The Rebirth of Nirvana

Chapter 88: Mind


After checking, the doctor said that Dang Qiudie's body was not in serious trouble, but Zuo Qiu was in a dangerous state. When Zhang Bingjie heard this, he was anxious, and said anxiously: "Doctor, you must save him! He can't do anything!"

The attending physician smiled and said: "Don't worry, he is still in danger for the time being. After our treatment, he will soon be out of danger! He just lost too much blood, coupled with the cold outside, his body function went into self-preservation. Status, as long as he wakes up, there will be nothing wrong!"

Qi Kai asked in a deep voice: "When will he wake up?"

The attending physician paused, and then replied: "This depends on the patient's own willpower. Those who have strong willpower may wake up in a while; those who have a weak willpower will only wake up after a day or two, two or three days later. , Not without it!"

Cao Yinghao said on the side: "You are not bullshit, why rely on his own willpower? He is in a coma, and there is still a willpower for a fart! There is no way for you to wake him up?"

The attending physician smiled restrainedly and said, "There is no way, but forcing the patient to wake up from his self-protection state like that will have a great impact on the patient’s mind. The gain is not worth the loss. We don’t recommend using that until the last moment. Method!"

Cao Yinghao said: "What you mean is that if you wake him up forcibly, he might become an idiot; if you don't wake him up, he might become a vegetable! Does that mean?"

The attending physician has not answered yet. Qian Zhao has already pulled Cao Yinghao aside and reprimanded him: "You can't close your crow's mouth. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

The attending physician smiled and said: "I will go in to see the patient's condition, and I will come out later to tell you the latest development of the condition!" As soon as the voice fell, a nurse ran out and screamed, "The patient is awake. !"

Everyone greeted him, leaving the attending physician behind, and rushing to ask questions around the little nurse. The little nurse also has a temper, and yelled: "Quiet! This is a hospital, not a vegetable market. Don't make a loud noise, which affects the rest of the patients! Say one by one!"

Cao Yinghao whispered: "You have the loudest voice!"

Qi Kai asked first: "Are both patients awake?"

The little nurse shook her head and said, "The man who has not woken up yet, but the woman who woke up!"

Zhang Bingjie and the others all let out a disappointed "Oh", which caused Qi Kai to glare at him and turned away embarrassedly. Qi Kai turned around and asked the nurse kindly: "Can I go in and have a look?"

The little nurse looked at all of them and said, "Only two people can go in!"

Finally, Qi Kai and Zhang Bingjie followed the nurse into the emergency room.

Qi Kai walked to Dang Qiudie’s hospital bed and saw her eyes flashing with a "confused" light. He obviously hadn’t been relieved yet, so he couldn’t help but relax and stand beside her, slowing down. After breathing, as if the consciousness that she had recovered, the air that was exhaled by herself would dissipate again. Leaning over, said softly: "Xiaodie'er, look at me, do you recognize who I am?"

Dang Qiudee rolled her eyes, looked at him steadily, and said in a speechless voice, "You are Uncle Qi Kai!"

When Qi Kai heard that she recognized herself, her nose was sore, and she almost shed tears, and hurriedly sniffed a few times, suppressing the excitement in her heart.

Dang Qiudee rolled his eyes again, looked at the surrounding environment, and asked, "Where am I? Are we saved?"

Qi Kai hurriedly replied softly: "You are already saved, you are in the hospital now, let go, I won't let you suffer any more harm!"

Dang Qiudie breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Qi Kai's words. Her neck hadn't been relieved because of her stiffness. She still couldn't move. The only thing she could move was her eyes and lips. She continued to turn her eyes, looking for something, and said: "Where is that person?"

Qi Kai was shocked, knowing that she was asking Zuo Qiucai, and pointed to the hospital bed beside him and said: "Zuo Qiu is by your side!"

Dang Qiudie tried his best to twist his neck, trying to turn his head, but couldn't move, so anxious that his face was sweating, and said to Qi Kai: "You turn me around, I want to see him!"

At this time, Qi Kai is afraid that she will not be happy, that is, she wants the stars in the sky, and she is willing to take them off for her, not to mention just such a small wish. He stretched out his hand to gently support her head and let her see lying on the other side. A sickly Zuo Qiucai.

Seeing a girl beside Zuo Qiucai’s bed, Dang Qiudie was holding Zuo Qiucai’s hand with concern and asked, "Who is she?"

Qi Kai didn't dare to let her look for a long time. He straightened her body lightly, looked at Zhang Bingjie, and replied softly: "She is Zuo Qiucai's girlfriend, her name is Zhang Bingjie!"

Dang Qiudie's eyes froze, her lips moved, and she said imperceptibly: "Do you already have a girlfriend?" Then her eyes became firm, and her unconscious hands clenched her fists tightly.

Zhang Bingjie walked into the emergency room and saw that Zuo Qiu was lying on the sickly body, his heart was blocked, his nose was sore, and his eyes were "bewildered". Sadness came from it, and it was hard to restrain himself. He walked quickly to his side, took his still cold hand, and looked at his slightly closed eyes, not very straight nose, and tightly pressed lips. The more I look, the more I want to see, the more I look, the more I love to watch, the more The more I didn't see enough, the two emotions of sorrow and joy were intertwined in my heart, I couldn't help laughing, and tears also flowed down.

What kind of person are you? Look at yourself. You are not tall or handsome, and you don’t speak humorously. Although you have a lot of whimsical ideas, you rarely put them into practice. Although you started a company at a young age, Don't take charge of any specific affairs, leave things to others to do, and be the master of your own hands... What kind of person are you

I’m looking at myself. I’m not too outstanding in my length. It’s better now. When I first entered university, I was just a silly girl who came out of a small county town. How could you get a glance in the crowd Did you see me? I don't know how to take care of your mood, so as to make some small "sexuals", how can you tolerate me like this

You are a bad person and stole my heart, but you take care of it so well, are you still a bad person

You are a good person and broke my heart. Although you didn't do it on purpose, can you still be considered a good person

You are a bad guy who is not bad! You are a bad good person! But, what kind of person are you

Look at you, I just asked you a few questions, and you frowned. Have you been so impatient with me? Okay Okay, I won't ask anymore! No matter what kind of person you are, I just need to firmly believe that you are the most important person in my life.

Go to sleep, go to sleep! You are really exhausted! Sleep well, and when you wake up, you still have to love me like you did before!

I don't care if you will fall in love with others, as long as you always love me, I will be satisfied!

Zhang Bingjie looked at Zuo Qiu lying quietly next to her, with a very well-behaved look, smiled comfortably, put her face on his hand, lay on the side of the hospital bed, and her heart was full of peace and tranquility.