The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 164: Yip's production 2


The weather at the end of September was already a bit cold. After Yuxi finished her morning exercise in the yard, she wiped her sweat with a towel. Looking at the red sun rising in the east, I felt very happy.

The good mood didn't last long, after she came out after bathing and changing clothes. Zisu said one thing to her: "Girl, the grandmother was born, she was born in Mao Shi, a sister."

Yuxi sighed slightly and nodded: "I see." Although she hopes that the Ye family will have a son, the reality is so helpless. Trouble is troublesome, as long as it doesn't fall into the same situation in the previous life, it should not be bad.

After breakfast, Yuxi took the perilla to the main courtyard. As soon as I entered the yard, I noticed that the atmosphere was not right. The maids in the yard lowered their heads, and even walked cautiously.

Liu Yue was standing at the door of the house, and when she saw Yuxi, she walked over and whispered: "Girl, madam is getting angry! Go in later!"

Yuxi asked, "What happened?" In fact, Yuxi probably knows why Qiu is angry. It is estimated that it is difficult for Ye's to get pregnant.

Liu Yue said to Yuxi’s ear: “The doctor said that grandma would be difficult to regenerate in the future. The lady was very strange at the time, saying that grandma had no dystocia, how could it not be able to regenerate. As a result, the doctor said that grandma’s physique was too cold and it was difficult to conceive. It’s a blessing to be pregnant with this baby. Madam was very angry when she found out."

Yuxi was hesitant to go in.

Liuyue said upon seeing this: "The lady is talking to Mama Li, and she won't be able to finish it for a while. The girl should go back first, and come back later."

Yuxi didn't want to get involved in this matter. After all, she was still young, and it was no good to get involved in this matter. After thinking for a while, Yuxi said, "Okay, then I'll go see my sister-in-law and my niece first."

Qiu clan was so angry, if Ye clan was injured by dystocia and couldn't regenerate, then she had nothing to say. But Ye's is very difficult to conceive and cannot give birth, which makes her especially angry. Ye clan has been concealing such a big matter, and it has been concealing it until now. If she didn’t find out, would she continue to hide it: "You have seen how I treated her in the past few years. She has been taking medicine, and I never said anything, even a maid. I didn't put it to Ming'er. But what about her?" This feeling of being deceived is terrible.

Mother Li didn't expect the big breasts to be so courageous. It was very difficult for her to conceive. She even let the two common rooms drink avoiding soup all the time: "Madam, things are already like this, and it won't help to investigate the previous things. We. Now I have to think about what to do in the future? It will be really difficult for the Qiu family to calm down: "Look what Minger said. "

Mother Li remembered Shi Ziye's expression when he heard what the imperial doctor said, and said hesitantly: "Madam, I don't know if I have been thinking about it. I always think Shi Ziye knows about this." If you don't know, Shi Ziye doesn't. It might be that calm.

Qiu's thought of his son's look was wrong, too: "Go and call Minger over."

Mother Li shook her head and said, "Madam, after the grandmother had given birth, the housekeeper came in to report the matter, and the eldest son went out."

The Qiu clan thought for a moment and said, "Then go to the upper court." Ye clan was chosen by the old lady, not her. Now that Ye's did something like this, he must let the old lady know. By the way, what does the old lady have.

Yuxi didn't know Qiu's entanglement, she saw Yuru coming as soon as she left the main courtyard. After Yuru decided to kiss herself, the whole person showed a peaceful and peaceful temperament, which surprised Yuxi. She had never seen such a Yuru before: "Eldest sister, auntie has something to discuss, it may take a while." It is also a reminder. As for how Yuru chooses, that's Yuru's business.

Yuru looked calm, and asked, "Where are the four sisters going?" When Yuxi was about to go to the rosin courtyard, Yuru said, "Then I will go to the rosin courtyard with the fourth sister!"

After walking a few steps, Yuru whispered to Yuxi, "Sister Si, thank you that day."

This inexplicable remark made Yuxi confused: "Thank you for what?" She hadn't seen Yuru during this period of time, so thank you so much.

Yu Ru lowered her voice and said, "The close-knit maid of the Fourth Young Master Xiang Family is pregnant, and I only found out a few days ago." The maid became pregnant without getting married. It was too unruly.

Yuxi was a little strange, but there was no such thing before: "It seems that Young Master Xiang hasn't made a marriage yet? How did this happen? And how did the eldest sister know about this?" This kind of thing should not be hidden. Pinch, how can it still come out.

Yu Ru shook his head and said, "I heard that Madam Xiang gave the maid an abortion pill, but she was killed. The maid's family is a good citizen. It was only after the incident came to Xiang's house that she had trouble with her in the future."

Yuxi didn’t pay much attention to Xiang’s family. During this time, she concentrated on reading books and did not pay attention to the gossip things outside: “Xiang’s family won’t even be able to cover this matter. This must be caused by someone deliberately trying to make things worse. ."

A smile appeared on Yu Ru's face: "I don't know about this. But I heard that Mrs. Xiang asked the Fourth Young Master to marry a girl from the Changping Hou's family a few days ago. Now it looks like it should be out of play."

