The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 18: These words are deeply painful


Mu Zhiming restrained his emotions, and pretended to walk over calmly: "The fifth prince is looking for me for something?"

"Yeah." Fu Yi nodded with a smile, but didn't mention the matter immediately. He turned to Fu Ji'an and said, "I want to talk to Li Zhu alone, can you let me take him away for a while?"

When Mu Zhiming heard this, blood poured all over his body and his head was about to explode, he said quickly: "I'm sorry, I have an appointment with the seventh prince first, he will go to Qishepu to practice martial arts, I have to accompany him go with!"

"Ah?" Fu Ji'an smiled, "It's alright, just accompany me next time. Of course, the matter of the emperor is more important!"

Mu Zhiming: "..."

Fu! Ji! install! Don't fucking want to sleep in for the next year! ! !

Fu Yi smiled: "Thank you here."

"What's there to thank you for!" Fu Ji'an laughed loudly, "I'm going to Qishe Garden to practice martial arts! See you later!"

"Wait! Wait..." Mu Zhiming wanted to stop Fu Ji'an, but after waving his hand, he ran away and disappeared after a while.

For a while, only Mu Zhiming and Fu Yi were left in the corridor where the sound of cicadas was silent.

Mu Zhiming stopped panicking and calmed down. He wanted to see what trick Fu Yi wanted to play.

In the afternoon, it was sultry and no wind, and the sun was burning. Fu Yi looked at Mu Zhiming, his eyes were indifferent, and his smile was shallow: "My mother is in Fengyi Palace today to accompany the concubine and concubine to relieve the boredom. Come with me to Fengyi Palace, Let's talk by the way."

"Okay, I don't know what the fifth prince has to tell me?" Mu Zhiming responded indifferently.

"Let's talk." Fu Yi smiled and set off, and the two went to Fengyi Palace together.

Mu Zhiming thought that Fu Yi would throw out a bunch of yin and yang strange remarks, but he was just chatting, talking about childhood anecdotes, talking about poetry and prose, Mu Zhiming was wondering what Fu Yi meant when he approached Fengyi Palace, Fu Yi suddenly said: "The ancients have a cloud, so the saints are treated equally, Li Zhu, do you think there are really saints in this world?"

Mu Zhiming was thinking about how to answer in confusion, and Fu Yi murmured to himself: "There must be no, all living beings in this world are biased, do you know Li Zhu? You can recite the whole text word for word at the age of 10, but…”

Fu Yi smiled, with a strange expression: "The emperor has never praised me, but Fu Ji'an wrote a typo, and the emperor asked him what reward he wanted. Is it funny?" After that, he laughed wantonly.

Mu Zhiming said indifferently: "In this world, there are more than just the emperor's concern."

Fu Yi restrained his expression, and stared straight at Mu Zhiming with some horror.

Mu Zhiming was not afraid: "The brotherhood that Ji'an gave you is stronger than gold and stone, and the kindness that the noble concubine gave you to protect the calf..."

"Prince Concubine?" Fu Yi suddenly interrupted him, and smiled again, with a cold smile, "Do you know the biggest difference between me and Fu Ji'an? My mother's status is low, and I'm just a drunken emperor. It's just a kind of evil, but Mu Qingwan is different..."

"How dare you!" Mu Zhiming reprimanded, "Call your concubine by the name of the concubine!!"

"Why don't you dare?!" Fu Yi's voice was louder and his eyes were as fierce as hell. He approached Mu Zhiming one step at a time, but when he saw something in the next second, his expression instantly became gentle, and he hid everything, and then, The cheerful voice of the noble concubine came from a distance: "Oh! It's Li Zhu and Yi'er!"

Fu Yi smiled and saluted, Mu Zhi knew that this was not the time for entanglement, so he held his breath and saluted.

The noble concubine approached the two with a bright smile and peerless elegance: "Why are you two, Ji'an?"

"Go back to Niangniang." Mu Zhiming said, "The Seventh Prince has gone to the Qishe Garden to practice martial arts."

"That's it, then he will have no luck. The imperial kitchen just brought my favorite sesame cloud cake, but it's delicious! Let's go!" As she said, the concubine took the hands of the two and smiled. Yin pulled the two of them into the Fengyi Palace.


At this time, Fu Ji'an walked to the riding and shooting garden where the green grass was full of sky, and saw a young man in white with vermilion agate jade on his waist standing in the green bamboo pavilion.

"Master!" Fu Ji'an shouted, strode over, and the accompanying palace staff warned worriedly: "His Royal Highness, slow down, be careful of falling."

