The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 27: He goes crazy when he gets drunk


The joy of the reunion of the old people outside the Great Wall dilutes the fatigue of traveling for days. After saying goodbye to Gu Heyan, Mu Zhiming and Xu Zhiwei went to the temporary camp.

Although Xu Zhiwei is in the military camp, he has a literate temperament. He chatted with Mu Zhiming happily all the way. After sending him to the camp, he told him that he could come to find him if he had any needs in life in the future. With a slight smile, he added: "Our general's camp is due east of you."

"Thank you Xu Shenjun." Mu Zhiming bowed his thanks.

"It's getting late, Master Mu, you have a good rest." Xu Zhiwei said goodbye and left.

Only Mu Zhiming and Wen Heyin were left in the tent, Wen Heyin, who had been stretched for a long time, relaxed, and began to chat with Mu Zhiming while cleaning up the quilts and furs on the low bamboo and wood couch: "Master, why are you always taking heat Put your face on that cold young general? He doesn't like you at first glance."

Mu Zhiming took off his sapphire hair crown and said with a smile, "Obviously?"

"It's too obvious, the young general didn't want to pay attention to you, and you said that you were looking for him to reminisce about the past, what to talk about, sit there and stare at him, do you see who has big eyes?" Wen Heyin pouted.

Mu Zhiming smiled helplessly, scattered the blue silk, and washed with hot water in the copper basin beside the low couch: "Don't talk about it, hurry up and rest, I've been running around for a few days, I'm tired."

Early the next morning, Wen Heyin was woken up by the sound of horns outside the tent. He yawned and stretched himself to stand up. At a glance, he saw Mu Zhiming's blue silk scattered, wearing a thin bamboo-blue robe, sitting at the desk with a writing brush. what is written.

"What are you doing!" Wen Heyin jumped up immediately, rushed in front of Mu Zhiming, and tugged at his clothes, "It's so cold in the morning, you don't wear your clothes well, you're not cold! Give it to me! Get dressed!"

Wen Heyin tugged on his belt for a while and couldn't fix it, and finally Mu Zhiming tidied himself up: "I'm writing a letter to send home to report safety, do you have anything to say? "

"That's too much." Wen Heyin clapped the table, "You write it to me, saying that the young master is out of control, I can't cure it, and I have to call someone who can cure him! Write it! Write it to me! "

Mu Zhiming nodded: "Xing Xing Xing." Then he picked up the pen and wrote: Everything is fine, in good health, there is no need to worry, and the parents are safe.

After writing the letter, the two went to the post on horseback, handed the letter to the post envoy and then returned to the barracks, it was noon, and just after the two arrived in the tent, a young soldier came to report: "Master Mu, I'll bring you a meal. "

"It's hard work." Mu Zhiming thanked, Wen Heyin stepped forward to take the food box.

When the young soldier left, Wen Heyin couldn't stop talking: "Since I crossed Baishan and went north, I can't see the fine food, the pancake and mutton soup all day long, it's good when it's hot, but if it's colder, it's smelly and oily. You can't eat it at all, I guess the barracks also... Huh?"

Wen Heyin's words stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Mu Zhiming asked suspiciously.

Wen Heyin took out a small plate of walnut cakes from the food box: "Walnut cakes? How come there are cakes in the military camp?"

"It should be that there are chefs who are good at this. Now the military situation is stable and food is abundant, so it's good to cook some food to reward the soldiers." Mu Zhiming was not surprised, because he had been surprised in his previous life.

In the month when he lived in the military camp in his previous life, the lunch boxes that were delivered every day included snacks, and they changed every few days.

Wen Heyin put the plate of walnut cake in front of Mu Zhiming and nodded with satisfaction.

After the two had a lunch break, Mu Zhiming took Wen Heyin to look for Captain Xiahou, and Xiahou Hu warmly welcomed them into his tent.

"It's disturbing." Mu Zhiming bowed and saluted, "I wonder if Commander Xiahou is free? I want to ask some questions."

