The Reborn Daughter is Too Arrogant

Chapter 47: I hereby greet you


Thinking of this, Wang Fangfang didn't wait to see Mingyu even more.

Mingyu raised her head, sweeping Xu Fangfang and Mingzhu without a trace of expression.

"The clothes my mother wore today was washed by my hands the day before yesterday. Mother said that the servants are not enough. You really want to wear this clothes, so let me wash it for you."

"I combed my elder sister's hair bun today. My elder sister said, no matter how beautiful I am, no one will notice me. I only need to have a dazzling person before me and her."

These two sentences made the three people present very uncomfortable to hear, but Mingyu's face was expressionless throughout the whole process. She did not want to seek justice, she was just stating the matter.

It can be seen that she has become accustomed to these unfair treatments, and has no idea, or she is numb and has no feeling.

"Well, it's not just occasional! There are not many servants in the yard of one of my concubines. Isn't it normal that this is not enough? You die girl, just let you wash a piece of clothing, and you can also lift it up. Here comes the mouth!"

Xu Fangfang reached out to poke Mingyu's forehead.

Mingyu leaned back and avoided.

"Mother was wrong."

She looked at Xu Fangfang without any fluctuations in her eyes.

"I said these are not accusing you. I just want to say that I should not be compared with my eldest sister. There is no comparability. After all, you have given us different positions from the beginning. Since they are different from the beginning, why should you pay? Expect me to be like her now?"

Mingyu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands.

"I've finished eating, mother, grandmother, eat slowly. If it's okay, I'll go back to the yard first, so I won't stay to make you happy."

The old lady Ming was so flustered that she didn't know how to speak to this granddaughter in an instant.

"Xu, this is how I usually teach you?"

There was no way to say anything to Mingyu, the old lady could only vent her anger on Xu Fangfang.

"No, no, aunt, don't listen to this dead girl's nonsense, although I let her do some work, but the food and clothing have never been shorter than her, she is just playing a child's temper."

"Yes, grandmother, my sister is just a child's temper for a while, how could a mother be harsh on her own daughter."

Mingzhu helped her voice on the sidelines.

Come to the backyard today

When she asked for an announcement, she said not to bring Mingyu, a boring gourd, but her mother didn't listen to it. Now it's all right, which makes the old lady unhappy.

"Sister, don't hurry up to admit her mistake to grandmother! What did you say about these insignificant things early in the morning? This is not plainly sweeping everyone's interest, and the mother's reputation is bad.

Upon hearing this, Mingyu looked at her blankly.

"Sister, did I say something wrong? Am I answering my grandmother's question? My mother never harsh me, but she always said when there is something good, I don’t want this, so it’s better to give it to your sister Sister, you are better dressed. Whenever you have a party, you will be close to your sister to go first."

"All the good things are given to my sister, so why do you ask me to be as outgoing and clever as you?"

"Furthermore, mother and sister, didn't you think that I could become a good look at the beginning? Didn't you use this positioning to influence my life since you were young? Why do you blame me for not being good now? "

"Mingyu can't understand it a bit."

Mingyue half drooped her eyelids, showing a trace of puzzled expression.

"Grandma, do you also think Mingyu is wrong?"

She looked at the old lady Ming.

Mingyu's gaze made the old lady Ming unable to look directly, too dazed, too confused, and too pure, which made her unable to speak a harsh word.

Mrs. Ming's temper is notoriously bad, you can only wait to suffer a head-on with her, but if it's like Mingyu's right now, she won't have a bad temper.

"Okay, I know everything, don't talk about it anymore, Xu, a bowl of water must be leveled, and both of them are your daughters. No matter which one is successful in the future, you can follow it. Don't be the mother. The female fate is exhausted."

The old lady Ming beat Xu Fangfang.

When it comes to this, Xu Fangfang can only admit his mistake.

"My niece knows her mistake, she must pay attention to it in the future."

"Well, I'm tired too. You should go home early after breakfast. You won't use it for peace in the future. Stay in the yard and don't let others get a handle on it."

The old lady Ming was about to get up while holding on to the cane.

This breakfast was really unsatisfactory.

"Granddaughter greets grandmother, grandma

Is this going to rest? It seems that the granddaughter came a little later, thinking about having breakfast with her grandma. "

The girl's crisp voice came from outside, as sweet as the squeak of a magpie above the treetops.

But the sound fell in the ears of the three people in the room, but it was not a magpie sound, but a urging sound. Mingyu's face was indifferent throughout the whole process, and there was no change. It didn't matter whether this person came or not.

"Quick, you guys go through the back door quickly."

The old lady Ming lowered her voice and urged Xu Fangfang's mother and daughter to leave.

If this is to be seen by that person, it will definitely inevitably have to be tossed!

Xu Fangfang was even one of the most powerful, and hurriedly urged the two daughters to get up.

"Ah, where are you going? Why do the big guys have to go back when I come?"

It's a pity that no matter how fast the action to get up is, it is too late, and Ming Jiuge has already stepped in with a smile on his face.

The old lady steadied her expression and hinted the three of them to sit down with her eyes.

The three of them could only sit down obediently and stiffly.

Ming Jiuge looked at the expressions of the few people in his eyes, and calmly twitched the corners of his mouth.

It's really tight for the old lady to spoil these three people, and even the rules that are always on her lips can be broken for these three people!

"Granddaughter greets grandmother."

Ming Jiuge smiled sweetly.

The old lady picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly. She didn't mean to ask Ming Jiuge to get up. She made it clear that she wanted to give Ming Jiuge a slap in the face.

She still remembers the anger she suffered in Ming Yalan Academy the other day, and the sudden visit this morning. If she can pretend that nothing has happened, she will treat Ming Jiuge in the future. Can you still have a position in the mansion

Since Ming Jiuge took the initiative to deliver it to the door today, then she would have a good time with her, and grandmother taught her grandson, there is nothing unreasonable.

Xu Fangfang also saw what the old lady meant, knowing that this was deliberately playing Ming Jiu Ge, and she was a little proud.

What if you become smart! What if you are taller than yourself! In this general's mansion, it is not necessary to look at the face of the old lady!

Mingzhu doesn’t have that many thoughts. She hasn’t dealt with Mingjiuge who was born again, so it’s still not clear that Mingjiuge’s personality has changed drastically. The song is more of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)