The Reborn Daughter is Too Arrogant

Chapter 45: Go to trouble


"In the future, there should be no need to pour the super spiritual spring water every day. The linden tree has its own growth pattern, so we shouldn't be too eager to get it."

"Good host."

"Let's go, don't influence him."


Beast beast controlled Qingteng to transfer Ming Jiu Ge to the outside of Ling Tian, and Ming Jiu Ge experienced the feeling of flying in the air.

"This vine is pretty easy to use."

Ming Jiuge sighed with emotion.

"Yes, the host can also command them."

"Me?" Ming Jiuge pointed to himself: "What should I do?"

"This space was originally the host's, and everything in it is also the host's own. This Qingteng gave birth to spiritual wisdom and naturally recognizes the host as the host. The host can put his hands up and try to perceive them."

Ming Jiuge dubiously placed his hand on the vine and closed his eyes to perceive the existence of the vine.

In a short while, she realized that there were a lot of things in her mind, including green vines, spirit beasts, and some other creatures that had slightly opened Ganoderma lucidum.

It feels... It's amazing.

Ming Jiuge opened his eyes and Qingteng rubbed the bottom of her hand lightly.

"What a good boy."

"Host, don't be fooled by her well-behaved appearance. Ivy is covered with spikes, but it's very fierce."


The beast does not mean that Jiuge is almost forgotten, there should be thorns on the green vine.

"Then he?"

"This is just now when I instructed him to put it away. After all, I have to entangle the host, but it can't hurt the host. The host can tell him to stretch out again.

Ming Jiuge was a little moved. He tried to establish contact with Qingteng using the method just now, and then directed him to stick out the spikes...

In the next second, dense spikes appeared on the green cane, which was originally harmless to humans and animals. These spikes braved the cold in the sun, and it was daunting to look at.

"Not bad."

"The good ones are still to come. These vines have spirituality and can survive out of the land. The host can directly bring out the space. Now the host does not have profound power. In case of danger, the vine can be very helpful. you"


Ming Jiuge was excited.

"Really, the host can try it."

"Let me try!"

Ming Jiu Ge directed the green vine to wrap around his own

Around the waist, a person flashed out of space, looked down to see that Qingteng was still there, and touched her affectionately.

Ming Jiuge's face turned red with excitement.

With such a weapon, she no longer has to worry about being bullied without profound strength!

Ming Jiuge returns to space.

"Let him follow me from now on."

Ming Jiuge touched the Qingteng.

"From now on you will be called Qingya."

Qingteng rubbed Ming Jiuge's palm, seeming to respond to Ming Jiuge's words.

"Okay, now deal with the last thing, what about the bottle of blood I threw in?"

She promised to help that person treat the poison in her body, so she would naturally not break her promise, not to mention that she was paid.

"Did you take a bottle of medicine blood yesterday? I think the blood was weird, so I took it for analysis. The result of the analysis is that the blood is poisonous, and it is a mixed poison. There are at least 50 kinds of them, many of which are not terrible. It’s easy to get rid of the poisons, but the medicines used to dissolve those poisons will affect other poisons, and the gains outweigh the losses.”

Beast Beast briefly stated the results of yesterday's analysis.

"The owner of this blood is a poisonous person, and his physique is special enough. It is a miracle that so many kinds of poison can coexist in his body. Host, is the owner of this blood dead?"

Ming Jiuge shook his head.

"It's still hanging, the dragon spirit grass was taken out by their people, and they said, if it can be cured, there will be a treasure to give it."

"Why should it be cured? How precious this blood is. One drop is enough to poison a whole person. It's simply too powerful."

Ming Jiu Ge support forehead.

"People may not want this physique."

"That's true."

The beast's tone is a bit regretful...

"However, this poison is not easy to solve, especially if the host does not have profound strength to make a pill now, there is no existing pill that can solve this poison."

"That's no way."

Ming Jiuge waved her hand, and she wouldn't use it to embarrass herself if she couldn't solve the problem.

"The host can ask if they really don't consider keeping this poison? You may survive by keeping this poison."

"Huh? How to say?" Ming Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"Host, look at the results of this analysis."

The beast sent a stack of paper to Ming Jiuge, and Ming Jiuge picked it up and opened it carefully.

"This is really weird, so

Duo Toxin can get along so pleasantly without breaking out, as if he was worried that the person would die. "

"Yes it is."

"I understand what you mean, do you want to control these poisons instead of getting rid of it?"

"Yes! This is what the beast means."

"This can be researched, so, let it go first, and I will take some time out every night to come in and study the poison."


"Thanks for your hard work today. Take care of the Bodhi tree. I'll go to rest first."

"Good night, host."

Ming Jiuge had a good night's dream, and when he woke up the next day, he didn't rush to get up. First, he took a piece of mask from the space and put it on himself.

I'm going to see her grandmother today. Naturally, she must be beautiful. She can't lose her complexion. Her mother is still pretending to be ill. She wants to come here by herself.

After lying in bed for a while, Ming Jiuge got up full of energy, Wanwan and Xiaoqing came in and waited.

"What clothes will Miss wear today?"

Wanwan asked, opening the closet.

"The old lady likes the spirit of everyone's clothes, and the lady can choose brighter colors."

Xiaoqing suggested.

Ming Jiuge bends the corner of his mouth.

"How can I, a person who has recovered from a serious illness, wear so brightly? Find something plain, the simpler the better."


Wanwan immediately picked out a light gray jacket skirt, which didn't even have a pattern on it. It was already plain and could no longer be plain.

"Wanwan, how much money did you get last month, last month, last month?"

Ming Jiuge asked casually, playing with his fingers.

"Miss Hui, last month there were fifty taels, last month there were only more than 40 taels. The person at the accountant said that they used too much elsewhere. When they turned back to make up for us, they were only 30 taels last month. No matter how I tell them, it's useless, just keep saying that they are out of money."

With her mouth cramped, she gets angry at the mention of this month's money.

"Very well, it turns out that our General Mansion is so poor. It seems that I was right to wear a little plain dress today."

"Don't put on this makeup today. Let's go to see grandma in a'simple' way.

Ming Jiuge brushed away Xiao Qing's hand that was about to put makeup on herself.

"Good lady." Xiaoqing quietly put her things away and walked aside.

(End of this chapter)