The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 90: I like to persuade people to drink


The autumn wind in the desert was silent, and the bonfire devoured the wood. Mu Zhiming followed behind the Gouji soldiers, walked a hundred paces, and stopped in front of a tent.

That tent was different from other tents. The golden sun was painted on the top of the dome, and the red and yellow felts used for decoration were extremely colorful, which showed that its owner was a distinguished person.

The soldiers opened the curtain and invited Mu Zhiming to enter. Inside the tent, the warm fragrance was lingering. Next to the high bronze candlestick in the shape of three blue birds, on the large swastika carpet with velvet red ground, after the willow wood carving eagle struck the low table in the sky, Buri Gude held it. Sitting there, looking at the person with a smile on his lips, he pointed lightly at the position opposite him: "Your Excellency, please take a seat."

Mu Zhiming saluted and sat down opposite Buri Gude. Seeing the delicious delicacies and jade liquor on the table, he was very puzzled: "I don't know why Tianhan is looking for me?"

Buri Gude picked up the wine jar and poured out a bowl of clear and sweet wine: "Gouji's fine wine is famous far and near, at today's banquet, I saw that you did not touch a drop of the envoy, it is a pity to come, so I called the adults to taste this. A hundred years of amber light."

Mu Zhiming declined: "Thank you for Tianhan's love, but I have never been able to drink alcohol. If I get drunk and go crazy and run into Tianhan, it would be rude. But..." Mu Zhiming raised his head and looked at Brigude calmly, "Heaven. Khan asked me to come here, there should be something else."

Buri Gude smiled: "You are really smart, how enviable the emperor of Dajin is, to have a talent like you, yes, I am looking for you, there are other things."

Saying that, Burigude's posture was changed from sitting cross-legged to sitting, with his right forearm propped on the table, his eyes carefully observing Mu Zhiming's expression, and he asked unhurriedly, "Dare to ask the envoy, I will walk with you. What's the identity of that one?"

This question is too ambiguous, combined with Gu Heyan's identity, for a moment, coolness and chills rushed up Mu Zhiming's back.

His eyes flashed, and he forced himself to calm down very quickly.

No, Gu Heyan hid it very well, and if Gou Jiren really found something, how could he just sit here calmly and ask him.

"Your Excellency?" Seeing that Mu Zhiming had not spoken for a long time, Burigude called out.

"He." Mu Zhiming restrained his thoughts and smiled, "It's my husband."

Brygold: "… "

Mu Zhiming: "In Gouji language, it means kissing and loving people..."

"Stop, stop, I know what it means." Burigude hurriedly interrupted Mu Zhiming, the young Tianhan seemed a little speechless, and he raised his head after touching his forehead for a moment, "Mr. Envoy, let's talk about something serious."

Mu Zhiming's face was innocent: "When did you get serious?"

Burigude coughed dryly, raised his head and said with a serious expression: "My lord, the reason why I called you here alone is because I don't trust your companion."

Mu Zhiming wondered: "Why? Tianhan, you should have never seen him before."

"Yes, but his face reminds me of a person." Brigude said, "A man of Great Jin."

Mu Zhiming became more and more puzzled: "Who?"

Buri Gude looked at Mu Zhiming and spoke slowly, his words made Mu Zhiming feel cold all over his body and his eyes shrank suddenly.

He said: "Fu Yi, the fifth prince of the Great Jin, met with the old Khan King Gouji at the border about a year ago, and then the old Khan began to recruit troops and prepare to attack the Great Jin. If you do not come to negotiate peace this time. , war between the two countries is inevitable.”

Mu Zhiming's heart trembled, his breathing was not smooth, and it took a long time for the throat to make a sound: "Tianhan, you mean, the fifth prince of the Jin Dynasty provoked a war..."

Brigude interrupted him: "I don't know what the contradiction between you and the royal family of Jin Dynasty is, let alone what your five princes want to do. I just saw your companion and suddenly remembered this, and put what I know. I told you, you are so smart, you will definitely understand something."

Yes, at the moment when Burigude finished saying that, a picture of power and conspiracy slowly unfolded in Mu Zhiming's mind.

Mu Zhiming remembered his previous life. It was the same year that Gou Ji and Xi Rong raised their troops to invade the Great Jin Ling frontier for some reason. Five cities were seized by aliens in a row.

Just when the alien horseshoe was about to step into the capital, the fifth prince, Fu Yi, took the initiative to ask Ying, risking his life to fight on the battlefield, and then recaptured the three cities and held the line of defense.

After everything subsided, Da Jin lost two cities, and Fu Yi had military power in his hand, and he also won the praise of civil and military officials.

This prince, who had been unfavored and unknown since childhood, suddenly possessed a power that could rival that of the wise king and the prince.

Although Mu Zhiming hated Fu Yi, he never thought about conspiracy in this matter.

After all, in the eyes of the former Mu Zhiming, when the fate of the Jin Dynasty was hanging by a thread, it was Fu Yi who took over the heavy responsibility to protect the country to the death.

But now, if everything is as Mu Zhiming guessed.

In the previous life, the death of Gu Heyan and the deaths of thousands of soldiers and civilians were indirectly caused by Fu Yi, who deliberately provoked war.

Seeing that Mu Zhiming's face suddenly turned ashen, his hands clenched and his fists trembled slightly, Brigude asked with concern, "Mr. Envoy, how are you?"

Mu Zhiming took a few deep breaths and then calmed down his indignation and anger. He folded his fists and saluted Burigude Tianhan: "Thank you Tianhan for telling me about this."

"It's just a few casual conversations, no need to salute." Bourigude smiled. "It's the envoy, why don't you try this Gouji wine? It will definitely make you unforgettable for the rest of your life."

Mu Zhiming waved his hand and declined: "I'm sorry, but I really don't know how to drink."

Buri Gude hooked his lips, his blue eyes curved like silver hooks in the crescent moon, and he had a desert and exotic style. He smiled and said, "I have a problem with me, and I like to persuade people to drink."

Mu Zhiming was helpless: "Tianhan, is this to avenge the revenge that I cut your throat a few days ago?"

Burigude hummed and said, "Don't worry, Sir, I like to persuade people to drink, but I won't force people to drink. I like to see the other party take the initiative to drink."

"Then today, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Tianhan." Mu Zhiming was confident, "I never take the initiative to drink."

Brigude smiled even more: "The envoy's words are so full, it really makes people fight."

As he said that, he gently placed something on the table and pushed it to Mu Zhiming's eyes: "I don't know if this thing is worth the envoy to taste my Gouji's fine wine?"

Mu Zhiming took a closer look and was speechless.

What Brigude put on the table was the silver waist medal with four gold characters bestowed by the emperor's royal family on General Yulin that he lost a few years ago!