The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 83: Do your best to get to know him


In Baicheng, the twilight was dark, and every household lit candles, which added warmth to this not-so-lively street. As soon as Grandma Xu of Guangfengpu lit the lantern in front of the shop, two people hurried over.

A young man in an indigo guard uniform dragged the sleeve of another handsome boy in a light blue orchid patterned brocade, and led him trotting over: "Young master, look, this is the place. shop!"

"You two young masters, what do you want to buy?" Grandma Xu squinted and smiled happily, "The chestnut cake that just came out of the oven is so sweet and fragrant, do you want to buy some?"

"Grandma." Mu Zhiming saluted and asked, "Do you remember who came to buy sesame cakes from you this morning?"

"Oh, there are too many people who bought it, how can I remember all of them!" Grandma Xu waved her hands again and again.

"That... ."

Mu Zhiming considered his words, trying to find the claws from the slush,

"In winter four years ago, did someone buy cakes from you every day?"

"Child, what happened four years ago is even longer. I am old and have a bad memory." Grandma Xu smiled kindly.

"Grandma, think about it again, it was the days when the first snow came four years ago." Mu Zhiming begged, "If you think about it carefully, maybe you can think of something?"

Grandma Xu thought hard for a moment, then shook her head helplessly, apologetically: "Sorry, child, I can't remember."

Mu Zhiming pursed his lips and sighed, his face full of frustration.

Wen Heyin patted him on the shoulder soothingly: "Master..."

Suddenly, a thick and loud voice came from behind the two of them: "Two little boys, the walnut cakes from Granny Xu's house are the best, and it's definitely not a loss if you buy that!"

Mu Zhiming turned his head to look, and saw a big man with a big beard and a thick beard coming with a bundle of dry wood on his back.

"Oh, Daniel, you're here." Grandma Xu smiled.

"Well, Granny Xu, I'll put this firewood in your backyard." Da Niu said.

"Okay." Grandma Xu nodded.

Daniel was familiar with the way he carried the firewood to the backyard and put it away. When he came back and saw Mu Zhiming was still in front of the shop, he couldn't help but said: "Little boy, buy walnut cakes, don't pick and choose, walnuts. The crisp must be delicious, do you know the famous General Yulin, the commander of the Rongyan Army? Even he thinks the walnut crisp is delicious! I used to come to Grandma Xu to buy it every day!"

"What! What did you say?!" Mu Zhiming was suddenly excited and shouted, "When did he come to buy it?"

Daniel was startled by Mu Zhiming: "Hey, baby, what are you doing, you worship the general? I think, if I remember correctly, it was probably four years ago, and General Gu came every morning. At that time, I had to deliver firewood to the mother-in-law of the Xu family every morning, and I could see him every day. Xue, I have to buy a walnut cake, do you think this walnut cake is delicious?"

Mu Zhiming's chest was heaving violently. He didn't say a word, blinked frequently, looked around in a daze and didn't know where he was, just like a person who couldn't understand.

"Master, are you alright?" Wen Heyin had never seen Mu Zhiming's expression before, and was a little flustered.

"I... .. I'm fine..." Mu Zhiming waved his hand, he said intermittently, "Buy some walnut cakes, let's go."

"Okay." Wen Heyin hurriedly did as he said.

The two led Ma Xun to a quiet place on the outskirts of the city. The light was long and the grass was dyed like frost. Mu Zhiming opened the oil paper bag, put a piece of walnut cake into his mouth, chewed it carefully and swallowed it, and muttered absently: " The taste is really the same... ..really bought from a dim sum shop....but why why....and also in previous past lives too"

"Master, what's wrong with you? You've been like a demon from the very beginning." Wen Heyin said worriedly, "It's scary."

Mu Zhiming: "I just..."

Just what, he couldn't say it again, and finally sighed:

"I do not know."

"Okay." Wen Heyin put her arms around her. "I don't understand it. I'll find it out. After I've found it, I still don't understand. What do you think we are doing."

Mu Zhiming was amused by Wen Heyin and couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, anyway, I can't figure it out for a while." He raised his eyes and glanced at the vast night sky. "It's too dark, so hurry back to the military camp."

The two rode on their horses, the royal horse galloped towards the Rongyan army camp, Chan Guang paved the way, and Mu Zhiming had a lot of thoughts.

If he asked, would Gu Heyan tell him

The answer is definitely no, just like Gu Heyan avoided the matter of the vermilion jade pendant.

With the galloping horses under him and the wind whistling in his ears, Mu Zhiming gradually made up his mind: since he can't see him right now, he will try his best to understand him. One day, he will definitely understand why Gu Heyan treats him sometimes Blazing like flames, sometimes icy as frost.

"Master! Be careful!"

Wen Heyin's panicked voice suddenly sounded, pulling Mu Zhiming, whose thoughts were wandering, back to his senses.

"What's wrong?" Mu Zhiming followed Wen Heyin's voice in confusion, but the next moment, a ferocious beast rushed over in the darkness of the desert and bit the neck of the horse under Mu Zhiming. .

The blood was overflowing, the horse neighed and fell to the ground, and Mu Zhiming fell heavily to the ground.

As the world was spinning, he heard a terrifying wolf howling in his ears.