The Reborn Daughter is Too Arrogant

Chapter 37: Strange thing


Early the next morning, when Ming Jiuge was still asleep, Wanwan knocked on the door.

"Miss, miss, are you awake?"

Wanwan suppressed her voice very low, for fear of being heard by others, her tone still revealed a hint of anxiety.

Ming Jiuge frowned slightly, slowly opened his eyes, and woke up in a trance for a long time.

She actually fell asleep on the side of the bed like this, moving some stiff hands and feet, and it took a long time to stand up.

The ** Xiao Beiyuan's complexion has recovered a little blood, and it looks not as vulnerable as last night.

Ming Jiuge stretched out his hand to put his hand on Xiao Beiyuan's forehead, and let out a sigh of relief after making sure that the opponent did not have a fever.

It seems that the injury has recovered well, and it should be healed after a while.

Ming Jiuge straightened up and walked to the door lightly to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he faced the upward curve that night without sleeping, his extremely pale and haggard face, and heavy dark circles under his eyes.


Ming Jiuge was taken aback. What did he go through to toss a nice little girl like this


The crooked mouth opened with a hint of hoarseness.

"Wanwan, haven't you slept all night?"

Ming Jiuge smirked.

"The servant girl dare not sleep."

Curved and stupefied.

A strange man is lying in their young lady's boudoir, with a lone man and a widow in the same room. How could she, a servant, be able to sleep

Beware of not being discovered by others, she had a mixed night.

"It's okay, I'm okay here. Go and rest soon."

Ming Jiu Ge is touched, this little girl is a loyal protector of the Lord.

"What about the man? Miss, you can't leave him in the room anymore. It's light up this day. People who go back to clean the house will definitely find him!"

She couldn't be rushed, the man hadn't left yet, how could she rest assured to sleep

"Wanwan, let me tell you the truth. That man is a young lady and I am an important friend. I must save him. He can't go now. I will arrange him to sleep in the study later. I will confess that the study has no orders from me. If you can’t get in or out, don’t worry, there will be no accidents."

Ming Jiuge is facing the curve very seriously.

Wanwan's expression instantly became tangled.

The other party is very

Important people, she can't force the young lady to send people out, and she doesn't have that right, it's a crime.

"Look at how calm your lady is, but you, look at you, others will know that there is something tricky in it. You can't harm me, the lady was discovered."

Upon hearing this, Wanwan was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and instantly became vigilant. Thinking about the talkative maid last night, she seemed to be too nervous

"Miss, the maidservant is wrong, the maidservant must remain calm and not hold you back."

"That's right, hurry up and wash and rest. I will give you a holiday today."

"No, the maidservant can't rest. The maidservant must guard the young lady. There are many people in the yard. In case there are people who don't have long eyes... No, the slave can't leave."

Ming Jiuge smiled, his face a little cool.

The yard in her was really not peaceful, there were all kinds of monsters, ghosts, and snakes. Some people's hands were indeed stretched too long, so they were not in a hurry. When she finished her work, she cleaned up their minions one by one.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to make trouble for the time being. Look at your face so haggard. If you don't take a rest and keep your spirits up, what if someone else sees you and doubts it? And I'm still waiting for you to take care of it. Spirit helps me do things."

"Then, that servant will go to rest now?"

Wanwan hesitated.

"Go ahead."

"The slave and maid are gone, let's call Xiao Qing if you have any orders, Miss. Xiao Qing's mother is a cook in the wife's yard, she is credible."

"Okay, I see, go and rest soon."


After persuading Wanwan to go back to rest, Ming Jiuge closed the door again and returned to the bed.

Xiao Beiyuan's eyes were still tightly closed, and Ming Jiuge crossed his waist for a while.

The study room is connected to the bedroom, and the door inside is opened to form the study room, which is also a small penthouse.

She lifted the quilt, simply put a robe on Xiao Beiyuan, and helped him into the penthouse.

The earth dragon was also burning in the penthouse. It was warm and the sex was not cold. Ming Jiuge assured Xiao Beiyuan and lay down.

Ming Jiuge walked to the window and called to the tree not far away.

"Li Song."

Li Ge, who was hiding in the tree, was surprised, Miss Ming could actually find her hiding place

Li Ge is carrying

The shocked mood flew to Ming Jiuge's side with light effort.


"Your master is okay, but he can't move in a short time. I can't stay in the house for too long. You stay here. When your master moves, you will find a way to notify me."


Lige leads the way.

"Well, stay, I'll go out first."

After explaining the good things, Ming Jiuge got up and got out of the penthouse. A maidservant came in to clean up in the bedroom.

"Good morning miss."

"Good morning miss."

"Well, just clean the bedroom, don't go in the study."



Several slaves and maidservants respectfully took orders.

The news that Ming Jiuge has become more powerful has spread in the mansion. Everyone knows that today's eldest lady is different from the past, and even the old lady dared to contradict it.

So the people who used to have a perfunctory attitude towards Ming Jiu Ge are now cautiously puckering their tails, for fear that Ming Jiu Ge will trouble them.

Ming Jiuge sat for a while and saw a few of his servants who were still honest, so he went to the front hall with confidence.

In the lobby, Shangguan Wanruo was having breakfast, and Ming Jiuge walked in.

"Mother, early."

"The song is here, why did you get up so early today?"

Shangguan Wanruo put down the bowl and spoon in his hand, and took Ming Jiuge's hand and sat down at the dining table.

Today Shangguan Wanruo's complexion is very good, not as sick as before.

Ming Jiuge took advantage of Shangguan Wanruo's wrist and gave Shangguan Wanruo a pulse.

The pulse indicates that Shangguan Wanruo's body is very healthy.

"Beast, check my mother's body."

Ming Jiuge was uneasy and asked the Beast to check it again. The Beast had a more precise examination of her body, and there were a lot of poisons that could not be detected by the pulse.

"Good host."

"Geer, come here and sit here. Mother is thinking about sending someone to call you later. It's getting colder recently. You can sleep a little longer in the morning. You have recovered from a serious illness, but you have to take care of it. ."

Ming Jiuge smiled.

"It's okay mother, my body is much better. I have slept too much recently, and I can't sleep anymore, so I just got up early."

"Mother also got up quite early today."

"Speaking of this, a strange thing happened."

There was a trace of doubt on Shangguan Wanruo's face.

(End of this chapter)