The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 27: Good students with disabilities


Update time: 2014-08-08 08:45:57 Words: 2925

On the way back, Qiu asked strangely: "What does Yuxi mean? Why do you have to buy a maid outside?"

Mother Li smiled and said: "The relationship between the maids in the mansion is very complicated. Why not go outside to find a maid with an innocent background, so that you will be able to summon them smoothly." The girl must have hated Aunt Rong and Yujing. The fourth girl is no longer the child who was obedient, and she doesn't know what she will do. Mother Li sometimes finds it unbelievable, but she has changed so much after being ill.

The doctor's medicine was very good, and the swelling of Yuxi's feet disappeared the next day, but because the doctor said that she would still need to lie in bed for a few days to heal, the maids around her would not let her get out of bed. Yuxi thought about going to the school tomorrow, and instructed Shen's mother to find the four ruthless wives, so that she could be carried to Magnolia Garden tomorrow.

Shen's mother persuaded Yuxi and said, "Girl, school is important, but legs are more important. It's not too late to wait for the legs to get better."

Yuxi said, "Mr. Song teaches four or five days for other gentlemen. Do you think I can keep up with my legs?" I can't keep up with the homework for the next day, let alone a few days. She won't give up the chance that was finally won so easily.

Mo Ju said anxiously, "Girl, but you can't walk with your legs, you can't listen to the class even when you go to class!"

Yuxi laughed and said, "I hurt my leg, not my head and hands, so why can't I listen to the lesson?" I can't walk or hug. Lying on the soft couch is the safest way.

Both Mrs. Han and Qiu had no objection to Yuxi's decision. It is a good thing for children to be motivated, and adults will block them.

On the second day, Yuxi was carried to Yulan Garden.

Mr. Song came back in the morning and didn't know about Yuxi's leg injury. Hearing Yuxi being carried over, he walked out immediately. It happened to see Yuxi being held on the chair by Shen's mother, and stepped forward and asked, "Fourth girl, what happened to your leg?"

Yuxi explained with some embarrassment: "Sir, I accidentally sprained my foot yesterday. The doctor said that I could not move and could not salute my husband. Please forgive me." Mr. Song can find out the cause of her injury through other channels, but Can't speak from her mouth.

Mr. Song glanced at Yuxi unexpectedly. She has been teaching for so many years, and many girls can’t stand her teaching method for various reasons. For example, it’s the first time that she can bring injuries to class: "If this is the case, you should take care of it. , Why come to school?"

Yuxi said, "I'm afraid that I will not be able to keep up with my homework. Besides, I just hurt my leg, which doesn't hinder the lecture, but I can't finish the homework assigned by my husband. However, when my leg is healed, I will definitely make it up. "It's okay to endorse or something, but it's not enough to write so many words.

Mr. Song looked very good and said, "It's okay."

During class, Mr. Song didn't stop Yuxi from memorizing the text because of her leg injury. Fortunately, Yuxi didn't get lazy because of his leg injury, otherwise he would have to be beaten. It's hard to say, Yuxi has already been beaten once.

During the break, Mo Ju saw Mr. Song walk out of the class, and rushed into the class like an arrow. Looking at Yuxi who was packing things, he asked quickly: "Girl, does your leg hurt?"

Yuxi smiled and said, "I'm fine." Except for writing slowly, everything else was the same as usual.

Thinking of this, Yuxi said to Yuchen: "Sister Sister, can I borrow your notes to take a look?" The writing was slow and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the husband.

Yuchen smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll give it to you when get out of class is over." Because Yuxi went to school with injuries, Yuchen was very satisfied with her. Yuxi's behavior proved that the girl from Guogong Mansion was not that weak.

After class, Mr. Song said to Yuxi: "You will rest in the next room at noon, so you don't have to go back and forth."

Yuxi knew that although the room next to him was simple, but there was a Kang in the room, as long as it was covered with bedding: "Thank you, Mr. Song." Mr. Song was still somewhat human.

Not long after eating lunch, Mrs. Ding told Mr. Song what she had inquired: “The fourth girl didn’t hurt her leg by herself. It was the second girl who pushed her to the ground and sprained her.”

Mr. Song gave a cold snort, which was really hopeless. Mr. Song thought of one thing and asked: "Why did the four girls change so much?" The difference between what they heard and what they saw was the difference between the heavenly capsules, and Mr. Song became suspicious.

Mrs. Ding hesitated for a while, and whispered to Mr. Song: "The girl had smallpox on the fourth day of the year. Mrs. Han called the doctor who treated the fourth girl halfway. The people in the government said that the fourth girl had a hard life and died no matter what. No more."

