The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 148: Evildoer 10


Back at Tao Ranju, Yuxi heard Mo Ju waiting for her in the yard. Mo Ju was given to Meng Xiaofeng by Yuxi, because Mo Ju became pregnant not long after she got married, and Yuxi did not let her come back after giving birth, so she and Meng Xiaofeng were in charge of the grocery store together. As soon as I walked into the yard, I saw Mo Ju whose eyes were red and swollen from crying. Yuxi asked, "Is there something wrong with the grocery store."

Mo Ju cried and said, "Girl, a group of hooligans came here today, and they smashed our grocery store and steamed bun shop. The work in the store was injured."

Yuxi asked hurriedly, "Guan Shi was also injured? Is the injury serious?"

Mo Ju cried and said, "When the hooligans came to smash the shop, the head of the house happened to be out to collect the bills."

Yuxi was relieved when he heard this. This was also good news. Yuxi turned her head and asked Perilla to pick up one hundred taels of silver notes, and said, "First take the money to the guy in the shop, and I will send it when it's not enough."

Mo Ju didn't receive the bank note, and said, "Girl, the shop is broken, and I can't do business for the time being." Mo Ju was afraid that these people would come again.

Yuxi said: "Something happened in the mansion recently, you should also know. For the time being, close the shop and open it when the incident is over. By the way, you can send someone a message to Fang’s mother and ask her to quickly put the buns. Shop closed."

But it was too late for Yuxi to say this. After half an hour, Yuxi got the news. Those rascals also went to the steamed bun shop managed by Fang's mother. However, Lianshan's popularity is very good, and the people around him Seeing something was wrong, he immediately came over and drove the troublemaker away. Because people were quickly driven away, only a few tables were broken, and the loss was not great.

Yuxi heard that Fang’s mother was okay, and said to Lai: “The bun shop will not be opened for now. Safety is the most important thing. She also told Fang’s mother that she should pay special attention to safety in the recent period.”

After receiving the news, Fang's mother was very worried. She was not worried for herself, but for Yuxi. Fang's mother and Lian Shan said: "The girl has been doing well, and I don't know what's getting in the eyes of the lord of the county and Shou? It's really a disaster, and I don't know how the girl is now?"

Lian Shan said: "Before you said that this and the Lord of Shou County bought people to go to the Guogong Mansion to kill people and set people on fire. I still don't believe it. Now look at it, this rumor is really true. Can also set fire to kill.

Fang’s mother couldn’t help cursing Heshou County’s head: “I think it’s a monster, a monster who specializes in harming people.”

Lian Shan also felt that the county lord Heshou was evil all over: "The bun shop is closed! When this matter is over, then you can open it. You should not go out during this period. Just stay at home. What's the matter for Mrs. An? Just do it." No matter how evil the county lord and Shou County are, she is also a royal lady. Is this kind of blending with them? Fang's mother nodded and said: "Okay, I won't go out recently. But I am very worried about the girl." The head of Heshou County wanted to burn her family's girl to death. This time it won't work, who knows what other methods will be used next time. .

Lian Shan also felt that the Four Girls was really unlucky, and it was not unlucky to be stared at by such a wicked evildoer: "As long as the Four Girls do not go out of the government, there will be no life danger." That night was an exception. If it weren't for the palace change, even if a culprit broke into the country. The government will not be succeeded by them. It is absolutely impossible to sneak into the Guogong Mansion to kill and set fire.

Mother Fang thought for a while and said, "When you take a break, come with me to the temple!" She had to ask the Bodhisattva to bless the girl.

Lian Shan knew that Mother Fang had been uneasy ever since she heard the rumors outside, and nodded and said, "Okay, after two days, the yamen will not be busy. I will take a leave to accompany you." Put incense on the Bodhisattva and let the four girls go. It is also good to go unlucky.

Yuxi went to the main courtyard and saw Qiu's anger. He walked over and asked, "Auntie, what's the matter?" There have been too many things happening in the mansion recently, and there is no happy event.

The Qiu clan said: "It's not a good thing that the evildoer did." Since the Qiu clan knew that it was Heshou's handwriting that night, he directly referred to it as the evildoer.

Mama Li explained a bit next to her. It turned out that the Guogongfu's shop and Qiu's business have been suppressed and destroyed to varying degrees. Now the shop can't do business normally and has to go out of business. In this way, the government suffered a great loss.

Yuxi calmed down and said: "Auntie don't be angry. It's better than my few shops when they are closed. They are all smashed and the buddies are also injured. Both the medical expenses and the future decoration expenses of the shop are a large sum of money. Woolen cloth!"

Qiu's voice suddenly became louder: "What did you say? Your shop was smashed?" Seeing Yuxi nodded, Qiu cried out: "This evildoer is acting so arrogantly. She dared to smash our shop, and I will let you People smashed her shop."

Yuxi said hurriedly, "Auntie, this matter is not proper. It was originally on our side, but if we also smashed her shop, then we were justified and unreasonable."

The Qiu family swept away Yuxi, and said, "Whatever is ignored, they are all bullied to the door of the house, can't you fight back."

At this moment, the young man next to him ran over and said, "Madam, it's not good, the second master was taken away by the Yamen."

