The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 46: Never thought it was him


In the world of life, the white horses have passed the gap. In May this year, when the apricot flowers were drizzling, Mu Zhiming was in his twenties.

It was also this year that Caiwei accidentally bumped into the Qingshiban alley, into the arms of the scholar in Tsing Yi, and into her own destiny.

In this year, the war outside the Great Wall was over, Gu Heyan's right arm was poisoned by an arrow, and the injury did not heal for several months. The six generals simply wrote to the emperor, begging for the imperial decree, and taking the mandate of heaven to oppress Gu Heyan.

The emperor heard: This is worth it, hurry up and come back to me!

The soldiers received the imperial decree, hurriedly stuffed their coach into the carriage, and sent him back to the capital overnight.

On June 15th, in the middle of the night, when the magpies were tired and perched, the sparse stars reflected on the Zhu households. Due to the curfew, the huge capital was silent. A carriage escorted by dozens of people dressed in black armor drove into the city, no one was there. Dare to stop.

The carriage stopped in front of Gu's house, and the young soldier stepped forward and lifted the curtain: "General, we are here."

A young man in a tea-white brocade clothes leaned out. His brows were bright and handsome, but his face was tired and his lips were pale. In his arms, seeing that he was unable to exert his strength, You Jiang Tu stepped forward to help him get off the carriage, but Gu Heyan shook his head and refused.

Gu Heyan stood in front of the gate of Gu Mansion, looked up at the vermilion plaque, and sighed with emotion: It has been five years since the young man left home, and he is familiar with everything and unfamiliar with everything.

Aunt Liang's family knew that Gu Heyan went home today and was waiting in front of the hall early. After meeting him, they saluted and called the young master. The eyes of several people were all red, and they were speechless. The accompanying Rongyan military doctor Xia Xia Wu came forward: "General, the journey is hard work. After it's getting late, I'll change the medicine for your injury, so you should rest quickly."

When Aunt Liang heard it, she knew that it was not the time for the sad spring and autumn, and she hurriedly said, "Young master, your wing has been tidied up, go and rest."

Gu Heyan entrusted Aunt Liang to settle the Rongyan army soldiers who were accompanying him, and said nothing to Xia Xia: "Let's go, go to the wing room to change the medicine."

"Girl, could you please bring a basin of hot water?" Xia Tian Wu handed over to Juanniang, who hurriedly nodded and did as she did.

She quickly went and brought a basin of hot water to Gu Heyan's wing. After placing the basin on the wooden frame, Juanniang raised her head and immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

Gu Heyan was sitting beside the bed to change his dressing. Half of his clothes were unbuttoned, his right arm was exposed, the forearm to the elbow was bloody, and the festering wound looked extremely painful. Juanniang was so distressed that her eyes were red, and she sighed.

"Niang Juan, go and rest." Gu Heyan raised his eyes and said softly, "You don't have to wait here."

Juanniang nodded, got up and exited the wing.

Xia Tian Wu also retired after applying the medicine for Gu Heyan and rested. Gu Heyan put on his middle clothes and lay on the bed and closed his eyes. The young and familiar residence is reassuring. There are many young generals who have experienced wind and frost outside and have not slept for many years. Will fall asleep.

In the dream, it was still outside the fortress where the yellow sand filled the sky. He saw himself wearing silver armor and charging into the battle, his red horse jumped up, and the dark arrows of the Yi people roared toward him. Everything in the world was so slow, every minute and every second He could see clearly.

Even his own thoughts and thoughts are so clear and unavoidable.

In fact, he could dodge the dark arrow.

He had been shot by a poisoned arrow in his previous life, so he was prepared for this life.

But at that moment, Gu Heyan was stunned.

Just because he thought of returning to Beijing after he was injured in his previous life, Mu Zhiming once came to visit him once.

What if Mu Zhiming didn't come here if he didn't get hurt in this life

In a single thought, the boat was done, the poisonous arrow pierced his arm, the red sleeves were stained with blood, and the pain made Gu Heyan tremble all over.

When Gu Heyan woke up from the dream, the sky was bright.

The paralyzing effect of the herbal medicine has passed, and the wound hurts badly, but Gu Heyan is used to the pain after so long.

The birds were chirping outside the window, and the sun was shining brightly. Gu Heyan felt like he was in a dream without hearing the sound of fighting and horns. He opened his eyes and felt the tranquility. Then he braced his wounded body to get up. He knew that he would not be free today. In the capital, there are still a lot of people and sophistication waiting for him to deal with.

At this moment, two people's voices came from outside the door. In fact, they were not speaking loudly, but Gu Heyan was a martial artist with six senses, so he caught the words into his ears.

"Sir, our young master doesn't seem to be awake yet."

It was Aunt Liang who was talking.

However, the other person was something Gu Heyan never thought of.

Well, he was tired from driving and driving, so it would be better to sleep a little longer.

The sound of longing and thinking made Gu Heyan sit up from the bed abruptly, so it affected the injury, causing him to frown suddenly.

But Gu Heyan didn't have the intention to manage the injury at all. He stared at the door in shock, as if he wanted to penetrate the carved wooden door with his eyes and see what was going on outside.

Mu Zhiming? How could it be him