The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 81: Storm 6


The bright moon hides among the soft as flocculent, as light as silk clouds, looking at this peaceful world, and casts the pure brilliance. This gesture is like a graceful and beautiful girl looking at the earth with a smile. It's a pity that Wu Clan was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful night. Wu Clan waited in Bitengyuan, waiting until the second door was about to be locked, and her husband had not returned yet. He called the woman next to him and said, "Go and see where the master is resting."

When Wu Clan heard that Han Jingyan had gone to Aunt Xin's place, he almost broke a bit of silver teeth. Over the years, she has always wanted to get rid of Aunt Xin's mother and child, but Aunt Xin is not slippery. She hasn't succeeded several times, and she was almost spotted by her husband. In the past few years, the master had been very indifferent to Aunt Xin, but he didn't expect to go to the fairy's house again today.

Wu did not sleep well that night. If she could still sleep in during the day before, the old lady told her to go to the room at the time of the day. Wu Shi overslept and forgot, but the maid beside her did not dare to forget.

When the time came, Mrs. Chen went into the house and woke up Wu. Rao was like this, it was too late for Wu Clan to go to the room. By this time, the old lady had already washed up.

The old lady's complexion was not worried, and it was normal. Yesterday, she said that she must be at the room on time at the time of Mao. Wu Shi can still be late. This is obviously not taking her words to heart.

Mrs. Han is not actually a wicked mother-in-law, she doesn't like to judge her daughter-in-law. These years, with the Qiu clan, I have also got along with the mother and daughter. Of course, Qiu's family is also really filial, thinking that she is the master in everything, and more caring than her own son. In addition, the Qiu family is not a lover, so the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very good. Regarding the Wu family, the old lady didn't even think about making rules, and the Qiu family didn't make rules back then, and it's not easy to favor one or the other. It was only Wu's actions that made the old lady very worried, so she made this request. In fact, it is not so much that the old lady kept her by her side to make rules, but rather that she wanted the Wu family to learn more from her.

Unfortunately, Wu did not know the painstaking efforts of the old lady. For her, the suffering began.

Yuxi Mao got up on time at two quarters. What Yuxi does every day is based on her own schedule. Do the same, keep in mind.

Yuxi finished her breakfast and was about to go to the backyard to see her herbs. Kufu walked over to Yuxi and said in a low voice: "Girl, today the third lady went to serve the old lady, but the old lady was scolded with blood."

Yuxi was a little surprised. Although the old lady didn't like her, Yuxi had to admit that the old lady was not a man to judge her daughter-in-law: "What's the matter?"

What happened yesterday made Ku Fu hate Wu Clan to death. This bitter Fu said gleefully: "When the third lady came to the room today, the old lady had already washed up. When she waited for the old lady to eat, she picked up the vegetable tongs that the old lady didn't like, and was so angry that the old lady chopsticks. They are all thrown away. The Wu family has never served anyone, and don’t know the trick here. If you switch to another clever daughter-in-law, knowing that your mother-in-law must set the rules, you must first ask the people around her to find out her preferences, such as What kind of food do you like, what kind of tea you drink, etc. As a result, Wu did not know anything, and did not do anything, which naturally messed things up.

Yuxi pursed his lips and smiled. Although the old lady is like a Bodhisattva, she is not a softhearted person. In the past, the old lady was dissatisfied with the Wu family a lot, but she just opened her eyes and closed her eyes for the sake of her son. Now that Wu Shi is doing things like this, I am afraid that the old lady will have to deal with her fiercely.

Yuxi had expected it to be correct, and the next days were really worse than death for Wu Clan. I have to go to the room at about two quarters every day, and I have been waiting until the sun can’t go back. In the meantime, Mrs. Han still raised her nose and her eyes vertically.

When did the Wu family suffer such suffering since childhood? I really couldn't stand it anymore. I cried to Han Jingyan at night, but it made Han Jingyan furious. He slammed the door and went out after berating her. Then, for half a month, she stayed in the house of her two aunts every day without entering her door, making the Wu family more and more miserable.

Wu's life is not easy, but Qiu's life is very leisurely. The daughter-in-law married into the door to help take care of the general affairs, and she was not as busy as before.

Ye's gave Qiu's a once and gently rubbed his shoulders. This is not the Qiu clan tossing his daughter-in-law, but the Ye clan's intention to serve the Qiu clan in order to show his filial piety. In fact, the Qiu family and the Ye family are quite grateful. This mother-in-law is very good except for her straight temper. The mother-in-law of another family dragged the housekeeper and refused to let go, but her mother-in-law asked her to help manage the housework in the second month of her wedding. This is exactly the rhythm of letting go of her after she gets acquainted with the housework!

The Qiu family suddenly remembered something and said: "I remember that the first day of next month is Madam Taining Hou’s birthday, right?" Madam Taining Hou is Ye’s aunt. Ye’s can marry to the Guogong Mansion, and she is also Tai Ning Hou. Mrs. Ninghou matched the match.

Ye Shih said: "Mother remembered correctly, my aunt's birthday is the first day of next month.

