The Rebirth of Nirvana

Chapter 76: Zhang Bingjie's reflection


Qi Kai explained to Zhang Bingjie and others the situation Zuoqiu was facing now. The person who bumped into him was Xiaodie'er who came out of anger, and the root of Xiaodieer's anger had something to do with Zuo Qiu, so Zuo Qiu's current situation is very bad!

Zhang Bingjie heard Qi Kai's words and asked timidly: "Where can Xiaodie'er take the third child? He was hit by a car just now. Although others said that he was fine, but after all, he was hit by a car. If you don’t rush to the hospital, you will have trouble if nothing happens!"

Qi Kai smiled bitterly: "I also know, but the problem now is that we can't get in touch with them! But you don't have to worry too much. I have asked the traffic management department to watch the video on the road in Greentown during this time. If they haven't left the Greentown, I will definitely be able to find them!"

Cao Yinghao "interrupted" again and said, "What if they were out of town?" As soon as the voice fell, he saw the fierce eyes of everyone "shooting" together. His stinky mouth that owes to smoke.

At this time, nearly an hour has passed. Qi Kai raised his hand to look at his watch and said to everyone: "It’s useless to let you all wait here. You should have classes tomorrow. I have this matter, you guys. Just go back to school first, you already know my contact information, if I have news, I will let you know!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Bingjie. At this time, she was the one who could make the best decision. After all, the person who had the accident had the closest relationship with her. Although there are some problems between them now, this is a major matter of life, and those contradictions are in it. It seems a little irrelevant in front of you. Zhang Bingjie lowered her head and said softly: "I'll wait for the news with you!" She raised her head and looked at Ziyang and them next week, and said to them: "You go back first!"

Sun Xinxin stepped forward and took her arm and said, "I'll be with you!"

Zhou Ziyang said: "We can't rest assured when we go back, let's stay with you!"

Qi Kai thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then let's find a place to sit down and wait!"

Qian Zhao said: "We rented a house outside, let's go there!"

Qi Kai nodded and asked Cao Yinghao to get in the car and point him to the road. The crowd followed and returned to the "Wolf's Den". Sun Xinxin and Ji Xiujuan cleaned up the living room on the first floor first, and everyone sat down and waited for news. .

After a while, news came from the traffic police, saying that a record of "Shanghai ac6688" was found in the record of traffic violations. Just half an hour ago, it ran a red light on the Greentown East Ring Road!

No matter what the news is, there is finally a news, knowing that Zuo Qiu and they didn't disappear like this, everyone still breathed a sigh of relief.

After Qi Kai knew that the network in the "Wolf's Nest" was connected by optical fiber, Wang Zhaonan asked Wang Zhaonan to take him to the computer room, turned on the computer, and received the video from the transportation department. In the screenshot, I saw Zuoqiu really sitting in the car "confusedly". It was a girl who drove, and it should be Xiaodie'er!

After Cao Yinghao saw the car driven by Xiaodie'er, he couldn't help whistling, it was Maserati! Today, it was an exciting day to see and experience the Hummer that has always been my favorite, and then to see the rare Maserati! But the third elder brother should be even more fucked, first being hit by a car!

Still hit by Maserati! Immediately after that, I sat in that awesome sports car to experience the ultimate speed... Uh, when the red light was running, the speed was 87 mph? Well, it's not fast for Maserati, but this is in the speed limit city! That one named Xiaodie'er is really fierce! I don't know if the third brother can surrender!

Cao Yinghao was there for Zuoqiu. The second video from the transportation department came over. This time it was taken on the South Ring Road. Xiaodie'er did not run the red light this time, but the speed has increased to nearly a hundred miles. Up! Soon, the third video was passed over. The video showed that Xiaodieer and the others had turned on the Southwest Expressway of Greentown! After that, I was out of the city. There was no video to watch. Tuning satellite images was not something that could be done in a short while. Things seemed to have reached a dead end again.

Qi Kai stood up and said to Zhang Bingjie and the others: "You are here to guard. If there is more news from the transportation department, please tell me in time. I'll go to the express lane!"

Zhang Bingjie and others knew that there was no use for Qi Kai to wait here, so they didn't keep him. The crowd sent Qi Kai out and watched him drive away in the Hummer before returning to the computer room.

Zhou Ziyang saw Zhang Bingjie's haggard face and said, "Xiaojie, we are here to watch. You can go back upstairs and rest. We will tell you as soon as there is news about the third child!"

Zhang Bingjie shook her head slowly, her white teeth bit her lip and did not speak.

