The Rebirth of Nirvana

Chapter 102: King of retail investors


From the second day on, Zuoqiu stayed in the hospital with peace of mind. Anyway, he didn't have to pay for the medical expenses himself, and he was happy to enjoy such a good treatment. Besides, even if he wanted to be discharged from the hospital, no one else would allow it. The first objection was Dang Qiudie.

Dang Qiudie stayed with Zuoqiu in the hospital for only three days. He has fully recovered, and is a lively elf again. She still had to pretend for a few days and accompanied Zuo Qiucai a lot, but her mother, Han Xiaoli, saw through her, grabbed her by the ear, went through the discharge formalities for her, and took her back to Shanghai—she still has to go to school!

After Dang Qiudee left, Zuoqiu was completely relaxed. In addition, he had recovered mentally, and his injuries had already scabbed, so he clamored to be discharged from the hospital. Zhang Bingjie couldn't stand his entanglement, and told Qi Kai to handle it. After leaving the hospital, he was asked to return to the "wolf den" to continue recuperating.

Zhou Ziyang, Qian Zhao, and Pang Chongbin were very busy in the few days before New Year’s Day in 2007; Zhang Kaixiang and Zuo Qiulei also had no time to spare every day; Cao Yinghao was responsible for the two families in Peking University Town. The bookstore and the two stalls have reduced the number of trips to Boss Jia’s bathing center; Wang Zhaonan has a new technical idea, and the technicians are buried in the computer room every day, and Sun Xinxin can’t pull him. He doesn’t even know how to go back to the house to sleep; Sun Xinxin and Ji Xiujuan each have their own affairs. The most leisurely person now is Zuoqiu, and Zhang Bingjie will help him while taking care of him. Zhou Ziyang manages the company’s finances.

The compensation for Li and Liu’s family has already been in place. The property right of the unit near the old Dang’s house has also been transferred to Zuo Qiucai’s name. Zuo Qiu has only looked at it with Zhang Bingjie’s support. Three rooms and two halls are very spacious. Zuo Qiu likes it very much, but now living with his friends is very happy. He doesn't mean to move alone. The most important thing is that Zhang Bingjie doesn't want to be deserted every day. It's great that everyone lives together!

Zuoqiu took a few days off from school due to physical reasons. He didn't return to school until after New Year's Day. However, by that time, the school was about to be closed for review. Zuo Qiucai is very devoted to learning in this life. He has almost never missed classes before. In addition, the courses in the first half of the freshman semester are some basic courses. Compared with the cruelly honed and long-term "test" of the college entrance examination. For them, it is very simple, not to mention that Zuoqiu is learning it for the second time. In the previous life, he was still hung on advanced mathematics. Although he is still not sensitive to numbers in this life, he looks at the stock market every day and calculates gains and losses. It is much better than in the previous life. At least passing is no problem.

Zuoqiu has been concentrating on the stock market during his sick leave these days. Since he got the loan from the party father, he hasn't really done so much capital. With more own capital, he has become more cautious in his investment behavior. This seizes the opportunity and earns more. After looking at it, the loss is enough for him! Since that careless loss of Jingzhou, he has to think twice every time he invests, and act after he decides. Although he may miss some opportunities because of caution, the most indispensable thing in the Chinese stock market now is opportunity!

Now that the Chinese stock market has entered the year-end inventory period in 2006, the movements of the stocks are even more unpredictable. Zuoqiu just sat on the sidelines and sat on the sidelines, waiting for the real arrival in 2007, and then show his skills.

Zuoqiu was dormant, but Jia Tianhou was not free. The amount of information Zuoqiu needs now has greatly increased. He took three younger brothers, but he was still too busy, so he asked for two more people from Zhou Ziyang, sometimes Shi Yajie I also came to help him, so I could barely satisfy Zuo Qiucai. In order to print information for Zuoqiu, they also bought a large printer, which can use two packs of paper every day.

After Gong Jin left the hospital that day, he once again disappeared into Zuo Qiucai’s world. Not only did he never reappear during Zuo Qiucai’s hospitalization, it was Zuo Qiu who returned to the "wolf den" and went to school for walks and activities every day with intentions. The body did not meet her again. No one answered the call, but a few text messages were sent to make Zuo Qiu pay attention to his body, and there was nothing else.

Although Zuo Qiu didn't hear what Zhang Bingjie once said, but from her current performance, she already felt that she was different from before. In the past, Zhang Bingjie was good to Zuoqiu, but she also had her own principles. If she violated her principles, Zuoqiu would not make sense; but now, she can be regarded as obedient to Zuoqiu, and Zuoqiu just said that she No longer talking about two, it made Zuoqiu very frightened. It's not that Zuo Qiu doesn't like Zhang Bingjie's well-behaved. It's just that he doesn't know the inner reason for her transformation, and he can't help but feel worried, so he can only do double the way he is good to Zhang Bingjie in return for her kindness to himself!