"I'm free! Of course I'm free!" Xiahouhu laughed and asked Mu Zhiming to sit down on the soft seat, "Little brother wants to learn Gouji language, come and come, I'll teach you how the Gouji people greet each other first. of."

Mu Zhiming rolled his eyes and smiled, and said to him in Gouji language: "Xiahou Colonel, I actually know how the Gouji people say hello."

Xiahou Hu was stunned for a while, and replied in Gouji language: "Little brother, you speak Gouji language quite smoothly, even better than me, then I'll teach you how to scold people, come, read with me, his grandma's Be sure to yell like me, his grandma's!"

Mu Zhiming laughed out loud: "Actually, I can do this too."

After all, in his previous life, Mu Zhiming spent 20 days learning swearing during the month he learned Gouji language from Xiahou Hu in the military camp.

"Good guy." Xia Houhu slapped his thigh, "Why do you need to learn? It's almost the same as teaching."

Mu Zhiming mentioned the purpose of this visit: "Xiahou Colonel Miao praised, in fact, I am here to disturb you because I want to ask you something. I heard that you are not a soldier of the Rongyan Army. You were originally stationed in the northeast frontier. It belongs to General Gu."

Xia Houhu nodded: "Exactly."

"My Dajin was originally friendly with Gou Ji, but this time Gou Ji sent troops suddenly. You have lived in the border town for a long time, can you notice any clues?" Mu Zhiming asked.

Xia Houhu said without thinking: "Of course, little brother, let me tell you that the two countries used to trade frequently, and you know that white city on the frontier? It was so lively ten years ago! The street market is bustling, There are people who are hawking and selling everything! But for some reason, in the past three years, fewer and fewer Gouji merchants have come to Dajin. Just a few months before the war, the Gouji country will not let people come. In fact, at that time, Gouji had The problem is, but everyone is slack and doesn't care."

"Is Baicheng far from the military camp?" Mu Zhiming asked.

"It's not close, it will take more than an hour to go back and forth quickly." Xiahou Hu said, "Little brother, if you want to go to Baicheng, you have to ask General Gu for a letter, otherwise it will be inconvenient to enter and leave the military camp."

Mu Zhiming nodded: "Thank you for the mention, by the way, General Gu, is he... busy on weekdays?"

"General Gu? Work hard! He has to take care of the big and small matters of the military camp, but he is also a genius!" Xia Houhu mentioned Gu Heyan with admiration in his tone, "When he led the troops to come to support, I was still in my heart. He murmured, saying that a 19-year-old boy can do great things. I never imagined that after I fought with him, I would never lose a war! I am also sincerely grateful to him. I have the blood of the Gouji clan on my body, and I fought a war before. , how many people stabbed me in the spine and secretly scolded me for being a foreigner, but General Gu Xiaojun was not suspicious, trusted me, and even led me to join the Rongyan Army. When it comes to this Rongyan Army, everything is fine, but the military discipline is too strict, I am I'm not used to it, right?"

Xia Houhu remembered something, got up and went into the tent, and actually brought out a pot of wine and placed it in front of Mu Zhiming: "Little brother, take this wine, it was hidden before I joined the Rongyan Army, but now in the army You can't drink, I don't know how to deal with it, I can only hide it all the time, you're not in the military, you don't need to obey the rules, I'll give it to you!"

Before Mu Zhiming refused, Wen Heyin said, "My young master can't drink. His wine is too bad. It's okay if he doesn't get drunk. When he gets drunk, he goes crazy and doesn't recognize anyone, and he can't remember anything when he wakes up."

Mu Zhiming's cheeks flushed: "Cough!"

Xiahou Hu laughed, Mu Zhiming cupped his hands: "Let Xiahou captain laugh, I can't take this wine, you can only continue to hide it."

After saying goodbye to Xiahou Hu and leaving the camp, Wen Heyin asked, "Master, where are we going now?"

Mu Zhiming smiled: "Go to our cold General Gu and ask for a document for entering and leaving the military camp."