The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement

Chapter 94: What is your medicine


The Qiang flute traveled slowly outside the fortress, Mu Zhiming did not disgrace the order of the envoy, and found a crisp camel bell for Da Jin in the hinterland of the alien military camp in the deep desert frontier, so as to stop the turmoil, save the people of Dawn from the turmoil of war, and avoid worrying about it. The tragedy of He Yan's death on the battlefield.

After ten years of hard work and sleepless nights, I finally waited for the day when the sun rose.

Mu Zhiming kept the negotiating document sealed by the emperor himself as a token, and then said goodbye to Buri Gudetian Khan, and left Gouji Barracks with Gu Heyan all the way south. Coincidentally, the two of them met again with the Gouji caravan who had given them a ride before. The fate of the reunion made people happy. The caravan leader warmly invited the two to go with them and decided to send them to Changming Pass.

In this uninhabited desert filled with yellow sand, it is a blessing to have people walking with him, and of course Mu Zhiming will not refuse.

The people in the caravan treated them very nicely. During the chat, they also told Mu Zhiming a lot of local customs and historical stories of Gouji. Mu Zhiming wrote them down one by one, and then picked interesting ones to tell Gu. Heyan.

The two of them did not mention the drunkenness and mischief that day, and they were together as usual, but since that day, Mu Zhiming has always been thinking about one thing: why does Gu Heyan and Fu Yi resemble Fu Yi after disguise

In the middle of the day and night, the stars in the desert sky were falling, and the dead wood was spinning around the bonfire. Mu Zhiming was sitting beside the fire, holding a long dead branch and fiddling with the dry wood.

He remembered that the warlock Yi Rong was not from the capital, so he should have hardly seen His Royal Highness King Su.

If it is really a coincidence, can it really be five or six similar in appearance

Mu Zhiming was staring at the dancing flames thoughtfully, when he heard the squeak of his boots stepping on the desert yellow sand and frost grass, he looked up and saw Gu Heyan walking towards him, walking beside him, his hand stretched out in front of him Spread it out, there is a small porcelain bottle in the palm of your hand.

"Huh? What is this?" Mu Zhiming took it suspiciously.

Gu Heyan replied, "Medicine."

"Medicine?" Mu Zhiming was puzzled, "What medicine?"

Gu Heyan: "Treat your legs..."

Mu Zhiming reacted immediately, covering his lips and coughing abruptly, his face flushed: "Cough cough cough! Okay, don't say it, I get it."

In fact, although his inner thighs were reddened by wear, it was not serious. He had been fine after a day's rest, but after they left the Gouji camp, they rode on horseback every day. The bruise on Zhiming's thigh cannot heal on its own, and it still hasn't healed.

But it didn't hurt too much. Mu Zhiming pretended to be okay, and he didn't know how Gu Heyan found out.

However, for Mu Zhiming, this medicine is really good for a long time. He has been following the caravan for the past few days. His riding speed is not fast. He can endure the injury on the inside of his leg. Speeding towards Dajin, just thinking about it makes people feel uneasy.

After thanking Mu Zhiming, he carefully took the medicine into his arms. When he looked up, he saw Gu Heyan turned to leave, and quickly grabbed his sleeve: "Where are you going?"

Gu Heyan: "..."

Seeing that he didn't answer, he knew that he was fine, the little boy smiled, and the silver man reflected in his eyes: "Chat with me, okay?"

Gu Heyan nodded, sat down beside Mu Zhiming, put his elbows on one of his bent knees, stared at the bonfire silently, and waited for Mu Zhiming to speak.

Mu Zhiming turned to look at him and asked, "Where did the medicine come from?"

Gu Heyan replied, "I bought it from a caravan."

"Huh?" Mu Zhiming was surprised, "Does anyone in the caravan speak the Dajin language?"

Gu Heyan shook his head.

"That is..." Mu Zhiming immediately thought of the other side, and he looked at Gu Heyan in surprise, "What? So you can speak auspicious language?!"

Gu Heyan nodded: "I can listen, I can't speak well, I can only say a few simple words."

Mu Zhiming: "I only found out about this, are you the Gouji language you learned when you were stationed in the frontier?"

"Yeah." The night was dark, and the temperature was getting lower and colder, Gu Heyan took the dry wood stick in Mu Zhiming's hand, and set the fire to a bit more vigorous.

"Why do you want to learn Gouji language?" Mu Zhiming was very curious, Gu Heyan's usual military affairs were so heavy, and he knew this foreign language, he must have deliberately spared time to learn.

Gu Heyan stared at the fire for a moment and said, "What you said."

"What did I say?" Mu Zhiming asked, "What did I say, what did I say?"

Gu Heyan said: "Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. Learning another language is not a way of knowing the enemy."

"What?" Mu Zhiming laughed when he heard the words, "Did I say such a thing to you? When did I say it? I can't remember why?"

This sentence is from the art of warfare, and he emphasized this to Gu Heyan, who is well versed in warfare and the art of warfare. Isn't he asking himself for fun

"You didn't tell me." Gu Heyan narrowed his eyes, "It's Captain Xiahou..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly closed his mouth when he remembered something, his eyes flickered, and his face changed slightly.

"Huh? What happened to Captain Xiahou? Why didn't you say anything?" Mu Zhiming was puzzled.

"It's over." Gu Heyan stood up, avoiding Mu Zhiming's gaze, "I'm going to set up a tent."

"Ah? Finished?" Mu Zhiming was confused, for a while, he didn't know whether his comprehension was too poor or Gu Heyan's words were too concise, "Why did you finish? I didn't understand."

Gu Heyan strode away, turning a deaf ear to Mu Zhiming's call, as if if he slowed down, he would be overtaken by the beasts of the flood.

