at the time, and was so scared that she was scared. Now people are still dumbfounded." After a pause, the Qiu clan said, "Yu Ru and Yu Jing are both fine, but your mother is injured." The lord of the mansion, only the Wu clan, was injured.

Yuxi didn't want to know anything about the Wu clan, but Qiu clan said that if she didn't answer it, it would not be appropriate, and asked, "Is it badly hurt?"

Qiu's shook his head and said, "Wu's is a skin trauma, and there is no worry about his life. On the contrary, one of your father's concubine died and was hacked to death by the culprits."

Yuxi asked, "Is Aunt Wen dead?" Aunt Wen was pierced in Wu's eyes, and it was not impossible to kill Aunt Wen while messing around.

Qiu's nodded: "Well, it's Aunt Wen. Okay, you're tired after talking for so long, so lie down and rest for a while."

Yuxi remembered something and wanted to tell Qiu, but he didn't know where to start.

Seeing Yuxi wanting to say something, Qiu said, "Silly boy, if you have anything to tell auntie, as long as auntie can do it, she will do it for you."

Yuxi said, "Auntie, I don’t want many people to know about what happened that night." Originally, her advantage was small. If outsiders knew that she dared to kill, it would be even harder to say a good marriage. Up.

The Qiu clan smiled and said, "What is my business? Don't worry, I have already ordered, they dare not talk nonsense." Most of these people in the main courtyard are Qiu clan's confidants, even if they are not confidantes, they have won. Yuxi's life-saving grace, how dare to gossip about Yuxi.

Yuxi was relieved: "That's all right." She didn't want others to think that she was bolder, and even dared to do murder.

Qiu's smile said: "You don't have to worry, I will take care of anything, so that you won't be affected by the slightest."

Yuxi lay down obediently and said, "Auntie, there must be a lot of things to deal with in the mess in the house now. I'm fine here. Go ahead!"

Qiu's nodded and went out. Things outside the Guogong Mansion are fine, but things in the inner courtyard are messed up now. Not only had to make up for people to come in, but also had to purchase a lot of things again. In addition, those who were dead had to be buried and paid for pensions, and those who were not dead had to be given to Doctor Silver. The Qiu family was so busy that he wanted to change one person into two. Finally, as a last resort, let Yuru come and help.

ps brothers and sisters! ! The monthly ticket war has started, and June needs your fire support. Now is the critical period for one monthly ticket to top two tickets. Hurry up, don’t you want to see the gorgeous scene with the puppet's egg yolk overflowing?~ The rebirth of a prostitute