The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 17: The appearance is somewhat similar


The fish's belly turned white in the east, and Mu Zhiming accompanied Fu Ji'an to study at the Nan Academy in the palace.

In the South Academy, Mu Boren was already waiting, the juniors saluted, Fu Ji'an called "Sir", and when the two turned their heads, they saw a person unsurprisingly - the fifth prince, Fu Yi.

In the past three months, Fu Yi has been the first to go to the South Academy every day, either reciting the Four Books and Five Classics or asking for knowledge. He was originally talented and intelligent, but now he is more diligent and hard-working than others, even Mu Boren, who is not easily praised. All three points to him.

Although Mu Zhiming knew that his wolf-hearted and dog-like lungs and snake-bellied wild-like claws were unkind, he was truly convinced by his style of doing this.

Fu Ji'an is still young and doesn't know the unpredictable truth. He thinks that he is close to Fu Yi, and warmly greets him: "Brother Huang, you are really the first to come to the academy, I admire it!"

Mu Zhiming followed Fu Ji'an and said lightly after saluting, "I have seen the fifth prince."

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, if Fu Yi was really reborn, did he feel guilty in his heart when he heard Fu Ji'an's intimate royal brother

Fu Yi put down the book in his hand and said with a smile, "I'm used to getting up early, there's nothing to admire, Li Zhumo is about to salute, get up quickly."

"That's right." Fu Ji'an pushed Mu Zhiming with his elbow, "Brother Huang is not the kind of rigid and arrogant person, why are you so alienated? The three of us have played together since childhood!"

These calm words, because of the sea of blood in the previous life, like iron claws and silver hooks, left a tragic wound on Mu Zhiming's heart, he straightened up and said with a gentle smile: "What the seventh prince said is, I am very I miss those naive chief acquaintances, but I don't know, does the fifth prince remember?"

Fu Yi calmly and lightly smiled: "Of course I remember, how can I forget? The days in Fengyi Palace are the most worry-free thoughts in my life."

He bowed his head, lost in memory.

Fu Yi's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wu, came from a humble and lowly background, so even if she gave birth to a prince, she could only get the title of Jieyu. The emperor didn't like her, and she never saw her again.

Since Fu Yi remembered, he had never seen his father except for the festive reunion day, and their mother and son had never had a day of peace in this palace.

The other concubines who could not give birth to a prince were not used to Wu Jieyu, and made things difficult for her everywhere. The servants who tended to be infatuated with Wu Jieyu also treated her coldly when they saw that Wu Jieyu was not favored.

Later, when the noble concubine entered the palace, she met Wu Jieyu because she was young, so after she entered the palace, she angrily rebuked the evil master who persecuted their mother and son, Diao slave, not only protecting Wu Jieyu, but also taking her and Fu Yi. Live in Fengyi Palace.

Although there are many organs in this palace, people are sinister, but fortunately, the imperial concubine has won the emperor's favor, and she has a delicate heart, so although she has experienced strong winds and waves for many years, she is still safe and sound.

This karma also made Fu Yi, Fu Ji'an, and Mu Zhiming acquaintances since childhood, and their relationship is much closer than others.

"Brother Huang, what are you talking about!" Fu Ji'an's clear voice pulled Fu Yi Piaoyuan's thoughts back, "How old are you, you are the most worry-free in this life, and the days to come will grow!"

Fu Yi smiled and didn't answer the question, he just said, "Go and endorse it, and be careful that Mr. Xian will ask you."

"Hey, why are you like Brother Mu, you know that you urge me to study, you two were obviously more playful than me when you were young!" Fu Ji'an complained, sat obediently at his desk, picked up the book, shook his head and started to memorize it.

Mu Zhiming saluted again, turned around and walked to the reading companion behind the academy, Fu Yi looked at him without restraint, jokingly.

Not long after, the princes arrived one after another, the morning bells and the evening drums were sounded in the distance, and Mu Boren began to teach.

