The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 33: New Year


When Yuxi heard that Fang’s mother said that she had recognized that Xiaowei as a goddaughter, her face changed slightly, and she no longer cryptically reminded, but directly said: "Is this family reliable? Will it be for your mother’s craftsmanship? Yes?" Earning three or forty taels a month is not a big deal for the master of the government, but it is a very attractive income for ordinary people.

Fang's mother shook her head quickly: "No, they didn't say that they let me accept a disciple. I like that child myself, so I came up with this idea."

Yuxi said bluntly: "Mom, I don't agree." It's not that Yuxi didn't let Mama Fang recognize a goddaughter, and she didn't believe Mama Fang's eyesight.

Fang's mother still wanted to fight and said, "Girl, Xiaowei's family is also very rich, they won't covet my craftsmanship." She almost said that Yuxi was worried.

Mother Fang would think so, mainly because she felt that the craft was nothing extraordinary, and it was not worthy of such calculations.

Yuxi sighed slightly and said, "Mom, after a while, I will accompany you to adopt one at the Citizens' Home. Mom, the children raised since childhood are more reassuring than the apprentices who have been halfway through." After a while, Yuxi said again: "In case the adopted child is unscrupulous, my mother still has me, I will give my mother the end of the care."

Mother Fang was so heartbroken that she said, "Girl, I just looked at Xiaowei very much like my daughter who died young. Since the girl said she was unreliable, then forget it." Mother Fang had been married, but it was a pity that she had a bad life. In her second year, her husband disappeared, and her daughter disappeared when she was four years old.

Yuxi felt a little guilty: "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned these things." She could say it more tactfully.

Fang's mother shook her head: "I know the girl is good for me. It's just that the shop is very busy now, and I don't have the time to take care of the child. I will wait two or three years before I go to the Charity Kindergarten to adopt a child." Although the shop is now making money, But one day you will get old, what do you do when you get old? Adopt a child, you can rely on it when you are old, and you will not be alone.

Yuxi responded, "Okay."

Mother Fang almost forgot about the business that came this time: "Girl, I want to rent a shop next to it to expand the store. Please two more people to help, what do you think?" Mother Fang’s bun shop started selling only buns. It’s just that, in addition to selling steamed buns and steamed buns, they also sell other noodles. The taste is very good. The business hours have changed from morning to one day. This is why the profit is increasing.

Yuxi shook his head and said, "Mom, if your body breaks down, you won't be able to make up for it with any more money." For that little money, Fang's mother would break her body and it wouldn't be worth it.

After persuading for a while, Fang's mother finally gave up the idea of expanding the bun shop.

The two talked until noon, Yuxi left Fang's mother after lunch, and sent a lot of things to Fang's mother when she left. Now Yuxi is loved by the Qiu family. Although he is not rich in money, his clothes and food are very good.

The ruthless lady Yuxi bought, Mrs. Ann hurriedly got out of the shop when she heard the sound of the carriage. He drove the carriage and saw that the carriage was full of things, and his face was full of joy.

Things moved into the house. Madam Ann saw that there were two cyan cloths inside. One is crow green and the other is lilac.

Madam Ann felt a little fond of these two materials, and whispered: "A good material like this would cost several taels of silver!" She hadn't worn such a good material yet.

An old lady used to be an emissary of a merchant. This merchant offended someone and went to jail, and all the servants in the house were sold one by one. It so happened that Yuxi asked Xiang Yang to help buy a powerful maid-in-law, and Xiang Yang bought her. She and Fang's mother have been together for more than half a year, and the relationship is similar to that of sisters.

Mother Fang smiled and said: "These two pieces of material were rewarded by the girl, so you can make new clothes for both." Mother Fang has already got two new clothes, one of which is still a leather jacket.

Madam Ann felt sore in her heart. Where did her family wear such good materials before: "If you can find my family and the children, you can also let them enjoy the good fortune with me." Madam Ann has a husband. The child's, but the family of three are sold separately. She hasn't found it for more than half a year, and every month's money has been spent on finding people, but unfortunately, there is no news yet.

Mother Fang also sympathizes with Mrs. An's experience: "Don't worry, you can find them someday." With such a big capital, it is not easy to find this person. If you change your name, it will be harder to find.

Mrs. An nodded and asked: "Sister Fang, did the girl agree to accepting a disciple?" The mother of the other side of Xiaowei's family was very enthusiastic, but she was not so polite to the subordinate she bought. The first one is the same, the other is the other, and Mrs. Ann tried to dismantle it several times and finally failed. When she saw that her mother wanted to teach Xiaowei the craftsmanship of buns, she was really anxious, and said that it was a matter of great importance to the girl's consent. Fortunately, Fang's mother was very convinced by the girl, and finally adopted her suggestion. Mrs. An only hopes that the girl is smart and can guess that Xiaowei's family is not bad and kind.

Fang's mother shook her head and said, "The girl did not agree. She said that this craft can only be passed on to her own children, not to outsiders." Later adopted children are considered their own.

Mrs. An said in surprise, "My own child? What does this mean?"

Fang's mother relayed what Yuxi said: "I also want to raise a child, and I will have a dependency when I get old. But now I am so busy and I don't have time to take care of the child. I will talk about it in two years."

An old lady couldn't help but exclaimed: "The girl is so kind to her mother." Generally, the women who are released have a bit of face and can't pay more. Whoever thinks so well for Fang's mother like the four girls. Even someone else like her was moved when she saw it. Of course, following such a master, I feel at ease.

Fang's mother likes to hear others praise Yuxi, and said with a smile: "Yes, a girl is a kind-hearted person."