Mr. Song asked, "Speak clearly, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Ding told the news before and after: "The fourth girl used to be weak and cowardly tempered, and she did not say anything when she was bullied. However, after the smallpox, her temperament changed drastically. This is why the news we received is so different from reality. In and out."

Mr. Song's expression is not very good-looking: "There is such a partiality." It is really chilling for such an elder to be able to ignore the life of his granddaughter for the sake of his grandson. After such a thing, the four girls' temperament changed a lot and it was normal.

Granny Ding is actually a little worried. The third girl grew up in front of the old lady. If she also learns from the old lady Han, it would not be beautiful: "Sir, the three girls are only one in a million talents. There is only such a grandmother. I am afraid that the third girl will also be affected."

Mr. Song shook his head and said: "The third girl is still young, even if she is affected by Mrs. Han. As long as I teach well, there will be no problem. The fourth girl..." After a pause, Mr. Song asked softly: "Doctor's matter, do the four girls know or not?" Mr. Song asked back like this, also because someone would help conceal some things.

Mother Ding said: "I know. I heard her say that the day the doctor did not come was the day the fourth girl woke up." Even if the fourth girl was sick and unconscious, someone would definitely tell her afterwards.

Mr. Song fell into deep thought.

Granny Ding said again: "Sir, after the fourth girl recovered from the illness, the old lady sent her biological mother to her mother in charge. Now the mother in charge of the Rose House and a close servant are both of the old lady."

Mr. Song's face changed slightly, and Mrs. Han's behavior was too excessive: "How did the four girls settle her, the mother in charge?" Seeing Yuxi's behavior, she shouldn't ignore the mother in charge.

Mrs. Ding said with emotion: "This mother made delicious buns, so the fourth girl opened a bun shop for her. I heard that the business is very good, and now I can make three or forty taels of silver a month! I heard about these. All the money was given to the four girls." It was a bun shop that was opened for the mother in charge, but in fact it was to make money for himself.

Mr. Song whispered: "I can't see through the four girls when you say that."

Granny Ding also felt that Yuxi made her a little scared: "Yes, it's really not easy for a child who was just a governor to be so peaceful after encountering such unfair things." Her master is also early, but There is no such horror as the four girls,

Mr. Song also felt that Yuxi was a bit too precocious, but thinking about what happened to her, it was not difficult to understand: "From the perspective of her mother, the four girls have a good temperament."

Yuxi didn't know that Mr. Song and Mrs. Ding were talking about her at this time. At this time she just woke up, Yuxi didn't take a long nap, only slept for two quarters of an hour, and woke up at that point.

In the past, after nap, Yuxi watched when she had time to write in big characters, but today she couldn't write in big characters, so she changed to endorsement. Because it was not in his own yard, the voice of endorsement was lowered. However, no matter how low the voice is, it can't escape the eyes of the maid in the yard.

Ms. Ding heard the voice of Yuxi's endorsement and asked Mr. Song: "Will your husband accept the four girls as students?" Although Yuxi behaved very well, Ding felt that Yuxi was thinking too much.

Mr. Song did not answer this question. Yuxi's talent is not bad, but also very hardworking, but there is still a big gap between Yu Chen.

It took ten days for Yuxi's legs to be raised.

After class was over that day, Mr. Song did not leave immediately, but asked Yuchen and Yuxi to stay and gave them a class schedule.

Yuxi looked at the schedule, which read: learn musical instruments in the morning; calligraphy and attend classes in the morning; and chess and painting in the afternoon.

Mr. Song looked at Yuxi and said, "Four girls, which musical instrument are you going to learn." The third girl has already learned the piano and no longer needs to choose, but Yuxi has never touched an instrument.

Yuxi shook her head and said, "Sir, I don't know which musical instrument to choose?" She hadn't touched an musical instrument in her previous life, so she chose it randomly, so it would be better to let Mr. Song help her choose.

Mr. Song thought for a while and said, "Then you choose Guzheng!"

Yuxi is not very interested in musical instruments, but since her husband wants to teach her, she will definitely not refuse. People like them, even if they are not proficient in music theory, have to understand something.

Yuchen said, "Sir, I still want to learn the flute again." Only learning piano art is too monotonous, and you have to learn at least two subjects to get it right.

Mr. Song shook his head and said, "First learn the piano art, and then learn other instruments." Yiduo doesn't push himself down, but he must have the same proficiency.

Yuchen nodded.

Before leaving, Mr. Song said, “From today on, you insist on writing a hundred characters every day. You don’t have to give it to me after you write it.” This means that it is entirely conscious whether to write or not, but Mr. Song is not worried. The two are lazy.