Yuxi nodded and said, "Xiang's family has caused this incident. This marriage must have been ruined. On the condition of the fourth young master of Xiang's family, this has happened again. Don't think about the right person." Originally, Xiang family could marry the right person. The concubine, but this kind of thing happened, that is, even the concubine could not be married. I can only find it in the low-end houses.

Yuru is very thankful now, fortunately that he changed his mind and did not choose Xiangjia. Otherwise, I have to be wronged to death: "Just like the Fourth Young Master of the Xiang family, whoever marries him will be unlucky."

Yuxi nodded: "It's really incompetent and moral. This kind of person is really not a good match. It's right for the eldest sister to not choose him that day." After that, he added another sentence and said, "It's better to be the young master of the Zeng family."

Yuru thought of the Zeng Family Master, a smile appeared on his face. Since she married the young master Zeng, Master Zeng has bought some things and sent them to the mansion from time to time. This makes Yuru, who has always only pleased others, flattered and rejoiced: "Well, I am very lucky now!"

Yuxi glanced at the back and saw Qingxuan behind, and then whispered; "Eldest sister, are you planning to marry Qingxuan with you?"

Yu Ru didn't understand the meaning of these words: "I must bring Qing Xuan with me when I get married." Qing Xuan is her most trusted person, and she is also her arm, and she is uneasy if she does not take her there.

Yuxi feels that Qingxuan knows too much about Yuru, and can also influence Yuru's decision. Such a maid can be an arm, but she definitely can't be an aunt: "Qing Xuan is also eighteen this year, and the eldest sister should treat her Married, let her be a daughter-in-law with the past." Ruo Qingxuan's aunt will definitely be very unfavorable for Yuru.

Yu Ru smiled and said: "Well, Qing Xuan's marriage is set, right at the end of the year. After she gets married, I will let her be the stewardess in my yard."

Yuxi is not interested in who Qing Xuan marries, as long as she knows that Qing Xuan will not be Zeng Kezhou's aunt, that's enough: "That's good."

The two of them arrived at the rosin yard soon, and at this time Ye's hadn't woken up yet. Inside and out was the wife of Hua from the Root House.

After seeing everyone, Mrs. Hua smiled and said, "The eldest girl and the fourth girl are here."

Yuxi didn't treat Mrs. Hua politely either, and said directly: "We are here to see the eldest sister." The child was still young and didn't take the name, so he was called the eldest sister for the time being.

Mrs. Hua led the two to the side room: "The girl waits here, I'll take the eldest sister out." The eldest sister will be next to the Ye family.

When Yeh was pregnant, he was fed up with sins. She had fetal gas several times during her pregnancy. Although she was born at full term, Yuxi was very worried about the child's health. The main reason is that Aunt Rong's matter is before, and I am worried that the child is in good health and normal. But looking at the child that Ms. Hua took out, a smile appeared on his face: "It looks really good." Yuxi said that he looks good, because the child looks healthy and not ill.

Yu Ru was very surprised and said: "This child looks like a monkey, where does it look good?" The skin was wrinkled, like an old man, she really didn't see where it was better.

Mrs. Hua didn't get angry, she just smiled and said, "This is the case for children who are just born. It will be fine after two days."

After seeing the child, the two went out of the rosin courtyard. Yuru went directly to her yard and continued embroidering her dowry, while Yuxi said to Zisu: "Go to Tingyun Pavilion."

From a distance, I heard a melodious flute. Yuxi said to Shisu in amazement, "Could it be that the third sister didn't know that the sister-in-law gave birth?"

Zisu looked at the sky speechlessly: "Girl, you ask me, who am I going to ask?" It is not ordinary difficult to inquire about Tingyun Pavilion. Therefore, Shisu never asked about Tingyun Pavilion.

When he arrived at Tingyun Pavilion, Yuxi asked Yuru: "Sister, my eldest sister gave birth to a sister."

Yuchen nodded and said, "I know! I'll know after practicing the piano, but the sister-in-law hasn't woken up yet, and I will go to see her when she wakes up. The fourth sister has been there?"

Yuxi nodded and said, "Well, I just came from the Roosy Garden."

Yuchen smiled and asked: "If the fourth sister is not in a hurry to rush back, how about listening to me play a piece? The fourth sister seems to have not listened to me playing the piano and flute for a long time."

Yuxi smiled: "It's true that I haven't listened to the third sister playing the piano and flute for a long time." During this time, Yuchen was busy, and she was not free. Yuxi also knew in his heart that there would be fewer and fewer opportunities to listen to Yuchen playing the piano in the future.

Many things are now different from what they remembered. In her previous life, Yuchen met the ten princes next year. She was married when she was fifteen and married at sixteen. But now the two have met. Yuchen often goes to the palace, and she and the tenth prince must also meet frequently. As for what changes will happen in the future, Yuxi can't say for sure. I only hope that Yuchen can marry the tenth princes smoothly, and finally there will be nothing wrong with it. As for herself, well, I haven't thought about that much for the time being.

ps: O(∩_∩)O~, Yeh gave birth to a daughter, did you guess it