The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 21: Deep water 3


Yuxi took the initiative to say to Yuchen: "Sister, let's go see the eldest sister in the afternoon, okay?"

Yuchen was a little surprised. In Yuchen’s impression, Yuxi had always been indifferent to their sisters, not alienated, but not close, but she was still very happy for Yuxi’s initiative to show her favor: "Okay, let's go together. ."

After lunch and a short break, Yuxi started writing big characters again. After writing a hundred words, she put down her brush, rubbed her hands and exclaimed, "I don't know when it will end." She is now going through the test of Mr. Song. She didn't believe that Mr. Song would toss like this for three consecutive months. No one can stand such a tossing, and Yuchen is no exception.

In order to cheer Yuxi's mother, Shen's mother said, "At most half a month will be fine."

Yuxi muttered hope so. Rubbing her eyes, not only her shoulders and hands hurt, but her eyes are often sore. Yuxi suddenly remembered something. There is a tank of fish in Yuchen's house. The fish tank is still glass, and you can see the fish swimming freely among the floating green water plants. She was very envious when she saw it, but now, Yuxi felt that the fish tank might not just be beautiful. Yuxi said, "Mother Shen, don't you think there is something missing in the house?"

Shen's mother knew that there must be something wrong with Yuxi's question. Yuxi rarely chats with her unless there is something wrong. Of course, Yuxi rarely chats with Mo Ju and Mo Tao, and she didn't make Mother Shen doubt anything: "Girl, what's missing in the house?"

Yuxi smiled and said, "If you keep a tank of fish in the house, it looks pleasing to the eye."

Shen's mother thought she knew what Yuxi meant, and said with some embarrassment: "Girl, the fish tank of the third girl is her glass fish tank sent by Ping Qinghou, and it was not bought in the mansion."

Yuxi really wanted to vomit. Why did she feel that she coveted Yuchen's things every time? In the eyes of these people, she was so shallow, or that she was too small and wanted to be greedy when she saw good things. Yuxi suppressed her discomfort and said, "I didn't say that I must have a glass fish tank. I just want to keep two fish in the house. It's good to look at the fish when it's okay." Although she didn't know that there would be one in the house. What's the role of aquarium fish, but you can be sure if you learn from Yuchen.

Mother Shen couldn't figure out Yuxi's thoughts, but she nodded her head and said, "Okay."

When Mr. Song said that school was over in the afternoon, Yujing immediately packed her things and prepared to leave Yulan Garden.

Yuxi looked at Yujing who had packed up her things and was about to go back, and asked, "Second Sister, don't you go to see the eldest sister with us?"

Yu Jing said, "I have something else to do. I will see the eldest sister another day."

Yuchen shook his head secretly, this second sister was really spoiled, and the sisterhood was ignored: "Fourth sister, let's go!"

As they walked and talked, the distance became very short, as if they reached the courtyard where Yuru lived in the blink of an eye.

Yuru’s yard did not plant flowers, but planted jujube trees, which looked a bit monotonous.

When the two entered the room, they saw Yuru who was pale and bloodless lying on the bed. Yuxi walked to the bed anxiously and asked, "Big sister, are you better?"

Yuru nodded and said, "It's much better now."

Yuchen said with concern: "Sister, take care of your illness. Don't worry about your schoolwork. When you get better, I will lend you the notes, and you will definitely be able to catch up." Yuchen really thinks that Yuru is too overworked. Fei and fell ill.

Yu Ru said weakly, "I am afraid I can't keep up after a few days of delay." Not to mention the delay for several days, I can't keep up without delay.

Yuchen didn't notice the bitterness in Yuru's words, and said, "Sister, don't worry. When you get better, we will ask Mr. Song to make up a lesson for you in private."

Yuru coughed vigorously after hearing this. She finally got rid of Mr. Song, and was sent to the door again after she recovered. She is not looking for abuse!

Looking at Yuru's performance, Yuxi became more certain that Yuru was deliberately ill. However, she is not going to go into it. Yuru has nothing to do with her: "Now the most important thing is to recover from the disease first, and then wait until the disease is cured." Just like this, Yuru is well ill. I will never go to school again.

The two accompany Yuru for a short conversation and then leave.

Looking at the tangled expression on Yuru's face, Zhu Xuan whispered: "Girl, don't think too much, the most important thing is to maintain a good body."

Yu Ru whispered: "I won't regret it." She said no regrets, but she still felt unwilling to see the intact Yuchen and Yuxi. Why are they prostitutes, why are they so beloved by God, everything is good.

On the way back, Shi Shu said in a low voice to Yuchen: "Girl, I just asked, the girl was blown open by the wind when the window was not closed last night, and the girl was caught by the wind and cold." After hearing such important news, we can see how loose Yuru's yard management is.