Madam Ann felt that the four girls were also amazing. I didn't even look at the girl, and I knew that this family was not bad and kind, not great. "Mother Fang, did you promise to accept Xiaowei as a goddaughter before? How should you respond now?"

Fang's mother didn't worry about the matter, "just say that the girl won't allow it." Although she let go of her bondage, Fang's mother still treats Yuxi as the master.

Lady An nodded hurriedly: "Sister Fang, you are right. Since the girl doesn't allow it, you can't help it." There is nothing to be afraid of with such a background master.

Mother Fang sorted out the things brought from the Guogong Mansion, and then divided the cakes into several portions and sent them to the neighbors next door. Although Fang's mother is not good at intrigue, she is very kind and gets along well with the people around her. As for Xiaowei's house, Fang's mother was a little guilty, and brought gifts to the door in person.

When Xiaowei's family got the news, they were very annoyed. But they didn't dare to offend Fang's mother, this matter was taken away.

In a blink of an eye, it's the Chinese New Year. Children want to celebrate the New Year the most, while adults dislike the New Year the most, because there are too many things. Qiu’s family has been busy since the twelfth lunar month, and has been busy until the twenty-ninth of the twelfth lunar month.

On New Year's Eve, Mrs. Han and Mrs. Guo Gongfu dressed in court clothes, and went into the palace in an eight-person sedan chair. When I came back, I went to the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors.

Yuxi is a girl in the mansion, except when she goes to the ancestral hall when she is on the genealogy, she doesn't need to go any other time.

The New Year's Eve dinner was held in the main hall. This evening, everyone from my family came. The second master of the Korean government, the Han Jingjun family who had already been separated, also came.

The second elder Han Jingjun is the concubine, and his biological mother is the old concubine of the old man, and the niece of the wife who has already gone first. Han Jingjun's biological mother relied on Mrs. Tai and the old man to toss the old lady, and even wanted to fight for the position of the son, which made the old lady hate her. Unfortunately, Han Jingjun's biological mother died too early, and the old man left a last word when he died, saying that he would let Han Jingjun move out after seven or seven.

Although the old lady did not retaliate against Han Jingjun's family, the family returned to their hometown to keep their filial piety. Waiting three years to come back, it is not appropriate for her to do something again. Therefore, in recent years, the old lady will not let them go to the house except when they come back when they are celebrating the ancestors during the Chinese New Year. Naturally, their branch did not receive any assistance from the National Government.

After dinner, the whole family sat together and talked. At this time, it is also the time when the elders give red envelopes to the younger ones.

Han Jingjun's wife Ma looked at Yuchen and smiled and said, "The third girl gets longer and more beautiful." After speaking, she handed Yuchen a thick red envelope.

Yuchen looked at the old lady, and when she saw the old lady nodding, she answered, "Thank you second aunt."

Ma's complimented Yuchen again, and then handed the red envelope to Yuxi.

Yuxi took the red envelope without gratitude or disdain, and took the purse and said, "Thank you second aunt." The red envelope she got was not as thick as Yuchen. Even a red envelope has to be treated differently, which is really uncomfortable.

This night, Yuxi got a lot of red envelopes.

Yuxi is a girl and doesn't need to keep her years old. When the banquet is over, she takes the maid back to her yard. On this day, the road was full of lights, and the entire Guogong Mansion was brightly lit, so there was no need to carry lanterns when I went back.

Back at the Rose House, Yuxi poured out the contents of the red envelope. The red envelopes given by the old lady are the most lucrative. There are six Ruyi gold naked children, each of which has one or two weights. This red envelope made Yuxi a lot of money. Together with other people’s red envelopes, the red envelopes received this evening are combined. More than a hundred taels of silver.

At the beginning of the second grade, you have to visit relatives and friends. Yuxi doesn't have a mother's home, and her father is not there, so she doesn't have any relatives she wants to visit. When she heard that Han Jianye was going to take her to Qiu's house, she was very surprised. Yuxi said, "Second brother, you are going to your grandfather's house to pay a New Year's greeting, what do you want me to do?"

Han Jianye said amusedly: "Isn't my grandfather's home also your grandfather's home? There are so many words when I'm gone."

Yuxi didn't want to go, but she couldn't help directly sweeping the second cousin's kindness, and said: "Second brother, does Auntie know about this?"

Han Jianye said with a haha, "I told my mother, and my mother agreed. I'm leaving, but just to be a guest, there are so many things."

Yuxi naturally didn't believe this.

Han Jianye couldn't laugh or cry: "Second brother is so untrustworthy in your heart? If you don't believe it, you can ask my mother now."

Yuxi doesn't want to go to the Qiu's house. She is a girl from the second room, so she can go to the Qiu's house with such care.

Han Jianye dislikes harp the most: "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." He left this sentence and left, leaving Yuxi to stay where he was crying or laughing.

Hong Shan persuaded: "Girl, it is a good thing that the second master can recite a girl." The second master is grateful for his wife's life-saving grace. It is the good fortune of her girl to always follow the Buddha.

Yuxi went to the main courtyard in a blink of an eye, and talked about it with Qiu's family: "Auntie, my second brother will go to my grandfather's house tomorrow to pay a New Year's greeting. It is not appropriate for me to follow it."

Qiu's family touched the small waffle on Yuxi's head and joked: "What's wrong. It's just going to relatives' house for a walk or two, but you can't always get bored in the yard." Actually, he feels that Yuxi is too hardworking. , I don't usually relax, so she can't see it. It is good for a child to work hard, but too hard, she is worried that Yuxi will become a nerd in the future.

When everything came to this point, Yuxi couldn't refuse any more. I'm just a little puzzled in my heart. It didn't happen like this in my previous life, why everything has changed now.