Qiu's face turned pale: "What's the matter?" It's a trivial matter when the shop is locked up or smashed, but the safety of the son is the most important thing.

Yuxi heard that Han Jianye killed someone and was taken away by the yamen, and said: "Auntie, don't worry, second brother is not the kind of improper person, this must be strange." Since Han Jianjun and Han Jiancheng had an accident. , Han Jianye followed more than a dozen people. If Han Jianye had previously been reluctant to ask for it, he would know that the situation was special, and he would not refuse. Unexpectedly, He Shou used this to calculate his second brother.

The Qiu clan was extremely annoyed: "This evildoer, why didn't the monk come to take her away? No, the monk still embarrassed her, and the monk couldn't believe it." Qiu clan hated him so much that he would hate the villain Heshou, cursing her to die early. Superborn.

Liu Yue came in and said, "Madam, the maid next to Shi Ziye came over and said to invite the four girls to the study."

The Qiu family frowned and said, "What are you going to do at this time?" How can Yuxi be a child.

Yuxi smiled and said to Qiu's family: "Auntie, maybe the eldest brother is looking for something to do with me, so I'll go and have a look first." It is probably the second elder brother that caused the eldest brother's headache.

At the door of Han Jianming's study, Yuxi watched Han Jingyan come out from inside with a full face. But because the two were in different directions, Han Jingyan did not see Yuxi.

Yuxi felt bad in her heart. Look, this is a quarrel. Although the eldest brother is recognized as the head of the national government, there is still a relative above him, and he is not a legitimate head of the family. If her father objected, it would be bad. It’s not a good thing that the external troubles have not been eliminated, and internal strife has started again.

When he arrived in the study room, Yuxi saw Han Jianming with a solemn expression: "Big brother, is the second brother's business tricky?"

Han Jianming shook his head and said, "There is nothing serious about your second brother's business, and you will be back later. It's just..." In front of Yuxi, Han Jianming was not good at saying bad things about Han Jingyan.

Naturally, Yuxi would not be so stupid as to actively ask Han Jingyan what he had just come: "Brother, this is no way to go on." He is always passively beaten, and when is he a head.

Han Jianming answered the wrong question and said, "Yuxi, your idea at the time was right."

Yuxi let out a cry: "What's your idea?" Yuxi now feels that the ideas he has made are like tickles to He Shou, and have no substantial effect.

Han Jianming smiled: "You said that letting people know that He Shou uses his own foresight to do bad things will cause everyone to be at risk. The murder and arson may be dubious, but what He Shou does these days, people who care about it will see it. In the eyes." From what He Shou has done to the government these days, it can be seen that He Shou is a cruel and vicious person. How can such a person have the ability to foresee not to be daunted.

Yuxi asked Han Jianming, "Brother, what kind of person do you think Heshou is?"

Han Jianming replied in one word: "Stupid." He really has the ability to foresee, and he should use this ability to do things for the court, and then use this ability to enhance his reputation and reputation. After climbing to a position that no one else can reach, with enough strength and status, money power is still not at your fingertips. But He Shou chose the stupidest path, and even did business on his own, even doing such a big deal, for fear that others would not know it.

After hearing this, Yuxi was silent for a long time. Men are not the same as women. Men's vision is broader, while women's vision is too narrow. For example, He Shou and her are the best examples. He Shou can at least use what she knows to make money, but she dare not do anything for fear of being spotted. Of course, Yuxi didn't feel that her decision was wrong. Before she had enough ability to protect herself, leaking too many things that she shouldn't know would only be suspected and cause disaster for herself.

Seeing Yuxi's tangled face, Han Jianming couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking?" Although Yuxi sometimes thinks very naively, she does not deny that she is making progress, and she is making rapid progress.

Yuxi smiled and said, "Big brother sees the problem very long-term, but I have been stuck at one-third of an acre."

Han Jianming rarely praised Yuxi, and said: "You are already pretty good." Not to mention Yuxi's vision, at least Yuxi has jumped out of the inner house after seeing the problem and looked outside.

It's rare to be praised once, but it's a pity that Yuxi didn't have any joy in her heart: "Brother, in fact, the inner house and the front yard are also closely related."

Han Jianming nodded and said, "Don't think about it so much. Many things are done step by step. No one is born with it. You are still young now and you have enough time to study."

The meaning of this is to allow her to come to watch more in the future. Yuxi grinned and said, "Thank you, brother." She has to be married for at least four years, and four years of study time is enough. At that time, no matter what family she married to, she would not be afraid anymore.

Yuxi returned to Tao Ranju happily. Before she could catch her breath, she heard Kufu coming over and said, "Girl, madam, please come to Bitengyuan."

Zisu walked to Yuxi's side and said, "Girl, I heard that the master is also in Bitengyuan." In this case, there is usually nothing good.

Yuxi said: "Yes, he can still eat me?" It's nothing more than a bad heart that vented her. But even if she was angry, it was just a curse, or punished her to copy the scriptures or something. It doesn't matter anyway, just bear it.

ps: When one vote arrives at two, you can do it when it's time to do it, don’t hesitate... ^