The Rebirth of Nirvana

Chapter 77: The rest of his life


After analyzing her own thoughts, Zhang Bingjie made a secret decision in her heart, and closed her eyes with peace of mind. Her spirit ups and downs tonight, and now she is exhausted, so she soon fell asleep!

Okay, I want to see you must be worried about Zuoqiu's situation with Xiaodie'er. Now our lovely Zhang Bingjie has finally fallen asleep with peace of mind. We can also explore Zuoqiu with peace of mind. It happened after they fell off the cliff. Thing!

I don't know how long it took before Zuo Qiu finally regained consciousness. He moved, and his body was blocked front and back, unable to move. After the soreness in his body and the throbbing pain in the back of his head made him regain consciousness, Hate had to recover! He suddenly remembered the scene just now, hasn't he fallen off the cliff now? Damn it! Could it be that after rebirth, God gave himself a few more lives, so that he can't die

Zuoqiu felt that he had not yet reported to the king of Yama. He couldn't sigh his destiny. He endured the pain in his body and struggled to unfasten the seat belt that fastened his body. He just broke the button and opened his body. Suddenly he fell down, knocked his head on a hard object, and couldn’t help hooking forward. As a result, his neck, which was not too rigid, could not bear the weight of his body. It flexed violently and pressed the trachea, causing him It’s difficult to breathe! Pulling his feet out of the inflated airbag and letting his body curl up to the real surface, he realized that the car had overturned and he was head down just now. No wonder he was able to regain consciousness so quickly. The blood is "forced"!

Zuoqiu looked at his current situation with the dim starlight outside the car window, and found that it was very bad! This car is indeed a good car. It rushed down from such a high cliff and even protected the life of the car seated in the car. However, the car has fallen into a distorted form: the car door beside it has been twisted and deformed. The front glass of the car was completely shattered, but it was blocked by the airbag, otherwise it would be a good escape! Zuo Qiu tried to push the deformed car door. He couldn't push it. His current posture was very awkward, and he didn't need much effort-he didn't have much strength anymore!

Still have to puncture the airbag first! Zuo Qiu tried to grab one with his hand. The airbag was bulging, but it was not strong. He felt the key chain in the trouser pocket and took it out with difficulty, found the nail clippers, opened it, pinched the airbag, and used it. The nail clippers were cutting desperately. Fortunately, Zuo Qiucai did not die. He really wrecked him. He hurriedly squashed the airbag, climbed out of the front glass of the car, and accidentally pressed his hand on the broken glass. After cutting his palm, he couldn't take care of it. He turned over and fell to the ground before panting comfortably.

Suddenly smelling the smell of gasoline in the air, he watched intently, saw a pool of gasoline stains on the ground, and saw sparks bursting out of the front cover of the car that had been smashed to pieces. He thought of the movie after the car rolled over. The final result of "Mao" was horrified, and rushed to the side!

Not a few steps out, he stopped abruptly, turned around and looked in the car. Through the window, he saw Dang Qiude's small white face, her big eyes closed tightly, and she didn't know if she was still breathing. Zuo Qiu gritted her teeth, moved back, tried Dang Qiude’s breath through the broken car window, and found that she still had a breath, cursing the "Leaving Thousand Years of Disaster" in her heart, and picked up a sharp piece on the ground. The glass pierced the airbag in front of her, and with all my strength, she dragged her out of the car, not daring to stop, holding a sigh of breath, dragged her to one side, and just jumped into this pit. , A deafening explosion sounded from behind, a fire burst into the sky, and a wave of heat swept through, and Zuo Qiu put Dang Qiudie under his body and buried it deeply in the not deep pit. I felt a scorching heat on my back, and then I smelled a burnt smell, as if my clothes were scorched!

Zuo Qiu felt the Dang Qiudie move under him, and when he felt the heat wave passed, he stood up and turned to the side, breathing hard-earned air for the rest of his life.

Dang Qiudie's long eyelashes trembled, and then they separated slowly, revealing "confused" eyes, blinking, and seeing the twinkling stars above, she turned her head and borrowed Looking at the starlight and the flames on the side, he saw Zuo Qiucai whose chest was violently ups and downs, and said weakly: "Where are we? Hell? So you can see stars in hell! That fire light is Hellfire. ?"

Zuo Qiu heard that she was still in the mood to study the scenery in hell. He thought that what happened to her on this day would be blamed on her. The anger started from the heart, the evil grew to the courage, and he said irritably. "As long as a person like you will go to hell, a good person like me will only go to heaven! Now that you have the strength to speak, get up and move forward. There are dead grass around here, and the fire will burn over in a while. If it doesn’t Go, you can really go to hell soon!"

When Dang Qiudie heard his words, she realized that she was not dead yet! Thinking that I was still alive, I didn't feel excited, but broke into tears. Zuoqiu saw that she was still in the mood. He was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas were born. He gritted his teeth and got up, grabbed her arm, and stubbornly lifted it up, suffocating his breath and said, "My sister-in-law'Milk Milk", this is the time to cry. If you want to cry, let's talk about it if we are really safe! While you still have the strength to cry, you should run away!

Dang Qiudie glanced at the surroundings, saw a pile of scrap iron not far away from the car, and the fire developed here, stood up, but did not move, and said with a sad face. : "My car! My car!"

Zuoqiu was really defeated by her. He bent over and dragged her forward step by step, and said: "Team leader, I know that is your car. After we are safe, I will buy it. I will pay you exactly the same! Now we are still running for our lives!"

However, Dang Qiudie has not the consciousness of escape, still clinging to her car, choked up and said: "That is my eighteenth birthday gift! My eighteenth birthday has passed, how can you pay me? That car is me Dad customized it for my birthday. There is only one in the world. How can you compensate me?"

Zuo Qiu really didn't have the energy to entangle her. He stopped and said with a grimace, "Then you go back and be buried with her!"

Dang Qiudie was frightened by him and closed her mouth, but her big eyes blinked, and the big teardrops rolled down.

Zuo Qiu didn't have time to take care of her mood. He calmed his face, frowned, gritted his teeth, arched his waist, dragged his steps, and moved forward one after another. In the panic, she had not forgotten to put Dang Qiudie in her arms, hooked her head to protect her head and face, and the two of them hugged and rolled down.