The Rebirth of Nirvana

Chapter 84: Dreamland


As Jiang Fangyuan, who started his career at the beginning and peak of the party’s career, the old man who now lives in the northern suburbs of Greentown will burst out with terrifying energy when facing events that endanger the lives of his loved ones. He didn’t dare to imagine that no matter what it was for, he should try not to disturb the old man and keep the matter within a certain range. Therefore, when he learned that the accident was the only granddaughter of the party’s granddaughter, Dang Qiudie, he immediately notified his subordinates. The police arrested all the young master racing party who caused this disaster to the Public Security Bureau. They should not be allowed to fall into the hands of the old man and Qi Kai first, but they must be punished in the end, and the "government" must be in the initiative!

Jiang Fangyuan arranged the arrest of people, and urged the police and soldiers who were looking for people under the cliff to expand the scope of the search, find out Dang Qiuche as soon as possible, and try to ensure that otherwise something irreparable will happen to her, and this incident will be destroyed. The quality of sex is lowered to a vigilant position, don't create any unmanageable situation.

Qi Kai watched him arranging all this with cold eyes, and knew what plan he was making in his heart, sneered, and secretly said, if things are really irreversible, it is the strong interference of the "government", and those who caused the trouble will also be affected. The harshest punishment! I don’t have enough energy, the old man won’t keep his hands this time!

The two of them looked at each other, each looked away, waiting for the outcome of the situation.

Suddenly, Qi Kai and Jiang Fangyuan both pricked their ears, because they vaguely heard someone calling. When they tried to identify where the call came from, the call had disappeared in the cold wind. Jiang Fangyuan yelled first: "Who heard the call just now? Can you be sure of the location of the call? Hurry up and have a look, the person may be there!" He said, and ran to the location he identified. .

Qi Kai followed closely. Without running a few steps, he heard a policeman waving his arm in front of him and said: "Found it, found it! People are here! They fell into the pit!"

Qi Kai strode forward, ran to the policeman's side, grabbed the searchlight in his hand, and looked down. He saw Zuo Qiu's face raised blankly, and the Dang Qiudie in his arms. In ecstasy, he jumped down and fell to the bottom of the pit, ignoring his dizzy head, squinting his eyes and rushing to Zuoqiu's side, holding Dang Qiudee in his arms. She measured her carotid artery with a trembling hand, as well as her heartbeat. Her high-hanging heart finally fell to the ground. With a "gudong", she swallowed and spit, and raised her head and shouted: "Quickly come down and save someone, also What do you dare to do?"

Jiang Fangyuan also urged the doctor to jump down first. He also jumped down, staggering to Qi Kai's side, and eagerly asked, "Is there anything okay?"

Qi Kai hugged Dang Qiudie tightly, and said coldly: "One more breath! I can't forgive those little things!"

When Jiang Fangyuan heard that Dang Qiudee was not in danger, he relaxed. As for Qi Kai's next sentence, he didn't care. As long as there is no death, Qi Kai will not kill those people, as long as no one is killed, everything is easy to say!

The doctor hurriedly checked Dang Qiudie and saw that although her condition was in danger, she still had enough time and there would be no major issues. He nodded to Jiang Fangyuan and signaled to get the person up first.

Qi Kai asked them to tie the rope around his waist and let them pull on him. He half leaned back, holding Dang Qiudie, and walked up step by step.

Dang Qiudie felt that there had been a change of people around him, opened his loose eyes, looked around for Zuo Qiucai's figure, and saw him sitting slumped on the side, no one to answer, struggling to reach out to him.

Qi Kai noticed her movements, and then looked at Zuo Qiucai. Through the lights illuminated by the soldiers Qi Qi above, he saw that his body was scarred and horrible, so he hurriedly said to Jiang Fangyuan: "Hurry up and put Zuo Qiu away. Just get it up, and he can't have an accident!"

Jiang Fangyuan thought he was concerned about the young man who saved Dang Qiudie, and nodded and said, "Don't worry, there will be no accident with him!"

Dang Qiudie "showed" an affirmative smile to herself when she saw Zuo Qiu, and she let her down, never insisted that it was not, closed her eyes and fainted.

Zuo Qiu watched Qi Kai send Dang Qiude up, and he was immediately pulled up. He was carried by the fire fighters and ran to the edge of the cliff. He was tied to a soldier's body, carried on the road, and placed on the road. On the stretcher, I carried the ambulance, Mengshan quilt, covered with oxygen mask, put on the nutrient salt water, felt the ambulance start, the consciousness has been dizzy, but not completely lost, as if a cold-eyed, standing on the side watching This all happened. He even saw his body, saw the back of his head that he couldn't see, watched the nurses remove the hair from the injured area, watched them fix their wounds... This feeling is really amazing! In the end, he passed the ambulance, flew into the air, chased the ambulance in front, got in, and stood beside Dang Qiuche, who was already in a coma. Dang Qiudie seemed to sense that she was standing next to her, closing her eyes and moving lightly, her eyelashes flickered, and her clear eyes came out.

I seemed to smile at her and opened my mouth to tell her something, but I couldn't hear what was said. Two lines of tears slid down from the corner of Dang Qiudie’s eyes, and she took her hand and said to herself: "Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" Then she flew into the air again and saw the twinkling stars in the sky. To the shining lights of the city in the distance, I saw the ambulance Centrino moving forward. He seemed to know that he should go back to the ambulance behind, but there seemed to be some force pulling him, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get close to the ambulance anymore. Zuo Qiu became anxious. He was going back. He couldn't watch the ambulance drive away... Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his body. The body that was flying in the air twisted, chasing the ambulance behind like a blue smoke. Car... Then Zuoqiu finally lost consciousness!

Zhang Bingjie was asleep when he saw Zuoqiu walking in front. He yelled desperately from behind and chased after him desperately, but he didn't seem to hear him, he didn't look back, he kept walking, and he kept walking forward... The chill from the bone marrow once again filled the whole body, and the environment around him suddenly became icebergs and snowfields. Zuo Qiucai's figure was already permeated in the flying wind and snow, and a strong desolation and fear filled the world. Zhang Bingjie yelled in horror, but could only watch Zuo Qiucai's figure disappearing from sight... Gong Jin in his sleep suddenly felt her heart contract violently, the pain was uncontrollable, she woke up suddenly and opened the head of the bed. Lamp, picked up the phone, found the secretly taken picture of Zuo Qiucai, looked at his ordinary but amiable face blankly, and was at a loss for a while.