The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 46: Tragedy 1


Yuxi first went to greet the old lady, and then went to the main courtyard to greet Qiu's. As soon as he entered the main courtyard, Yuxi smelled an unusual smell.

Qiu's expression was very ugly, and Yuxi's expression didn't ease when he saw Yuxi's expression. He just said, "Yuxi, there's something going on here, auntie, you go back to your yard first."

After Yuxi saluted, she withdrew and left the main courtyard. Yuxi told Hongshan: "Go and find out, what's the matter?" I don't know what's wrong with Aunt Rong. It's no wonder Yuxi thinks this way, it's really that there is nothing in the Guogong Mansion except Aunt Rong to make Qiu clan so irritable.

If your heart is not calm, you can't do embroidering, and you can't figure out the chess book. Yuxi simply rubbed the ink and picked up the pen to practice the calligraphy on the wall. Mr. Song asked her to stick the paper on the wall. It was just too hard. It has been more than four months, and every time she finishes writing a hundred hands on the wall, she is still sore.

When it was forty-fifth, Hongshan came back.

Yuxi asked hurriedly: "What's the matter?" Looking at the big aunt, it should be a big deal. Yuxi knew these things and didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to know what's going on in the mansion, so that he knew it well and didn't be a deaf or blind.

Hong Shan shook her head and said, "It's not something in the house, it's something outside. The border town of Liaodong was broken by Donghu Barbarians, Marshal Yan and General Huaidong also died in battle. Donghu Barbarians rushed into the copper city to burn, kill, rob, and do everything, I don't know. How many people have been attacked by them. Girl, if you say that the border city is broken, is the capital in danger?"

Yuxi asked with some doubts: "General Huaidong?" Why is this name familiar to her, but she can't remember where she heard it.

Hongshan is a little anxious, why the girl's focus is not on the same line as her: "Girl, General Huaidong is the eldest son of General Yun, um, he is Young Master Yun Qing's father." Her girl knows Yun Qing. Yes, it is clearer to say so.

Yuxi was shocked: "You mean, Yun Qing's father also died in the battle?"

Hong Shan nodded and said, "Well, General Huaidong and Marshal Yan died together. Not only that, General Huaidong's wife and children were also killed by Donghu people." After a pause, Hong Shan also showed a heavy look on her face. , Said: "Old General Yun has only two sons and one daughter. The youngest son died in battle ten years ago, and his daughter was dystocia. Now he has lost his son and two grandsons. I don't know if General Yun can bear it? "Then even the three white-haired people give away the black-haired people, but the iron man can't stand it.

General Yun Lao was also a famous general in Liaodong, but he was severely injured and could no longer go to the battlefield, so he stayed in the capital for retirement. Mr. Yun has made great achievements in battle, even if he hasn't been on the battlefield for more than 20 years, everyone respects her very much.

Yuxi's hand shook, and she was a little puzzled at the time, why Yun Qing now has such a hearty temperament, and would take the initiative to save people, and after a few years he became a murderous madman. No, if it was just General Huaidong who died in battle, it would not be possible for Yun Qing's temperament to change drastically. Whether it is a soldier or a general, there is always danger in going to war, there must be something hidden in it.

Thinking of what Hongshan had just said, Yuxi shuddered and asked: "You said Marshal Yan also died in the battle?" Marshal Yan was not only the general in charge of the 200,000 army, but also the queen's brother. It can be said that the reason why the queen and the prince can compete with Concubine Song is because of Marshal Yan's backing. Now that Marshal Yan is dead, the queen and the prince are in danger.

Hong Shan was a little puzzled, what happened to her girl, she had already made it very clear why she still asked such a stupid question. But she didn't dare to question Yuxi, and hurriedly said, "Yes, Marshal Yan also died in the battle. I heard that Yan Wushuang, the eldest son of the Yan family, has also disappeared. It is said that she has disappeared, but everyone knows that it should be gone." See Yuxi looked puzzled, and Hongshan said: "Yan Wushuang is Marshal Yan's youngest son. It is said that Yan Wushuang was very talented since he was a child, and he will be Marshal Yan's successor in the future. Therefore, the news of Yan Wushuang's disappearance made many people embarrassed. Endless."

Although Yuxi doesn't understand military affairs, she is sure that this is not so simple: "What else?"

Yuxi was a little depressed. In her previous life, she didn't talk about major events in the court. She didn't know what happened to the government. Even when she grew up, she didn't care much about outside affairs, so she didn't have any impression of such a big event. Otherwise, she would know what happened to it.

Hongshan didn't know, so: "That's all I inquired about. If the girl still wants to know, I will ask my third brother to go out and inquire about it."

Yuxi nodded and said: "Let your third brother pay attention, do what you can, don't get people's eyes, and cause trouble." Such a big thing is bound to cause a big wave. She just wants to know the whole story, but she doesn't want to cause trouble. .

Hongshan smiled and said, "My third brother is well-measured." Yuxi just wanted to know the outside situation, not what she was going to do, and what her third brother inquired was all the news that was known to passers-by and was not conspicuous, so There is no dangerous scientific research. Of course, for Yuxi, who has been in a deep boudoir, it is hard to get such news.

Chaotang was relieved that the deputy commander General Zhang had driven the Donghu people out of Tongcheng, but at this time a memorial had been turned into the emperor's imperial case.