Qiu's nodded and said, "Buy some new clothes for Yuru and the others, and take them with you when the time comes." Yuru and Yujing are almost ready, and the wedding is also on the agenda. It's also that the Qiu family doesn't care about the marriage of the two people very much, otherwise it would have been time to find a family. Of course, it’s not too late for a pro at this age.

Ye's lightly nodded and said: "Okay." In families like Guogongfu, girls usually make new clothes and new jewelry every time they go out as a guest. Not for comparison, but for saving face.

The news that he was going to be a guest at Taining Hou Mansion was not a secret, and soon everyone in the mansion knew it. Naturally, Qiu Yanfu also knew.

Qiu Yanfu mentioned this matter to the Wu clan in a vague manner, but the Wu clan refused without even thinking about it. Wu's family is exhausted just dealing with the old lady now, and he can't even take care of his daughter, so where can he take care of this niece. Today, in Hebei, it is really a world.

Yurong has moved to Cuiyunyuan. The old lady also invited the nanny in the shortest possible time. As for the husband, the old lady did not intend to invite it. Just like Yurong, he just needs to learn the rules. Please Mr. is a waste of money.

Qiu Yanfu was a little worried. She came to the capital to find a good family, but now Wu Clan is being squeezed to death by the old lady every day, and she is forced to shrink to the Shuixiangyuan. In this way, how can she find good people.

The maid smoked and said: "Girl, or forget it this time. I'll wait for the next time, I'll look for a chance next time!"

Qiu Yanfu shook his head and said, "I don't know when my aunt can go out?" Cousin Rong is only nine years old, and she won't be anxious to discuss marriage in a few years, but if she can't decide the marriage this year, she will be sixteen next year. , The older you get, the harder it is to get married.

Yanyu frowned and said, "That's no way!"

After thinking about it, Qiu Yanfu finally thought of Yujing. Before, Qiu Yanfu knew that the Qiu family didn't like Yu Jing, so she never thought about getting close to Yu Jing. But now there is no other way but to go this way. Among the four girls from Guogong Mansion, the eldest girl seems gentle and generous, but in fact she is greedy and cunning. She has got a lot of good things from her but never really helped her. And the third girl is standing on the same side as the fourth girl. camp. Now, the only way to go is Yujing.

Yan Yu felt that this method was inappropriate: "Girl, it's better to take Mother Luo's path instead of begging for the second girl. As long as Mother Luo can say a few good things for you in front of Mrs. Han, she will definitely be better than Miss Yujing. Times."

Qiu Yanfu thinks that the way to talk about cigarettes is also good, and after thinking about it, he said: "Walk on both sides." Even if the old lady promised to let her go to the banquet with her, but there was no one to recommend, there would be no one to talk to. People are also embarrassed. If Yujing can help, it can save her a lot of effort.

Mother Luo received the benefits from Qiu Yanfu and told the old lady about it: "Old lady, I look at this girl Qiu with a lot of thought."

Mrs. Han didn't care: "Let her go if she wants to go! Let her hit the wall." The girls who can attend the Taining Hou's banquet are either rich or expensive. These girls don't make friends with everyone. For them to make friends, first of all, they have to have a family background, and secondly, their character and talents. With an identity like Qiu Yanfu, even the official concubines could not look down upon him.

Mother Luo has another worry: "Old lady, I'm worried that this girl from the Qiu family is too thoughtful and will lose the reputation of our government office." Mother Luo would say this, because she knows that the merchants have nothing to do. Scrupulous. In case this girl from the Qiu family looked at the son, crying and running to be a concubine. Qiu Yanfu now lives in the Guogong Mansion. If she were a concubine, she would have a bad influence on the girls in the mansion.

Old Madam Han nodded, and said, "Your worry is not unreasonable. Give her a maid tomorrow, don't let her take her own maid." Someone looked at it and there would be no problem.

Yuxi knew within an hour that the old lady had agreed to let Qiu Yanfu go to Taining Hou Mansion together. Yuxi smiled, and Qiu Yanfu went to Taining Hou Mansion with them, which was simply insulting himself.

Suddenly, Yuxi was agitated. In his previous life, Qiu Yanfu often went out to socialize, but in the end he was still designing the second brother. Can she understand this way? Qiu Yanfu spends more time to go out to socialize, knowing that she can't be a wife as her own, so she put her idea on her second brother. The Qiu Yanfu of the previous life was generous, with a sweet mouth, and Wu's face was also good at the time, so Qiu Yanfu's popularity in the Guogong Mansion was very good, otherwise he would not be able to design a second brother.

Thinking of this, Yuxi thought of Han Jianye again, a little helpless. The second brother is good at everything, but he was too loyal. In his previous life, he felt that he had damaged Qiu Yanfu's reputation, so he insisted on marrying Qiu Yanfu despite the opposition of his eldest aunt and elder brother. This time, not only did she have to guard against Qiu Yanfu's mess, she also had to brainwash her second brother, but she couldn't let him do stupid things.

Zisu said with a smile on his face: "Girl, the eldest lady sent someone to bring things here." The Qiu clan has become more and more fond of buying jewelry for Yuxi in the past two years.

Inside the box is a set of jewelry, hairpins, earrings, and bracelets, all of which are carved in rose style.

Yuxi looked at these jewels and smiled and said, "My aunt is so troubled." These jewels match her clothes!

S: Good night, dears.