Yuchen frowned, eldest sister shouldn't do such a thing!

Shi Shu thought that Yuchen hadn't heard what she was saying, and hurriedly said: "Girl, the maid can't be so careless that even the window is not closed. And the previous day has been fine, why did the good-looking window not be closed yesterday? ?"

Yuchen looked calm, and said, "Just tell me this, don't tell the second person anymore. Grandma is not allowed to say it." She just didn't think about it before, but now Shi Shu said that to her. Naturally doubt. Yuru has always been in good health. After only five days of studying, he was tired and sick. It's just that it doesn't sound good to say it, so she doesn't want to pay attention to it anymore.

Both the old lady and the Qiu family knew that Yuru deliberately got sick to avoid going to school, but no one broke it down, so she still asked her doctor for medicine.

Mr. Song did not slow down the teaching process because Yuru fell ill. She only spent a day and a half talking about the common names, and in the afternoon recounted the advantages and disadvantages of the tasks written by the three people.

This time Mr. Song praised Yuxi: "The four girls have made great progress, but they still need to continue to work hard." Yuxi gave Mr. Song a big surprise.

Yuxi was ashamed.

There are praises and criticisms. The object of criticism is naturally Yujing: "Second girl, you have not finished your schoolwork in the past few days. If you do this again, you won't use it in the future." Did not finish the homework. There is no need to beat the heart, Yujing now focuses on endorsement, and she never finishes her homework in one go.

Yujing's face turned white. She has worked hard for so long, but she doesn't want to be kicked out of class by her husband again: "Sir, I will work hard."

After the class, Mr. Song called Yuchen into his room: "Mrs. Three, the performance of these two days is much worse than the previous day. What is the reason?" With Yuchen's qualifications, such a thing shouldn't happen. Mr. Song is still very concerned about this student who has already been scheduled.

Yuchen's face flushed, but under Mr. Song's compelling question, she could only say: "I have been practicing writing with my left hand these past two days."

Mr. Song was stunned for two seconds, but he reacted quickly: "Did you want to learn to write with your left hand because the four girls write with your left hand?"

Yu Chen nodded slowly.

Mr. Song felt that Yu Chen was too strong, and said, "Miss San, have you ever heard of the three hundred and sixty line best champions?"

Yuchen nodded and said: "I have heard of it. This means that no matter what line you do, you must do it well and make it unmatched by others."

Mr. Song couldn't help sighing. The old lady's expectations of the three girls were too high, and she wanted her to be better than others. Didn't you know that this is a heavy burden for the child: "Three hundred and sixty trips. The champion, this means that no matter where you are, there will be excellent talents. Fortunately, there are chess masters in the chess art world, and painting immortals in the painting art world... And it is impossible for one person to learn how to master all things. "

Yuchen understood what Mr. Song was about to say: "Mister meant that it was a waste of energy for me to learn from my fourth sister to write with my left hand?"

Mr. Song nodded and said, "Yes, you can do better or other things if you have this time."

Yu Chen's expression was a little unnatural.

Mr. Song really likes Yuchen, and she has already taught Yuchen as her own student. Otherwise, she wouldn’t say these things today: "Mrs. Three, you are talented and started much higher than others, but no matter how talented you are. It is impossible to be clever to learn everything. Three girls, you have to know that a person's energy is limited."

Yuchen knew that Mr. Song was good for her, but still said: "Sir, I have to learn piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and singing." This is the task set by her grandmother, and she can't avoid it.

Mr. Song said: "If you want to learn, I will naturally teach, but three girls, you have to remember that there is a difference between learning and learning."

Yuchen said sincerely: "Sir, I remember. I will study hard and learn all these things well and finely."

Mr. Song nodded when meeting. Although Yuchen is a little proud and proud, he can accept other people’s opinions. It is Mr. Song's expectation of Yuchen.

Yuchen smiled and said, "Thank you, sir."

Yuxi looked at Yu Chen who was relieved after he came back, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. The guidance of a famous teacher is different. With a famous teacher, there will be fewer detours. Today Yuchen is still very immature, but when he grows up, Yuchen is outstanding in everything, and he can't breathe with everyone around him. Even now she is a little ashamed.

The three-character classics and the surnames were taught in only five days. Next, Mr. Song began to teach "Thousand Characters".

Yuxi looked at the book "Thousand Characters" and suddenly fell into irritability.

Mo Ju asked, "Girl, what's the matter?"

Yuxi was a little irritable: "I'm tired of writing, I want to go for a walk." Looking at this book, Yuxi thought of a question, can she really change her destiny by learning these things? Really encounter difficulties or live out, can these things help her? Obviously, no.