It was already July, the cicadas were roaring, the heat was sultry, and the princes who were reading were drowsy with their heads held up. As it was noon, Mu Boren suddenly sounded like a bell, and a loud "Learn without thinking is worthless" scared everyone. Woke up for a nap.

At this moment, the emperor walked slowly into the academy with a smile on his face. Cold sweat broke out on the back of everyone's back.

"Sit down, I'll stop by and have a look." The emperor put his hands behind his back and smiled cheerfully, "Yan Guogong has worked hard."

Mu Boren didn't bow his head: "I am in the position and fulfill my responsibilities. What hard work is there? Thank you, Your Highness."

"Get flat." After the emperor finished speaking, he looked around the academy, and paused for a moment on Fu Ji'an and Mu Zhiming in the corner of the academy. Suddenly, the emperor realized something and asked with a frown, "Where's Qi'er?"

Mu Boren replied, "Prince said that he has been feeling unwell recently, with a headache and a fever, and he has been in the future academy for three days."

The emperor sneered: "Really? He was ill, and I didn't know it? Okay, wait and see him at the Ciren Palace. Duke Yan, what kind of books are you teaching recently? Are there any unworthy sons who disobey Mr.

"Of course not." Mu Boren waved his hands again and again, and then said with the emperor the books that the princes had read recently.

The emperor nodded again and again and smiled kindly and kindly. When it was, everyone guessed what he was going to say.

The emperor: "I will test them!"

Mu Zhiming seemed to be able to hear the screams in the hearts of every prince.

The emperor pondered for a moment: "Just write it in dictation" for politics. "Let's write this article. After the dictation is finished and handed over to me, you can leave for lunch, accompany the reading and write it in dictation, and hand it over to the gentleman."

Everyone was sad and depressed in their hearts, and they took out their pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the academy was silent for a while.

Mu Zhiming has been familiar with memorizing the Four Books since he was a child, and dictation is easy for him. He finished silently early, but because he didn't want to steal the limelight, he didn't rush to hand it over and pretended to be still writing.

At this moment, Fu Yi stood up with the rice paper, which attracted a lot of admiration from the surroundings.

He gave the silently written article to the emperor with both hands. The emperor took it and glanced at it and put it aside, saying lightly, "Well, let's go."

Fu Yi saluted and left the academy.

After a while, Fu Ji'an also stood up. When the emperor saw that he had finished writing silently, Longyan was delighted and said with a smile, "Jian finished writing?"

"Father, please take a look." Fu Ji'an handed over the silently written article.

"Okay, okay." The emperor took it, looked at it carefully, and smiled, "Not bad, eh? I wrote a wrong word here."

"Huh?" Fu Ji'an was ashamed.

The emperor smiled and pointed the typo to Fu Ji'an, and then patted his head lovingly: "You are still young, and you write so fast, you are already excellent, do you have any rewards you want?"

"Father and emperor love, my son is not short of anything." Fu Ji'an said.

"Don't be humiliated, this is really similar to your mother-in-law, dear." The emperor smiled, "Okay, let's go and rest."

"Thank you, Royal Father!" Fu Ji'an bowed, turned his head and gave Mu Zhiming a look, asking him to write quickly, and then walked out of the academy.

Mu Zhiming looked around, and saw that the other princes were all battered. He expected that they would not finish the silent writing so quickly, so he didn't wait any longer, and got up and handed the silently written article to Mu Boren.

Who knows the emperor said: "Show it to me."

Mu Zhiming was stunned for a moment, then he hurriedly bowed and leaned over and handed the rice paper in his hand to the emperor.

The emperor took it and glanced at it and said with a smile: "The appearance is somewhat similar to that of the imperial concubine. I didn't expect that the handwriting in small script in Qing Jun is exactly the same as that of the imperial concubine. Okay, you can step down."

Mu Zhiming leaned over and resigned, walked out of the academy, and came to the corridor, slightly surprised to see Fu Yizheng and Fu Ji'an chatting under the corridor.

"Brother Mu!" Seeing Mu Zhiming coming out, Fu Ji'an waved to him, "Come on! Brother Huang said he wanted to talk to you!"

Mu Zhiming: "..."