The Reborn Daughter is Too Arrogant

Chapter 83: Can't understand


Hearing these words, Mingzhu breathed a sigh of relief. She believed Mingyu, Mingyu never lied. Since she said she would not make trouble behind her back, she would definitely not.

In the end, they are twins. Mingzhu still knows Mingyu's character very well. Although she doesn't like it, she is always a sister after all.

Thinking of this, Mingzhu's face eased a lot.

"Well, don't tell me what you saw today."

Mingzhu exhorted.

She said that her image of'kindness' was ruined.

"I'm not so bored and gossiping around, but my sister. Instead of expecting others to help you keep secrets, it's better not to let others hold the handle. If you haven't done these things, why bother to be frightened?"

Mingyu kindly persuaded him.

In fact, she couldn't understand many things that Mingzhu did. Isn't it good to live a stable life? She has to fight for things that don't belong to her.

Mingzhu's expression just eased a little because of Mingyu's words.

"What do you know, do you think everyone wants to live as muddled as you?" Such a day is totally meaningless! She must climb up!

"I don't understand, I don't want those things, it's just my sister, will you be happy if you get these?"

Mingyu tilted her head to look at Mingzhu, her expression full of puzzlement.

"When I get everything I want, of course I will be very happy! You won't understand!"

"So, in order to get everything you want, you didn't hesitate to sacrifice your reputation to hook up with that one?"

Mingzhu instantly stiffened, her pupils shrank sharply, and it was filled with panic.

"You, what are you talking about, I don't understand, don't talk nonsense here, let me see if you are feverish and confused."

Mingzhu blamed her with a guilty conscience, and her whole person seemed very restless.

"Sister, we live in the same yard. I said just now. If you don’t want others to discover your own secrets, you must first have no shameful secrets. Mother goes to bed early, but I always sleep late. Sometimes I can't sleep and I get up and go around."

Mingyu was very indifferent. There was no accusation in Mingzhu's eyes, and there was no irony, only puzzled.

She really didn't understand Mingzhu's behavior, and she was ruined for those illusory things.

Is it worth it

Mingzhu lowered her head and gradually clenched her hands.

"You don't understand, don't you understand what life we live in the general's house? If you don't work hard, what will you live like in the future!"

Mingzhu tried to suppress her emotions and made her voice as calm as possible.

"I really don't understand that Dad doesn't want to see us, but the eldest lady never harshs us, and the eldest lady never embarrass us, not to mention the grandmother is on our side, many times our life is better than the eldest lady. It’s even better with the eldest lady. In this regard, sister, what are you not satisfied with

Mingyu poured out all the questions in his heart.

"They are not sincere! They are not sincere!"

Mingzhu raised her head and almost roared, and the expression on her face gradually became savage.

"The old lady and that bitch are not embarrassing us because they dare not want to be presumptuous in front of their grandmother, but if you look at it now, everything is different! They start to fight back! Once the grandmother's right to control the backyard is taken away, We will live just like the next person!"

"Also, do you think that grandmother is good to us? She has to pay a price for her kindness to us! She needs us to consolidate her position, and we need to marry a powerful family in the future so that she can be in the general's house. His status has risen with the tide! All kindness comes at a price!"

The more Mingzhu said, the more emotional she became, and she was almost crazy in the end, her eyes red.

Mingyu shook his head helplessly.

"What's the point of what you earn? You are fighting in the general's mansion now. If you go to other places in the future, you will not be satisfied with the status quo. Sister, are you not tired of living like this?"

Mingzhu suddenly smiled.

"Tired? Of course I will be tired, but if I was born with these things, why should I be so tired? What is my jewel inferior to others! As a concubine, or a concubine who is not seen by your father, it is too It's ridiculous."

Mingzhu's face was full of irony.

"Mingyu, you don't expect you to understand me, but I hope you don't tell me these things. We are my sisters. If I have a better life in the future, I will definitely support you."

Mingyu shook his head.

"Don't worry, I won't talk about these things

Go out, if I had the intention to say it, it would have spread throughout the general's mansion, but let's forget about the support. I am still satisfied with my current life. Those days are suitable for you but not for me. "

After speaking, Mingyu turned around and left, walking very unhurriedly, without any memorials.

Pearl behind him smiled bitterly.

"Look, no one can understand me, and the love for me is fake. Everything is for mutual use."

Mingzhu's tone is very ironic.

The little ring who was kneeling at the back trembled. She didn't know the things between Mingzhu and the prince, but she could hear some nuances from Mingyu's words just now.

The more secrets he knows, the closer he is to death. Xiaohuan feels that he is doomed this time.

Just when she was very nervous, a pair of lake-blue embroidered shoes slammed into her eyes, and at the same time a cold voice sounded above her head.

"You heard everything just now."

There is no trace of emotion in the voice, like a pool of stagnant water.

Xiaohuan was frightened, and squatted her head quickly: "The servant girl deserves to die. The servant girl deserves to die. Please also ask the lady to spare her life. The servant girl must keep her mouth shut and will not say anything!"

Traces of blood spilled from Xiaohuan's forehead, gathering more and more, and finally left a small pool of blood directly at the place where the head was knocked.

"I don't believe you. In my eyes, only the dead can keep secrets forever."

This is equivalent to sentenced Xiaohuan to death and punishment. Xiaohuan was limp on the ground, crying so hard.

"However, the more secrets I know, the better I can control it. It just so happens that I need someone by my side who can help me do something about myself."

Mingzhu walked casually around the small ring.

Xiaohuan was taken aback for a moment, then realized the meaning of Mingzhu's words, and quickly expressed his mind.

"The maidservant is willing, the maidservant is willing to be that person! Don't worry, the maidservant will do a good job!"

Mingzhu: "The oath of no price has no credibility with me."

"Then, what does the young lady want to be a servant girl?" Xiaohuan didn't understand what Mingzhu meant.

"I have a medicine in my room. After taking it, my body won't have any problems, but I have to take the antidote on the 20th of every month. Otherwise, the pain will be worse than death, and it will become more painful every day. Days are painful, and if there is no cure after seven days, the Qiqiao will bleed and die."

(End of this chapter)