The Rebirth of Nirvana

Chapter 13: Occupation (1)


After a short trial, Zuoqiu proved his vision and became more confident in developing his own business. He saw the night market stalls quickly gathered around him, knowing that being behind means that there is no money to make, and he began to implement his long-planned "abduction" plan.

From the very beginning, Zuo Qiu knew that he couldn't achieve great success by relying on his own strength alone. If you want to live up to God's negligence, you still have to pull up a team! His eyes were fixed on the brothers in his dormitory from the beginning.

These brothers of Zuo Qiucai, except for the old seventh Wang Zhaonan, who had a slightly better family background, the others were similar to Zuo Qiucai, and they were also farmers' children. The little sparrow flying out of the mountain nest has a great inner motivation for jumping on the branch and turning into a phoenix. Therefore, Zuoqiu had the confidence to drag them into the water.

When Zuo Qiu was thinking of his brothers, his brothers also became very interested in Zuo Qiu's extraordinary performance. Zuo Qiu was appointed as the cultural and recreational committee member of the class after the new students entered the class and made a lot of effort to get the whole class to get to know themselves as quickly as possible. This is the result of his own struggle, the counselor Su Lin originally wanted him to be the monitor.

Zuoqiu didn't grab the position of Zhou Ziyang, the boss of the previous life, and made the classmates look at him again. What surprised the students was that Zuoqiu was like a shooting star. After bursting out with a dazzling light for the first time, it quickly fell silent. In the performance behind, it was all mid-range, or even low-key. of.

Just when his classmates showed an irresistible interest in him, did he know what happened? He escaped the cruel test of military training. When the classmates were standing in the hot sun, sweating and crying, he comforted Sit down under the awning on one side and read the book in time!

Zuoqiu became more and more unpredictable in the eyes of the students.

What makes those girls who are full of gossip thoughts look at Gao Zuoqiu more, it is him, which can be said to be blatant, for the brightest flower in the class, Zhang Bingjie's ambition. Love at first sight is the most unreliable and illusory thing for these young people in their twenties who were born under the red flag and grew up in the 80s who grew up in the e-era, and whose thinking is much more open than their parents. However, Zuo Qiu's pursuit of Zhang Bingjie, in the eyes of them who didn't know that Zuo Qiu had been in love for four years, had only confirmed the fact that they had established their faith, it was love at first sight!

In college, love is no longer a word that can't see the light, but fierce people like Zuoqiu still get a lot of attention, which makes this boring man who wants to be a low-key person and do things with a high profile. Fame spread quietly in s.

The brothers who lived in the same room with Zuo Qiu were more curious about Zuo Qiu in their hearts. However, even when they did not hesitate to use violent threats and did not get a satisfactory answer, they could only be tortured by curiosity. With. Coupled with the heavy military training, they don’t have the mind to dig into Zuo Qiucai’s inner world. After a whole day of training, when they return to the dormitory, they just want to lie down. Even if they still have some leisure energy, they are all spent on the left. On the large number of books that Qiu Cai provided to them for free, he really didn't know much about Zuo Qiu Cai's movement in close proximity.

On this day, Zuo Qiucai's street stall business was very hot, and he was a little unwilling to open it alone. Looking at the time, the evening training was over, so he called the dormitory, and the sixth man Cao Yinghao answered the call.

When Cao Yinghao heard the call from Zuo Qiucai, he opened his mouth and cursed: "Damn! The third child, your business is very busy now, and you don’t see you every day. What are you doing? I’m not having in-depth exchanges with our third sister-in-law. Right!"

Zuoqiu didn't have the time to talk to him. He just said, "Who is in the dormitory now? Tell them, I will treat you tonight, and you will come to me outside the school now. I am at the east of the school gate. Waiting for you under the second street lamp." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Cao Yinghao relayed Zuo Qiucai's words to the brothers in the dormitory. The evil wolves who had been sluggish, upon hearing this, immediately rose to life, roared, and killed outside the school gate. When I came under the second street light to the east of the school gate, I didn't see Zuo Qiucai, only a stall surrounded by water. A few people were wondering if they were fooled by the stubborn third. The tall fifth Zhang Kaixiang saw the little boss in the crowd who was busy collecting money and making change. Wasn't it the third, Zuoqiu!

A few people squeezed in and stood beside Zuo Qiucai, looking at the hot sales scene, and suddenly realized that Zuo Qiu was busy earning money every night!

Several brothers looked at Zuo Qiucai, who was bulging with his pockets, and his face was red, and they were filled with emotion: When he was still preparing to mess around in a muddle-headed manner, everyone began to plan his path in life! If this is better for others, the person standing in front of him is the same as himself, a rookie who just walked into the university campus, a classmate or brother who shares the same room with him, how can he not feel ashamed

Qian Zhao, the swift old fourth, helped Zuoqiu, the third child, to take care of the stall without a second word. The other brothers also smiled like a dog's tail and greeted the guests from all over the world.

At ten o'clock, most of the students on the road went back to school. With the help of the brothers, Zuo Qiu put away the stalls and asked them to take the bags with the books back, and went to the market to buy them with Qian Zhao. Cold vegetable beer, ready to go back to the dormitory to get drunk.

Qian Zhao followed Zuo Qiucai, bought some cold dishes and two pieces of beer, and walked back with him. When I walked into the campus, I found an opportunity and said with a smile: "The third child, I really can't tell. You can think so far! Damn, there is such a good way, don't say to help us."

Qian Zhao's economic thinking is the best among the seven dormitory brothers. In the previous life, when Zuoqiu was focused on online novels, he consciously read books on economics. During the winter vacation of his freshman year, he still started part-time introduction work without a teacher. At that time, Zuo Qiucai was also pulled up, so that Zuo Qiucai made a small profit. However, the vision was limited, and in the end no major event was accomplished.

Zuo Qiu smiled, and said, "I just'touched' the doorway. I'm not going to tell you! Haha, to make a joke, we are brothers. I can help. I will definitely not. It's self-feeding and fattening!"

Qian Zhao glanced at Zuo Qiu deeply, smiled, and said nothing further.