Qian Zhao gave Sun Xinxin a wink. Sun Xinxin nodded and gestured, stepping forward to hold Zhang Bingjie’s arms, and whispered, “It’s useless for us to wait here. The place is not big. If there are so many of us, let's go back upstairs and wait, and then come down when we have news, ah!"

Ji Xiujuan also came forward, supporting Zhang Bingjie, half-helping and half-dragging her upstairs, about to send her back to her current room, but Zhang Bingjie stopped and turned to her and Zuoqiu I just walked to the room I lived in before, took out the key to open the door, and said to Sun Xinxin and Ji Xiujuan: "I want to be alone!" Sun Xinxin and Ji Xiujuan looked at each other and released the hand that held her. Let her walk into the room alone.

Zhang Bingjie closed the door without turning on the light. Taking advantage of the starlight coming through the window, she walked to the bed and sat quietly with her head hooked for a while, kicked off the shoes on her feet, lay down on her body, and pulled over the quilt cover. He stayed, his eyes widened, and tears were suddenly shed.

In the current room, all the breath of Zuo Qiucai is emerging, and there is no impurity. According to what I said earlier, should I move back to this room

Zhang Bingjie was really sad when he heard Zuoqiu's phrase "Is your life arranged by others?", so she came back alone early. However, on the way back, she thought about Zuo Qiu's words carefully, and suddenly understood what Zuo Qiu meant. Before, I was living a life that was forcibly arranged by others! Before going to university, there was nothing else to say, but to follow the path arranged by the parents and teachers. After entering the university, I was finally able to decide my own life direction, and according to my own mind, I went with Zuoqiu. Together, but, under Shao Ning’s arrangement, he exposed Zuo Qiucai’s lie; then under the arrangement of his roommate, he wandered on the street on Christmas Eve with the boy who had a good impression of him. The roommate stayed with me, but that was not my original intention!

Zhang Bingjie also knew that she was a little naive sometimes, but she was naive, not stupid! She also discovered Zuo Qiucai's strangeness. She knew what her roommate meant. If she really wanted to pursue Zuo Qiucai's lies, she would have many opportunities to ask him face to face! If she really wanted to find a way for herself outside of Zuoqiu, she would have accepted the boy's invitation long ago! But the fact is that she doesn’t want to get to the bottom of what Zuoqiu did. Although she is not too smart, she also knows that when it comes to emotional matters, it is inevitable to pretend to be a little confused; she doesn’t want to leave any way for herself, she She was originally a stubborn girl, and since she identified Zuoqiu, she made up her mind to stay with him!

However, now, she has debunked Zuo Qiucai's lie, knowing the truth behind the matter, what did she get? The heart was severely cut! Although the knife originally existed, the wound did not "expose", the blood did not flow out, and I didn't feel the pain, but in the end it was someone else who uncovered the gauze covering the wound and cut the wound. Expose the "exposure" to the bright face, let the cold blood spray out, let yourself feel the unbearable pain!

Now, I didn't explicitly reject the kindness of my roommate, and asked the boy to stand close to him, so close that I couldn't help but cause misunderstandings! Moreover, Zuo Qiu was able to break through, giving them a shaky feeling, and adding a weight to them, making their hearts farther and farther apart!

The only choice I made in my life was overturned by myself!

Zhang Bingjie shrank tightly, smelling the breath of Zuo Qiucai from the quilt, and the pain in her heart was like a knife twist!

The moment when he heard that Zuo Qiu had an accident, the chill that came out of his bone marrow made Zhang Bingjie feel shuddering when he recalled it! His love for Zuo Qiucai has deepened into his bones, how can he leave his world indifferently? Although he did have some wrong words and betrayed their love, when he was with himself, he never tried to arrange anything for himself. He took care of himself carefully, accompanied by his side, watching Go ahead happily on the path of your choice! Even if his choice conflicted with his intentions, he did not force himself to change, but accepted it silently!

To support this silently, don't you need those nice mountain alliances to be true to each other? I have already received such a rare, completely sincere cherish, so what else can I ask for? He betrayed our feelings, but he didn't mean it! That Gong Jin, if you use tricks, even a girl may not be able to resist the seductiveness that emanates from her. Zuo Qiu is just a poor person who can't get satisfaction from a real girlfriend! -Count it this way, that matter, I am also responsible!

How to do? How to do? What should I do? Is it rare to let the happiness that should belong to you so easily slip away from your hand? In the future, can you still meet someone like him who is sincere to yourself

Zhang Bingjie reached out his hand, wiped the tears on his face, and a firm arc evoked at the corner of his mouth!