Gu Heyan was testing the tension of the bow and arrow strings in his hand, when he heard the call, he raised his head and greeted him with a salute: "Seventh Prince."

"Master, you came very early." Fu Ji'an laughed loudly.

This name Gu Heyan actually felt inappropriate, but Fu Ji'an insisted on calling it like this, saying that he had a river and lake atmosphere and yearning in his heart. Gu Heyan never knew how to argue, so he acquiesced.

"Teach you how to draw a bow today." Gu Heyan handed the bow in his hand to Fu Ji'an.

Fu Ji'an said with a bitter face: "Master, you are too serious. Have we started to practice martial arts now? Don't you even say a word to me?"

Gu Heyan: "...How do you want to greet each other?"

"Just... just..." Fu Ji'an patted his little head and hesitated for a long time, without saying why, he sighed, "Hey, if Brother Mu came with me today, he would be the most talkative!"

Gu Heyan's eyes trembled, his expression instantly changed from indifferent to panic, and his voice was half-hearted: "The Prince of Yan Kingdom is coming here today?"

Fu Ji'an didn't notice the change in Gu Heyan's mood, and said, "I was going to come with me, but Brother Wu Huang was looking for him, so he left with Brother Huang."

Gu Heyan lowered his head and lowered his eyes, his eyes were a little gloomy. After a while, he asked a very inappropriate question: "The fifth prince to the prince of the Duke of Yan... Okay?"

"Okay?" Fu Ji'an repeated in confusion, he was only ten years old at this time, how could he understand the pain in the bone erosion in the sentence "Okay", he smiled and said: "Okay, of course it is good, my fifth emperor brother is the most I like to play with Brother Mu, and their relationship is so good that I am a little envious. When I was a child, Brother Wu Huang often teased Brother Mu and asked him to call him "Brother Yi". Brother Mu was stupid at that time, and he actually shouted! Brother Huang brought him a lot of sesame cloud cakes, and he didn't give me any of it, so I'm so mad."

"En." Gu Heyan listened quietly, and after Fu Ji'an finished talking, he murmured in a trembling voice, "That's good."

"Ah?" Fu Ji'an didn't hear clearly.

"Seventh prince, it's time to practice the bow, pull it up." Gu Heyan's breathing gradually calmed down, and he began to instruct Fu Ji'an to practice arrows.


In a twinkling of an eye, at the end of September, the cold moon of the phoenix tree is accompanied by autumn rain, and the weather is getting cooler.

Mu Zhiming, who held a grudge, really didn't let Fu Ji'an fall asleep. He insisted on entering the palace every morning to call him to get up and read. Fu Ji'an was stupid every morning.

On this day, as usual, Mu Zhiming invited An Fengyi Palace to enter the palace to call Fu Ji'an.

Fu Ji'an opened his eyes, hugged the quilt and began to howl: "Brother Mu! Isn't it a day off today? Taifu hasn't even entered the palace, what are you doing! The school isn't open!"

"Can I be lazy before the school is open? Can I not get up early to endorse?" Mu Zhiming smirked, "I think beautifully."

The pitiful Fu Ji'an rolled around on the bed to protest, but was finally pulled up by Mu Zhiming and forcibly dragged to the Dexin study in Fengyi Palace.

Fu Ji'an cried for a while, took the book and recited it silently for a while, but in the end, his playful mind prevailed. He abandoned the book and went to Mu Zhiming's side to look through the stack of books in his hand to see what he was reading.

"Jianghu organs? The Book of Rites? Wuji language?" Fu Ji'an read out the titles of the books and said with emotion, "Brother Mu, the books you read are too complicated! It's a mess."

Mu Zhiming said: "These are interests, careers, and careers. Don't turn it over, read your own book carefully."

"Oh, brother Mu, just let me rest." Fu Ji'an wailed, "I have to practice martial arts in the afternoon!"

Mu Zhiming flipped through the book in his hand and asked casually, "Who taught you martial arts?"

Fu Ji'an replied, "Son of General Gu!"

Mu Zhiming raised his head abruptly and looked at Fu Ji'an: "Gu Heyan?"

"Yes, yes!" Fu Ji'an nodded his head like garlic, his eyes full of admiration, "Brother Mu, let me tell you, my master is too good, he is archery, riding and archery, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, Qinggong Plenum!"

Mu Zhiming suddenly closed the book in his hand: "Why didn't you tell me it was him earlier!"

Fu Ji'an scratched his head, wondering where this complaint came from: "You didn't ask me!"

Mu Zhiming's eyes brightened: "I'll go with you to the horse riding garden this afternoon!"