It was Zhang Bingjie who saw this through him before deciding to love Zuoqiu with all his heart!

Zhang Bingjie not only cared Zuoqiu meticulously in life, took care of him so that Cao Yinghao drooled and Wang Zhaonan lamented the gap between women; she also moved closer to Zuoqiu in other ways, for example, she started to learn stocks with Zuoqiu. The relevant knowledge can also be read in those boring economics works. Her current job is just to assist Zhou Ziyang in managing the company’s accounting affairs. She still has a lot of free time. When she sees Zuo Qiu burying herself in the mountains of information every day, she acts as Zuo Qiucai’s secretary again, categorizing all kinds of information. , So that Zuoqiu can do his calculations and speculations more conveniently.

This kind of Zhang Bingjie made Zuo Qiu happy, pitying and loving, and wishing to take out his heart, liver and lungs to her for safekeeping, and to lighten Gong Jin's thoughts a little.

Zuoqiu didn’t say much about the company’s affairs now, and he also had a cordial talk with Pang Chongbin, telling him some of his views on the Chinese stock market and the foreign exchange market, and finally asked him if he wanted to continue. Responsible for the company's specific affairs, or follow oneself to transfer to the capital market for fun! Zuoqiu learned that Pang Chongbin was interested in the operation of the capital market later, but he did not know whether he would transfer his mind to this after he achieved certain results in the industry through his own efforts.

After listening to Zuo Qiucai's words, Pang Chongbin thought carefully for a long time. He didn’t know that Zuo Qiu’s understanding of him had surpassed the current time horizon. When Zuo Qiu pulled him up and set up a street stall, he thought of such a small mess, and he was completely able to play around. I didn't expect that it had only been less than half a year, and the game was so big: Not only did I have my own company, my own capital, but also reached the five-digit figure! Now, he has been responsible for one-third of the company's business. It depends on the company's current development momentum. By the time he graduates from university, he can jump into the group of successful people. However, it is only at this time that Zuoqiu let him let go of the company's specific affairs and shift his mind to the capital market in a completely unfamiliar area to him now! Although he had also seen reports on the Chinese stock market on the newspaper network, at that time his mind was all focused on the company's affairs. He just glanced at it quickly and didn't delve into it. Now Zuoqiu talked about this to him, which made him hesitate. . However, he firmly believes that Zuo Qiu Cai will definitely not fool him. Since Zuo Qiu thinks that he should be transferred to the capital market, there must be Zuo Qiu Cai's reason! He doesn't know how Zuo Qiu affirmed this now, but past experience has shown that Zuo Qiu Cai's views are mostly not wrong! In that case, trust him again!

Pang Chongbin had settled his mind and nodded and said, "Since you think I should shift my mind to capital operation, I believe your judgment, and I will listen to you. When I hand over the company's affairs to Qian Zhao, I will follow you to China. Give it a try on the stock market!"

Zuoqiu only touched his palms and smiled and said: "When you really experience the joy and excitement in the capital market, you will be asked to transfer to the industry at that time, and you will not do it!"

Pang Chongbin's major and economics are on the sidelines. Because of the establishment of the company, he has also read many books on management and economics, and his innate sensitivity to numbers, there is no difficulty in shifting the focus of his work. Zuoqiu now has a lot of money, so he allocated 100,000 yuan to him to practice his hands in the stock market.

For operating stocks, if you just learn theories and analyze data, you may become a senior stock analyst, but you will never become a winner in the stock market! If you want to fight in the stock market and live to the end, the most important thing is to really invest in it! The early failures are not terrible, as long as you end the experience and lessons from the failures, overcome the previous mistakes in the next "operations", and finally make the winners more loses less, big wins and small losses, you will be able to laugh to the end. !

When operating stocks, never think about winning for a long time! As long as you have this understanding, no matter how brilliant you won in the early stage, in the end, you will only be a loser, and you will lose thoroughly, without the chance of another comeback!

And, don't believe the so-called experience that others tell you! The successful experience of others is not necessarily suitable for you! To be the person who has the last laugh, you must first believe in yourself! If you don’t even believe in yourself, how can you win? Then, from your winning or losing, sum up your own set of experience! Only the experience that you have summed up is the most suitable for you!

It was only after these few months of practice that Zuoqiu understood the above-mentioned principles, so he just gave Pang Chongbin some experimental funds, and said nothing else!

This day is January 1, 2007 AD. The time when Zuoqiu gave Pang Chongbin the bank card was 4:28 in the afternoon. In another one and a half hours, the New Year dinner of "Qi is Renben" Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. will kick off. At the dinner table, the company’s veterans, Pang Chongbin, who created half of the company alone, will talk to the company’s specific affairs Goodbye, as Zuo Qiu joined the capital market together, he will create another more exciting career in this field that truly belongs to him! The future "king of retail investors" is about to take the most important step in life at this time!