This memorial accused the third master of the Yan family of colluding with Dong Hu, not only leaked the city defense map of the copper city, but also leaked the marching route of Marshal Yan, which led to the destruction of the copper city and the tragic death of hundreds of people.

When Yuxi heard this, she opened her mouth and asked, "This person has gotten frustrated, right?" The Yan family and Donghu are feuds, and whoever leaks the city defense plan can't be the Yan family. How did the people behind this scene do such a stupid thing.

Hong Shan said, "My brother said that the mother of the third master of the Yan family was Dong Hu Nu, which was incompatible with Marshal Yan. He once threatened to kill Marshal Yan."

Yuxi said: "There is no evidence, this is slander."

Hong Shan shook her head and said, "My brother said, there are all human and material evidence." The last sentence is the point.

Yuxi felt cold after hearing this. Now that the evidence is available, it shows that the other party has gone through careful calculations, and this time the Yan family may be doomed. Cough, Yuxi sighed again, why didn't she know anything in her previous life!

At the same time, Mr. Yun looked at Yun Qing, who was not like a man, and said, "Leave tonight, and follow Changqing to Yucheng."

Yun Qing was astonished for a moment. Yucheng was a border town in the northwest, where the Qin family belonged. And everyone knows that the Qin family has never dealt with their family, so letting him go to Yucheng is not a sheep's mouth. No, the question now is why he should go to Yucheng. Yun Qing asked, "Grandpa, are you hiding something from me?"

Old man Yun was bleeding in his heart, and said: "The Yan family's youngest is indeed in collusion with the Donghu people, but he is just a scapegoat, and the real culprit is the Song family."

Yun Qing was dumbfounded: "Why would the Song family do this?"

General Yun said with sorrow: "For the throne. As long as Marshal Yan is there, the emperor cannot abolish the queen, nor the prince. Only when the Yan family is gone, they will have no troubles, and they can get rid of the queen and the prince, and become the concubine Song. Pave the way with the Ninth Prince."

A look of hatred shot into Yun Qing's eyes: "Grandpa, we can't let the Song family get away with it. We must let them pay for their debts, and let them pay for my parents and brothers."

The spine of the old man Yun is about to collapse and he can't stand it up, he bowed his back and said: "The emperor favors Concubine Song and the Ninth Prince. He has always wanted the Ninth Prince to replace the prince. This time, it just happened to the emperor's will." Otherwise, the Song family would not be so arrogant.

Yun Qing asked in disbelief: "Grandpa, are there more than a hundred thousand people in Copper City, tens of thousands of soldiers, my father, my mother, and the others just died in vain?"

Mr. Yun said: “It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. If you fight against the Song family now, there is no benefit except getting you in. Qing'er, the Song family has worked hard for this day for several years, and they will definitely treat the Yan family. Let's kill them all. We are close to the Yan family, and the Song family will definitely not let it go. Qing'er, you are the only bloodline left in us, and you can't have anything to do."

Where was Yun Qing willing to go alone, and said, "Grandpa, we have to go together."

Lao Yun showed reluctance in his eyes, but he had to send Yun Qing away because he could no longer protect his grandson: ""Grandpa is old and can't walk anymore. As long as you are well, grandpa will feel at ease. "

Yun Qing is left with Grandpa Yun as a family member. He can't do it anyway to let him leave his grandfather and escape by himself: "Grandpa, if you don't go, I won't go."

Grandpa Yun said sharply: "The Yun family is left with your roots. If you have three long and two short, our Yun family will be the last. How would you let Grandpa face the ancestors and ancestors when you let Grandpa go underground, ah..."

Yun Qing knelt on the ground, not letting go when he was about to die, and said, "Grandpa, if you don't go, I won't go." After so many years of ancestors and grandchildren, Yun Qing knows Grandpa Yun very well. If he left, Grandpa would have no worries about the future, and he would definitely fight the Song family desperately by then.

Old man Yun looked at his hard-working child and his eyes were dry. He is old and will be able to live well in a few days, but his grandson is still young and has a great time. More importantly, the future of the Yun family will depend on him to revive its appearance.

Father Yun was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Okay, you go back to clean up, and I will go with you tonight."

Yun Qing was a little surprised, his grandfather was too easy to talk this time. In case of fraud, Yun Qing was unwilling to leave Yun Lao: "Just let Guo Xun take care of things, and I will accompany you with Grandpa." Yun Qing worried that Yun Lao would act on his own in order to distract him.

Mr. Yun did not object, nodded in agreement, and said: "I have sent people to Copper City, and they will bury your father and them at that time. When you support Menting in the future, they will go to Copper City to move their graves. Into the ancestral grave."

Yun Qing held back the tears in his eyes, nodded and said, "Okay."

Since he knew that his eldest son had died, Mr. Yun seemed to be ten years old, but he has been standing up for a few days. Because he knows that if he doesn't hold on, his only grandson won't be able to keep it: "Qing'er, when you arrive in Yucheng, you have to listen to evergreen everything."

Yun Qing had a bad instinct: "Grandpa..."

Old Yun waved his hand and said, "Grandpa is getting older, his health is not good, and his memory is not good. I will tell you this before I can save time and forget to say it."

On this day, Mr. Yun said a lot with Yun Qing, and they were all explaining some things to him. Yun Qing was so flustered that he dared not leave Yun Lao for half a step.