"That's all." Mu Zhiming muttered while holding his head with one hand, "Just pester him and tell me next time."

But the next day the caravan went outside Changming Pass, and continued to the south is the Dajin boundary.

The two first rushed to the small frontier village and returned the eighteen blood beads bracelets to Granny Feng. Granny heard that the peace negotiation was successful, and tears welled up in the eyes of the old man, who were full of ravines, and held Mu Zhiming's hand tightly. put.

Farewell to Granny Feng, the two arrived at the Rongyan Army camp a few days later.

Everyone was relieved that the two returned safely.

After hearing the news that the peace talks were successful and that the Gouji army stationed in the frontier was ready to withdraw, the soldiers of the Rongyan Army were stunned.

What? no more wars

Why the hell doesn't he need to fight

Is there any fraud in this? !

Xia Houhu felt that this matter was too mysterious, and chased behind Mu Zhiming every day to ask him how he did it.

Young Master Mu said solemnly, "General Gu said that as long as I can successfully negotiate with Gou Ji, I can marry him back to the mansion, so I did it."

Xiahouhu: "?"

Little brother, I think you are fooling me.

Mu Zhiming said with a smile, "I didn't fool you, you tell me, just with General Gu's celestial appearance, who doesn't want to hold their hearts out, take out their lives, and rush to marry him?"

Xia Houhu's mind came up with Gu Heyan's cold face to the King of Hell, and he felt that he didn't think much of it.

"That's right." Mu Zhiming remembered something and asked Xiahou Hu, "Xiahou Colonel, may I ask you the phrase 'know yourself and know your enemy in a hundred battles'?"

Xia Houhu touched his chin and beard and thought for a long time: "Know yourself and know your enemy and you will not be in danger in a hundred battles? I never remember that you said such a thing to me."

"Think about it again, do you really not?" Mu Zhiming asked.

"Well... After thinking about it, I really didn't." Xia Houhu said, "Little brother, why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing, just ask casually." Mu Zhiming smiled kindly, thinking that maybe Gu Heyan had misremembered, or maybe he didn't hear Xia Houhu but something else that day.

"Little brother, you..." Xia Houhu asked hesitantly, "Do you really want to marry our general?"

"Really!" Mu Zhiming laughed loudly, "I can see the sun and the moon from the sun and the moon with my sincere heart. Gu Heyan will not marry in this life!"

Although Xia Houhu felt that Mu Zhiming's words could not be taken seriously, it did not conflict with his love of speaking.

So three days later, Gu Miao's righteous brother, Gu Heyan's uncle, and Rongyan Army general Wei Lingyun went to the coach's tent. The first thing he said when he met Gu Heyan was: "I heard you sold yourself?"

Gu Heyan: "..."

Wei Lingyun was heartbroken and sighed again and again: "Xiaoyan, you are the commander of the Rongyan Army, how can you be so impulsive and reckless with this contract?"

Gu Heyan: "..."

When the soldiers of the Rongyan Army were repeatedly shocked by the news that they didn't have to fight anymore and that their coach was going to be married, Mu Zhiming had arranged everything properly and was ready to return with the mission. Jing reported this good news to the saint.

Even though there are thousands of helplessness and reluctance to part, it is still the day of parting.

The cold wind blows, and the lone wild goose does not cry. This time, only Gu Heyan is the only one who sees Mu Zhiming off, because the other soldiers have won the true military biography of Xu Can, and they feel the sadness of parting that should not be disturbed by others.

"After I report to the sage that the frontier is peaceful, the emperor will call you back to Beijing, and you will have to talk to me about the marriage."

After saying this, Mu Zhiming bowed to Gu Heyan and said goodbye, then got up and got into the carriage.

General Gu stood in front of the wooden sentry post and watched Mu Zhiming go away.

As soon as Saibei parted, the autumn sun was clear, and the delegation was exhausted by boat and car, and went to the Linxi Station in the mountains.

After settling the team, Wen Heyin and Mu Zhiming rested in the house, Wen Heyin put down his luggage, looked up, and saw that a former resident had written four big characters on the wall of the house with a brush.

Wen Heyin stared, "Yishui dance... dance..." I couldn't read it for a long time.

Mu Zhiming raised his head and glanced in the direction of Wen Heyin's line of sight: "Yishui Wuyu."

"Oh!" Wen Heyin suddenly realized.

Mu Zhiming smiled and said, "Didn't I teach you before? Forgot?"

"No." Wen Heyin defended, "Young master, you never taught me."

"Why not." Mu Zhiming said, "I taught you clearly when I settled here before."

"Young master, you have to make up a decent word even if you fool me." Wen Heyin said, "We have never been to this inn before!"

"Why haven't I been here before..." Mu Zhiming was about to retort, when he suddenly thought of something, he suddenly stopped.

Wait, what he said seemed to be from a previous life.

"We are obviously coming to this inn for the first time." Wen Heyin was still arguing relentlessly.

"Yes, I remembered it wrong." Mu Zhiming smiled.

Wen Heyin pleaded with her, so she stopped talking, and went out to ask the post envoy where there was a well near the station where water could be drawn.

Mu Zhiming sat alone on the edge of the bed, looked up at the broken wooden window, and saw the vast cold and emptiness, the light of toads, the shadows of bamboo, and the silence of the world made his mind wander.

It has been more than seven years since he was born again, and he has even confused his past and present life.

"Past life..." Mu Zhiming said to himself, he didn't know what to think, he kept mumbling and repeating, "Know yourself and know your enemy and you won't be in danger in a hundred battles..."

Suddenly, Mu Zhiming's body trembled violently, his pupils shrunk to the size of the tip of a needle, and he opened his mouth slightly, only to breathe in but not to breathe out.

He did say this to Xiahou Hu.

But not this life.

past life.